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For sure, many of you wonder what to do to make a lot of money without hardwork. Here you can find a few easy ways to reach your objective :

1) win the lottery

This is the easiest way but you need to be very lucky .

Remember, if you never try you’ll never know! There are lucky people whose lifes changed because of the fact they won. Tehre are many options : lotto, crosswords, tv competitions..

2) inherit the money – seems to be also very easy but is connected with sad moment in life. However many of millionaires are wealthy because of inheritting. What they can do is to make property increased or lose it… Unfortunately there are people who are not resposible enough or are too much shocked because of getting huge amount of money and they waste it.

3) marry wealth – no place for true love.. unfortunately J. Well, this is the best way for people who treasure riches more than emotions and more than other people. Very famous nowadays.

4) get injured and sue – very painfull and risky way! If you are able to devote your healt.. here you are! But remember money can’t buy anything, and there are things which are priceless. Better think twice.

5) start a business – this is the most famous and controllable way of making money. There are two ways of working in economy today : either you are employee or you can be the one who hires the employees. Work for a business or own a business of your own. Think of it if you are hardworking and remember about a few quotes :

* anything you practise gets easier

* those who keep trying eventually succeed

* if you try there is a chance of succeeding

6) another easy way – put 5 $ in the bank each day, find a way for the account to earn 10% interest, in 42 years you will have a million dollars J

What do you think about these ideas? Do you think money is so important in life? Does it make people happier? Share your conclusions! J



  1. I prefer the way three: marry wealth. I only have to find a filthy rich, young, inteligent, handsome and totally in love with me man. In this moment my life becomes a tale. But I wouldn't be sad if one day turns out that I have had some lost wealth aunt who would like to bequeath me a million dollars.

  2. I've got different question. A money are important? Why? They're a sense of our life. Maybe we should ask yourself: to be or to have? I don't answer, because I consider that it's personal of each person.

    1. I'm happy that somebody wrote it. Why we always have to consider money as a main point of our life? I dream about uninhabited tropic island, which I could settle with some of people. I don't need your millions! I need sun, access to food and water. However, If I had huge fortune I would be able to buy such island xD

  3. I think that the best way i number 5 but only for people who have capasity to be a businessman. If somebody couldn't have own busines and who haven't a rich aunty in the USA, should try in lottery. This way can gives us much money but it's artificial. Meybe way 4? It must be very risky way... hmm In conclusion, I think that the best way is hard and effective work.

  4. The best way for me to become a millionaire is start own business. Of course you have to have idea and money for start, but at least when you will be in your beautiful house you will have satisfaction that everything you have, it is thanks your hard work.

  5. If somebody is determined should try everything.
    I think, the best alternative is way number 1, becuase we have an equally chance. I really often play the lotto and lastly I won 16zł. I was so happy.

    It is true that money facilitate our life, but in my opinion, money doesn't make people happier. People think that they are happy , because they are rich, but it isn't true. That kind of happiness concerns just only for short term. We can't buy love, friends, family ect.

  6. I always wanted to be rich: P Winning the lottery is too random. The best option is the establishment of his business, which thrives very well. Then I would buy a mansion and spent money on pleasure.

  7. I think that everyone of us would like to become a millionaire. Having a lot of money can simplify our lives, but it can also be a large risk - some people will envy our fortune and try to kill us, other could steal from us, we also can loose that money when our campany goes down. You haven't listed few more options: we can play the stock market or try gambling. There are also a little criminal way: we can smuggle illegal goods across the border of our country - but is that worth anything?

  8. In my opinion the best way to become a millnionaire is starting a buisness. This is the best way but also the hardest. We need a lot of motivation and strenght.
    Secondly, marry waelth it sounds very interesting but without love it dosen't make sens.

  9. Nowadays money became more and more needed for everyone. All of us want to live at an appropriate level and for this you need the money. We can get it in different ways. The easiest is married wealthy, the most dangerous is getting injured and sue, but If you have a good luck you can try to win lottery. In my opinion the best way to became rich is starting business because this is the most proven and controllable way of making money.

  10. in my opinion the best solution to become a millionare is number 5. Easier ways provide a lot of problems, can causes that instead of become a millionare we can become a bankrupt. Money, which we make by hardwork are more valuable for us.
    It is, of course, link with some risk, but without this our dreams will never come true.

  11. I think that money is very important but not the most important. Without money is hard to imagine daily life, education, etc. These days, more and more are materialistic who focused only on wealth and consumption, but there are more important things such as health, family. I think the money bring happiness, but only if we have someone on your side.Personally I think the best way for a become a millionare is starting a business, but it's very hard, too. I despise this method of enrichment like marry wealth. I don' understand that people.

  12. In my opinion the best of way to success is hard work and purpose to reach our destinations. A lot of people didn't appreciate importance of money, especially when they inherit the money so they will squander it very quickly. People, who start own business become a millioners, because they know how much heart and forces is necessary to put into it.

  13. I always wanted to have a rich distant relative, who would like to give me his property. Because inheriting the money is so interesting way to become a millionaire... :D But seriously the most reasonable way to earn money is our hard work. Therefore set up a business can help us to achieve this goal.

  14. I like this ideas but the only one realistic for me is to start my own bussiness, but to do this I have to come up with some new idea and I hope- someday I will!
    Money are not the most important thing in life and having a lot of them doesn't mean happiness but they really can help and nowadays they have real power. And as someone has somewhere said 'If I have to cry I prefer doing it in the red ferrari'

  15. It is obviously that money are important for everyone. In my opinion people must be innovative to became rich, nowaday. The oryginal idea is in prize. It is a guaranty of big money for ages.

  16. For me the biggest wealth of my life would be health. health of mine and health of my family for us. For saving our health i would like to spend some efforts of my dream in my work and building a home with my family.

    1. I agree with you that health is very important and it's one of the things you can not buy - if it wasn't true, some of us would be already immortal

  17. For sure option 1 is the easiest way but in fact very improbable. The 3 one also seems to be quite easy especially for women;) On one hand starting a business can make you rich when you are succeeded but on the other hand it is very risky. You can be a millionaire but you can also loose everything.

  18. Money in our live is very important because if you don't have any money you won't have food to eat, place to sleep, etc. Some of these ways are easy but you need to have luck or something else what you can't control and you can't control what can happen. They most simple way is find job and earn money.

  19. Yes, money definitely help us to feel better. Thanks to them we can fulfill our dreams. For example, my dream is to travel around the world, and without money I can not do without the stress. Also, the high salaries make us feel valued by employers. In addition, we live in a consumer world where money plays a huge role.

  20. After growing popularity of 'Breaking bad' tv drama I am almost surprised by the lack of any illegal suggestions :P.
    Jokes aside, it was good presentation that balanced facts and humour into informative guide. I'm not certain about the math You used in point 6 in Your presentation, but it is not something that discredit the point.
    And to comment on other comments: money may not be able to give You happiness, but most people would rather be unhappy in comfort of full fridge, comfortable house and with some savings to have free time and hobby. Don't deal with absolutes.

  21. In my opinion everyone can became a millionaire, in every area of economy. You only have to have a good idea for you and your business, and believe in your succes. Of course money is not the most important thing in our life but thanks them we can make our dreams come true. W don't have to think about paying bills or that we can not afford for buying somethink. I'm sure money isn't the most important thing, but they make our life easier.

  22. I wonder too, what to do to make a lot of money without hardwork. I could play on lottery and sometimes I have done it. But I did not win any money. Fortunately I think that money is not so important thing in my live. For me more important is my family and my happiness. Of couse I will be very happy to became a millionaire by the way.

  23. I think a lot depends on luck. A few days ago I read an article in "Focus", which said that a large part of human's life dependents on luck. Many billioners admits that without luck, they wouldn't be rich.

    Often it takes a few elements that converge in time and motivate us. And usually, then comes a brilliant business ideas.


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