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Scouting in our lives

             Nowadays young people want to be individualists. They want to have a lot of friends, and want to do important things. Unfortunately, most of them is lost and they don't know what they can do. This is where the mission of the Scout movement begin.

                The founder of scouting is Lord Boden-Powell of Gilwell. He was born in 1857 in England. Boden-Powell spoke his mind about up bringing of young boys by conducting firsth  experimental camp in 1907 on Brownsea Island off the Dorset coast. There with about 20 boys from all walks of life and some adult leaders, Baden-Powell taught the boys what about Scouting. They were living in tents, cooking their own food and learning many valuable skills through games.

             The camp was a great succes and proved Baden-Powell's ideas right, so he tackled the task of writing down his experience in a book "Scouting for boys" was first published in parts, new one every two weeks, beginning from January 15 (1908). Young scouts were formed into patrols.


What's about Scouting in Poland?
      In 1910 Andrzej Małkowski translated Baden-Powell's  "Scouting for boys" and the first Scout  patrols were formed. A single scout represented our country and carried the red and white Polish Flag at the first World Jamboree (Jamboree is the international scouting meeting) in London. In 1920 Poland became a founding member of the World Organisation of the Scout Movement.

A. Małkowski written:

 Scouting has existed in Poland since 1910... Our country was divided into three parts and grabbed by three neighbours: Russia, Germany and Austria", so the scouting movement was the best method to engage young people in the fight for freedom. Polish scouts were fought in the Polish Army during the World War 1914-1918, rebellions 1918 and 1919, the World War 1939-1945. During World War II it acted as a part of the Polish resistance. I think it was the only youth organization fighting against Germans in Europe."

       After the World War, the Communists came to power and they wanted to create their own scout organization or to change the existing one. They banned most of the pre-war scout activities. This state lasted for a few years. In 1956 Scout leaders couldn't bear it any more and they reformed the organization. But it didn't look as before.

     Polish Scouting was reborn in 1990 after  the fall of the communism. At the moment scouting has developed into worldwide international organization, bounding together millions of young people.
     It's hard to imagine that it all started from a small camp at Brownsea Island. The fact is that thanks to ideals of sir Baden-Powell people around the World are learning how to live and take care about themselves. I like to think that the existence of scouting makes the difference and people are a little bit better thanks to it.

In the end, I want to present You film about my scout team in Łowicz. It is old film, it was created in 2007 but it present scouting in our live.


  1. Scouting is a great way to organize the time for young people. It allows you to spend your free time creatively. Nowadays, more and less is heard of him but in the days of our parents it was very popular. It united people together, sought to set goals and strengthened in values ​​and ideas. I think that nowadays more and hear less of him because of the lack of time and constant rush.

  2. I used to be a scout and I think it's good as a pattern od morality for young people, but when you grow up start, real hard life, there is no time for this.

  3. I was a scout when I was 13-15. It was a good way to spend my free time. I learned some useful things: first-aid, how to make a good camp fire, something about maps and searching a way in the forest... It was really great time ;)

  4. always liked the idea of ​​scouts ... but he never convinced me enough so I haven't joined ... repulsive to me and flat worms were in a tent in the forest ... without sewers .. Tap water or normal roof over your head ...

  5. I've never been scout, but I think that idea is right for young people, who kept want to broaden their horizons.

    Learn useful skills such as navigation in the woods, or lighting the fire, as well as first aid, or help people in need, is a very important social skills.

  6. I was a scout when I was younger but when I grow up i didn't have enough time for it.. I think it is really good idea for young people. They could learn how to be independent, courage and how to cope with difficult situations. Also, this is a very good way to meet new colleagues! ;)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I was a scout when I was 15 years old, but quickly gave up, because this form of spending my free time I really didn't appealed to me. But I think this is a good preparation for life. I have friends who were scouts and they had good memories of this period of his life;)

  9. I believe that being a scout is not for everyone. Yes, it is useful, because not only develops our manual skills, but also teaches us to stay in the harsh natural conditions. We also meet a lot of really interesting people. But really hard work and mental resilience is needed :). Really, I would recommend anyone to be scout.

  10. In my opinion scouting is the best of way to integration with another people. Affiliation to one of this kind of group affects very much of individual member's life. They are learning the cooperation, the discipline and organising. Thanks to this a scouts can to solve the problems in theirs private life. In conclusion people, who are members of scouts team are more valuable and receptive. I have never been a scout, but I think that it may be a good form of spending the free time.

  11. In my opinion scouting is a very good way of spending free for young people. I have never be a scout, but I know a great deal of interesting people who were a scout. They always say how useful it is for young. They learn first aid, lots of manual skills. I wish I were a scout...:)

  12. I haven't been a scout, but my mom was. She sometimes told me funny stories about their camps and holidays. I've always thought of it as a great opportunity to meet great people and feel a bit of real life. Unfortunately, the scouts' group in my town had been dissolved when I was a kid so I couldn't try my hands in their activities.

  13. I've been scout when I was young. I learn how do some fundamental thinks. I think is very good think to young people, especially this days when only fun is computer.

  14. I thing the scouts were very important in every World War. in Poland the most deserved during the Warsaw Uprising.young boys fight nd died as adults. fought so thanks to this that someone taught them what is this honor, homeland and God. I think that this is the best place for young people for learn life. WhenIi was young I was in scouting team, and now I after reading a blog i can say that scouting now is not the samw that was many years ago, now .Now children learn totally different things


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