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How big win in a lottery can change people's lives.

Everyone wants to win a huge money in lottery. I think people don't imagine how much money pressurize them and what they can do in that moment. I found some interesting stories about people who feaked out when they won a lot of money.

1. First story is about Callie Rogers. When she was 16 she won 1,9 milion pounds. She bought houses, went on holiday trips and bought many other things to makes happy her family and friends. She had a few cosmetic surgery. Now she has 2 children and big debts. She is working as a cleaner.

2. In second story I describe is about Willie Hurt who won 3.1 milion dolars. Before win he was good father and husband. After this win he changed. He took divorce with his wife and he lost custody of children. In next few year he lost all his money on divorce and crack cocain.

3. Next story is about Billy Bob Harrell. In 1997 this man won amaizing 31 milion dolars. After that he spent money very quickly. He bought cars,houses and even a ranch. He lent money everybody who needed it. He divorced with his wife. Some time later he killed himself.

4. I think that the last story should have happy end. This story is about Luke Pittard who won 1.3 million pounds. He went on luxury holiday trip at Canary Islands but some time later he concluded that he wasn't happy. He resolved to come back to his earlier lifestyle when he sold hamburgers in McDonald's restaurant.

Here you have only 4 story about people who get a lot of money but in internet you can find many more. Now you can use one's head what you would do with that money. Would you manage with pressure ?

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  1. Certainly everyone dreamed that he suddenly, from day to day, has been rich. I gave up such unrealistic dreams a long time ago ;) But this article inspired me for reflection.
    What would I do if I was suddenly a millionaire? Probably I would have mixed feelings. Because on the one hand it is good to have a lot of money, they give independence, but on the other hand a money management is an attempt of responsibility and sense. It is important to not lose self-control and not allow money to take possession of us.
    As a hypothetical millionaire I would build my ideal home, I would travel and I would try that this money would do good things all around. I would spend it to help for the needy and to make that dreams of people who I love will come true. The examples from the presentation, show that a lot of money can make people unhappy, but I prefer to think about how much good things they are also able to do.

  2. I am sure only one thing that if I won any of those millions of dollars, I would spend them quicker than I would have them on my bank account. I love to spend money on everything giving me pleasure, so it would be a problem for me to buy a ticket for a journey around the globe.
    Of course, I would also keep in my mind that those money can be invested into something beneficial, so that I could have even more money later. Oh... I got dreamy now ;)

  3. I think that if I won a lottery or suddenly become a millioner, I wouldn't lose control. Maybe I say like this because I am rather a realist and I keep my feet on the ground. First thing I would do is invest most of the money(so in the future I would have more and more) and live a normal life so even when some stupid idea would come to my mind i wouldn't be able to get back and spend all of them quickly. And the smaller part would be just for fun and all things that I need more or less:>

  4. If I won on the lottery ...? Hmm, I would be definitely happy! And of course, I would be a millioner:D
    What I would do with this money? Surely, half of the money I would invested, next I would go to Thailand with my familly for 3 months, and the rest I would spent for an advertising agency, which in the future I am going to open.

  5. It is said that money doesn't bring happiness but of course, make life easier. A lot of people who wins some millions (like in your presentation) don't think about the future, because they are sure that they can buy everything what they want.

    If I win a milions, I will invest in a secure investments. I always analyze my big expenses so I shouldn't spend my milions for rash things. Probably, I donate some part of my money for fundation, where I am a volunteer.

  6. Certainly each of us wonders what he would do if he won a large sum of money. I think that in this situation it is hard not to lose his head. As shown in the stories presented in such a situation one must be prudent.
    I certainly left me for a longer holiday to warmer climes :) I bought a nice house, and the rest of the money I would spend with care.

  7. Is I won on the lottery I would be very happy! I'll help my family, send them for a long holiday etc. What would I do for myself? I would probably by a flat in Warsaw, go with my friend for a long trip over the world (especially on Iceland and Australia). After returning I would invest the rest of my money, finish study and then try to work in my profession without thinking about 'where to get money for living'.
    Och, I can't wait for this time :)

  8. I think very often that if I won the lottery .. I would organise the best party ever! I would invite all of my friends. First, I'd hire a limusine, exclusive club or organise a cruise around italian islands.. that would be nice. After that I would go on a trip of my life, and visit places that I've always dreamed about. Maybe I'll try to take a part in the lottery.. :)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Yes, that's what you wrote is true. Money can really change people. Your given examples of the changes are gruesome, yet true. People from such winnings can change their character 180 degrees. I do not know what I would do after winning the lottery.

  11. First of all, In my opinion money doesn't give us the happiness but can make our life easier. I think that consequences of winnig money depends of our charecter. I am almost sure that if I won for instance 20 million dolars I wouldn't change myself. Money could help me in losing stress. What's more,money would help my in developming myself. Owning to money I could spend much time by helping other people.
    Everything would by easier. I think that people who are not responsible they shouldn't win the money

    1. I have similar reflections after reading this presentation. I think, that won money wouldn't change me a lot. I do not like wasting them, so my expenditures would be probably thoughtful and not as huge as yours. I have a habit, that I keep 80% of my money in safe place or invest them and 20% I spend on out-of-pocket expenses. It ensures me sense of safety and gives me more opportunities in case of urgent need.
      Ania, how do you want measure who is responsible or not? :P

  12. I can't imagine, how my life would look like if I won a lot of money. I have never though about that, because I think, that the most important in our life is that, what we reach oneself. Money isn't most important for me, but I know that without them I couldn't do a lot of things. In my opinion money received for people very much and they change their life. Both the excess of money and their lack affect of the awareness of people destructively. Unfortunately money isn't solving all problems, but a lot of people forget about it.

  13. If I won the lottery, I would go for a trip around the world, I would open own cinema and I would do a gift for my family and the rest of money invest. I would like to have protection for the future, but the whole time I would like to work. I would like to work as a film journalist. This work would getting me pleasure and I wouldn't have to worry about earnings.

  14. Sometimes when there is a lot of money to win in LOTTO lottery I take part in it. I always hope to win but unfortunately it has never happened;( I always imagine what I will do with the sum I win and I have a lot of ideas. Of course they are impossible to happen without winning. I agree that money can change people but everything depends on someone's personality. If someone is smart enough, he or she will not have any problems with enormous sum of money and it would be great thing to win!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Sometimes I dream about wining in lottery... I would like to go to in journey through all countries in the world, buy own home, give some money to charity organisations and more and more dreams... Maybe it's stupid, but I believe our dreams will be fullfilled. I'm not sure when...

    P.S. So, the working in McDonald's makes a happier ;)

  17. I am a pessimist and I don't believe that I would ever win anything. But sometimes I wonder what I'd do if I won a large sum of money. For sure I would help all of my family and I'd fulfill them the greatest dreams. I would buy beautiful house with pool and green garden. Of course I'd go on a trip around the world. I would like help other people, for example ill children. What else?? I know.... I;d buy a lot of clothes and cosmetics and then... Parties every day!! Fortunately dreams are free:)

  18. The main question is what we would done with this money. Presetned examples precisely show that the most people doesn't know what they should do with prize and all win is wasted. It happens because people want to buy everything now. They don't think about the future and satisfied only passing things. Unfortunatelly this not make them happier, on the contrary. People have more trouble and worry all the time about their fortune. So the most important things is take care about our future not in the material way but other like good relationships, happy family and living in harmony with yourself

  19. In my opinion asking the question "what would you do if you won the lottery" is a good test to check whether someone likes their work/job.If the answer would look as follows " If i won in lottery i would leave work" it means that this person is not happy with what it does now, and should change something in their life.
    if i won in lottery i would buy a flat in center of warsaw and the rest of many i would invest because i am studying the management :P

  20. I think the people who win in lotteries are too lucky to win. As its such a difficult situation to occur. I once thought when i was so lucky that if i am lucky i would try to spend the money on the lottery ticket when i would want money for me but as it's not that easy. Apart if someone likes his job position. Then there is no need to think about these things and thinking about future is not that essential as for living but going for some cheaper trips to know the whole world is also worth as someone could really get in touch of something new. Spending money for one own self is worst then spending money for the rest of the family or investing in somewhere also..

  21. I think that money are not the most important but are important in our lives. Most of people must work very hard if they wont to have much money, byt sometimes big win a lottery can change their lives. Big stars in the Schow Busines are very rich, and they good know what they wont to do with this maney, but person who is winner in the lottery couldn't know it and sometimes this person lose fortune. Winner must be very careful and responsible.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Personally, I think that every one dream about win in a lottery huge amount of money, but few of us wonder how much our live change and especially how much we will change. Story which your described on blog remind us that big money don't give us happiness because they change our presonality.

  24. I think money can change personallity only when somebody suddenly won a big money, but not always. Somebody who have normal standard of living and suddenly won big money don't know what can do with it and fall into madness. He/She usually haven't knowledge about spending big money and haven't got knowledge how to be rich so they spending it everytime on everything. Money can bring happines but people can't use it. After they spend all money they say the money usually brings misery.

  25. People are weak. Everything can change them in a second. For example money. In first three points we have views on people who ended with nothing, only debts. Only last one Luke Pittard didn't change. If we would search that kind of story in internet we would find more situations like in first three mentioned above. It is very sad but true.


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