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          If somebody save money is called a miser, skinflint or
penny – pincher, usually bad associations. However, it means that someone is smart and determined.
Nowadays, the world market creates artificial people's needs and they spend plenty of money to fulfill them.
When we walking down the street everywhere we see a lot of advertisements which encourage us to buy things, which we really don't need. Most of us succumb to the pressure from advertisements and spend ours money for pleasure. Currently,
we live in economic crisis thereby it is hard to save money.



When we can say that we succeed in saving money?
The answer is very easy - when we accomplish purpose of our savings. In other words, when we gather relevant amount of money to implement the aim. Before we start to save money, we should ask: 
"What is my motivation to save money?" and
"What for do I save money?"
Simply example: write in a shit of paper
"I save money for………"
(there you put your purpose).
Saving money without purpose is meaningless and always connected with sacrifice. Often
we have no spending money.
Of course, saving any amount of money will be possible only if our expenditures are less than our income. 



There are top 5 money savings' tips for 2011:

What you should do to start saving your money:

  •   Set up a budget,
    It allows you to see your all expenditures and income. Keep a record of your expenses.
    Ask yourself "Do you keep a budget and stick to it?". Answer for this question will be first step for your savings.
  • Kill your debts,
    Do it as soon as possible.
  • Set savings goal and establish a time – frame,
    forget about motivation.
  • Trim your expenses,
    For example: travel by bike than car or public transport, prepare meal to work than eating out.
  •  Open an interest – bearing savings account,
    Check the bank's offers and choose the most advantageous.
    You can to ask somebody’s advice.


 What else we can eliminate? Do you have any idea?

That men has very fun idea for saving money: 

 Are you ready to use his advices?     



            I would like to encourage to saving money.
This allows you to secure a more peaceful life. You will sure that appropriate amount of money protect you so savings should be your priority. You may be surprised how much money you can put away for something far more enjoyable than what you could buy with short term savings. 



  1. I'm not wasteful person, but I'm not saving the money, too. First of all because I don't have enough money to make it. But sometimes, when I really want (or need) something I try not to buying a lot of food and save this money for my goal.
    My mum used to say that I'm stingy, but she is lying ;)

  2. Hmm, I like spend a money :) But, for example, if I can buy the same product in the lower price, I buy it! When it's possible I use the promotions, sales etc. If I'll spare some money I will to able spend it for tickets to Spain! :D For example, of course. But I must agree, we should have some savings to harder times.

    Kasia, don't worry. I very often hear to opinion that I'm skinflint. But shhhh. This person is on our platform...

    1. This presentation should comfort you. According to it you are not miser but you are a smart and determined person :D yyyy.... but I still do not think this way ;)

  3. I agree, that people should save money, because our future is unsteady. But I'm person who spend money very quickly. I'm working, so when I need of something, I can go to the shop and buy it.I know - this is irresponsible and flighty, but I think that money are for spending, of course dont spend all your salary. I'm don't save money today, but meybe in the future, when i'll have a good job.

  4. Oh yes, the ability to save money is very necessary in life. It is important to set goals and pursue to them, resigning from what is less important and perhaps redundant. Sometimes it is good to have extra money, because we can suddenly need them. Another time we could have a bad mood and these saved money can make that we smile. Or rather not money, but things that we can buy thanks to them ;) Therefore really economical person is also very smart.

  5. I don't know how people could save their money. In my opinion money doesn't make us happy, but things which we could buy thanks to them, yes!;)
    Of course, it is good to have a reserve on the account, but I never care about.. (maybe I'm too young to undrestand how important it is). I know that this ability will be very useful one day for me, in my future life but I think that I have enough time to change my point of view.

  6. In my opinion, people should save money. They are needed in our lives. Bank accounts, deposits and bonds. These are the basic forms of savings. As for me, the best option is to buy gold. Even so, the output is one thing we should spend less.

  7. Well, there are many guides in the Internet which tell us how to become rich, famous, more attractive and many more. I don't believe in them because it always depends on person how we should solve our problems. There is no universal way to save money, because people have different needs. For example, I like to spend money, but always on the end of the month I make a tranfer of the money left to my other bank account and that way I could save a few thousand PLN, which I want to spend on setting up my own firm.

    1. Ha, I see that I am not the only person, who do it! I also try to save every month as much as it is possible, but conducting the business is only one of the options. I'm also planning a trip around the world after my studies and saved money would be really useful to realize it. There is also good to have large sum of money on your account when you will find in difficult situation (sudden accident, illness, etc.)

  8. In my opinion we need to think about our future. We shouldn't focus on the present. Save money give security. If we have savings, our dreams will come true. We are more independent of parents...I don't see any disadvantages of saving.
    I know that saving money can be difficult for some people but we should try...

  9. Personally I cant save money.. When I have some amount of money in my pocket I spend it at the same time! There are always things I need to have then. This is not good for me because in the future it will make my life difficult. However I belive we should live right here right now and if money that I am going to spend now will make me happy, why not? :)

  10. I think that we first of all should find the golden mean, not to be lavish and not to be stingy. I heard about great method how to save money. If you have in your wallet 5zł i always should put it in special piggy bank, and you should do this always when you have 5zł coin. This is very good way to save some money for holiday or attractions.

    1. Actually I tried it , maybe not every 5zł coin but almost. I wanted to save money for holidays attractions and it really worked... until I needed something "for now". But it was quite comfortable that when I needed it I already had got money. I tried this method few times and it had always finished the same way but I admit that it works,only I spend them on something different than I intended

  11. In my opinion the ability to save money is very useful and it sometimes can rescue us from trouble. But we have to remember that being the skinflint is overdone. Whats more, the money doesn't bring happiness but thant to them our life can be easier.
    In summary, we should save the money for a rainy day but rest of them spend for our dreams:)

  12. i think, the most important thing in saving money is having a purpose, without this saving is meaningless. I want to add that this purpose don't have to be connected with yourself, but, what gives more pleasure, we can save money to give sb a surprise and buy sth important for other person.
    On the other hand we can live in accordance with the latin rule- carpe diem - and spend money on present life without worry about future life :)

  13. this is very useful presentation, because unfortunately I can't save money. Except that I'm studing, I;m working in a clothing store. I don't earn much money, but if I wanted I'd collect a small sum of money, but I can't;/ I have a large discount on clothes in a shop where I'm working and unfortunately I spend money on unnecessary things. In addition, I buy something to eat, drink beer with friends and and...the end. I think these tips will help me to save money on holiday

  14. Of course it is good if we save money, and maybe even we should do this ,but it is always houndret times easier to say than to do. Personally if I have a purpose that I really care for - I can do it, but saveing just for saving seems to be impossible to me.I hope that when my income will arise , so will do my ability to save

  15. I don't like saving money. The most important to me is 'to be' not to 'to have'. I prefer travel around the world, meeting new people and be satisfied with my live, rather than be thrifty,stingy and spending all my live at saving money.

  16. How to save money? Hmmm... I bought the huge money box and I threw all my tips, which I got in the time my holiday's job. But I need this money, when I stop working (it seemed to me) and I withdrawed it. The money box it is not good way to save money for me. I patented better solution - when I cumulate some money I get it to my home town. When I get back to the Warsaw I must manage without it.

  17. Unfortunately I can't save money. I spend a lot of money on clothes, on going out with friends. I don't see anything wrong in it because I think that people shouldn't be mean. I think that we have one life and we should live it as good, as intensive as we can. I agree that when we have a choice to buy the same thing cheaper we should do it. But I don't like people who are stingy. We can save money but wisely. I mean that we shouldn't save on some everyday pleasures, meeting with people, going out but we also shouldn't spend a lot of money on totally unnecessary things. As I said- save but wisely!

  18. It's hard to save any money. I know that it isn't easy to don't spend money for many things.Now i try to save money to a trip and I have a simple way to do that. I give all of my save money to my friend because if I don't see my money I will not spend them at unnecessary things. Although this advices are very helpful and if you want to safe some money you should have it in your head.

  19. Saving money is difficul for me. I think so money is for buying things not for only collect it so I usually spend my money on everything. Maybe I think I need something what I have just seen. I think that when we have object important for us we can save money no matter what and than we are parsimonious.
    I think everyone can learn saving as the presentation told us.

  20. Saving money is a big problem for all of us. Living nowadays is expensive so it is difficult to put something to "piggy bank". If I want to save some money I need to have a destination, I need to be consistent and don't look on things which aren't essential. I could put some money on deposit account and it would be a lot easier for sure because I wouldn't had to refuse anything to myself and money would raise by themselves. :)

  21. I think that to save money we have to have money. That means for me that I have to go to work to earn money.Now I spend my parent's money and of course I have a few money to spend. Saving money is a big problem too.I should buy less and save more. Because we live in economic crisis thereby it is hard to save money for common people.


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