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Physical Education in Schools

Physical Education in Schools

Nowadays, we hear a lot about diets, health and keeping fit.  We exercise a lot and care about our body. Eating healthy food, doing sports, some outdoor activities can help us to be happy about the results. People are always in a hurry, haven’t got leisure time, do everything at the last moment… so how and when can they exercise?

Students spend a lot of time at the desk, both at school and home, have really heavy backpacks, because of the amount of books. What should we do to avoid diseases connected with spine? The answer is: EXERCISE. That’s why physical education in schools is so important.  It also provides better mental condition because the activity affects the whole body. Thanks to exercises our brain works better  and also our concentration can increase. More PE in schools leads to better motor skills and it can also sharpen student’s learning ability.

            Obesity is one of the biggest problems among young people. Special classes, which work against this huge problem, are run at schools.
            PE can also help with collaboration, because there are many sports which require team work e.g.: basketball, volleyball, football. Sports develop children’s social skills encouraging them to work as a part of a team and to cooperate with others. We also learn to compete and we want to be the best. Sometimes it is something more than only PE, it is our hobby, sometimes it is even our future. We work really hard, exercise a lot, because we want to take part in a competition to achieve a goal.
            Physical education in schools is a great opportunity to show talent and skills. The second thing is that young people don’t have to spend money on a gym or swimming pools. Schools can provide them much more. It is also important in big cities where children haven’t got place to play or in small towns where they haven’t got access to this kind of sport centers.

Moreover, it is a great opportunity to excess energy. We know that especially young boys are full of energy and it is good when they use it during PE.

Physical Education was reduced to one or two lessons per week. When teachers started to talk about the problem of obesity and some diseases the number of hours has increased again. I think we shouldn’t reduce it. I know that not everyone loves doing sports and isn’t good at sports, but it is really important to exercise. Some students think that we should choose if we want to attend PE. They think only about exercises, not about other advantages connected with Physical Education. Doing sports can give them the chance to improve their skills, health, team work and be a sociable meeting.

What about Physical Education in Poland?

 I think it isn’t wonderful, but I can’t say it is really in a bad condition. We have PE in primary, junior secondary and senior secondary schools. Then we also have to choose some sport during the studies. I think that we have the access to a large amount of different kinds of sports and everybody can choose the most suitable for him/her option.

What is your opinion about P.E. in schools? Should we attend  these lessons?
What about P.E. in Poland? Do you think it is good?



  1. I think the idea of P.E. in schools is good but the reality looks completely different. I've never liked P.E. in my school, firstly it was the most boring class, and you were forced to do certain activity. The P.E. at university is much better - you can choose from different sport activities and take part in something you will enjoy.
    I also think there's no such thing as sport culture in Poland - it is not that popular to do sports. Fortunately it all is changing now and being fit is fashionable. But in order to like sports we should be encouraged to it while we're young, so that's why P.E. classes should be more interesting and fun.

  2. In my opinion, P.E. is one of the most important subject at schools. People often forget about a profitable influence of these exercises on their body- looks, good mood and a concentration. P. E. is also positive for a socialization- children learn, what a cooperation means, and choose their own place in a group.
    P. E. in Poland is not too bad, but we should have more of this subject per week. Universities have very a good idea- we can choose type of activity, which is ideal for us - and it’s free.

  3. I also think that Physical Education is very important, especially nowadays, when there is a lot of junk food, children rarely play in the yard and they spend a lot of time at home in front of a computer. Physical condition is very important for the health and that's why young people should attend P.E. classes. I always like P.E., it was one of my favorite subjects at school.
    When it come to P.E. in Poland I don't think that it is that bad, but it could be better. At universities it looks much better, because usually we can choose what sport we would like to practice. I think that this is a great idea because everyone likes something different.

  4. We have to attend PE because our bodies need sport and we don't always have time for it. PE in high school wasn't my favourite class, it was rather boring, volleyball or basketball every day, sometimes football or athletics. PE on university is much better, we can choose the most interesing disciplines, there is a great variety of them, swimming, gym, martial arts or even climbing training on climbing walls.

  5. In my opinion idea of physical education is very important. Many students have no physical activity and it ought to force them to that. But I think that it is good up to high school. Of course I think that PE needs a reforms, becouse they mostly are boring and the only result of them is discouraging to sport. However, the fact that PE is obligatory on univeristy is an absurd. There are much more important thing to do on studies. Moreover we are adult, so if we are responsible for ourselves we should take care of our phisical development without schools' enforcement.

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  7. According to me PE is very important. Teenagers should keep some physical activity unless it is connected with forcing them to do it but with encouragement. In Poland PE in primary school or high school is pointless. Classes are boring, equipment unsatisfactory and incomplete, teachers are not well educated - sometimes they are right after studies with no experience. That's why pupils in schools don't want to attend PE. On the other hand PE for students is much better. Students can choose from a whole range of different sports and develop their skills in concrete area of sport. They become satisfied with their results and sometimes develop after on their own.

  8. “As the twig is bent, so grows the tree” – school should inspire kids to healthy habits!
    I think that sport-based activities should be considered as important as knowledge. These days kids are getting more and more educated but on the other hand more obese and sluggish. Good P.E. in school is a key factor to prevent diseases of affluence.
    I’ve finished my high school almost 10 years ago so it’s hard for me to judge quality of P.E. in Polish schools. But I’m sure that it must adapt to changes in our XXI century. Rather than forcing kids to carry out old-fashioned exercises schools should support any physical activity. What about dancing, skating or Nordic-walking? Why not using some virtual games like WII to teach kids how to play tennis or golf?

  9. In my opinion, P.E. is very important in school .It is good not only for body, physical health but also good for concentration and better work of brain. Is nothing new, that after exercise we learn better .And a as someone already mentioned P. E. have positive impact on socialization. Children learn what a cooperation means.
    In Poland such as in other countries children more and more often leave the PE lessons ,and in my opinion this situation should change.

  10. P.E. is very important for health, physical and intellectual development. I had about 8 -10 hours a week Physical education during my previous studies. I start my day from aerobic. I had dance lessons, pantomime, fencing lessons, classic ballet, "art of fighting" (martial arts) and swimming, horse riding. I was no tired during whole day of learning a looked beauty, skillful. It is helpful in collaboration cooperate with others. I had good fun and joy.
    It is great that at studies pupils can choose from different kind of sports. I think that we need better physical education program. I agree it is not the same university and primary or secondary schools.

  11. Physical education is a crucial element of the correct students' development. Physical activity has large influence on general healh condition. It prevents certain diseases and improves mental abilities. In my opinion every student should not only participate in P.E. lessons, but also be active after school time. Sport plays an important role in educating children. It teaches them patience, persistence (but in a good way), team work and hard work. Parents have to make sure to provide their kids with opportunities to enjoy sport activities.

  12. In Poland PE is on pretty nice level - we have balanced amount of PE lessons - in High School i had about 4-5 lessons per week and it was enought to be fit. In university you can choose what would you like to have and it's one of the best idea in university PE.
    Also we learn how to cooperate, that's the key to win in all team sports so it develop not only our physics but also our mind.

  13. I think that P.E. lessons are very needed especially in our times, when we don't have so many occasions to move. However, e.g. in my grammar school I had to deal with P.E. teacher, who was absolutely abysmal - he was dismotivating and even cruel sometimes. That's why I know, how depressing can P.E. lessons sometimes be, if you are dealing with a bad teacher - but still I think that P.E. lessons are indispensable, but schools should really choose a P.E. teacher carefully, if they don't want their students to end up with trauma.

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  15. In my opinion physical education in school is very necessary, because we have occasions to move, to play football, volleyball ect. P.E. lessons are also occasions to integrate with their classmates and are relaxation during the lesson.

  16. What is your opinion about P.E. in schools?
    I think it depends on a school. There are schools with very nice sport base like swimming pools, courts, gyms... But still there are many schools, where kids just don't want to do the same thing again and again, because in school there is just a basketball court.
    Should we attend these lessons?
    Of course we should attend these lessons, but I think teachers in Poland should improve their learning skills so they can teach something new, fascinate some kids.
    I think swimming should be obligatory.

  17. Our schools don't teach us a damn thing during all the physical education. In USA most of them who graduated form high school can do flips (from gymnatics) and other things which in Poland would be taken as something uniqe and special. And we, Poles, during physical education classes are doing - what axactly? Bouncing basketball, kick football and that's pretty much it. We learn nothing and that's why sport successes by Polish people are so rare.

  18. P.E. must be in schools. It keeps us in form. But unfortunately what we thinks about this is completely different from what is. On this lessons students should learn rules in game, practice it, play match, and classified what student can do after this lessons.

  19. For me P.E. in school is very important for pupils. I think that a lot of children spend more time on the computer, the sport is so important to their health. When I was in school a lot of students do not practicing. It was my favourites classes and I didn't know why my friends didn't like P.E. Fro me It was very straing and stupid. physical education in Poland is low, there is no place to the exercises, equipment is old, and if you don't want train you can show paper from parents. I think is good only for pupils who not like P.E but not for their helth.

  20. PE lessons are some of the most necessary lessons in school in my opinion. What about obesity, heart disease, flat feet, crooked spine, asthma etc? Where children learn to take care of yourself? We need to show young people that, exercises are good habits.
    And what about national sports? Who will represent us? Everyone will be sit in front of a computer or TV, and they will only complain. Why Poland drew with Moldova?


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