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Weird sports around the world

In today's world, people are always busy and stressed. To overcome it, they invented a lot of ways to relax. One of them is sport. In some parts of the world people invented such sport disciplines that are sometimes funny or ridiculous or both at the same time.

1. Sepak takraw

Sepak Takraw is a game native to Malay Peninsula. It's a very popular sport in Southeast Asia. It's quite similar to voleyball but players are allowed to use only feet, knee, chest and head to touch the ball whis is made of rattan.

A match is played by two teams (regus), each consisting of three players. One of the three players shall be at the back; he is called a “Tekong”. The other two players shall be in front, one on the left and the other on the right. The player on the left is called a “Left Inside” and the player on the right is called a “Right Inside”. The goal is to make the ball touch the opossite's team half of the court using only allowed parts of the body. Ball can be touched maximum three times in a row by a single team.

2. Wife carrying

This is a sport in which male competitors race while each carrying a female teammate. The objective is for man to carry the female through an obstacle course in the fastest time. The sport was first introduced in Finland.

Some of the rules:
- The length of the official track is 253.5 m,
- The track has two dry obstacles and one water obstacle about 1 m deep.
- The wife to be carried may be your own, the neighbor's, or you may have found her further afield; she must, however, be over 17 years of age.

3. The Cooper's Hill Cheese-rolling

It's an annual event that took it's name from the hill on which it occurs (Cotswolds, England). The rules are very simple. From the top of the hill a round of Double Glouchester cheese is rolled and the competitors race down the hill after it. The first person that crosses the finish line wins the cheese. In theory the contestants should catch the cheese before but it's rolling too fast (up to 112 km/h). At the bottom of the hill paramedics are catching running contestents. Many of them are getting serious injuries but every year many people come from all around the wrold to take part in this. This event is very old. It has over 200 years tradition.

4. Octopush

This is a non contact underwater sport that has two teams participating in it. The teams maneuver a puck right across the bottom of the swimming pool which is supposedly the goal area. It is played quite like hockey but just under water. This sport has become famous in countries like UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa. There are large Octopush sessions all across these major countries which regularly arrange competitions in this game.

5. Chess boxing

Most of the World Championshiph are being held in Berlin, Germany. It is a hybrid sport that combines chess and boxing in up to 11 alternating rounds. The match begins with four-minute chess round. This is followed by three minutes of boxing with rounds of chess and boxing alternating until the end. There is a one minute break between the rounds. Competitors may win by a knockout, achieving a checkmate or by the judges' decision. The players put on headphones during the chess portion so that they do not hear any shouted assistance from the audience or the live chess commentary. If the chess game reaches a stalemate, the scores from the boxing rounds are used to determine the winner. If the boxing score is also a tie, the player with the black pieces wins.

Now you can see that people's imagination has no borders. Maybe some of you will invent a new sport xD?


  1. about some of these sports I've heard, but it turned out to be quite interesting of "Sepak takraw." This volleyball, except that the use of the legs. But as for me, sometimes have the strangest games in China. Just turn on the TV and watch some programs. You forgot about a single sport: Alcohol-chinese

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love chess boxing! It is really weird and funny sport:) If I had time maybe I would take a part in that competition! There are many werid sports about which we do know any idea. It is nice!

  4. Wow, about most of these sports I have never heard! But I think that every kind of physical activity is good and if it is unusual mmm ... everyone can have their interests or passions;) Btw, The only sport about witch I heard earlier is the Octopus, and I am sure that if I would have occasion or proposition to do this, I would never refuse to game!

  5. Personally, I am surprised at this presentation. It shows us so many different sports and I had had no idea about most of them. Some of them must be very dangerous, for example the Cooper's Hill Cheese-rolling.I'm wondering why some sports are more known than others. I would like to try some little-known sport.

  6. I have heard about the Octopus but I didn't know that it has got such a strange name. Secondly, I can't see a point in the cheese boxing - a box and a chess are totaly different so I can't imagine that people can interests in both diciplines.

  7. This presentation is very interesting for me, because I've never heard about "Wife carrying" or "The Cooper's Hill Cheese-rolling". It show us that people want to do unconventional things. Nowadays they are very stressed and hard working, so they search same new experience. Although I think that these sports aren't good for me, I prefer traditional spotrs as a volleyball or a basketball.

  8. Congratulations for a good presentation :) The sports you mentioned about might be very exciting. Who knows, maybe in couple of years we will play underwater-hockey or a paraglide-paintball during the Olympic Games.. ;)

  9. I like this presentation. It was a good idea to write about this kind of sports. I paid special attention on the one of given discipline - wife carring. It is very funny, but also beneficial. In my opinion it is o good plan to vent unnecessary emotions. Instead of to quarrel at home and still to complain spouses can relax together. In addition they can have a fun. It is interesting, how many of husbands and wives is deciding on ,,Wife carring". :)

  10. Interesting presentation. I like wife carrying. I think, that it is something for me, because in this sport discipline woman do nothing:P
    I feel, that if I lose 5 kilograms I will be really good in this sport:)
    So, I'm waiting for a day, when wife carrying, will be Olympic discipline. Maybe with good partner I have a chance win gold medal:P:P:P

  11. congratulations, this is a very interesting presentation. I have never heard about this kind of sports. I knew that this game is like Sepak takraw, but I did not know her name. Lovers of this sport have to be very athletic. very interesting and funny at the same time it seems to me Wife Carrying. In addition to the taste of competition, it gives spouses a chance to spend time actively. I'm wondering if Poles have a strange sport??

  12. Well, I am a big fun of every kind of sport, but I have never heard of any one of those shown here. I think the biggest fun is from hill cheese rolling, because since I was a little kid I wished to roll from some high hill :)
    Some other strange sport, this time from Poland is throwing a mobile phone. Wins who throws the furthest.

  13. One would like to say "what people didn't invent it." I heard about The Cooper's Hill Cheese-Rolling. I think it's really funny. Is it true that the reward is cheese that is caught and nothing more?

  14. Reading of this presentation was fun for me. I imagined how look these contests and next watched videos. I really laughed. My favorite is the Cooper's Hill Cheese-rolling and Octopush- I want to try this!

  15. In my opinion people are very bored, because they create all time new kinds of sport. Sometimes these kinds are stupid and weird. Of course, all people may don't like a soccer or basketball e.g. But I don't know that 'Wife carrying' is a sport. It's too weird for me.

  16. As admirer of many kind of sports I'm terrified of what people can invent for money, or when they have nothing to do. I personally prefer normal sports :P

  17. I have never heard of any of this sports. They seem to be very interesting. Rolling from the hill sounds very funny. I hope that I will have a chance to try some of this sports ;)


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