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Education in Poland and in England

In Poland we start school, when we have 7 years – primary school. In 7-9 years we learn how to write, read, count. When we have 11 years - we learn the basic information from a variety of subjects like math, Polish and literature, history, culture. Then, when we have second primary school (13-16 years old). In some second primary school we can choose subjects with the higher level than normal – class profile. But not in everyone Secondary primary school we have profiles. After this part of education we have GCSE (General certificate of secondary school).

Next schools are – to choose: college, technical school and vocational school.
College: in age 16-19. Every class has a special profil. After 3 yeras of education in college we have exam „A” level. This exam allows us to move to the next stage of learning..
Technical school: for years (16-20). In this school are normal classed as in college, but also a classes from technicals subjects and apprenticeships. For example: Vocational Technical for: Construction, Chemistry, Road Construction, Electrical Science or Computer Science. After that we have „A” level and we can continue our education.
Vocational school – 2 or 3 years. You learn about your profession, you have apprenticeships and you are finishing school with professional qualifications. Then you can start work or go to college (you start in second class).

After college and technical school you can choose next step of education or you can start work. In Poland most people choose university. Than you studying 3 or 5 years. People have a lot of options. They can go also on post-graduate studies.
To sum up in Poland we can choose our future in Junior High School or in College. Than this is hard to chance our decision and if we choose a humanistic profile – it will be hard to go on University of Technology.

In England after primary school is junior school. What is really interesting, most of school required to wear uniforms. There is no rich or poor. Everybody has the same clothes, even shoes! And students start lessons at 9 a.m. and finish at. 3 p.m.
In primary school children do not get the ratings, teachers only written the results of learning for parents at the end of the semester.

After junior school is a secondary school. In England we can distinguish four main types of secondary school:
1. grammar school - high school preparing for university exams, children shall be based on past academic performance;
2. comprehensive schools – state school, which accepts children regardless of previous school marks;
3. city technology college - technical, held by the state and business circles, prepares to practice;
4. academies - independent schools, but financed with public funds.

Education is compulsory up to age 16, which falls on 11 years of science. Then students has a GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education ) and can then applying for admission to college or work. There is also the opportunity to stay in a secondary school for another two years – then it is called Six-Form College. Those who choose to stay, choose from 3 to 5 subjects, they may want to get A Level. After their conquest can apply to universities.

What do you think about education in Poland and in England?
Is it good, that in England you can start work after Secondary Education?
What was you way of education in Poland?



  1. I think that education in Poland is better than in England mainly because we have to learn till age 18 and these two years is a huge difference because we are changing from children to adults and this is a time of our first important decisions. I think also that wearing uniforms is not so good for kids. Wearing different clothes is some kind of presenting ones character, individuality. School is not place for showing social status but in work, on the street it happens and kids have to getta used to this.


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