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Applying for a job

     A lot of people suffer from unemployment nowadays, the others have a job which is not connected with their field of study/ interests. Have you ever thought abut things which can help you during looking for a job? I have a few tips for you, if you will take them into consideration, you will have higher value for employers on the job market. 
     I decided to divide them into two stages:

  • Making a Curriculum Vitae (befor applying)

  • Interview (after applying)

I will focus on making a CV, the interview is also really important thing, however, without correct, interesting CV nobody will invite you for an interview ;) Let's start from the beggining. You have just finished the University and you are looking for your first full time job. Making a CV could be a big problem for you. "What should I encapsulate?"; "Is it an essential information?"; "Should I write about my interests/hobbies?"; "Oh.. I haven't got any experience yet... " - These and lots of another problems will appear when you will be making your first CV. What should you do to pull your future employer? What should be included in perfect CV? What a HR manager take into consideration while reading CVs?  And the last, THE MOST IMPORTANT question: What makes your CV more valuable?   I've spent some time searching these information on the Internet. 

Making a Curriculum Vitae: 

"CV is like a magnet, it have to attract"  

  1.  Parsonal data - I think that this element does't need to explanation. However, I have two pieces of adice: do not enter to much useless information - for example gender, place of birth, number of children... It makes your CV unreadable and don't contributes any value. The second one is related to the photo. You can add your photo, but it isn't neutral what photo it will be. It couldn't be an informal photo, for example from the party, it would be great if it was the one which you have in your ID.  
  2. Education and experience - It should be divided into two sections. There is one role: "the freshest" information should be placed at first. There is no point in writing about an primary and secondary school. It would be enough if you write about high school and university. When you finish the firt section, comes time to write about experience.  What can you add there? What can you do during your studies to have some experience? 
    o    Interships - There are a wide range of offers for students. During an intership you can learn a lot, you can use a knowledge in practise, you can get some useful skills and improve your chances for finding a better job in the future. This position is appreciated by the employer, because due to doing an intership you prove that you have some essencial knowledge (of course if you want to work in the same business that you've done the intership before). What is more, if you do more than one intership, it mean that you are hard working person - it is an valuable information for future employer.

    o    Part-time job - A lot of students doing a part-time job during the studies. As its known, employers looking for an experienced, educated people. If you have some free hours, why don't you spend it working? It would be semminal for you - if employer have choice between two candidates with the same education, they will certainly favour the one which have some experience. You shouldn't forget about education anyway!  I mean that you have to designate priorities, part time job should be an addition to studies, not conversely.

    • Volunteering- it is an area where student can do something for society. By doing so, you not only prove your social commitment (it is really appreciated nowadays), but also your responsibility. It is important to write about every king of social activity. If will be splendidly if you explain what kind of activity is it, what are you specifically doing. Oh.. don't forget about your successes and achievements.  What is more, experts claim that due to volunteering, young people get such skills as: team work skills, organization skills or planning skills. It is really appreciated by the employers. 
  1. Skills -  it is the place where an inexperienced person have an opportunity to "flash".  
    • Personal characteristics - Are you well organized? Are you punctual? Are you hardworking? All of these characteristics can help you in making a positive impression on recruiter. However, these characteristic should be useful in a job which you want to get. For example, nobody in bank cares if you have a sense of humor ;) They are looking for a more requiring features. 
    • Extra courses and trainings- in todays world there are lots of different kind of courses in which students can take part to improve their knowledge, get new skills and, as a consequence, make an impession of being a comprehensive person. What types of courses can we take part in?  It depends of your proffesion, I've added some examples below: 
        • Computer courses: This category could contain such topics as: Microsoft Office and a lot of different computer programmes which could be useful in concrete job. If you have some certification from these courses - write about it. 
        • Technical courses
        • Psychological courses: It is a really big group of courses. There are tutions which contains such topic as: motivation, assertiveness, teamwork etc. Nowadays it is important to be able to work in stressful conditions; with group of unfamiliar people or simply with a difficult project where motivation is required. These kind of situations imply some psychological skills, which are proven by certification from the course.

    1. Achievements -  it is the moment where you can let the recruiter know about prizes that you have get in various competitions. What is more, you can note about your activity in different kind of organizations, for example student organization. You have been responsible for something? You have helped with preparation some big event? Write about it!  It means that you have organization skills, that you are creative and comprehensive person. 
    2. Hobby / interests - a lot of people claim that it isn't important part of Curriculum Vitae. It isn't true. This section contains some neccesary information about a candidate. Are you interested in rock music? Or maybe you prefer to spent time in more active way? The person who don't know you personally can shape an opinion about you looking on your hobbies. You are runnig? Oh, it means that you are active person, that you've choosen healthy lifestyle and that you are consistent and self-disciplined. The lack of hobbies can evidence that you are lazy, average or simply boring. 


    The Job Interview: 

    If you make a correct, interesting CV, it is very possible that it will encourage a requiter to invite you for the job interview. It is the next challenge for young, inexperienced person. You should carefully prepare for it. Remember - first impression is priceless. I have one advice: spend one evening reading expert opinions, thakns to it you will know some rules, some kind of "savoir vivre". And, what is the most important, you will know what can you expect at the job interview.

    All in all, you should be aware of the fact that you are working for a good job all your life - you collect skills, experience, coursess...  If you are lazy and you do not have any interests, you aren't studing or you aren't doing some "extra" work, you probably won't find a well-paid job, so don't wait any longer - do something for your future today. 

    3.... 2..... 1.... APPLY!!


    1. Have you got another advice for people who are making their first CV? 
    2. Do you agree with me that interships are important in our career? 


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. CV puts forward personal details in the way that presents a job applicant in the best possible light. I'm convinced that one best way to construct a CV doesn't exist- it's your document and can be structured as you wish. One of the most important thing is to check the CV to avoid unnecessary errors, you should take a fresh look the next day or ask for a second opinion from a trusted colleague or a family member. In my point of view, writing a CV is really uneasy challenge!
      The internship is so important nowadays, it's one of the best way to get some experience, improve your skills or acquaint with influential people, who might help you in finding a well-paid job in the future.

    3. I think that the author pretty much wrote about everything what is important in CV... It is really matter to develop our skills, get experience. I know people whose only life achievement is studing. I can't imagine people like these on the interview. What were they doing for five years? Only studing? Seems like a lot of watsted time. I think that interships are also very important. Unemployment rate is very high so there will be probably more people than one for the post in your future job. You need to stand out. Interships will give you some practical skills which you won't get at the university. It may also happen that after intership you will hear the proposition to work for them :)

    4. Any other pieces of advice? I am sorry but I don't remember any. I agree that internships are very important in career development, because they can bring a lot of experience and possibility to be noticed by companies. A candidate can show best side of oneself and become employed for longer time. Also volunteering is good way to get experience.

    5. I think it is important to resume writing the truth, not lying. Because the lie is easy to detect and then we can have problems. If we do not have what to write on our CV, we should do more, get some experience, go for an internship.
      Yes, practices are important because they help us to acquire in practice the skills that we will need on the future job. So choose them well and look at your future profession.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. I totally agree with Aleksandra - there is no point in lying in CV. Let's imagine this situation: you have written that you can talk fluently in Russian, English and German (but you actually don't). An interviewer is positively surprised - he was looking for someone like you! So you are invited for an inteview and... they want to check your skills... What would you do? You can't get away with a lie - remember.
      If you don't have experience before finishing studies (btw, I agree with Eliza - you have lost a lot of time), you should write a lot about your skills, personality. You have to write something which will encourage an interviewer to you.
      I will write it once again - in my opinion interships are really important in our career which is starting right now.

    8. I can't find if someone mentioned it, but very important thing about
      CV is the way it looks. You can add houndreds of things to it, but if
      it has too simple outview and looks like someone was doing it just to
      have one than it's just a minus of it! And bout internships - they are
      really important. I know many employers who won't even concider a guy
      without internships in his career. It's not about experience, but it
      show if you were trying to do anything in your live.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. Of course, internship is important just like any kind of job experience. It shows that you’re hard working and ingenious. But I’m afraid that nowadays people choose the internship in which they do nothing just to tick it off. In the case of making the first CV it’s important not to lie and to adapt it to the kind of job you’re applying to.

    11. I've heard that when empoyers have thousands of CV's on their desks they just look at the photos and pick up the one they like, so I guess we can't affect their choise anyway, it's just a matter of luck. When it comes to internships I think that they are pretty important aspacially when there is a possibility to keep up the cooperation

    12. Oh, I think you've given as a us a comprehensive explanation about CV's, I have nothing to add.
      I think that all kind of working experiences are important and useful, internship, part time job, volunteering, participation in some project, etc. They are important even if they aren't very connected with job which we are applying for, because during this type of activities we are learning many soft skills.

    13. The most important thing in writing a resume is to keep the perfect balance between simplicity and creativity. Of course it depends of position we are applying for, but employers like when for exaple CV is written in .pdf format or maybe it is made in some design programs, like Photoshop. Don't ever use stencils!
      Internships are propably the most important thing in the begining of a career. They give experience, contacts and teach many usefull skills. With no internships in the past, you have got a little chance for a good job.

    14. The perspective of graduating from university just like a houndred other people with the same diploma could be fearful. Is there any place for me in the job market? There is nothing to be scared of if you take an advantage of time on college.
      Internships are one of the best opportunity to start career during studies. Don't forget also about brushing up your language skills!

    15. When it comes to applying for a job, it cannot be denied that CV is the most important thing. It should be very “colorful” – I mean of course a variety of our skills, job experience, ability of working in the group , knowledge of foreign languages, some refreshment courses, internships.
      CV is said to be really simple to write because you are obliged to place some personal information about your life experience. I think that it is true. But you have to remember about the form of writing CV. That would inconvenience.
      Of, course, I agree with the statement that internships are important in our career because thank to them we can develop our experience, deepen knowledge, improve abilities which could be crucial in the future working place. I think people should find every way of deepen their knowledge connected with their profession – even for free.

    16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    17. In the middle of interview, you should show your confidence. Most of employers appreciate people who know what they expect and what they want. I agree that internships are important. I have experience of that kind of job and I must say, it really helps to get an invitation for interview.

    18. I believe that every experience in life is important; you never know what can come in handy. Therefore I absolutely agree that internships are important in the career. You cannot know which part of the CV will be the most essential for the recruiter. That is why we must do our best and take on new challenges, even if it is only an internship.

    19. It is very important task. The future of everyone depends on this issue, so it should be well - organised. The future emplyee should be focus and confident - of course not too much. Only thanks to that, he/she would be able to show what he/she really can do. Maybe more difficut question is where to go for a job interview, than the simple interview.

    20. I've got a big pack of advice from my teachers, friends and parents too... But in my opinion it's only piece of paper. That do you get a job depends on first impression you'll make on your employer.

    21. I think that nowadays, except your experiance and knowledge, you need lots of luck and imagination to become noticeable. Because with boring CV you can be genius and the best person for that position but when your CV is too common it is just another piece of paper.

    22. I think that nowadays, except your experiance and knowledge, you need lots of luck and imagination to become noticeable. Because with boring CV you can be genius and the best person for that position but when your CV is too common it is just another piece of paper.

    23. I should only add, that everyone who applies for a job should remember not write too much about himself. Employer is only looking for those skills / abilities that will be usefull in your potential job. This is we should not write important but, at the same time, irrelevant things. If one apply for truckdriver, pieces of information about his prize winning cycling career will be more then useless.

    24. All I've heard about writing CVs is to also pay attention to the graphical aspect of them: you don't want your CV looking too cluttered or sloppy. Additionally, it seems obvious but never lie about your qualifications. Some employers will do extensive background checks (which should also remind you to remove any embarrassing aspects of your Facebook or Twitter account) and they will know whether you faked those volunteer hours.
      I think internships and part time jobs are highly important for the employer. If I was looking for an employee and somebody sent me a CV that was just about their education, I would be asking them about what they had been doing in those years and why are they so old and without any experience. I think that internships are a great way to put your foot into the business world.

    25. I think that CV should be also clear and fixed on essential things. I'm not sure if our general hobby like listening music or just books is interesting to employer.
      I totally agree that interships are important in career. We live in global world and we have to get experience from different sources.

    26. In my opinion it is important to not lie in the resume. The reason is clear – it can come out very fast, even in the begging while you have just job interview. There is no point in lying about for example language skills and saying that you speak Spanish like an original “mariachi”, when you just know “buenos dias” and “caramba”. We can manipulate with character atributies like “I am open to work in group as a part of it as same as the leader” or “I am open to every discussion”, but with normal datas about your experience and skills – there is no point.

    27. I remember making my first cv. It was after graduating from high school. I think It's important to have people that will help you in making you first cv. My cv was really 'poor' but I was proud that I have one! If it comes to internships, I think that it's one of the most important things that prepare you to your future work/life. I had two internships and I am truly grateful for the oportunities that they gave me.

    28. My first CV was awful, I was fresh after graduation in high school and I wanted to save some money before studies. But first job for people before his twenties isn't so important like corporations or working in some organisations. That's why I hadn't been worrying about my CV then. Now, when I'm student and I'm looking for interesting internships connected with my type of studies I see that it's harder. But what is the worst? That even if you have got lots of skills or experiences they sometimes reject you before reading about it because oy your age - that sad. When your future employer invite you for interview then you need to focus! Try to be so natural and to show you best features but don't lie and don't try to be superhero - after all they interviews they really know which people are really interested in their job.

    29. I agree that inteships are important in our carieer. They help to try different jobs, get some experience to have real job in the future and to be more valuable on labour market. My advices? Be yourself, there's nothing wrong with not getting hired after the first or second interview, take your time

    30. I agree with this article, CV and what it include (like internship and part time job is important when you looking job, hobbies). Especially CV is important because people in new job haven't know you, so when you send this this CV is everything headhunter know about you. When you have good CV, you have interesting interview. So it's important to know how to write it.

    31. The most important in making CV is sincerity. You can embellish it a bit, but don't try to lie - because it has no legs. Remember about brevity as well. It's not a letter of application. And if you don't want to be discriminated for your age, just don't give a date of your birth, it's not necessary.


    32. Actually, I don't have any other ideas to create CV, but I think that you presented the most important things. Some months ago I created my CV in this way and I got quite good job, so I know that these advices work! And of course, I agree that inteships are important in our career, they give us experience and opportunity to meet a lot of interesting people and this is what employers are looking for now.

    33. In this text is everything what people should know about their first CV or job interview. It is obvious that it is impossible make good on every thing. But each of us should try to show the best. I agree with you that interships are important in our career. When we look for a job and have experiences we have better.

    34. That was a useful presentation. The author mentioned all the vital tips. If you include everything from the text in your CV it may be the key for you to get a job. It's important that even if you haven't ever worked, you can always enrich you CV in your valuable skills or recent achievements. Interships may be major when you apply for your first job. They definitely give experience which will incontestably convince your potential employer.

    35. One thing that I will add is make your CV clear and presentable. Don't write too much, if employee will get too much to read they will be less interested in reading this, because it might take too much time and be just boring. Write clear and without unnecessary words.
      If internships are important? Of course, they are. If you are applying for a good position in a company it might be a key to getting this job.

    36. If you are making your first CV, you should firstly look for some advices on the Internet - there are lots of sites in which experts give some pieces of advice how to prepare a good CV. If you haven't already done an internship, you should sign up to student organisation or study group - being part of institutions will develop for example your teamwork skills. Nowadays employers really appreciate such abilities.

      I think that internships are important in our career. During them we learn basic rules of environment in which we will be working in the future. They enable us to try different jobs in different area and help us decide which work match us best. Sometimes we can even get paid for internships so it is a good solution for students who want to earn money.

    37. I think it's important to know what's in your CV to not make a mistake when employee will ask you about something from it. I think the rest of advantages was said in the presentation. You have to be nice, polite and good prepared.

      I think internships are extremely important for people who wants to get a good job. Nowadays almost everyone goes to the university, so it isn't something special. Having a lot of internships is a thing that can distinguish you from other applicants.

    38. When it comes to advice on writing a CV, I think that many of the most important things are mentioned in the article. I can only add that it is worth believing in yourself and finding some good qualities that are generally unnoticed and yet are important and can distinguish us from others. Many life experiences, even those difficult ones, can make us attractive to an employer. Another important thing is honesty. In my opinion, it is worth talking only about what we can actually do, without coloring our skills and experience. It is better to admit that we can not do something, but we learn very quickly and we can make up for our shortcomings.
      In my opinion, internships are very important. They prepare us for work, we can get the right experience. Because one thing is to graduate from a given field and work is something else. The knowledge that we can get during the internship is invaluable in our future work. I think it also helps us get the dream job, because employers pay their attention to it.

    39. This presentation shows a lot of useful aspects when it comes to applying for a job. It's very important to write a good CV because it is the first time for us to make good impression on our employer to be. These tipps are very clear and useful, I would only add one thing - please make sure that you haven't made any misspelling because the recruiters don't like it. You should be honest while writing a CV, there's no point in lying because it's easy to verife the information you have given. When it comes to interships, they are very important but it doesn't mean that you won't get a well-paid job without them. They help you with getting experience but don't worry - if you are good ar what you are doing, you won't have any problems with finding a job, even without any experience.

    40. The article "Applying for a job" shows very important tips on how to write a CV. Today's labor market is a great competition, so it's worth to stand out. Employers not only look at your education but also experience. It is good to have a certificate obtained, to be a volunteer or to impress someone with your hobby.
      In my opinion, it is worth being yourself and writing only the truth in your CV.

    41. From all of those tips, for me the most important is that about interests. If you applying for a big company, you should know, that they get thousand CV like your. You studied economics -like most of them. You are puntcuall and self-disciplined, of course, everyone write about it. CV without your private life is just boring. You have to shine, be a star between all of those CV. Every part of your CV should be without any unneccessary point. It should be clear. Of course don’t forget about the rest! Like everywhere – balance is the key. Don’t write only about your diploma, also don’t write about that you are russian freak (for example!). It is also one important point – be sincere, they could want to chech your skills (language skills for example). So summarizing – let’s take the balance, be sincere and be the brightest star among those CV!

    42. When it comes to students, in my opinion, it is very important, if not the most important, to work during the studies, even in a low position and part time. I can not imagine that I would send a CV to a potential employer at the age of 24, and there would be no professional experience in the CV. I am currently working as a recruitment specialist and I know how important experience is when selecting candidates' CVs. When creating a resume, you can not forget about mentioning the main duties that you performed at your previous job positions (job description).

    43. In my opinion is definitely true that CV it's themost important thing. We won't get job without good CV. I think it's true not to write many personal informations in the CV (family informations etc.) CV have to be brief and readable. If we see to much information we automatically don't want to read this. I agree that work during studies is imporant think. All extra activites during studies place us higher than a candidate without any activites. Internships it's good idea. Employer will know that we had internship so he will be more willing to give us a job and maybe he will give us higher position.

    44. Writing a CV for many people can be a difficult task, especially when they are doing it for the first time. The presentation shows the most important things you should include in your CV and demonstrates how to get down to writing a CV so as to make it valuable for potential employers. I can add that CV should also be clearly formatted for the reason that some people do not pay much attention to it or even don't know how to do it propely. It should also be short enough and easy to read so as a recruiter could go through it quickly.

      When it comes to interships they can give an opportunity to get experience and develop your skills so as to find a better paid job in the future.

    45. I guess that most advice in the text were great. To be honest I have never talked to my friends about CV but maybe I should try. Maybe I will learn something new and interesting. Internships are very important in career I know from my own experience that learning theory on uni is not enough to know what your real job feels like. Of course you need knowledge to do some staff, but skills you might get on internship are much more useful. It's easier to work knowing that you have done that before.

    46. That’s truth that applying for a job requires careful preparation of CV but it’s not the only document you have to write. The structure of CV lets the employer compere in a fast way an interesting parts (education, experience, extra courses and training, achievements). There isn’t too much space to present oneself as a person in CV. I don’t think that anybody attaches importance to hobbies or personal characteristic during the first selection. The most important criterion then is internships but, in my opinion, our personality is very important too and we can show it in the covering letter. I think the careful preparation of the covering letter is even more important than CV, because it is sometimes (especially when we don’t have too wide experience) what can intrigue the employer and let us be invited to the interview.

    47. I don't like to read such good advice on how to write a CV. There are so many guides that it is impossible to write anything inventive. However, reading them is always overwhelming for me because of the amount of things you need to write to make it look good. Who has the time to complete an internship, part-time job and take part in courses or training sessions at full-time studies.
      In my opinion, the important thing is that the CV should be different form the others. For example, an interesting hobby or a course that we had because we were really interested, and not because it 'would look good in a CV'.

    48. CV is an important document that opens many doors when it comes to looking for a job. My advice for students that want to make their first CV is that they need to write all of the experience that they possess, even if it seems insignificant, or they were working only for a month - it’s important because not all of the people work during their education and employers appreciate it. Second advice - you need to give your CV to someone else first so that they can check it before you send it. A new perspective will help you avoid making all sorts of mistakes.
      I agree that internships are important because we can use our knowledge practically and also gain some real experience. What is more, it shows us, how the job really looks - maybe we will come to a conclusion that we don’t want to work in that area even if we were thinking that it would be the greatest thing.

    49. It's a very useful topic, especially now, because holidays'll be soon.. It's a great time for summer internships and for first job. I remember when I wrote my first CV. It was so awful! I even wrote about competitions (in which I took part in high school). I'm ashamed now, that I sent it to companies. I think after a few changes, my cv is better, but still not perfect. I don't have a special photo in it, for example. I still don't have time to do it. But.. I believe that the picture is very important in cv - it shows what kind of person you are.

    50. This article is really educational. I think that these advice can help me to getting my dreamed work (me and everybody who was reading it). It is important to be very good preper to first meet - employment interview. Then you will be ready for every case, even this the most unsuspected.
      I think that the same important is propering a good Curriculum Vitae. It should include only significant points on your foregoing career, but you must decide what is it. It is not hard to stete it if you read presentation and will be concentrated.

    51. If you are not sure about your CV, you can always consult it with special job consultant for example in University Career’s Office. The good curriculum vitae should't have unrelevant informations and should be as compact as possible. Job interviewers have many of them to read and won't take a look on the one which is too long.
      I agree with the statement that internships are important in our career. We're gaining experience which will be helpful in our future career. We also have an ability if we really do like our dream job as we thought we would.

    52. Good points out there. Applying for a job is always a hard work. You have to know what are you good at and try to present it to the employer. Believe in yourself and be confident. Interviewer probably would see it and appreciate it. The dream job is waiting!

    53. For me in CV we should write only things which are really important, for example hobbies - I don't know why should I write it. I can write there anything, another things are achievements - for me we should write only these which are important in the job, if recruiter has to read dozens documents unnecessary information could irritate him.
      For me interships are is very important - we have experience, what is (for me) the most important.

    54. This presentation seemed to be noteworthy because of two reasons. Firstly, unemployment is common phenomenon nowadays. On the other hand I am going to apply for a job next holiday. Nevertheless, I found out nothing extraordinary about making a curriculum vitae. Some advice are quite banal. It is as clear as day that we should not add photo for instance from the party. Experience or extra courses is also widely believed to be valuable. Obviously, I agree with all this tips because they are good but this blog is not cutting-edge. As for the job interview I also figured out nothing new but I have my own advice. Before interview find out the most about the company, services and products. Not only will it provide you advantage over other applicants but also you will be able to partner talk with interviewer.

    55. 1) The topic describes different recommendations for people who are interested in writing a CV in a rather fluently way. The author explains different kinds of mistakes in the CV and describes the proper way of writing it. I also have some pieces of advice which I would like to add to the topic. First of all, a person should not lie in his CV. The person should describe all his true skills and should not embellish his CV with false facts. It will not bring him any kinds of advantages on the meeting while speaking with potential employers. The second advice is that a person should not write too much about his private life because when there is a lot of unimportant information in the CV, it becomes uninteresting for the employer.
      2) To my mind, intership is a good way to practice the knowledge from the university etc. Interships can be sometimes more useful than simple memorization of concepts connected with a person’s job. All knowledge should be experienced and an intership is a great way to do it. That is why I can say that interships are important in our career not only because it is a great way to practice your knowledge, but also because it is a good way to get work experience.

    56. CV is very important part of apply for a job, especially when employer get many others documents- yours should have something, what pay attention and persuade recruiter to invite you on interview. Both CV and job interview should be well prepared, the first impression will be determinate to hire employee. I agree that internships is important and can be very helpful to apply for a job like any others job experience or volunteering.

    57. The author of this article wrote most of advices for people who are making their first CV. If you apply for a job you need to present yourself in the best possible way. Intership are very important in our career. Most of them starts from it. It is good to have some interships in our life just to see, try and practise. We can learn a lot during intership and get the priceless experience.

    58. Writing a good interesting CV is in my opinion almost as important as the interview itself. It's the first-first impression of you the employer receives. It will also most likely will be the focal point of your interview, as the employer may have many questions about it, hence many questions about you. You have to do your best to make it interesting and be ready to answer the potential any potential questions - yes, some of which you may find weird, that's just how interviews work. Remember to avoid lying however, because you may find yourself in quite a predicament.

    59. Yes, I think that a good internship is the base for excellent CV.
      Thanks to the fact that we making it, our future employer can deduce how much we can already know. I think the most important thing when we creating a CV is to write the correct language!
      Spelling mistakes can anger even the most forgiving employer.

    60. Yes, I agree. In my opinion interships are very important. We learn how to work, how to do our best at something. We can check ourselves, it is a good thing. If I were a person with his/her first CV, I would write real information, but only the best. I would also be honest, but not about my weak points. I mean, I would not lie, just not tell the whole truth...

    61. I found tips in this article very helpful, however there's something that wasn't mention there. Contrary to the popular believe, people shouldn't create one perfect resume, but alter it depending on what position they are applying for. For example if applying for a job requiring social skills you should try to make yourself look like a very outgoing, open person and mention in your CV your previous experiences with teamwork.

    62. There is nothing new for me in this presentation, but it’s good that someone wrote few basic advice because there are still some poeple who make stupid mistakes. I heard about a lot of people who choose photos from a party or beach (I’m not kidding) and, suprisingly, those people graduated University. I only want to mention one important thing: add only necessary information to your CV, for example you shouldn’t write that you have hair removal course if you apply for an accountant vacancy (yes, it’s based on facts).

    63. Every thing which is written in the presentation is important - when you want to get a job everything is important and neccessary. In my opinion a candidate should overwhelm an employer by his preferences and abilities, experiences, hobbys etc. and everything. Of course achievements (underlined). Regarding the internship I think it is a good thing and employees should respect that employer's right.

    64. I agree with the author in 100%, the thing that I believe could be added to the list of elements of a good job application is a cover letter, sometimes the cover letter isn't demanded by the potential employer, but I think it helps you to stand out, many people don't care about it and their CVs are some of many on the pile of the same application documents. The most vital element that the author mentioned is writing about your activities during the university course, not only internships, but also projects, extra work outside the course, also part time jobs. The other directiom that I must agree with is that you should be prepared for the interview, even if you're stressed out and you cannot help but show it, you should make sure that you don't seem bored or sleepy, you should try to show as much energy as you can. The other strategy, which is very appreciated by Netflix supervisors is to apply for jobs you're not interested in just to work on your presence and to get used to these job interviews, so that these are not as scary as they may seem.

    65. This is very usefull article. Maybe there is nothing suprising here but it can help to organize some things. It shows the most important tips and how to prepear step by step. I know that applying for the first job may be stressful so gooda, that you can check everything on the internet.

    66. When it comes to applying for a job, it is obvious that CV is the most important thing. I think a good CV should stand out, be simple, but creative. Also, I agree that internships are very important in career development.

    67. Applying for a job is one of the most important thing in life and nobody tells us about it in polish high schools and generally in schools. In my opinion it's a shame for nation not to educate citizens in this field of knowledge. I find this article very helpful, thank God we have Internet because there are still things in educational system that we can't be proud of and that's what I was thinking while reading all these tips and examples in the text above. I agree that internships are really important and we should gain as much experience as it's possible. It's always better to be prepared, just in case and show that we are outgoing but also well-educated - just worth employing.

    68. I agree that you should include information about your hobby on your CV. Hobbies say a lot about a person. For example, I do MMA and I know how much sacrifice and discipline it requires, and if I were a recruiter, I would look much more favorably at a person who trains MMA than at a person who did not mention any hobby.

    69. The author pointed every important aspect of making a proper CV. Having experience is very important nowadays, so it is extremely useful to find some part-time job during your university studies. However if you decided not to work during that time, then you have to make up for your lack of experience by making yourself look way more interesting than you actually are. Pick the most preternatural hobby you’re at least partly interested in and try to dig deep into it. Also try to remember some kind of charity works and volunteering you have been doing during your high school and university time. Pick even the ones you were obligated to do and present them as overexaggerated as you can. Then just hope that you won’t be asked about it during your interview, since it’s way easier to get away with a bit of exaggeration on CV than in conversation with an interviewer…

    70. I really dislike writing CV, I always feel like I am lying about things that I like or my skills. In the end it is just a few insecurities. Applying to job you have to be true with yourself and really think about what you are like and what you like to do. Because what if you get a job lying and you find yourself in an environment where you have to pretend all the time and it doesn't feel right?


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