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Showing posts from December, 2011

Extreme sports

Extreme sports have long fascinated people. Even though it's dangerous to themselves all attract hungry sensations. More and more extreme sports are getting popular and trendy. In a word: adrenaline and excitement. What more do you need? (Source: or-vector-extreme-sport-silhouettes-high-detail-easy-change-colors.html) Are extreme sports for everyone? This question must definitely answer: no. Extreme sports are targeted at people very athletic for a perfect state of health and mental well-being. Required is a large physical and mental resilience. Also expands their extensive range. People invent a new type of sport. New products are picked up and spread rapidly. In some extreme disciplines are organized competi tions. People want to check up themselfs. All extreme sports have one thing in common - provide a large dose of adrenaline. By entering into a risk to experience something amazing allow, check in and experience the ple...

Travelling by Hitchhiking!

Hitchhiking is a mean of transportation that is gained by asking people, usually strangers, for a ride to travel a distance that may either be short or long. A ride is usually, but not always, free. Nowadays more and more young people are travelling by hitchhiking. This way of travel has advantages and disadvantages. Today we have a lot of ideas which support hitchhiking. For a wide group of young people, hitchhiking is a great adventure and also a challenge. Each year hundreds of students from the United Kingdom take part in a sponsored hitch to Morocco or Prague in aid of Link Community Development; in 2007, 782 people hitched the 1,600 miles (2,600 km) to Morocco. In Poland, since 2009, students of Wroclaw University of Economic have been organizing hitchhiking race to the one of European cities. If you are student you can take part in the race. The number of participants has reached 600 and the race started in Wroclaw and finished in Barcelona. In last year, the first prize was a...

Scouting in our lives

                   Nowadays young people want to be individualists. They want to have a lot of friends, and want to do important things. Unfortunately, most of them is lost and they don't know what they can do. This is where the mission of the Scout movement begin.                 The founder of scouting is Lord Boden-Powell of Gilwell. He was born in 1857 in England. Boden-Powell spoke his mind about up bringing of young boys by conducting firsth  experimental camp in 1907 on Brownsea Island off the Dorset coast. There with about 20 boys from all walks of life and some adult leaders, Baden-Powell taught the boys what about Scouting. They were living in tents, cooking their own food and learning many valuable skills through games.              The camp was a great suc...

Karate - sport or passion?

Sport is following people from the former centuries. Already , who want to develop both in ancient Rome the Olympics were been organised in order to people could work out in some disciplines. Nowadays extreme sports are very popular. It is a fairly recent category of sport. They contain an element of danger and are usually done by adults, who want to rest their limits of fear and physical ability. However there are peopletheir brawn, and the balance of mind simultaneously. They are choosing martial arts, for example karate. Karate was born in distant centuries (the first historical records are taking note of the forming of systems of the fight for times c 2500r. BC) and developed in the Ryukyu Islands (Okinawa) in Japan. At the first karate was known only few. Royal guards learnt techniques of the defence in the secret. Even in the Japanese family secret knowledge about karate could receive only elder son. Gichin Funakoshi - The creator of Shotokan karate, one of the most known style o...

Strange diseases

Many people in the world are ill. There exist many different diseases, more serious and less serious. There are people for whom fever, flu or cough are not a problem because they suffer from more serious illnesses. I will show you now some examples. 1. Blue skin In the USA there lived once a family which members had blue skin. Most of them did not have any serious diseases. Some of them lived even 80 years. Their illness is connected with abnormalities in haemoglobin. 2. Progeria Genetic disorder which causes faster ageing. Children with progeria generally don't live more than 13 years but there are some exceptions. People with this illness have the same problems as old people, for example problems with bones, heart and many more. 3. Syndactyly This illness is extremely rare among people. A child is born with many fingers and/or toes which are grown together. One boy had 31 fingers and toes. 4. Phocomelia In this defect a person has no long bones. Feet and hands are directly connec...

Weird sports around the world

In today's world, people are always busy and stressed. To overcome it, they invented a lot of ways to relax. One of them is sport. In some parts of the world people invented such sport disciplines that are sometimes funny or ridiculous or both at the same time. 1. Sepak takraw Sepak Takraw is a game native to Malay Peninsula. It's a very popular sport in Southeast Asia. It's quite similar to voleyball but players are allowed to use only feet, knee, chest and head to touch the ball whis is made of rattan. A match is played by two teams (regus), each consisting of three players. One of the three players shall be at the back; he is called a “Tekong”. The other two players shall be in front, one on the left and the other on the right. The player on the left is called a “Left Inside” and the player on the right is called a “Right Inside”. The goal is to make the ball touch the opossite's team half of the court using only allowed parts of the body. Ball can be touched maximu...

Men's beauty

Over time, a growing number of men are interested in their appearance, that is normal because everyone, not just women would like to look and feel good. But i have to say that men are more interested in their sex appeal. They Doing everything to women thinks that they are atrractive. Physical attractiveness is associated primarily with the appearance of the body, but also smell, timbre of voice, behavior, clearly appealing to others.Appearance is one of the most important factors determining the behavior towards the other person. Also affects the assignment of people to certain personality traits and how to predict their behavior in the future.Physical attractiveness is a strong determinant of sympathy and liking, in addition to similarities, sincerity, the frequency of contacts and others. Plays an important role especially in the early stages of formation of compounds. This applies to love, but also friendship. There are design features permanently associated with physical attractive...

Unconventional Medicine

People in times of "hoax of modern Medicine" more often look for alternative ways of therapy. Unconventional Medicine provides them with treating methods such as e.g. hypnotherapy or acupuncture. S ource: The only one origin of those therapies doesn't exist. Many of them derive from old medical traditions initially practiced in one area. It makes them very hard to define because of mixed old practices and beliefs. Decades of practice in those form of treatment sometimes is making them more popular than new, innovative medical solutions. Acupuncture This method has origins in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It's based on premise that our body functions are regulated by "Qi" energy which flows in our body. Therapy consist of insertion of needless in the body into acupuncture points connected with meri dians (meridians - paths through which life-energy is believed to flow). Acupuncture is believed ...

Women in a different cultures

As we all know the women’s history is pretty miserable. Only recently women has began to be noticed in policy, in work, in opinions. Although the XIX century is the time of women’s emancipation, I personally think that the XX century is the century of women. What is both interesting and even unbelievable that only in 1920 women got the right to vote in the USA. Nowadays in the European countries and in North America women are going through their revolution. They make associations, they make their own companies, they are present in policy (like Margaret Thatcher, Angela Merkel) and they are still fighting for their rights, for example to have higher salaries: But, unfortunately, there are still countries in the world (and what is more terrible that these countries is more) where women have no rights. They even have no life. The best example is the culture of Islam, where the rules of life are dictated by religion. Women t...