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Showing posts from November, 2011

Hipster Modern Life

( I decided to write about hipsters. Who are they and what's the connection between them and modern life? To talk about hipster we need to find out who (or what) hipsters are. The first and most popular idea is that hipster are kind of contemporary subculture of young people who want to be alternative. They stand alone in a modern life, they hate things which are mainstream but concurrently they can't live without modern things. Hipster wears old sweater from 90's and use an IPhone. Hipster hates highlife style but he/she drinks coffee from Starbucks. Is that a hypocrisy? Maybe, but for sure not to hipsters. Let's try to find out who they really are and why some people want to be them. Who I need to be to be hipster? This is...


The fans in the stadiums have always been, are and will be. Faithful to their team. But recently more and more we hear about the destruction of stadiums and fights after games. Unfortunately, during these fights, people also die. This is a big problem in our country; the government is trying to eradicate it especially now before the European Championships, which Poland is hosting. But it is very hard to catch and punish all those who disrupt the course of the game or ta ke part in the fighting after matches. There has been even introduced the stadium ban. For breaking the ban on stadium you are now threatened with a fine, restriction of liberty or imprisonment up to two years. In England the problem with hooligans was solved more than 20 yea rs ago. It was solved by Taylor who reformed the law in the stadiums. Stringent penalties for the slightest infractions, which were enforced quickly affected all of the ind...


Source: Every single past decade Internet user must has heard about Google- one of the most efficient Internet search engines. COMPANY NAME: Google is a play on the word “googol ” - the mathematical term for a 1 followed by 100 zero s. The name reflects the immense volume of information that exists, and the Google’s mission: to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. BASIC INFORMATION: The company established by two Stanford Univeristy students in 1998 is a phenomenon, in ten years transforming from a small start up into a worldwide company, expanding rapidly and conquering almost every new popular Internet technology. After building its position with the help of Google search engine, the company developed and marketed new products like Google Chrome,Gmail, Youtube or Google Buzz which makes the company big enough to start thinking about taking on niches so far occupied by giants sor...

Reality television shows

TV follows the development of culture. People want to see what surrounds them. In an increasingly individualized world TV is becoming more personalized, focused on real needs of people . Source: The Truman show American comedy-drama film from1998. I t shows a life of a man which m ake s a re a lity television show, which is on the air 24hours per day and everyone can not only observe it , bu t also participate in it . Truman thinks that he is a normal man, but one day he finds out he is being observed by millions of people. Something that seemed to be a weird movie becomes a reality. Source:,84945,6004326,Syndrom_Trumana__Wielki_Brat_juz_czuwa_.html Big Brother Every reality show is associated with Big Brother. I n Netherlands in 1997, one on the most developed countries in the world, someb od y had an idea to show an ordinary group of people locked together in...

Social portals

SOCIAL PORTALS Once, people communicated through a variety of ways. To make contact with new people, we had to move in from one place to another. Elected in long voyages , or various types of letters sent . But the era of computers and the Internet came the new times . Man does not have to have so much trouble to keep in touch or make new friends with someone with similar interests . There followed the era of social portals . What are social portals ? Social portals are websites t hat enable communication between people via the Internet . The man who signs up to the portal of this kind will have made ​​possibl e easy contact with other people. Such portals allow for rapid exchange of information , photographs and various materials (primarily in electronic form ). You can express your opinion , share their passions with others , or comment on an important event for us . This is a quantum leap in the direction o...