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Today life is rushing very quickly. However, current world expects us to ever greater knowledge and more courses. How to reconcile with each other those two things?

Short history

In the 18th century, people did not live in such fast pace as we are, but the problem was the distance. Because it started in the 18th century and these were the first correspondence courses. But in Poland University of Krakow in 1776 launched the first courses about craft. Next channel for information and exchange knowledge was radio and TV, however this channel of communication has many disadvantages. Really the form of E-learning began to emerge with the Internet in 20th century. 
Now e-learning is so widespread that it is in the most universities. 

What is E-learning?

In short e-learning education uses a computer and the Internet. You can also call it  as learning at a distance. This style of learning allow to complete the courses and majors without being on classes. This enables to customize tempo of learning to their potential. E-learning provides access to knowledge for people with disabilities.
In Poland occur few models of modern educations:
1. Correspondence Model:
Printed materials, scripts, tutorials
Lessons transmitted by radio or television
2. Media Model:
Printed materials
Audio lessons
Video lessons
Educational computer programs
3. TeleEdu Synchronous Model:
Lessons on the radio or television, and audio conferencing
4. TeleEdu Asynchronous Model (virtual):
Interactive Media
The materials presented in the INTERNET
TeleEdu using computer and the Internet

Example E-learning - Khan Academy

"It is our mission to accelerate learning for student off all ages" 
This is a organisation non-profit created by Salman Khan - Bangladeshi-American teacher. Website Khan Academy is absolutely free and available in 21 languages ( English, Indonesian, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Swahili, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Xhosa, Greek, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Urdu, Arabic, Persian, Bengali, Hindi, Chinese)  and offers without registration over 3 800 video lessons, automated exercises and continuous assessments. When you sign up on this website, you can also follow your progress.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning?
Do you prefer to virtual lessons or traditional classes? Why?
Have you ever watched and learned something on KhanAcademy?



  1. E-learning is something very comfortable. You can learn without leaving your home. In the era when the Internet is the main source of information, and computers the main tool of work, I think that e-learning could be the main method of learning. However, I think that in learning, we should have someone who would motivate us, push us to action. That's why I think that lack of someone like that is a disadventage of e-learning.
    I personally like virtual lessons, but I think that we need to do some excerices in class. That's why in my opinin, half-online English courses is a great idea.
    I have never watched anything on KhanAcademy, but I am curious what it is so I will look there.

  2. I also think that e-learning is very convenient. We can do a lot of exercises over the Internet. There are many websites which contains lessons from lots of subjects. We can also read a lot of articles, watch some videos and if we don't understand something, look for more information about it. One of disadvantages is that some people don't work effectively through this way. It is good to work with other people, talk with them, work in groups. It is also better when teacher can explain us something. It is much harder to talk about problem over the Internet, because eye contact is really important. When teacher is next to us, she/he see this problem and try to talk about it with us. It is also not good way of learning for people who can't motivate themselves to work really hard. Systematic work is the second very important thing in this kind of learning.
    I think it depends on the subject. For me, the best way is to connect these two methods of learning. The results will be the most satisfactory.
    I have never watched, learned something on KhanAcademy, because it is the first time when I read about it.

  3. E-learning is a very good way to learning language. This method is fast and effective. We save a lot of time because we don’t need to go to classes and in this time we can do exercises. In the Internet are a lot of courses of different language. We do many exercises like a listening, writing, reading, grammar quizzes. Nowadays everybody have a laptop or smartphone and can learn language everywhere and every time.
    Personally I think that e-learning is not all to learn language, especially to improve speaking skills. We need somebody who will be speak with us. E-learning is a good way to improve all language skills without speaking. Meeting in a classroom are necessary if we want speaking fluently.

  4. I think that e-learning is way for studying for people who are working, don't have much time. For people who have to pick up the skills. They can learn without leaving at home. I prefer traditional classes. I am young person without job so I have time to study in traditional way. Maybe in the future i will need some extra-course so i have to use of e-learnig classes,so now I want to get an education in the usual way. Adventages e-learning can be flexible time, is very comfortable, you can stay at home. Disadvantages : such courses are still enigmatic sound, require the mobilization. I haven't watched learned something on KhanAcademy, I have never heard about them. But now I see that it presents a variety of content very interesting way.

  5. In my opinion, the idea about E- learning is ideal for today’s people. We can learn, what we exactly need, when we have time for theirs and in form and the tempo suitable for us. This is profitable in the world, in which the time is very valuable and people need to obtain quickly some skills, for example, in their job. On the other hand, direct contact with the teacher is helpful, when we have problems with understanding some subjects- someone’s direct help can be necessary in such situation.
    Now I prefer traditional classes, because I often have some questions for a teacher, but when lessons are a little bit boring, learning at home or E- learning may be more effective.
    I think that Khan Academy must be very interesting, but I haven’t seen its lessons and haven’t know this idea earlier.

  6. E-learning is our future, no matter if we like that idea or not. I'm not its fan but i'm not an opponent neither. It has advantages such us saving time and travel costs, ability to organize your schedule or access to learning platform all the time. On the other hand nothing is able to replace contact with real human, real teacher. I don't like nowadays learning methods such as sitting in classroom and memorizing stuff, and e-learning can be a good alternative to it.

  7. E-learning is becoming increasingly popular. Take a look at our course.
    You can replace a lot of the advantages and disadvantages of such a study, however, is the fact that soon may dominate the education system. In Poland it is not as popular as in the U.S. where we meet more often also with learning at home instead of at school. E-learing expanding the home education.
    In addition, it is obviously convenient if you are systematic and focused on success. For lazy people is a way to circumvent the additional effort associated with spending time in classrooms.
    Personally, I have a problem with responding to the topic, because I see a lot of advantages but I am too disorganized for it.

  8. E-learning
    In my opinion e-learning is a simply way of learning. We can learn in what time we want, without any pressure. It is really comfortable because in the Internet we can find any information we want. However, this kind of learning is for people who are motivated and who can be disciplined themselves. The must be systematic and doing exercises regularly to improve their knowledge. I prefer online lessons because I can motivated myself and I like decide what time can I do something. No, I haven’t watched and learned about KhanAcademy but it sounds quite interesting!

  9. Despite the fact that e-learning is a very comfortable invention, I prefer normal classes. It requires more effort and time, of course. So, when I care to learn something concrete, I wouldn't rely only on virtual lessons. Nevertheless, I like how many opportunities e-learning gives, and therefore a junction of those two methods seems to be most effective to me.
    I found out about Khan Academy over a year ago - my physics teacher had mentioned it. I like the idea of completing so different kinds of knowledge in one place. Besides it's free, it's also constantly translated, so becomes available easier and easier with every day.

  10. I think that the biggest advantage of e-learning is its convenience. I can sit in front of my computer in my warm room eating nice food and Just learn at the same time! But if we are talking about disadvantages… I think that e-learning requires a lot of self-discipline. We all know that sometimes it’s really hard to force ourselves to make quizzes or assignment on the platform. But I can’t say that I prefer e-learning than traditional classes – in my opinion we need personal contact with a teacher and other students so therefore i think that mixed virtual lessons and traditional classes are the best ones. And what about KhanAcademy? To be honest i hear about this first time but I looks interesting. I think that it may help students form elementary school or secondary school but on the university level we should use more sophisticated sources.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. E-learning became a very popular way of learning. It is a huge facilitation for students to pass some classes without leaving their rooms.
    E-learning has a lot of pros like saving time on going to and from school. Doing the classes when having a free time, having breaks whenever we want.
    On the other hand it also have some cons. Firstly if you are not disciplined or lazy you can forget to do the class on platform. You also don't have contact with your teacher face to face so you cannot understand everything well, because it's not always so easy to confront via e-mail.

    Now while taking a half e-learning course I think that it is the best way of course i could have ever chosen. I do execises at home but i can also confront with teacher and ask if I have problem. I don't have to go on campus so often and I save my time what is helpful while working or studying two fields of study.

    I have never heard about KhanAcademy so I didn't also watched any of its materials, but it looks quite interesting so maybe one day I will take a closer look on it.

  13. It's a lot of advantages of e-learning, in my opinion is a more convivialist form of learning, if you haven’t a lot of time you should try that’s form of learning. Is a good form to practice your grammar and leasing, reading. But we must remember about disadvantages of that kind of learning, We haven’t got a ability to practice our pronausietion and oral.
    I have a very big problem with choice a good form of learning, for me better is a between e-learning, and ordinary lessons.

  14. I think that e-learning is a very convenient way of learning languages. We have a lot of materials, exercices, films in foreign languages so it is very comfortable and easy to find. Thank to e-learning students may save a lot of time- for example by eliminate problem of commuting for the classes. I also think that formula of traditional learnning is more and more used up. Books for languages are very schematic and boring.
    I like idea of e-learning. In my opinion this is our future. But I still have to get used to it, because I'm traditionalist.

  15. In my opinion the most important advantage of e-learning is reducing cost and time spent on travelling as well as time spent at school. It is quite obvious taking into account how crowded are roads and buses in Warsaw, especially in the morning. Many times there are so many passengers that it is completely impossible to read anything. So the time in the bus is wasted. You can save huge amounts of it even by skipping several classes. And e-learning enables to do so. Actually, e-learning force students to work much harder than during ordinary classes. In the classroom usually it is enough to be and sit quiet in order to survive while on the platform each student has to perform many task on their own without any choice. Students are likely to put off their work as far as it is possible. It results in performing tasks last day in a hurry and without paying proper attention. Such a problem also concerns me. It is also easy to forget about several tasks on the platform which can end up with poor grades.

  16. The most important advantage of e-learning is accessibility. Especially it facilitates students from countryside, small towns or full time workers. It eases access for people with physical disabilities or vision/hearing impaired.
    E-learning is cheaper than traditional classes: less printed materials, less money spent on transport, classroom rental etc. It’s environmental friendly.
    It brings more variety to courses and makes it more interesting for students.
    Some may say that e-learning is less effective than traditional classes. I disagree. If you’re not motivated than even the best teacher won’t help you.
    I’m not sure whether I prefer virtual or traditional lessons. It’s nice to participate in discussions and exercises in classes. Especially when it comes to practicing language there is nothing better then conversation! But as I’m working full time e-learing helps me save a lot of time on travelling from work to school.
    I’ve never seen any of Khan Academy’s videos.

  17. Despite all advantages of e-learning, I have to say I prefer traditional classes. The feel of isolation is too strong for me - after all we don't study just to gain knowledge, making contacts is nearly as important. I also think that some courses are 'too serious for Internet'. I do not pay as much attention to online courses as I do for traditional ones. But I have to say I love lying in my bed, doing assignments without having to spend hours in crowded public transportation.

  18. I’ve read about Khan Academy few days ago. But I’ve heard also about TED lectures and MIT online courses. They are fantastic ways to get new knowledge from authorities, which are unavailable in Poland or in our city. In today’s globalized world it’s very useful, it’s some chance for people with denied access to some sorts of education.
    I appreciate opportunities arising from e-learning but I think that can’t replace classic model of education. Physical contact, disputes, atmosphere of common learning are something special, which should remain in modern school. E-learning can be useful addition. And addition only.

  19. In my opinion e-learning is a good way for people who don't have a time for learning at school. Is very comfortable and common. Very many people don't have the chance to go to school, becouse they are ill for example. In small town, villages more pupils don't have possibility to learn languages, but it have been changing last time. People who choose e-learning don't have to travelling, spent much money for trains, buses. I think,that it's cheaper way to learning,too.

  20. Nowadays E- learning is convenient for today's lifestyle. People can learn when they want and how they want. They don’t spare the time and money for traveling. But the other hand, for me normal classes give us more -for ex .forcing us to work more. And in my opinion ,everyone knows that the platform will never replace written tests in class under the supervision of a teacher.

  21. I agree that e-learning can be really comfortable. You don't have to leave your room and waste time on commuting. E-learning offers a wide range of different activities, which wouldn't be performed at traditional lesson. On the other hand, I think that in some genres the personal contact with a teacher is neccessary. In my opinion learning foreign language cannot be done only online. Teacher can help you with your pronunciation, correct you while you're speaking. Internet can't do it. Also, I believe that for good speaking skills real contact with teacher and other students is required. Nevertheless e-learning is a very convenient tool, but it should be an addition for traditional teaching.

  22. E-learning was designed for people who are already motivated to learn. Otherwise it is just easier way to cheat. Prime example can be seen in some of older courses at COME UW where because of lousy coding anyone who knew even basics of web developing could get answers without breaking proverbial sweat.
    But it is convenient for students who can't attend some classes because of hours, distance or general lack of understanding that people went to University for other reasons then get 9 credit points in General Studies. It is also easier for examiner to gather work made by students. It also gives more versatility in simple manner: 'when do I write the test'. Anytime on said week :).
    I actually prefere e-learning classes on subjects that can be learned at my own pace. Patent laws, humanities. Yes. But it is just auxiliary for my main studies. They have priority.
    I like Khan Accademy, but just as a model. Most of what it has to offer I knew before I found it. But many courses on Youtube are just amazingly done and I enjoy them. I actually learned something from extremely basic C++ course made by AntiRTFM after few years of coding on my own and at University.

  23. E-learning is good addition to normal education. I like e-learning because I can do exercises so long I would like to. It is good for language or for informatic skills. The advantages are: you can do homework when you have time and you feel good, if you don't understand something you can check this. Otherwise it is easy to show video materials or to use websites.
    E-learning isn't sufficiently to educate students, because we should learn cooperate whit other people and speaking, not only writing. Secondly we wouldn't like to spend our life before computer.

  24. E-learning it's pretty nice way to learn, but in my opinion worse than traditional classes. It's of course way more convenient than normal classes, but it is also requiring more self-control - you have to do your work as soon as possible. If you won't do that early - you'll hurry very much and you won't pay enough attention to each assigment.
    However, it is really comfortable to make your class work in your own bed or chair, eating food, making breaks and stuff like that. You are then your own boss, teacher and student at one.

  25. ELearing is the key to the future. People in 10-20 years probably will be learning 90% of material via internet courses. It is very comfortable that mostly it’s for free and is available for almost everyone who has computer with internet. It is a good solution for busy people, because they can spare time and costs of travels.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I think that e-learning can be efficient in some specified conditions - you can learn much using it only if you're a type of individual learner, who is at the same time motivated to gain knowledge. It's obvious that for people, who don't want to learn (and we all know that there are many of them) e-learning is just the easiest way to avoid any learning at all. I think that we should never go too far with digitalizing process of learning, if we don't want to have a society of uneducated e-idiots. Let's face the truth - education sometimes must be painful, some of things, which are neccesary to learn are just not so interesting. Probably if someone hasn't forced us to learning the alphabet or basic mathematics, we would still be analphabets, who don't know that 2+2=4.

  28. I think the E-learning is amazing thing because someone can broaden his mind without leaving home. I'm not opinion that the sitting home is better than leaving but when somebody has broken leg or something and can't move... then he has a opportunity to know something new. I think e-learning is a perfect item for pensioners who know how to use a computer and Internet. My grandmother used computer after I had teached her how to use it and it was something as breaking average day. After I asked that how was it? And I heard that it was something new and exciting.

  29. E-learning can be good for develop your interests and knowledge.
    I thing it is good for people who have to stay at home or they don't have much time for traveling to and from schools.
    It can be great for old people.
    I like e-learning and I really want to find out same interesting topics for me specially in English language to improve it. I was watching that YouTube video about Khan Academy and it seems to be very useful.


  30. Advantages:
    You don't have to go outside, travel by public transport, stuck in traffic jams, get cold on a bus stop. It is saving time.
    No sicial life, no new friends
    I prefer tradicional classes. I am a sociable person, I like to meet new people, have new friends. It is more fun than just learning.

  31. E-learning it definately not for all of us. You have to be disciplined to make yourself sit down and spend those 2-3 hours for reading aricles, doing homework and all that stuff that e-learning includes. Personally I'm not sure if e-learning is a good choice for me because I cannot always force my hand to start doing this goddamn platform and next day it's after deadline and I'm simply screwed because that happens not only once. But on the other hand If only I changed my attitude this is way better than regular classes because you have to do all (or very big part) of the work which it's hard do require on classes from all of the students. Plus you don't have to spend time for the trip and you choose the time of your lesson yourself.

  32. E-learning is very good idea. We can learn in every place and every time we want. But e-learning is for people who really wants to learn something. The biggest disadvantage of that way of learning is non-human contact. If you can't understand something you have problem and you must find answers at your own hand. For me, way of learning - virtual or normal classes, depends for the topic of lessons.

  33. I think that E-learning works only as supplement. I can't imagine economy course, only on internet platform. Where is experience of authority? It is so important for people from preschool to studies. There is no option to ask "computer" if you have any doubts - I mean, "Google" it's not enough.

    If anyone search for more information i will recomend you Harvard e-learning free course. There are informatic classes for example. It is one of the most popular course all over the world. At the point you realise that same course cost XXXXX $ in Boston, you know what a bigg opportunity e-learning can be.

    P. S. And ofcourse everyone who's trying E-learning should be highly motivated. It's to much for some people ;)


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