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Students memorize a lot, especially during exam time. When you have several exams day after day, it is very important to know how to use your time efficiently. This is why it is useful to know a few learning methods. Nowadays, there are books, programs, and also special courses which can help you find and explore different ways of learning.

One of the most popular learning techniques is mnemonic. Based on different exercises, it enables you to learn how to save information not in the short-term memory, like usual, but in the long-term memory, which is more effective.

There are a few basic laws of good learning:
1. It is easier to memorize positive things. When it comes to unpleasant images, our mind may not want to remember them.
2. Vivid, colorful images, full of sensual impressions, are easier to remember than those which are boring and dull.
3. Everything which is exaggerated, funny and referring to sex is easier to memorize because it causes emotional reactions.
4. Symbols which are deeply rooted in our consciousness may also be used to code complicated information.

We can find many different mnemonic tricks. The most popular are:

1. Acronyms – a word or abbreviation formed from the initial letters of the statement we want to keep in mind.
e.g. word ’ HOMES’ (plural of 'home') as a way to remember names of Great Lakes of North America – Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior.

(image's source)

2. The hook method – based on connections between numbers and objects. Every number is associated with an object. It is helpful to memorize information by inventing a short history with clear, abstract plot, in which the sequence of events is important.
A list of hooks from one to ten may look in the following way: 1 – a candle; 2 – a swan; 3 – an apple; 4 – a chair; 5 – a crane; 6 – a ram; 7 – a bath with a shower; 8 – a snowman; 9 – a balloon; 10 – a knight.

3. The chain method – useful when you have to remember a list of words (e.g. a shopping list). To remember the elements we can create a short story with all of them. Alternatively, the second way is to make a mental image: link two words which are next to each other with one picture.

4. Speed reading is also very popular. The key to improving your reading speed is using an indicator. When reading, don’t move it back, just fluently move it forward. You will avoid regression, which makes reading slower.
(image's source)

An average person reads about 200 words per minute. After a short training, you should be able to read about 400 words per minute.

5. Mind map – a diagram used by pupils. It helps them make clear and simple notes containing only keywords and images. Here is a short instruction how to make a mind map:

1. Start in the center with an image of the topic, using at least 3 colors.
2. Use images, symbols, codes, and dimensions throughout your mind map.
3. Select key words and print using upper or lower case letters.
4. Each word/image is best alone and sitting on its own line.
5. The lines should be connected, starting from the central image. The central lines are thicker, organic and thinner as they radiate out from the centre.
6. Make the lines the same length as the word/image they support.
7. Use multiple colors throughout the mind map, for visual stimulation and also to encode or group.
8. Develop your own personal style of mind mapping.
9. Use emphasis and show associations in your mind map.
10. Keep the mind map clear by using radial hierarchy, numerical order or outlines to embrace your branches.

(image's source)

(film's source)

These are only a few types of mnemonic tricks. Try them to make your learning more effective.


  1. I really like this presentation. I guess I like it the most of all presentations. This presentation teach me how to learn faster. The way with "Acronyms" - is really great, I have already started to use it to study at the University:)

  2. It's really interesting presentation - it shows us how to learn, what is obviously useful for every students, especially during exam time. But for me, every popular learning technique is a waste of time. When you have to learn a lot of thinks quickly, there is no time for creating story with words or making diagrams. I think students should wake from their illusions and start to learn effectively.

  3. It's really interesting presentation - it shows us how to learn, what is obviously useful for every students, especially during exam time. But for me, every popular learning technique is a waste of time. When you have to learn a lot of thinks quickly, there is no time for creating story with words or making diagrams. I think students should wake from their illusions and start to learn effectively.

  4. I think it is very usefull presentation and can help us especially in the time which is comeing- examinations;) For me the best method is 'mind map'. When I'm learning I do a map when I put some key words and then it is much easier to remember everything. But for sure everybody prefer different methods which are good for them. I think that my learning is quite effective but after reading this presentation maybe I will try to use some other methods;)

  5. Very interesting presentation! I think especially useful now that we are approaching session;)

  6. It's very interesting, but I tried different methods of learning and it dosen't work, at least for me. In fact these "gamse" are time consuming. I'm doing a lot more simply by learning, rather than reflecting on the methods of learn. If it helps someone- great, but I cope without it.

  7. Wow, this is very useful presentation!
    Especially since the session is so close .. I personally always learning in the same way. In class I make a lot of notes - more or less general and before the exam I read them and I am writing it again with adding more information.
    I think that this is a quite effective method and I recommend it;)

  8. I like your presentation very much! I think that it is very useful to know such methods of learning, especially now during exams. Personally, I like the most Acronyms trick :) I use it every time when I learn. This is the best way of studying for me, because my major - 'European Studies' makes me to remember very difficult names.

  9. I would like to use it, but I havetn't too much a motivation... :( Sometimes I use a mind map, but usually on the training courses. For me the best way of learning is listening. I can't do a lot of notices on the lectures, for example. I need listen and observe a theacher. It's better for me than notes.

  10. I like this presentation. It will help me in preparation for my exams. I think that everythink that you/ve written is true but I will add also good music to the list. It's the best to help me in learning.

  11. It's very interesting and useful presentation! Tips contained in this presentation are helpful for all students. Everyone must recognize your own style of learning to learn most effectively.

  12. I am a visualise learner, so all those methods mentioned by you would work for me. Nonetheless, I once tried to learn speed reading on my own, but since I'm reading only technological articles, I'm not using it. I also don't have to learn a lot by heart, so I don't use any of them at all. Anyway, I think that instead of teaching stupid things at school, they should teach us how to learn, for example with those methods.

  13. I've just watched the movie and it is amazing. I tried to make a history (without meaning) when he was showing a images and it is working. I remember everythink. It's work. It's amazing. Time to use it at exams time.

  14. This presentation is very useful for people who have problems with memorizing things. Movie with pictures is just great, it is fun and it is serviceable.


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