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How does music affects us?

How does music affects us?

I. Introduction

Music is a way of expressing your personality both for an artist and a listener. In this attitude people create music, and use it in many ways. On the other hand, we may ask about the opposite situation, we may ask: How does the music affects us?

II. Mood

In the previous paragraph music was defined as a way of an artistic expression. But such kind of not-lingual expression can be understood only under a condition that it will influence a listener in a very specific manner, creating in him feelings similar to those felt by an artist. I think a good example of this are works of Chopin.

As it comes to Romantic era we should concentrate for a moment on ideas of German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. According to him human condition is nothing more than misery resulting from impossibility of satisfaction of any kind. Due to that he tries to find ways to relief that existential pain and proposes three of them: compassion, art and nirvana. What was told here in very pompous words can be told very simple: art (music for example) can cheer us up. In fact, people try to overcome sadness either by listening to cheerful music or (what can be surprising as a kind of paradox) by listening to sad music. Example of first may be “I saw standing there” by The Beatles and an example of second - “Isolation” by the British post-punk band Joy Division.

II Advertisement

But music can impact our emotion not only when we want it but also in an unwanted, subconscious way. It is a well known fact that sounds in TV ads are louder that in normal programs. What is more, it is believed that music used as background in television commercials is specially chosen in order to make pleasant associations with particular products.

Similar phenomena is so-called muzak or elevator music which is music played in shopping centers, elevators or in hotels. Sources of muzak might be found in compositions of Erick Satie who wanted to create “music background” , a kind of musical wallpaper. However muzak is believed not only to be same kind of silence filler but also to have an impact on sub consciousness making clients of malls buy more.

IV Social groups

Music is also an important factor of social group creation and consolidation. Almost every social group has music that expresses its values and purposes. The most obvious examples are national anthems or song such as “The International”. But what is more interesting, there are social groups arising from concentration on particular music genres. I am speaking here about contemporary youth subcultures for whom music is not a means to consolidate common identity but a reason of its creation. (This remark probably does not apply to hipsters who are described by some as post-subculture.)

It might be said that fashion, behavior and values preferred by subcultures are not only expressed in their music but also in same way projected by that music. More certain is the recognition of music as the major factor of subcultures spreading among young people. As an examples I would like to present a song of Polish trash metal band Acid Drinkers and a song essential to hippies movement in the 60’s sung by Scott McKenzie.

V Mass reception of the music

A group of people reacts to music differently than an individual. Explanation can be found in Le Bon’s “The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind.” Le Bon claimed that being in a crowd releases emotional and irrational reactions and also makes people imitate each other. Therefore we can say that crowded audience experience music stronger than an individual. Examples:

VI Personality

At the end we may consider permanence of music’s influence, we may ask how music affects our personality. My first association are insinuations about heavy metal influence on ethics and religiousness. Heavy metal is said to propagate Satanism and anti-humanistic values. However classical rock like Led Zeppelin and even Jazz were believed to have a demoralizing influence on the youth. I find this argumentation a semi conscious reflex of conservative groups in their fear of change and unknown. I think that changes in musical tastes rather illustrate changes in a society than cause them.

On the other hand, classical music is said to have beneficial impact on one’s manners and sensibility. I find this statement true. Also, I think that listening to different kinds and genres of music may lead us to better understanding of ourselves and other peoples.


  1. Yes, it's true. Through music we can express our personality, or to put in a better mood. I myself listen to music only for my pleasure.

  2. I love music and I could not live without it. it is part of my life. I choose different kinds of music, it depends on my mood. When I'm upset I listen to sad music-what a paradox! Music moves me the most. I agree that music affects our mood and personality. Metalheads are unlikely to listen to the hip-hop. Music, sounds also remind us of important moments in life.It's difficult to imagine modern world without music.

  3. I love soul, classical and rock music. Music is fantastic thing. There are many kinds of music nowadays, so you can choose the best for you.
    It helps when you are in a bad mood, cheer and enjoy. In my opinion this is the best way to express yourself. It is amazing how music is relaxing, how cheerfull it can be.

  4. Personally, I don;t know any person who doesn't like music. Music is needed in every day of life because it makes it better. If you have a music idol it makes you to feel wonderful. When I am sad I listen sad music and for me it is not a paradox because there are many songs that are the best way of express my feelings!

  5. Music that I listen to depends on my mood. When it is good, I listen to fast songs, the best such cases whose legs straight to the dance speaks about themselves, and when I'm sad or worse than the day I listen to quiet music.
    I have no favorite team and on my playlist is a total "misz masz" of genres and bands.

  6. I will not say anything new. Music is an integral part of my life. I love to listen to music on the radio, on records, I like going to concerts. I listen to music, not species, because in this way, I always find something for myself, regardless of mood. So on my player you can enjoy listening to heavy metal bands and jazz, electronica and classical music, it all depends on my mood, but most importantly the music is good

  7. I will not say anything new. Music is an integral part of my life. I love to listen to music on the radio, on records, I like going to concerts. I listen to music, not species, because in this way, I always find something for myself, regardless of mood. So on my player you can enjoy listening to heavy metal bands and jazz, electronica and classical music, it all depends on my mood, but most importantly the music is good

  8. I like listen to music. Usually I listen a mild rock, some pop and old Polish songs. I consider that the song should have a deep sense. For example my favourite song is "Niech żyje bal" of Maryla Rodowicz. It's wonderful song about life and death.

  9. I don't know any person who doesn't like listening to the music. One likes rock, other likes rap and someone may like classic music, but everyone likes some kind of music. Sometimes I am in the mood that I don't even like to think about doing something. Then I turn on my music, lay for a while in the bed and then feel fine for the rest of the day.
    But I must say one thing - I really don't understand people who like music broadcast in the radio. It is sad, that these horrible sounds are the most popular music in the world.

  10. I think that music is very important in our lifes, it express our personality, it helps us to improve mood, it is way of entertainment. How would be parties or meetings with friends without music? But to be sure, in my every day life I don't listen music a lot. I'm not a person who doesn't move without any player.

  11. It seems that the subject of music can be beat and banal. Nevertheless, I have to underline that music can even change our life. A common practise is using music to level psychosomatic disorders. What else, classical music has a huge impact on children, whose mothers were listening it during their pregnancy. These children are much more intelligent than their peers.
    There is no difference for what purpose we are listening to music. It is a fact, that music is one of the most wonderful invention of humans.

  12. I really can't imagine my existence without music. I listen music everythere, everytime i can. And I'm really not suprised that music affects people so good because I can see it from myself. For example when I'm sad good music is all I want to hear and after that I feel so much better.

  13. I have to agree that music has a big meaning in my life. Without it I wouldn't make even one artwork. It brings so many different feelings to my mind. But sometimes, when I feel really bad I have to avoid it because sometimes songs are bringing mamories even after veeery long time and I don;t want to listen anything while I'm depressed. I won't have any song that will make me sad :)

  14. Aleksandra

    I totally understand you. And I think that listening music depending on our moods is the reason of not having favourite style of it. For example when I;m angry I listen to rock, and when I'm sad I listen to classical music :)

  15. Music is for me more than just a nice sounding audio, music is an inspiration for me.

    When I start designing, I have to first choose the right music, it puts me in a trance that makes the ideas themselves pass by on the card.

    I love Massive Attack and electronic music, I love drums, but when he wants to calm down I listen to Norah Jones and Sade. I can not imagine life without music.

    I think that all of our surroundings is a great musical composition.

  16. Today music is everywhere, we can hear it in the bus, train, on the street. Music is helpful especialy in those moments when we are sad. Music is a friend who talks to us, when we feel lonely and when we are unhappy it helps to relive.
    Music in the lives of different people is different: some compose music, others play music, and others only listen to it. A lot of people who cannot play any musical instrument love to listen to music either at home or at a con-cert.
    People can't live without music.

  17. ,,My music..set me free, filled music...moved my brain, fulfilled me.." - sang Sistars. These words are superbly matching to our topic. Music is an important part of our life.It is present in every discipline of our life, at any time - in home, in school, on the street - everywere. I agree with Kasia: ,,People can't live without music."The music has always been, is and will be current in the life of people. It is a medicine for all illnesses and sorrows. The music allows to soothe the pain, to relax and to express our emotions.I don't have an idea what I sholud to add. I can't imagine my life without music.

  18. I really like listening to music, but unfortunately, I can't listening when I'm doing something important (for example learning). I always want to understand lyrics, recognise instruments and finally I can't focus on my obligations.
    I notice, that when I'm sad or angry I choose sad songs, a happies one makes me feel worse at that moments.

  19. Music accompany people since the beginning of humanity and it will be with them to their end. Music that we linsten to influeces feelings that we show. It forms our sensivity and personality. Music helps us relax when we are troubled or if we need to focus on problems to find good solusions. On the other hand, when we are happy music makes our live more colorful. Music is the best thing ever.

  20. Music accompanied me all the time since I remember. Depending on my mood I choose the type/ kind and listen to certain songs. I'm learning during the music is playing, writting, even when I'm going to sleep in my room still You can hear the music! When I'm going somewhere I always have headphones on my ears.. Thanks for the music I can totally switch off myself and I really love it!

  21. Like most people I also like listen to music. I listen to different kinds of music and it's all good for me. What kind of music I listen depends on my mood- music has a great influence on my mood.

  22. I think music express our personality very well. Classical music is for sensible people and rock is for crazy people. I listen to every type of music. Maybe without techno, rap, hiphop and dupstep.

  23. Music plays an important role in my life. When tired after a long day come home and sit with a cup of hot tea and good music this is the most relaxing for me. A moment of silence after a day at your favorite musical climates. Music we listen to a large extent reflects our interior, our personality and mood often in what we are.

  24. I love listening to music, I couldn't live without it. It's just part of me. I love to sing and I love to dance and it is all connected with music. We can select kind of music to our mood and be sad when we feel sad or just jump and smile while we are happy. Music is some kind of space where we can run away with our thoughts and mind.


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