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Unconventional Medicine

People in times of "hoax of modern Medicine" more often look for alternative ways of therapy. Unconventional Medicine provides them with treating methods such as e.g. hypnotherapy or acupuncture.

The only one origin of those therapies doesn't exist. Many of them derive from old medical traditions initially practiced in one area. It makes them very hard to define because of mixed old practices and beliefs. Decades of practice in those form of treatment sometimes is making them more popular than new, innovative medical solutions.

This method has origins in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It's based on premise that our body functions are regulated by "Qi" energy which flows in our body. Therapy consist of insertion of needless in the body into acupuncture points connected with meri
dians (meridians - paths through which life-energy is believed to flow). Acupuncture is believed to better general health, relieve pain and stress.

"Acupuncture Therapy: Acupuncture for Stress Relief"

Herbalism takes origins in folk medicine and is based on using plants and plants extracts. Many of pharmaceutical drugs have long history of use as herbal remedies, such as opium, aspirin, quinine. Once herbalism was mostly used among non-industrialized societies as disease treatment. Nowadays it's getting more common to use herbs prophylactically.

Therapy that is undertaken with subject in hypnosis. Person who is hypnotized is in state of extreme relaxation and heightened imagination.

Hypnotherapy is sometimes used during childbirth to prepare mother, and relieve anxiety or pain. Main purpose of hypnotherapy nowadays is treating anxieties, depressions, insomnia or addictions.

"Tips on How Hypnosis Can Help You"

Despite fact that unconventional medicine has had hundreds/thousands of years practice, and can give us internal relief, it shouldn't be separated from conventional medicine.


  1. Aren't medicine's used to treat illness or disease or pain..
    but if people start forgetting little things in their daily life like removing and picking up their bracelet's in bathroom while having shower! not just once like everyday..

    I guess that's also a kind of sickness..
    For relaxing, meditating or removing stress or removing the depression. I guess one needs to be busy. If not spend time using Unconventional medicines treatment.

    but i guess they are really effective in the starting process.. Nice to get Acupunctured ! Is it already in Poland.. In Warsaw?

  2. Real hoax are most of types unconventional Medicine. Evaluation of drug or medical therapy efficacy is made on base of empirical data. Scientist are trying to explain mechanism which are hidden behind of their efficiency and create good theory. Then they use it to make further assumptions and another drugs. This is real science! In case of alternative medicine there is nothing that. All of it effectiveness is hidden in placebo effect. There don't exist any empirical data which could proof that unconventional methods really work. When you read theory which describes, for example homeopathy, you will see that it contain magical fluids, memory of water and other magical thinking which is in highly conflict with laws of physics. Faith in alternative medicine is the same as belief in fairies or wizards.

  3. Unconventional Medicine is something very good. Acupuncture and Herbalism also. Same time with this I use. Glory to the people who invented this method of treatment. As for me, are sometimes better than modern medicine.

  4. I've never used that kind of medicine. I wondered if it really works. I must say that it makes me scared if i tkink about acupuncture..

  5. Alternative medicine can be a good option when someone doesn`t want to take pills or when doesn`t believe that it works. I never tried this so I don`t know how it works but who knows, maybe one day I `ll check it! I always wanted to be under hypnosis just to find out how it is.. Anyway, I heard a lot about acupuncture and I know people who claim that it really works so it must be true!

  6. Herbalism is the only kind of unconventional medicine I have ever used. Camomile tea is the best for a stomach ache, better than Ibuprom! Seldom I'm sick, so I don't use nor alternative medicine neither conventional.

  7. I would compare it to give a teenager some plaster from the wall and it will run around like a scalded cat. The strength of autosuggestion is huge :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I strongly believe that Earth Mother has provided us with a cure for all illnesses, people just haven't found them yet.
    The majority of people in the world use herbal medicine. Herbs tend not to produce side effects like chemical medicine. This is because in herbal medicine is used which keeps a balance, while chemical medicine synthisis the one ingredient they need.
    From my point of view, accupunture is amazing. In some hospitals in China, up to 80% of the surgical operations have been performed with acupuncture. What's interesting, patients are given choice of undergoing operation under conventional anesthesia or under acupuncture.
    Another powerful antioxidant is "Green Tea". Green Tea is good for our health. It has got very powerful antioxidants and some people claim that it could prevent even cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and infections.
    To sum up, I think this presentation really interesting and alternative medicine is worth trying.

  10. Personally I don't believe in Unconventional Medicine, like Acupuncture. Some people maintain, that it helped them, but I think it is something like placebo.
    I appreciate Herbalism and Hypnotherapy. Very often I use many kind of herbs. For example in order redouble resilience.
    About Hypnotherapy I heard that it help people solve their psychical problems.
    I'm very curious what you feel and what you talk, when you are rapt. I think I want to try it in the future:)

  11. It is really huge topic to talk about. For example, all big pharmaceutical companies must create and perform tests with placebo when they want to provide new medicament on the market. The power of autosuggestion is huge and we can't simply ignore it. Once I have watched program on Discovery Channel about boy who cured cancer only by thinking about fighting it!

  12. I never tried an unconventional medicine so I don't know if it works. I think this may depend on man's attitude to the disease, but more effective it seems to me conventional medicine.

  13. I have never used the methods of treatment such so I don't know what is their action. Actually, even I have no opinion on it, whether they work or not.

  14. Personally I have never used this kind of treatment, but I know some people, who choose such methods as hypnotherapy or acupuncture and they are satisfied. From my point of view this methods aren't more effective then conventional medicine. It is a better solution for people who don't want to take a lot of medicines.Results are the same for me.

  15. I belive in power of nature, alternative medicine and subconscious. I know people who have been treated by a different way. Maybe it sounds silly but I think that power of our bodies is unexplored. We can make things that we've never supposed to be able to do. We just need a catalyst to release that power. Acupuncture, herbalism, hypnotherapy - they are just ways for aim.

  16. I have never used this kind of medicine and in fact I don't really believe that it works. I think that ill people should never resign from normal medicine, from doctors in aid of unconventional medicine. They both can go together but not only alternative one. I think that it can also be good for very ill people because it can be a kind of last chance which gives people hope and strenght to fight with illnesses.

  17. I agree, that unconventional medicine should be using only with conventional medicine. Together they are complete. I think power of autosuggestion- of our mind, is huge. Even if we will be treating with the most effective methods of conventional medicine, but we will not believe that we become to health, the eficiency of this can be very small.

  18. Personally, I do not trust unconventional medicine. I'd rather go to a regular doctor than to try any tricks. I've heard of many cases when it ended badly, as I don't intend to try. My father is a doctor and I know that traditional medicine can a lot. Really.


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