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Most of us dreamt about studying abroad – but wasn’t brave enough or didn’t have money to move out to a different country.
That’s why Erasmus programme was established. It is now the most successful student exchange programme in the world. Each year, more than 230 000 students study abroad thanks to it.

The programme is named after the philosopher, theologian and humanist Erasmus of Rotterdam.
The path to establishing the programme was not always smooth. When in early 1986 Erasmus Programme was proposed the reaction from EU Member States varied: those with substantial exchange programmes of their own were broadly hostile while the remaining countries were generally in favour.
Few months later a compromise was finally reached, and the programme was adopted in June 1987.

Erasmus reforms education
The programme has contributed to improving, opening up and modernising both higher education institutions and education policies.
As Ján Figel', European Commissioner with responsibility for Education, Training, Culture and Youth said: "The Erasmus programme has been the grandfather of some of the biggest reform initiatives in higher education in Europe today.”
Erasmus allows students to improve their language learning, intercultural skills, self-reliance and self-awareness.
For many European students, the Erasmus Programme is their first time living and studying abroad and is considered both a time for learning as well as a chance to socialize.
Many studies show that a period spent abroad not only enriches students' lives in the academic and professional fields but opens new possibilities.

Want a job? Go to Erasmus!
Many employers highly value such a period abroad, which increases the students' employability and job prospects. Simply having Erasmus on one's curriculum vitae is seen as being a very positive thing because that one word explains the whole experience of studying abroad.

What do you think of this programme?
Would you decide to study abroad or maybe you did?



  1. I think this programme gives every student a great opportunity. They can go abroad, meet new people, culture, improve language, learn new things, visit some famous places and get huge knowledge.
    I have never thought about it seriously. I think I will decide to go to Erasmus if I have a chance to go somwhere, but maybe only for one term or one year. No longer. The great advantage for me is to find out how does it look abroad. I am really interested if it is so great that people say.

  2. In my opinion it is a good way to studied abroad thanks to Erasmus programme. We get money from the university for pay a rent and for food and that is a big help but in reality we should rather find a job. This time is very useful- we make new friends, we get to know a new culture, we become more self-reliant and the most important thing that we make better our language! I would like to study abroad to improve my language.

  3. I think that the Erasmus programme is a great opportunity for young people. Our parents didn't have such possibilities, but we have and we shuld use them. It is, of course, the opportunity to acquire new knowledge, but for young people, Erasmus is primarily an opportunity to meet a lot of people from different countries and cultures. It is also a good chance to imporve landuage, visit other coutries etc.
    I would like to go abroad with the Erasmus programme in a year or two. It certainly is a great adventure.

  4. It's a really good thing that we have Erasmus programme. It's a great opportunity to visit other European countries and experience their higher education system. I'm going apply for it as soon as I can. International contacts are very important in many fields on science nowadays. Such experience can be a great asset in out future jobs.

    1. I think Erasmus is a great opportunity for young people to experience life in different countries. This involves not only academics. It increases students’ range of knowledge and broaden their horizons. By experiencing different customs and social rules they learn appreciation and acceptance of different cultures.
      And of course it’s the best way to improve language!
      A lot of my friends who have taken part in Erasmus exchange said they became more creative, brave and self-confident.
      I’m planning to study abroad. I have already applied for Queen Mary University in London.

  5. In my opinion Erasmus program is an incredible chance for develop yourself. I think especially about improving your language skills and it learns to be self-reliant in completely different conditions. It also can be helpful in developing your interests and passions. It also can be one of a kind possibility to spread your knowledge about other country, thanks to universitys'dotation.

  6. It is no doubt that Erasmus programme is a great opportunity for students. It gives a chance to improve language skills, meet new culture, socialize, gain self-confidence and learn a lot. The best thing student gets from participating in Erasmus is life experience. Living abroad, being on your own - it is a true life lesson.

  7. According to me Erasmus is an huge opportunity to improve your language skills. This programe gives also a chance to get to know new cultures and coutries. You can also work on your character, meet new people and became more independent and sociable, because the situation of changing habitat force you to make new friends and settle in new environment. Personaly I'm fond of changes, I like moving to new places and meeting new people. I get bored in one place very quickly that's way I would love to try to go on erasmus, but on the other hand I know that there are good grades necessary so I will probably never get on the project.

  8. In my opinion this programme is great. It is possibility to meet people from all continents, feel the differences and familiar of our cultures. We may also practise our languages. It must be wonderful experience but unfortunately I've just not participated in it. In the future I would like to go somewhere and use wide perspectives of Erasmus.

  9. It is a very good program. It allows student go abroad and meet new, interesting people, gain new experience about the world, improve they language skills. Moreover on foreign university is better education quality and students can learn more.

  10. I haven't ever been on Erasmus, but somehow it happend, that I had two girlfriends on exchange programms (one in USA and the second one on Erasmus in Denmark), so more or less, I know what it's like. I think that it can be a great adventure and that it's a chance for student and it would be a pitty to waste it. I guess that someday I'll also try to go on Erasmus, maybe to Italy, or maybe to Denmark (I really liked it, when I was visiting my girlfriend).

  11. Well, it's pretty nice programm for meeting interesting people from aboard, but i think that it's not so nice if you want to learn something except country where you went to. As i know from few Erasmus students they don't have to do nearly anything, and instead of learning they're partying hard. In my opinion it should be like bonus year, not instead of year at your university.

  12. It is very good program. I heard that it could be finished because Erasmus is going bankrupt. Governments should take carry about this possibility. It builds tolerance with people from different countries and cultures. It is good program for socialize and making friendship, it open pupil for students from different part of the World. I would like to study aboard. I would like to improve my language and live in knew culture.

  13. What do you think of this programme?
    I have friends, who took a part in erasmus programme and they were very satisfied. So I think it is a good idea and it works well. It helps young people to discover the world, meet foreign people, generally speaking broad minds.
    Would you decide to study abroad or maybe you did?
    I wouldn't decide to study abroad because I like my classes and friends from school very much. I think I could regret being some time abroad.

  14. ERASMUS is for sure an opportunity for young man (or woman) to get the experience in foreign language, learning system or work in other country. I would definately join this programme and go somewhere where is either completely other culture which interrests me and I would like to know it or great place to improve your language and work skills. Maybe one day I will decide to go somewhere thanks to this awesome programme.

  15. Erasmus program is very big opportunity for students. They could study in different countries which gives them much experience. I think if I have chance to go abroad studying, I didn't come. I have to much thinks that keep me here.


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