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Why is learning languages ​ important ?

Learning a foreign language takes time and sometimes requires sacrifice . In  the world of internationalism we can no longer afford to remain monolingual. Knowledge of foreign languages is no longer a fantasy: it is a necessity.
In our time ,young children are obliged speak other languages. They  can learn for free in their school  and take additional classes.Older people  can go to a private school. But why is learning languages so important nowadays and what do we gain if we know them?

A foreign language   increases the possibilities to get a job. In large metropolitan areas such as New York, knowing a foreign language seems an essential aspect of urban living which can’t be neglected. Nowadays  many jobs require knowledge of at least one foreign language ; knowledge of more than one increases our possibilities at the labor market.

 We can also discover new worlds. Studying a new language gives us an opportunity to meet people from  other parts of the world,   learn about other cultures and we   can also connect with people in their own language. Learning about other cultures will help us  expand our personal horizons.
On the other hand,in our times we sometimes forget about our own language. We bring  to it a lot of  borrowings and insted of Polish we use  other words  from various countries . People who leave  the country often  completely forget the first language.

What’s your opinion ? What are the other advantages of learning foreign languages?


  1. Nowadays knowledge of foreign languages is very important. An English language is a base to finding any kind or job. There are many possibilities to study abroad and the languages are often a permit to new work. Our future employee are more sympathetic frown us when they watch on our rich CV. The most desirable languages are the most exotic like Chinese. The knowledge of languages is very useful for example when we meet someone in the street and help him/her where he/she has to go. We can also chat online with our friends who we met in Erazmus.

  2. I think that ability of speaking at least one foreign language should be the most important skill in our lives! Personally I would be so much poorer in experience, memories and knowledge if I didn't learn English. Foreign languages give you so many possibilities that learning should be considered as privilege and great opportunity! I'd like to learn few more languages like Italian and maybe Hebrew? Since I know Polish, considered as the most difficult language in the world, I think I will be able to do that.

  3. I think there are lots of advantages of learning foreign languages. We have got no problem with communicating with people all over the world and it can be very useful in our job. Nowadays, large number of employers requires us to know at least 2 foreign languages. Many schools give us the opportunity to learn languages and it starts really early, because it is an obligatory subject in primary school. It is also a great opportunity for people who can't afford to sign up their children for additional classes. Another advantage is connected with our holidays. It is better to speak some foreign languages, because it gives us opportunity to communicate, avoid unpleasant situations or be deceived.

  4. Other advantages of learning foreign languages are ex.: possibility of reading some foreign books, seeing films, listening to music- with understanding their meaning. We can also use a foreign material – text, movie- to study.

  5. I am a student of Russian philology, so I think learning a foreign language is very important. We have extensively developed economy, trade with other countries, so employees with foreign language skills are needed. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​facilitates us traveling, learning about other cultures. We can more easily communicate with foreigners who more frequently coming to our country. Also at work now most employers require knowledge of foreign languages​​.

  6. I think that learning foreign languages is necessary. Today we have many opportunities to learn languages (at school, at courses, by e-learning, even watching films and listening to music). Knowledge of foreign languages ​​has many advantages. Today when travels are more accessible to all, languages ​​help in communication during the trip. It is usefull to learn about other cultures, to communicate with our foreign friends etc. What's more, languages are also often required to work. That's why in my opinion learning foreign languages is necessary today.

  7. Learning a foreign language is a great opportunity to make friends. I had been learning English in the Internet where I had met a really funny Bulgarian guy, with whom I met later in Varna, on my holiday. Apart from making friends we can use foreign languages to work abroad or study at Erasmus. There is simply no disadvantage of learning more and more languages!

  8. All of you are right. Knowing at least one foreign language is in modern global society a must! I cannot imagine a person born after 1980' who doesn't speak English. Language skills give us an access to amazing experiences - travels, meeting fascinating people, finding great job. I must say I wouldn't have so much fun, if I didn't know English. One can say that nowadays speaking English isn't so special, since it is an obligatory subject at school and everyone is supposed to be able to communicate in English. Learning a second, third language is neccessary to get a decent job in certain areas of business.

  9. I think that learning languages is very important. It was aptly told by Ludwik Wittgestein - "the limits of my language, are limits of my world". In my opinion being a polyglot is very precious. I mean that the world doesn't base only on English, but also knowing any other languages can spread your mind and it is helpful. Especially that because of so fast popularity of English makes that language more poor and it some way it is berefted from that "britishness".

  10. Nowadays it is very important to know at least one foreign language. We have no problem with gain new information from better foreign source. There is a lot of knowledge in foreign language for example in the internet. Knowing foreign language is important when we go to other country, we can speak with other people. In a job market employer very often require foreign language. It more easier get job when we know some language.

  11. I agree with all of you. We live in a world of globalization. It means that we can live, work and travel almost everywhere. But it means as well that even if we don’t want to it is necessary to cooperate /do business, with people who speak all sorts of different languages. That leads to conclusion  learning languages is a must!
    And one more very motivating advantage – learning languages make you smarter. It has been proved that learning languages improve things like your memory and problem solving skills. This is largely because there are so many different parts of your brain involved in learning a language.

  12. Learning languages is crucial novadays. Ability to communicate is helpful in numerous situations. For instance it makes us great workers, it improves our memory and it is really useful during travels. Opens up many opportunities for work and contacts, both business and private. It helps us to communicate with other people from around the world.

  13. I agree that learning languages is very important nowadays, but somehow I'm not putting much effort in learning them (except from English of course!). This however, doesn't change the fact, that I really would like to know many languages and I really admire some of my friends, who speak fluently in more than two languages - I have even a friend, who speaks fluently in four languages: Polish, English, Russian and German and I admire him even more than these friends, who know three languages.

  14. English is now totally basic skill to apply to any job. Also it can make u more erudite. Also you're starting to be "citizen of the world" if you know english, because it's big chance that you will be able to communicate with people from 2nd world end.

  15. I think learning foreign languages are very necessary. Foreign languages ​​open up our window to the world, we have more possibilities. This allows us to visit, learn, work and live abroad.

  16. Knowledge of foreign languages is very exciting. You can understand another nation by the language. Find out haw they fell and behave. It is also very pleasant kind of education. It is pleasure for my. When I fell stress or I have full head of worries I stared to learn languages and I stop think about difficulties. I calm dawn. It opens my mind. I fell free. It is great felling when you can communicate with more and more people.

  17. One day, when I will have time I will learn myself Spanish, Italian, French (these I had been actually learning before I went to the University), Japanese and maybe some more because I am totally for that the more languages you know the better life you have. For example: how your family and friends see you? Like well educated, smart person. How your employer-to-be see you? For sure not any worse. Apart from your image you can also travel around the world and discover all the places you want and you can be sure that you will handle eventual issues with regard to your language skills.


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