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The Job Interview- first step to success

The Job Interview- first step to success

            A Job interview is acknowledged as the most stressful and depicting your shortcomings as well as advantages conversation between a job applicant and representative of the employing organization, mostly manager. Making good impression is so relevant, usually that kind of meeting is your first and last opportunity to ingratiate yourself with employer. It's about time for most of you to answer some key questions to prepare well before your first job interview.  
                                                     ....Let's start!


First of all, what crucial aspects should I consider and think about before the interview?

 Start with doing research on the company you are applying for. Focus on future goals and plans to introduce yourself as a good investment for vigorously developing business. The company's website, some reports or business magazines might turn out as a helping hand. Try to gather as much information as you can but remember about your possibilities, don't learn by heart, soak up some news, interviewer's name, vital development approaches, objectives like a sponge. During the interview don't forget to refer to these issues, your knowledge of the company will be almost certainly noticed.

How to overcome the paralysing stress?

Practicing with somebody you trust or before  the mirror might be a marvellous way to face all of your obstacles and weaknesses. Never give up and first and foremost try not to show your fear- it's absolutely natural that you feel anxiety before something new and unknown . Control your gestures, take notice if you are not speaking too fast or indistinctly and answer with confidence. Fortunately, there is a great deal of things that you can do to minimize and cope with stress before the interview such as drinking lemon balm, listening to music, going for a walk or talking with friend.

What questions should I be ready to answer?

Before the interview, devote time to think about all the possible questions you might be asked, then come up with answers and thanks to them nothing surprises you. Most of questions concern why you left your previous and former job, your weaknesses, some reasons why you decided on this job, how much you expect to earn. The worst answers usually start with "I don't know", "I've never thought about it" or "I haven't any". They sound arrogant and show a lack of self-awareness, creativity and involvement, so try to avoid them. Sometimes it's better to wait a minute, order thoughts, and then answer without saying something superfluous. Furthermore, if you don't understand or hear the question it's all right to ask for repeating. Don't make up to avoid misunderstanding.

What should I wear?

If it comes about dress code it has changed over past years. Wealth and modesty are especially desired and admired, so if you want to make a favourable impression you should wear good quality clothes- suites and ties for man and skirts and blouses for women in subdued colours such as black, brown, dark green, grey. Don't forget to add something extra like a watch or bracelet.


How should I behave when the interview comes to the end?

The appropriate action is to exchange pleasantries and shake hands with the interviewer. It's high time for candidates to ask their own questions but never refer to the interviewer's private life. What is more, don't try to impress the interviewer by using vocabulary you don't know, otherwise you will come as unintelligent, insincere and irresponsible person, who he has no interest in employing.

THREE helpful tips:
  1. Be polite and courteous to everyone on entering the building and during the interview. Look people straight in the eyes and just smile- it's a mark of respect.
  2. Don't forget to make sure how to get there, then you can arrive 10 to 20 minutes before the scheduled interview time.
  3. Mute your mobile phone or leave it in the car/at home. Don't use any electrical appliance while waiting- even though it's acceptable, it might be a sign that you are frivoulous or bored. It's absolutely better to stick an interesting book!


It's hard to deny that getting a job depends on  many factors. The interviewer doesn't take only your knowledge, technical skills and experience into account but the overall opinion it's up to your attitude, body language, eloquence as well as behaviour. That's why making a good impression on the interview is so important!

Do you know some other ways how to cope with stress?
What do you think about ruling dress code?



  1. A Job interview is perceived as one the most stressful circumstances people might experience. Fortunately, there is a great deal of tips for overcoming the paralyzing stress by every conceivable means. First of all, you can curl up with a good book, take a long bath, light scented candles, savor a warm cup of coffee or tea or just watch a comedy. It might be so fruitful and effective! When it comes to dress-code, in my point of view it's so important to look and above all feel comfortable and neat. First impression is so important, don't miss it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. First thing you could and should do to cope with stress is not being late for the interview! Something like this will dramatically raise the pressure and make you even more stressed. Second thing is positive thinking. It may sounds silly but when you imagine yourself as a confident, happy person who get this job it may happen that you really become this person. I believe that the reason of stress is our brain, so when you learn how to control it, stress will decrease.
    When it cames to dress code I think we should always try to look elegant and classy. Too extravagant clothes can take all the attention. The interviewer will remember weird outfit instead of us...

  4. I think that the better prepared you are, the less you are stressed. It makes you feel confident and relaxed. Don't think about job interview as about a fight to the death. If you didn't succeed, you would find another job. There is a quotation: "hope for the best, prepare for the worst". Every candidate should remember it.
    Dress code is really important, because it is significant part of first impression, which is big step to success.

  5. I think the stress you can handl with. Pracitce helps. First of all, you have to realize that you're going to meet with people like you. Everybody started. You have to try to approach this meeting peacefully.
    If you're nice and you're smiling, you're showing confident with your skills, that they need a worker like you, you'll succeed.
    As for the dress - dress elegantly but modestly. Do not wear necklines, short skirts or a wrinkled shirt.

  6. In my opinion your presentation has a perfect title. The interview is the first and often the last opportunity to prove that you are appropriate person to position which you apply for. As its known, it is extremely stressful moment. What can we do to reduce stress?
    First of all, you should be well prepared. I think about knowledge about a company you are invited to, a general knowledge of a field that your responsibilities would include if you got this job, you should prepare a few sentences about your experience, hobby, interests - if you were asked about it, you would answer fluantly and calm. What is more, it would be better if you made sure that you have appropriate clothes. You don't know what to wear? Make a short research, you will find all needed information on the Internet. After that you will feel confident and it would be easier for you to cope with stress.
    What about dress code? As I said, in my opinion it is really important thing. I've read that it takes 15 seconds to create an opinion about a person which we see for the first time. The interviewer will appreciate if you look smart or simply properly to the place that you came to.

  7. I don't think you have yo fight with stress, it is normal and everybody
    know that when you go for the job interview you will be stressed.
    It is enough if you look good and know what you're good at.
    You will be aksed questions only about two things: the job your applying
    for and things about you (personality, hobbies etc), if you prepere in
    those areas then nothing can go wrong. You will be asked questions,
    just answerw them!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. To my mind, the best solution of reducing stress is to change the attitude. If you think that this particular job is your only possibility, that your future depends on that job, I am sure that you will be frightened. But if you have in mind that it won’t be the end of the world if you don’t get the job, probably it will be easier to calm down and to treat it as a casual conversation. In the case of the dress code, it all depends on the job. For example, if you apply for a post that requires creativity and artistic skills, smart clothes won’t be the best choice.

  10. I've never been in such a situation so it's hard for me to say if I would be stressed while interviewed, but I think that if you are good at something and you can proove it, there is nothing to be stressed about. It's just a talk with another human being who's got feelings and some emphaty just as you do .

  11. I agree with Marta, it;s important not to thinking that being refused is the worst thing and we will lose our life. Concrete ways how to cope with stress are there personal, in my case works listening classical music or fast walk.
    During the interview, the first impression is probably the most important, so it's good to respect the dress code.

  12. I was thaught one simple rule before going for an interview: tell yourself, that this job is just a benefit to your actual lifestyle and it's not a binding thing. You will want to make a good impresion and at the same time your mind will be relaxed. And of course NEVER be late.
    Dress code is really imprtant, but it's good to know how they dress at a company you are applying to. If it's a young team in some PR agency a smart casual outfit is enough, for typicall corporation only suit&tie. A little research is a good thing, as for lowering the stress level and for not looking weird and inappropriate.

  13. Job interviews are probably one of the most terrifying things for me. I have had to learn to control the stress and anxious feelings and it is not easy. Breathing helps. No seriously, it does. I focus on my breathing and slowly but surely my body soon realises it is not the end of the world. Thanks for the advice!

    Celine Goodson @ RMS Recruitment

  14. How to deal with stress? There is no golden mean. For me the best way is preparing properly. If you are self-confident it is much easier to deal with any reversals. So head up! If you already know you are the best candidate for the position the last step is to convince the prospective employeer.
    It's good to respect the dress code. Smart clothes could help you with making a good impression.

  15. The most important thing – the hardest you try your best to have everything ideal, the more you are getting stressed that something goes wrong. That’s why try to be well-prepared for the job interview the day before and don’t forget about having a rest. A good option to get rid of stress is drinking lemon balm. You can also prepare yourself and everything which is important – CV, suitable clothes, cosmetics the day before. Relaxation in the bathtub with aromatic body lotion and listening to music can help you forget about all stress and hesitation. You can also meet with friends and handle with stress. Remember that you can achieve everything if only you have any motivation and willingness!
    When it comes to dress code, it is important to look elegant but plainly. Grey, blue or black are adequate colors. A style shouldn’t be cocksure and incorrect. Thank to them you can make a good first impression. Extravagance isn’t appropriate for a job interview.
    Don’t forget that fine feathers make fine birds.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. First impression is important, so it's good to wear clean and elegant clothes like jacket and shirt. I think that talking with a lot of people (known or unknown) could help in the middle of job interview to break stress.

  18. In my opinion it is a big challenge to choose the most appropriate attire for an interview. Why is it so difficult? There is always a chance that your chosen attire will not suit to the company’s atmosphere. It may happen that your clothes are too formal but your prospective employer looks for someone more casual, or vice versa. Therefore it is important to read something about the company and the position you are applying for to make an educated decision in regards to your chosen clothes.

  19. Dress code is as important as your qualifications and motivation, because your look talk about you, and people with which you work think abaout you this, what dress code actually talking about...

  20. For me the most important thing about getting a job is to turn your future employer on to you. Wrong clothes, language, even wrong mood may turn the tides of your interview against you.

  21. The best (in my opinion) method to cope with stress is to realise that other are just like us. We don't want to hurt them and neither they do. Employer sits on the other side of the desk just becouse he needs a good employee. He won't bother much for our haircut or pattern of our shirt. He just wants to hear what can we do and how good.

  22. Good way to cope with stress is just to understand that your the same kind of Homo sapiens as your interviewer. It's just talk. Nothing special. If you're good prepared for that interview, everything's gonna be ok. There's a lot of other people which want to get the same job, so if you don't get this one, next can be yours.
    Dress code is good thing because it helps you to wear proper clothes. It's easier to wear something if you know what must it be. Your appropriate outfit also shows respect to your employer and your future work.

  23. A tip I heard from my sister in law is not to have overly high expectations and to just recommend yourself in the most beneficial way to the employer. She told me that when she went into the interview with the company she works for now, she just thought 'It's not like I'll get this job anyway' and went there for curiosity's sake. That way she was very relaxed and when she was talking, she was mostly interested in the company and their plans. Thanks to that, her boss found her to be the most suitable and hired her. I found that approach to help me in some of my more stressful moments in life, although I don't know if it will suit everyone.
    As for dress code, I think it's a given. It shows respect for the employer and helps the interviews stay in good taste. It's also evidence of the employees professionalism and good taste.

  24. My tip for first interview is to being yourself. When you try to be another person, when you imagine more and more fictious features or job experience then you employer know it, he see it in your stress or nervous tics. In fact when you are thinking this person is someone with who you probably will work then try to be calm, talk about your experience. It's good when you want to talk with him about gained experience after working in group, being volunteer, try to connect it with post for which you apply. Show them some of your ideas or plans which they can add to their organisation. During interview they can give you some extra quotes/problems to solve - after that they know more about your intelligence and resourcefulness, you can prepare for it before interview!

  25. I believe that elegant dress shows you care about job you're applying for.There should be the official dress code to make it more clear to people what they should wear, it would be less confusing i guess. Stress is something natural, everyone feels it, just not everyone shows it. So my advice is: try not to show that you're stressed, focus on that what you want to achieve, it is important to realize that if not this job - you can try another one, it's not an exam, you can try again somewhere else if you fail. ;)

  26. I love meeting new people and i have never stress before the meeting. So i don't know any advice to stress maybe drink some herbals, there are good for everything especially for stress. I think when you go to interview be yourself, wear something pretty I think and have rule in my live when you feel pretty, you feel better. So go to interview wear something nice and elegant and be yourself. It's chance you got this job.

  27. Before my job interviews I just tried to focus on my work and I was repeating me that I'm the best and if I want, I can do everything. And of course I called my mom, she always helps me with difficult and stressful sitations.
    I think that dress code sometimes has sense and job interview is one of these occasions and places where we should know how to wear.

  28. I don't know other ways how to cope with stress. To my mind the most important is that everyone should be yourself. I think that ruling dress code is highly major. If somebody wear hoody, employer would consider this person not seriously. He can think that her or him ignore this job.

  29. I agree with most of the tips. However, I'm not sure about one aspect. To wit, I'm not certain if it's good to prepare responses for possible questions. I have heard that if you act spontaneously you seem more natural and you stress less that you forget something and you do not know what to say. I think it's important to be substantive and confident. You can't act like you were afraid. You should keep the distance and behave formally. Don't forget that it's a job interview. You should avoid showing self-interest and rapacity. Taking these tips into consideration, I believe you can be successful during your next interview!

  30. I agree with those tips. What I can add is to try get a lot of sleep night before your job interview. Try to relax, it's not that hard as we are thinking. Interviewer is also a human, so we need be the best version of ourself. Present yourself in the best way you can, be nice don't lie and all will be good.

  31. My way to cope with stress is to think about results of being stressed. If I will I be stressed, it is almost certain, that I won't get the job. But if I will be calm and self-confident, there are chances that I will be hired. I also try to reflect that even if I won't get the job it's not the end of the world. I can still apply for different positions.

    I think that dress code is significant. You should wear smart and neat clothes. You shouldn't wear colorful shirt or shiny jacket. If you will be dressed appropriately, you will show your respect to employer.

  32. I think the good way to get on with stress is to think about something else than a thing which is stressing you out or to focus on talking with an employee.

    I think dress code is good because you know what you should wear on your job interview. It's not advisable to wear jeans or a t-shirt. You should wear subdued colors and elegant clothes. Don't try to single out from others, it;s not always a good way to do a good impression.

  33. I think that all the above tips will help in getting rid of stress, because when we are well prepared, we have nothing to worry about. Another important issue is the very approach to interviewing for work. If we approach it calmly, not caring about the fact that they may not accept us, we can do a lot better. After all, this is not the only place where we can work. We may even find a better job in another company.
    When it comes to dress code, I think there are jobs in which he should be strictly observed, because he marks our profession. Thanks to this, outsiders or consumers have a clear sign of who they are dealing with. However, in a job where we do not have contact with outsiders or if we do not have an important position, the attire should be less radical. In my opinion, one should all observe certain rules, maybe it's restrictive, but nevertheless a neat look is desirable everywhere.

  34. A job interview is a quite stressful happening in our lives. But it doesnt't mean you should worry so much about it. You should try to stay calm and to behave yourself in an appropriate way. But don't be so self-confident and also too shy - you have to find a golden mean. Don't say a lot of the company, only few aspects to show your interest, not the fascination. When it comes to dress code - don't wear too short skirt or too tight shirt. It's sometimes better to wear something usual than to overdo.

  35. Before we go to a job interview, it is worth reading articles such as the one above. I believe that the biggest challenge in a job interview is overcoming stress. Some people are so sensitive that it is very difficult for them to avoid it. The second important aspect touched upon in the text is clothing. We should choose classic, unobtrusive clothes.

  36. I want to start with request – please, let’s calm down. What about that – stress, stress, stress – do you feel stressed now? Yes? Its oblivious, everyone it’s talking about job interview. I know that it is very important thing, but there are others more important things to stress, not just the job interview. So don’t pay THAT attetion to this. Be prepared, be concentreted, but the most important – think positive. If you don’t get that job, you’ll get another. Take care of your family, of your private life, but don’t worry about the job. Unempolyment is lower, and lower, so there is no way, to be unempoled. All of this advices are important, but save your work-life balance. I agree with the most of tips and like I said, during this interview just think, be sincere, behave like an inteligent person and that it. It’s only one step in your whole life, not your whole life.

  37. I think these information are very helpfull. We should make a research about company. Also we should prepare a list of questions that employer may ask us it will be very helpfull for us because they employer will not suprise us with a question that we don't know how to answer. I think that body language is a big deal during the interview. We should practice not to make some gestures because we can easily offend and show no respect to the interviewer. I Think that another tip how to cope with stress is to watch a film or listen to the music that we like. That should help us to chill out and don't think too much about the upcoming interview.

  38. It really hard to avoid stress before job interview, but we can try to minimize it. For example, except listen music and good preparation, I always try to realize that world will be still turning even if i wouldn't get this job. In my opinion the most important is to show yours best side and don't make a slip. Talking about dress code I have to say that I don't really like suit, but in this kind of situation I think that, we should put it on, because it betokens that we respect our interlocutor and take this matter seriously.

  39. Before applying for a job it's good to start with doing research on the company you are applying for by, for instance, checking out their website or page on LinkedIn where many news, information and opinions about the company can be found. It might be helpful for some people to prepare well for an interview.

    When it comes to dress code it's essential to dress propely and follow the rules, because the phrase: "Don't judge a book by its cover" doesn't work in this case and wearing too casual cothes is usually considered as a sign of disrespect towards an employer.

  40. I agree with tips in the text. I guess that job interview is one of the most stressful things ever. Good way to deal with stress is to make sure that you have any general information about the job that you aplly to, and that you know how to answer basic questions that are typical for job interviews. It's good to have a plan of what you will say, how you would answer questions - that will accutally make you feel more sure of what you know and what you can. If that doesn't help I recommand talking to friends about their expierience with their job's interviews. It's also important to relax, sleep well and stay positive.

    I guess that dress code is important and even if you don't like it, you should submit it. The first impression that anyone has of you is how you look like. It's not only about the looks, but people are judemental beings. If you will wear dirty, baggy clothes no one will hire you. Wear something that you look good in but it's proper for the interview.

  41. I agree that the job interview is one of the most stressful event in our life especially the first one. I believe the more we want to get the job, the more stressed we are. So try not to think in that way about the job and be yourself, let the employer to know you and assess if your personality is suitable for his expectation and for the team. If you try to make good impression too hard and not be yourself, you may not feel good in the company and you will have to look for another job in the nearest future. The dress code is very important to make good impression and to feel comfortable and confidently but I suppose it can be different in some organisations and depend on the sort of jab you apply for. So it would be wisely to check it first.

  42. A job interview is the most important stage of getting the job. You need to make a very good impression on the recruiter because you will not have a second chance. It’s a very stressful experience but we can all learn how to cope with such levels of stress. One of the techniques that can make you stress less is learning to control your breathing. Do some exercises that will help you control your breath and, what's most important, breathe slowly because it will also slow down your heart.
    Dress code nowadays is not as strict as it used to be but it’s always better if you're seen wearing something adequate to the job you are applying for. Of course, you should never wear casual clothes to the interview. Stick to something elegant but also comfortable in mostly neutral colors.

  43. If we go with the attitude that we will certainly spoil something during the conversation, it will probably happen. In my opinion, the attitude is half the battle. Dress code is also important and being on time, because the first impression is difficult to erase.
    I do not know how it would be with others, but if I had to practice how to behave during an interview, I know that something would go wrong for a real interview. I would be so focused on playing everything I practiced, that the whole interview would look just unnatural.

  44. Unfortunately, I have a really big stress problem, especially when I have to say something in front of a group of people. But when there's just a job interview and these people don't know me (there aren't my teachers/friends), this stress isn't so disturbed. I know that there're always other options. I treat job interviews as experiences. We can learn then how to behave and what to do. Thanks to that I know, what're the most common questions. So far I've been on three interviews. During two of them I was a little stressed, but on the third I didn't. Why? I knew what was waiting for me. AND! The third time it worked!

  45. In my opinion most important thing for dealing with stress is that we should be well prepared for the job interview. We ought to check where is the place we have our meeting few days before, we should prepare our clothes evening before the day of our job interview. There are other ways of dealing with stress during the interview - for example we can imagine our job interviewer in a funny situation, or we can do something funny - a man can wear red underpants of his wife.
    I think that dress code is really helpful - we know what we should wear in ellegant situations and what will be accepted by others.

  46. What could you add more... Maybe remember about body language and eye contact? Be polite and honest, don't move too much while beeing interviewed... Prepare yourself before meeting, write down questions you want to ask. Just try to be yourself, smile and everything should be ok, and if it's not... then well you can always apply for a new job or don't apply at all - there is always a solution, right?

  47. I think all of the advice are really helpful. For me if someone goes for an interview one could remember he/she will be talk with person who should understand that the conversation is stressful.

  48. It totally agree that a job interview is really stressful. Hardly can I deal with the stress therefore this presentation is attractive for me. There is no doubt that the most essential is being prepared. Provided that you read about the company and thing about possible questions you might be asked you will not be surprised. By this time I had no clue that I could not pay attention that I speak too fast and as a consequence indistinctly. I must admit that smiling and looking straight to eyes is relevant. Not only can the interviewer acknowledge skills, experience or knowledge but also can pay attention on attitude and personality. To my mind the most crucial is self-confidence.

  49. 1) The article is about different methods of coping with stress before the first interview. For most people the first interview is a very stressful time, especially if the job a person is employing for is very important for him. The author explains some methods of coping with stress before the first interview and I would like to add some methods. To my mind, one of the best ways of coping with stress is simply to sit at home before going to an interview and to think about all aspects of the future conversation; to remind yourself that most people from all over the world have the same situation etc. In addition, I would like to add that a good way to prepare for the interview and to cope with stress is to practice the conversation at home. Following this tips and tips from the article, it will be a bit easier to prepare for the interview and to cope with stress before it.
    2) Speaking about the ruling dress code, I can say that classic suites and ties for man are mostly appreciated by the employers because such suites look stylish and create a pleasant impression of the person. Such suites will be always in fashion because they are classic. To my mind, wearing this way is also a sign of respect to the employer. That is why I appreciate the ruling dress code.

  50. Of course the job interview is stressful, being well prepared for example prepare potential answer and questions or make a research about company, can minimalism this, but I think stress in that situation is normal and recruiter should be understanding. It is also important to remember about body language and try to control this.

  51. Ah, coping with stress. No matter how many articles I read about it I've yet to find a method that works for me. Jobs interviews are stressful, especially the first...probably like dozen first. It's honestly baffling just how many little things and details there are to remember in preparation and during this little social ritual. In this article I especially liked the tip about using vocabulary you're not familiar with as I have many friends that tend to do that and it just makes me lose faith in them.

  52. I believe dresscode is good, especially at work. We don't see us like real people, only co-workers. It is good for our feelings and relations. We can't have feelings for somebody we don't know (and feeling at work at not welcome...). I do not know how to cope with stress. I'm actually really stressed. Even my mom thinks that... It is not good for person at their 20s...

  53. The author of the article said that it is good to practise the way you speak and use your mimics before the job interview. However, i think it is best to show the interviewer your true self. Once you're employed they are going to see your true character anyway, so there is no point in trying to control your natural behaviour. We should remember that the employers are also people like us and they know, that the process of interviewing can be stressful.
    And by the way, who said women have to wear skirts instead of trousers!?

  54. For me it’s impossible to avoid stress on the job interview. It’s because I don’t have huge work experience and my biggest advantage is that I’m young and motivated to work. I believe that after few years of working and gaining experience it will be easier for me to reduce stress. I strongly agree that before an interview you should do research about the company and its aims because potential employers often try to check your knowledge. I also find all this dress code thing extremely problematic- I never know how I should wear, especially when I’m applying for part-time job where elegance is not necessary.

  55. Regarding the one tip in the presentation I do not agree because when I would come with book I would look some strange. I think that we should behave naturally because employers know employee's tricks.
    Every stress is very difficult to fight so I think that being well-rested is maximum what we can to do with yourselves. In my opinion we should not fall into paranoia. Of course each of us want to get a great and well-paid job but it is not as important as our health - we should be resistant for every human behaviors.

  56. In my opinion if a person gets very stressed before such events, they should have a non-stressfull, slow day on the day before the interview, to me one of the best strategies of coping with stress is to do something you love, do the things that make you happy, do your hobby, some sport could also help, to me swimming or running are two sports that calm me down, maybe a small training in the morning before would be helpful, also it should be after a good night's rest. On the day of the interview, you should wear something comfortable, and also a thing that makes you confident, it shouldn't be casual in my opinion, but also it's not a wedding ceremony you're attending, so full, elegant suit could be too much, maybe more casual suits for men would be better and more casual sets of clothes for women. I also feel like it depends on the field in whicz you're about to work in, but I do not reccommend going to an interview having very heavy makeup or very brightly coloured nails or clothes, you should look clean and neutral.

  57. Job interviews are stressful, because everyone wants to make a good impression. I find this tips really helpful. I think the best way to cope with stress is being confident are at least acting like that. Also you should not over think.

  58. No wonder that a job interview is considered to be one of the most stressful situations. It requires wide range of skills as well as characters.We should show the best side of us, talk not only about our strengths but also weaknesses but turn them into strenghts. And don't forget about appearance and posture, of course! Being modest and confident at once might be difficult at times. I've been already through a few job interviews and I think that much depends on a recruter as well as company and we should be always flexible and ready to adjust to the situation. Nevertheless, all the tips are really practical and reasonable. That's why we should always take them into consideration but in my opinion nothing is more reliable than our own experiance.

  59. Most of the time I get stressed very rarely, but when I do, I use the breathing technique used by special forces around the world:
    Step 1: Breathe in counting to four slowly. Feel the air enter your lungs.
    Step 2: Hold your breath for 4 seconds. Try to avoid inhaling or exhaling for 4 seconds.
    Step 3: Slowly exhale through your mouth for 4 seconds.
    Step 4: Repeat steps 1 to 3 until you feel calm and relaxed
    It believe that using this method just before entering the interview can help us calm down and relax.

  60. A job interview must be stressful, especially if you’re applying for your dream job. However, I think that the article provides some useful advices. Reading some news and information about the company you’re applying for shows the interviewer that you’re really interested in working for them and it will improve your chances in actually getting hired. Another useful thing to do is showing early. You never want to risk being late for an interview, and if you’re earlier you can always read a book while waiting, so you will look more intelligent, therefore more interesting. Personally, to all the tips mentioned in the article I would add one more thing: be honest. Don’t try to overexaggerate, since it will be eventually noticed, and the interviewer won’t be pleased with that, and you’ll end up looking like a fraud. Be as authentic as possible!

  61. Before interview check few tips about relaxation. Job interviews can be really stressful, so having a skill to calm down can be very helpful.


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