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                  Bamboccioni - a word, which in italian language means a big baby. This term was used by italian minister of finance, Tommaso Padoa Shioppa, to describe not-so-young people, who lives with their parents. That problem of children who don't want to move out from familys' house can expand to very important problem in scale of whole country. For example in Italy, influence of this trend on social life, increase so much, that it became a public problem, with which goverment fight.
                   But why situation like that take place? Isn't it natural, that young people ought to, or even more - want to, move out from parents' house? What is the reason of that process - it is question of choice or necessity? The answers are not easy, and mostly it depends on country.
                   In USA most of this kind of people finished university and they cannot find a job. It is consequence economical crisis and that situation, that over 20 mln of Americans under 30, is caused by necessity. Unemployment and economical condition of country is decisive factor in this process. It finds acknowledgement - in rich  nordic countries, which assuring significant social help,  number of big babies is incredibly low than in other part od Europe.
                  The situation in Poland isn't very comforting. Nearly 41% of Poles in age between 25 and 34 live with parents, when european average amounts 28%. The largest group of that people are students and others are people, who can't afford on their own flat. Interesting is the fact that most of that people who lives with parents have their job, so it is possible to earn enough money to move out.
 What are your preferences? Would you like stay in your parents' house or your priority is to have own flat?


  1. I'd like to move out as soon as possible, simply to have a sense of freedom and be truly independent. Still, as long as I'm studying in Warsaw and am unemployed it makes more sense to stay in a flat with my parents - it's cheaper and... comfy (because I'm used to this walls and surrounding). Anyway, I don't feel the "age pressure" yet, because I've just started my studies. But if I had a choice, I'd choose living on my own.

  2. I think that young people should strive to become independent and the best way to do this is to move out from their parents. Of course it is not so easy, especially when you study and have no time to work so living whith parents as a student is not something weird for me. It is normal that young people have not enough money but it is important to even try to be more independent. The problem comes when young people don't want to find a job for because living at the expense of the parents is convenient for them. I think this could be a really big problem especially for those parents.

  3. This is my first year that I live completely alone, without my parents and in different city. I have to admit at the beginning it was hard and I was often homesick (still am) but I think it's important to learn to live on your own. Of course if for example I lived in Warsaw since little and started studying here I would probably still lived with my parents - mostly because of finances. Renting another flat would be expensive and since there's no need of it (cause you already have one) many people live with their parents till they are completely independent - earn their own money and so on.

  4. I would like to have my own flat, but of course I haven’t got enough money for it. “Bamboccionis’ problem” is visible in Poland- a lot of young people have no chance for their own home, because of lack of money. They have a large problem with finding a job after graduation. But there is also another group of people, who want to stay with their parents because of comfort – family, instead of young people, can take care of a house. This is a negative tendency, but if people still don’t find a job, this situation would still take a place.

  5. I think that young people should learn live on their own. It is really hard to become accustomed to this new situation, but after some time we will not remember about our concerns. It also depends on what our parents teach us. If they want us to be independent and give some advice how to deal at the beginning we will not feel so lost. But not every parents do it. Sometimes they treat their adults as a small children who just don't know what to do and how they should behave in some situations. It is really horrible, because these children will never learn it, because they haven't got the opportunity to do it. Parents do everything for them. They event just don't think that they should go to work and try to earn some money. What for? Parents will give them, they don't have to care about it. I don't like this way of thinking.

  6. I know some "comfortable" people, who live with their parents, they are studying in default and don't think about job, about their own flats. When I started to study in Warsaw, it was very hard to me think that I will be away from home, that sometimes I can get back home after 3 weeks, because I have a lot of learning. I miss home, but I think that in the life of every person comes a time when you need to start their independent life, without counting for support from parents.

  7. I'd love to have my own flat, but I would have to be able to afford all expenses, such as water, gas and electricity. Success in finding well-paid job is not certain in current economic situation. But I hate people who are too lazy to get a job and choose to parasitize on their parents.

  8. My preference is to become independent and have own apartment. Living with my parents after college will be rather impossible, because my family home is located in a small village, where there isn't work in my profession. However, if my parents lived in a city where found interesting job, possibly I reside with them for some time.

  9. In my opinion people in their early twenties should leave their parents' house and start own life, find job or start studies. As soon as possible people should learn responsibility, independence and solving problems on their own. everything prepares to adult life. At the begining we can expect little help from parents, but later we should cope with everything by ourselves. At this moment I cannot imagine living with my parents, so do they.

  10. My family home is in Warsaw, and as I chose to study here, it has always been out of question that during studies I am living with my parents. There is simply no need for me and others who study in their hometowns, to spend money on paying rent. While being students, we should focus on learning, gaining experience by various internships, finding a career path and first job. But don't get me wrong - I strongly believe that as soon as one graduates, he should do his best to get a job and his own place to live.

  11. I live with my mother and grandmother in small flat and I don't have any chances to move out so far. I would like to try living without parents, e.g. with friends or with my girlfriend, but it's just not possible now. As far as I'm studing I don't have time for job, which would allow me to live independently - and even if I would quit my studies now, without any degree I wouldn't get any job, which could make me financially independent. Aside from that, I feel that I'm needed in my home, because there is no father, grandfather or any other man - I'm the only one man here and my mom and grandmother can rely on me.

  12. For some young people, which haven’t big ambitions, it’s very comfortable to live with parents. Some inconveniences are compensate by lower life costs. As we can see, most of polish bamboccioni have their job and when they live with parents they can spend money for clothes, parties and entertainment. Priviledge of live alone is very expensive and attaches to falling of life level. Why yongsters should resign from some conveniences?

  13. It is easy to say “I would like to live alone” but in reality it is often difficult. In Poland, young people have a lot problem with finding a job and what is associated with it- lack of money. We are unable to maintain itself, and that’s the reason why stay with parents. Of course there are people who do not leave home because it is convenient for them.

  14. I definitely prefer to live on my own. I don’t think that living with your parents as an adult does well for your relationship with them. I think it may cause some difficulties to maintain healthy relationship with your partner/spouse too. If you are successful professional and still live with your parents you’re simply lazy. We all know that some parents have a soft spot for their child but we shouldn’t abuse it.
    On the other hand economic situation in many countries is tough now. You must earn more than average to get a mortgage loan. Some people decide to live with parents for a while just to save money and get a better credit.

  15. I also prefer to live on my own. But now it is impossible because of my two faculties on the University. I don't have enough of time to take a well-paid job to rent a flat. But I have to say that living with my parents is not frustrating for me but I would like to become independent and don't live for my parents' money.

  16. I definitely prefer to live on my own. I don’t think that living with your parents as an adult does well for your relationship with them. I think it may cause some difficulties to maintain healthy relationship with your partner/spouse too. If you are successful professional and still live with your parents you’re simply lazy. We all know that some parents have a soft spot for their child but we shouldn’t abuse it.
    On the other hand economic situation in many countries is tough now. You must earn more than average to get a mortgage loan. Some people decide to live with parents for a while just to save money and get a better credit.

  17. It is not an easy problem. It is very hard lo live for your own nowadays. Life is so expensive that this choice can have economic reasons. You can share with your parent’s bills, shopping etc. In Asia it is not a problem, families leave together. They have closer relation with each other and they are working for family and one home. It is not confortable for government because that people are not taking credits in banks for their “own” little flats. So sorry :(
    Another reason is that society is changing now, we are more and more individuals and it is hard for us to be in adult relations and take a responsibility for our life, so we run away from it to mummy.

  18. My priority is to have my own flat. Reason why i can't is money. It is hard to study and work at the same time, but without work i don't have much money to buy my own flat. It can take me long time to earn enough. First I must finish college to get well paid job. Unfortunately before it happens i must live with my parents.

  19. Well, that's pretty complicated problem and i don't know preciselly what's my stand for it. First of all there's a huge problem in economics. In Poland we have really expensive flats - even for small flat you have to take credit for decades. But first you have to prove that you don't need it :D
    What is more, it's pretty hard to start living on your own. Of course, you have independence, no one is talking over your head "WASH YOUR DISHES" or "VACUUM YOUR ROOM!", but it creates some kind of empiness - you're starting to feel pretty lonely without family.
    In the other hand - you just have to move out from your parent's flat and live your life, no matter how hard it is.

  20. It is very important to become quickly independent by children. Nowadays it is very difficult because parents often have one child and are very protective, they want have child at home as long as they can. Also there is no perspective for young people. They finish school and there is no job for them because it is economy crisis. They can’t buy their own flat or house because it is very expensive rents cost are high too and they must live with their parents.

  21. My preferences are to have my own flat. It is a dream, not only mine I suppose. I think evryone knows how bad economical situation for young people in Poland is. I don't know any young person who has bought a flat without a home loan. And youngsters who rent a flat, they have always financial help from their parents. So, maybe these still young people (BAMBOCCIONI) just got used to live with their parents and combined with this.

  22. The difference between us and Italians is that we (or most of us) can't afford to move out and live on our own if our parents won't help us on the start because of economical situation in our country (unemployment, low salaries, high pices for the flat) but Italians are just lazy. They prefer to party, having fun and live like there's no tomorrow than having a job, a family on their own, responsibilities and other 'adult stuff'. I'd like to move out and start to live my own life but it's really tough.

  23. Everyone with healthy mind would prefer to live on his own. This is not negotiable. I do not know how is looks in Italy, but in Poland all the young want peace, events, test their skills on one's own.

    But I must agree with Paweł, becouse we can't do this, without help on the start. So I still living with my parents, but it is going to change in this year. Wish me luck!


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