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Studing abroad - What is it like? Positive and negative aspects.

Did you ever consider studying abroad? Emigrating for education is a very common phenomenon - lots of young people nowadays are moving to new places to take studies there. There are many reasons for that, for example better level of education in foreign country, or perspectives for a future job after university. But what is it like? What are the pros and cons of studying abroad?

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Firs of all the positive aspects.

1.       Independent

Leaving your family home is first step to start your own life, but when you are staying in your country it’s more difficult to achieve that. You are not obligated to move out and also you have your parents nearby. They can visit you at any time they want, it’s not as expensive and time consuming as traveling to your child who is in another country. Going to an university and living all alone is time of studying, not only in school but also in real life.

2.       Language

Studying abroad is also a great opportunity to develop your language skills. You are dealing with foreign languages (dependent on where you decide to study) on daily basis, making groceries, moving across the city, region or even country and just socializing with local community. So for example if you live in France you can master your French by just going out and buying baguettes.

3.       Contacts

Leaving your country is a great opportunity to make new relationships. You are improving your social skills, because in most cases you didn’t bring your friends along, so you need to make a new ones to fill the void of loneliness. You can be a better version of yourself, because no one knows your past. Having contacts around the world is very important for example in future business related cases or just gives you opportunity to visit your friend in yet another country.

4.       New culture

New country is also new culture, new traditions, new cuisine. You can broaden your mind and knowledge about other people and their culture. Tasting new food can be really fun and open you for even more exotic delights. Your life becomes more colorful and full of new inspiring experiences.

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As we all know there is always a negative side of everything, in case of studying abroad is the same.

1.       Loneliness

When you are leaving your home you are very sensitive. Living in new place without close people, family, friends all alone can be hard. You are filling very lonely, you missing them. Also visiting each other is much more difficult task.

2.       Limits

Also the issue can be the differences between us and people in new place. They are having they own way to celebrate things their own traditions. The language barrier also can be a complication, learning but actually using a language is two different things.

3.       Racism

As we all know discrimination is unfortunately common in many places. It occurs that acceptation can be really hard not only for you, to accept the new environment but also for the environment to accept you. Also as a young person you can be a victim of racism. In your school or place of work. It’s sad but it’s true that even in our world haters are everywhere, sadly there is not much we can do to change that beside being good to others no matter how they are treating us.


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