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GMO- good or evil?

GMO- Good  or Evil?

GMO- genetically modified organisms- organisms which  genom was changed in laboratory conditions. This changes in DNA of organisms allow to modify their attributes- for example colour, immunity for climatic, geographical conditionings and to increase crop.
At once GMO seems to be something useful and good for modern world. This biotechnology was hoped to change the world nowadays. For example- changing of the DNA of organisms have had to adapt plants to grow in African climatic conditions and destroy problem of femine there.

However GMO is very hot topic these days. It causes many controversies around the world and fierce debates among politicians, scientists and even among show-business stars. Let’s look inside it.

History of GMO

It’s worth to say that people modify organisms from hundreds or thousands of years. Even  first of agriculturists looked for the best solutions to maximize crop, increase immunity of their  plants and animals. So present organisms are far different than their ancestors. Of course this modifications were not on the same level of advancement  as present processes.
Contemporary GMO was raised together with developing of genetics in twentieth century.  First GMO was created in 1973. First outdoor test took place in 1986 in the USA where scientists prepared new, genetically modified tobacco. First commercial usage of this biotechnology in 1996 was connected with culvitions of tomatoes and soya in the USA by FlavrSavr company. Tomatoes had changed genom responsible for ripening and softness process.

Adventages of GMO

Currently researches confirm that food made of genetically modified organisms is healthy the same as food made by non-modified plants or animals. According to this researches modified organisms have no influence for human health or life. Even so we must remember that GMO is relatively new invention, researches will be continued and we must be sure for one hundred percent that this is healthy.
GMO technology could help to immunize plants and animals against pests (for example non-modified  corn  in Poland in 2011 brought around 400 million PLN losses because of damage by gąsiennica omacnicy prosowiaka. In Spain where modified corn is using- problem is unknown). GMO allows also to adapt plants against weather conditions. This process may make cultivation of  various species on territory where nowadays it is impossible because of climate
Modifications of genes  give perspectives for increase goodness of food made of modified products. By complicated interference  scientists could change genes responsible for vitamins and microelements in vegetables, fruits or even into meat. For example- few years ago by changing gene responsible for vitamin A into rice- new kind was found. It is called Golden Rice and contents of beta-carotene  into that rice is more about 20 times than into normal one.
Finally biotechnological alteration may extend usefulness of product to eat.

Disadvantages of GMO

Some scientists warn that by generics modifications of organisms  we may change world environmentally- disturb equality of ecosystems. Changing genes of immunity could help but doing it in improper way may be a disaster. Modified plants and their modified immunological systems could annihilate good insects- for example bees and everyone agrees that it is disaster.
Scientists are not sure if modified food is more allergic than that made of non-modified. It always is dangerous because we cannot imagine results.
Genetics modifications are intellectual property so scientists whom invent new kind of plant or genes crossbreed could demand money from farmers to allow them to use new seeds or solutions. This process will eliminate small farms.

Debate in Poland

Recently- in November 2012 Polish parliament legislated new law about seeding. It started new protests against GMO because this law is adapted to EU standards and may allow GMO biotechnology to be develop in Poland. That’s why people have been protesting with Polish show business stars like Doda

Are you for or against GMO? Why?



  1. I'm for GMO, but not in every possible case. Studying biotechnology means that I work on such organisms everyday, seeing that it's almost impossible to get rid of GMO's in our lives. Because this term doesn't concern just food, but also eg. bacteria cells modified so they can produce insuline. I'm also well aware of the problem of uncontrolled spreading of genetically modified plants, which may inflict natural ecosystems. However, knowing how helpful this technique is I'm rather for than against, but under very strict and controlled conditions.

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  3. I do not know much about GMO. From what I know, it could badly affect our bodies, causing a variety of diseases, which is why I think that I'm against GMO. I believe that the natural food, without any "extras" is the best and the healthiest. Color and shape of the food is not as important to risk our health. Natural food has more vitamins and nutrition that our bodies need. But I know that my knowledge is not enough so that I could say for sure whether I am for or agaist GMO.

  4. I'm not completely against GMO - as previous speaker said - it is very useful in science and I'm glad it is developing. But I'm against GMO if it comes to food. I think we're already eating too much modified food (like chickens that were fed with testosterone so they grow faster and are bigger) - it has only negative effects. Nowadays it is hard to eat healthy and ecological food - it's not that available and cheap.

  5. I'm too incompetent to be really against GMO, but as an ignorant I can just say that I don't like this idea of genetical modifications of humans, food etc. Especially when it comes to food, I think that this is wrong that there is so much of it in shops and we usually don't even now what we are eating. We are not living in Africa, so I guess that we could survive without all these modifications. I'm curious how does debate in Poland about GMO looks like, but I just couldn't read it, because this photo right next to this paragraph is too nauseating.

  6. In my opinion, GMO has both positive and negative sites. Generally, I think that GMOs’ prohibition is not necessary. GMO can be very profitable, for example for an increase of production of food in those lands, where are problems with a food deficit. We can improve a quality of food, but it may cause a change insects. A next weak point is about normal fruit and vegetables, which can be dominated from GMO.

  7. In my opinion there are lots of advantages and disadvantages of it. I am not against GMO, but I try to buy normal fruit and vegetable. I don't really think that this food can cause some serious generics modifications. Nowadays, everything is a bit arftificial and we shouldn't be suprised. The taste and smell of food are different than in the past. People use a large amount of different substances to improve outside of the fruit or vegetable. People will buy them, because they will look better than normal fruit. Sometimes they even don't know if they eat GMO food. They don't feel any difference. GMO is also a good solution for poverty, because of the number of produced food. Moreover, the GMO food is a bit cheaper than normal and for some people it's the most important feature.

  8. In my opinion GMO are rather positives sites. There are more informed customers, because they need to make more informed decisions in regard to nutrition, agriculture and science. ALL GMOs that are sold in the market, due to the strict tests. If the slightest chance of health hazard, a GMO is NOT allowed to enter the markets.

  9. In my opinion GMO has a positives as well as negatives sites. The most important in GMO is that it provides food for people from poor countries. Such products will be much cheaper than the traditional. I read about these products, they will be withought drupels, they will be very tasty. But I think, that I don't want to change traditionals plants for modifited plants.Of course I would like to try once such products. However, it is not confirmed until the end, whether they are healthy or maybe have badly effects on our organism. This food is a big threat to owners of farms, may lose your source of income. I'm glad, that people in our country are able to protest for our health and good future.

  10. I think that genetically modified products are much better than usual. I don't mean only the higher yields and interest. Thanks GMO we can create products which can prevent and treat the disease. If it would be dangerous, the researchers did not allow them to introduce this in so many countries. And due to the fact that tests are continued, we can feel safe.

  11. Biology and biotechnology has been a field of my interest for a long time. Unfortunately, people who complain most, are usually most ignorant (vide Doda). She said that GMO makes people fat and ugly and gave an example of americans, who have serious obesity issues. I don't know whether she was serious or just trying to get attention, but from scientific point of view, it was nonsense. There is no way for DNA which we eat to affect our bodies in any way. The only way GMO can be dangerous is by its long term effect on ecology but we need more time to check it.

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  13. In my opninon GMO ca be very useful. Those examples in article - dovetailing plants to different climatic conditions or making some species more copious in vitamins or microelements. But I think that those genetical ingerention may be dangerous, because we don't know how will be far-reaching consequences. It would be good if we wait with abundance of that kind of food to find out about after-effects. To sum up we ought to be careful, when we are experimenting with that kind of science

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  15. There has been very loud about GMO in media lately, but I didn't create my own opinion about it. I heard about advantages like better taste and appearance of food, but I also met defects of it. They might be more allergic, than natural ones and cause diseases. I don't know what to think about GMO, but we cannot forget that it is disturbing natural way of growing plants. So in my opinion, although organic food is more expensive than modified, we should consume natural one and try to protect our bodies and also environment.

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  16. I’m not against GMO. People modify food from many years. Genetic cross-breeds, which were done to make more tasty, effective or healthy breeding animals and plants, are very similar to GMO. In begginings of XX century cross-breeds were replaced by more advanced solution. For example, radiation and adding some substances. But results of these actions were unpredictable. Effects were known when breeds sprouted and some of them were very dangerous. But then no one noticed that. Or no one wanted to notice. Nowadays ways of food modifications are much more advanced and safe. Bot behind GMO is hidden a lot of money. That’s what are they fighting for. Money, not our health.

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  18. In my opinion Gmo is more positive then negative. The costumer are better informed, products contain more nutrients and are often tested. And Nowadays I think that, in products so called “natural” there are many substances harmful to human. The only thing negative which caused Gmo is a bad impact on ecology

  19. I think GMO is a way to fight with hunger in poor countries, green resolution is a example of wining with that problem. But in modern countries it isn't a good for citizens, In the public debate we have a lot of different voices of this conversation, one sight tell about unhealthy and bad consequences of it, on the other hand we have a good information about it.

  20. Nowadays we have a lot of food, we do need so much. We are wasting food. In 2011 we waste 1.3 billion tons of food, about one third of the global food production. In Poland we have good climate and conditions for growing plants. In my opinion human have no right to change another organism. No rights to do it with animals and plants. I wish it is only a trend, but it doesn’t looks like. GMO is a different step to commerce, economic impact. We will be baying more and waste more food. It is only for money.
    But in democratic country we have no choice.

  21. These days we need to improve farming in some places around the world and i think that GMO can save many lifes in Africa or Asia, but we also have to be really cautious. For egsample - GMO can extinct some kind of insects like bees and that wound just ruin our planet life. But i'm still on GMO - but we have to be cagy about that - we have to do a lot of experiments and simulations before developing GMO in wide scale.

  22. I guess that most of the food products contain some GMO. GMO was designed to extend the quality and the number of food supplies. According to presentation researches have shown no harmful influence on human's health. Moreover thanks to genetics some products may be improved by generating better nutrition values. I'm not against GMO until it isn't scientifically proved it is a danger for my health.

  23. For me GMO is incredibly impressive achievement today's development of science in the field of genetics. I support efforts to modify food for the improvement of its properties. However, I have to make sure that after the modification of food is not threatening my life or health. So I think before we eat GMO, it should be thoroughly investigated by scientists.

  24. I'm for GMO. It's well worth testing it. I think we shouldn't decline importance of GMO just because we don't know if it's 100% safe.
    I believe that modifying nature cannot be without harm to our ecosystem. This concerns me more than its impact on human health.

  25. I think that GMO is unneeded because food production now is on such level that are significant surplus which are wasted by inept management of governments. I agree with that GMO is more efficient and resistant to pests but we don’t know how it affect on living organism especially on human because researches lasted too short. Moreover the company producing seeds have a patents on them and sell it by the high price.

  26. I personally don't care about this GMO thing. I choose what I want to eat. If I want to eat not modificated product, I eat not modificated product. If I want to eat GMO product, I eat GMO product. If I want to eat cheaseburger, chrisps, lolypop or any other totally unhealthy and unvaluable product I just go and buy it. Problem starts when you don't have that choice and you don't know what you eat and that's what really bothering me. But come on, if it was so unhealthy it wouldn't be EU standard.

  27. From the time when GMO was made for the first time people criticize it, and threating like "work of Satan". I do not understand such approach and thin that it comes from peoples lack of education. Hundreds of scientist every day are using GMO and any of them have found any real source of danger to humans. GMO by definition is an organism which has any gene belongs to a different creature. This means that everybody who had ailed for virus illness is GMO (Virus during the attack of the virus injects its DNA us and makes our cells to reproduce it. This DNA is often somewhere in our genotype even after recovery). DNA is only compound - sequence of nucleotides, and it isn't really important witch organism produced it. After eating food made from GMO this DNA is etched - it not penetrates to our genotype, so it could not do as any harm. GMO is also the best way to stop hunger and lack of vitamins in poor countries - thanks to "golden rice" thousands of Chinese have not became ill, because of shortage of retinol in their diet. The only threat of the GMO is its great growth and resistance. Thanks to them GMO can easily displace native species of plants and animals.


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