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How did technology change education?

We live in the world of constant changes, new technologies are being developed changing almost every aspect of our lives. But has education system changed that much? Is it stuck in 20th century and outdated, or just the opposite, it’s doing very well while taking advantage of modern technology? I will present my opinion and try to answer that question.

How big was the impact of technology on education?
Technological progress is having a great influence on education nowadays. The difference between now and then is huge. Blackboard and chalk are no more most important objects in classrooms as they were overthrown by computers and the Internet. A notebook isn’t just few pages of paper, today’s notebooks are mobile computers. So buying a notebook isn’t as easy as going to stationery shop and requires much more money. But its features are nearly unlimited. 

1. Access to Information
Knowledge is now closer to us than ever.  All facts which we are told to search for are just few clicks away, at any time, everywhere. There are many pros, such as much bigger collection of sources for teachers, more interesting ways of presenting knowledge, such as videos or games. More ambitious students can also benefit from this, as they are not limited by contents of handbooks. The resources of Internet are almost infinite.
Of course there are drawbacks. Lazier students will only go as far as first search result from Google, or Wikipedia. Having answers available with almost no effort can lead to decline in the ability of reasoning, thus making quality of education much lower. With all the benefits of Internet, we should not forget about libraries.

2. Erasing Physical Boundaries
Thanks to technology, education doesn’t need to take place in school. We can learn anywhere we want. E-learning has brought many new positive aspects. Students choose where and when they want to study. Assignments, texts or podcasts are available at any time on the Internet.  Students don’t have to make schedules to fit teachers’ availability. Teachers can also benefit from this as size of classroom is not a limit anymore. Hundreds of students can be taught at the same time, saving a lot of time for both sides.

Of course there are drawbacks of e-learning as well. It is easy to fall behind if you can’t organize your time very well. Isolation from other students and instructors could also be a serious problem.

3. Changed Rules of Communication
Letters went out of date. Today’s communication is based on Facebook, Twitter, e-mails and texts. They are instantly delivered and available on every computer and mobile devices. This should also become a main mean of communication between students and teachers. Teacher should be able to ‘tweet’ an assignment or ‘share‘ interesting materials

Technology has definitely changed the world of education. From new communication techniques to better access to information, education has never been as advanced. Technology has changed the way we view education, and the jury is still out on longer-term effects.

Unfortunately, in Poland all those positive trends in education are visible only on universities.  Only there we can get assignments from the internet, discuss different matters over e-mail with our tutors or work together on forums. High schools look very obsolete when compared to universities. Despite my generation being ‘digital native’ teachers are often stuck in 20th century, sometimes without skills of operating a computer. Blackboard, chalk and backpacks full of heavy books still determines high school education. Of course this is only my personal experience, if your high school was different than that, feel free to comment and share your experiences with us.



  1. I am very into technology, so I'm glad it is also helpful in my education. I don't remember the last time I've used real dictionary or encyclopedia - I can check everything in online ones. It's quicker and more comfortable. There's no need of copying books and materials from my friends - I can download them online!
    It is true that when it comes to using technology by teachers or in school in general it is only visible at universities. I hope it will change soon!

  2. Of course, I think that new technologies are changing the world and education. Because of it, we have a lot of possibilities to gain new knowledge in a suitable for us form. We should change the method of teaching at school and universities- new technologies created new lifestyle- when we don’t understand them, we would have large problems in the future, ex. with finding a job. I agree with you, that universities use new methods of teaching, but high schools do it only sometimes. I had luckily a good high school, where teachers were using computers and interactive whiteboards. I had also school trips, during which I was learning in practice.

  3. Technology has a great impact on our education. Nowadays, almost everything is connected with new technologies. We use computer, Internet, some special programmes, because they are a big facilitation in our work. They make it easier and also we do not spend so much time on some exercises, because we can look for solutions over the Internet and get necessary knowledge much faster than it was in the past. We have many opportunities thanks to new technology. I know that not everyone is convinced to it, but I think it will change gradually in the future. Some people think that students just don't think when they use computer to learn and they can find everything without trying to solve the problem all on their own. For me it isn't true and I don't agree with this opinion. It just helps us to work faster and more efficient.

  4. In my opinion, the development of technology helps us to learn. With access to the Internet, all the information about the world, password encyclopedic, are more available. You don't have to stand in a queue to library, you can check everything on the internet.

  5. In my opinion, the technology nowadays is very important, even in the field of education (or perhaps especially in education). People use computers and Internet to almost everything. Today, technology allows us to subscribe to the school, to sign up for classes, check our grades, communicate with teachers, colleagues. Through the Internet, we can order books in the library, without waiting in line, etc. I have to say that I can't imagine my life without technology, I use it everyday for both the pleasure and the education.

  6. I agree that technology has very beg influence on education. It makes learning easier and faster. But I think that we are not already ready for dumping a classic way of learning. I mean that some kind of sciences have not found its way in modern style of education yet. In my opinion we could talk about success of the Internet in learning, when most of books will be digitalised and everyone will have a free access to it.

  7. I also agree that technology changed way of learnig very much. We may just compare the education and learning from thirty years ago and contemporary. Now students can find everything on the Internet, download it to their notebooks, Ipads, or pen-drives. So we can educate everywhere without need of having tons of books. Now it is easier and faster but I'm not sure if more effective unfortunately.

  8. I also agree that technology changed way of learnig very much. We may just compare the education and learning from thirty years ago and contemporary. Now students can find everything on the Internet, download it to their notebooks, Ipads, or pen-drives. So we can educate everywhere without need of having tons of books. Now it is easier and faster but I'm not sure if more effective unfortunately.

  9. New technologies are a very good way to learning. Thanks to computer and internet learning is fast and effective. We save a lot of time because we don’t need to go to classes and in this time we can gain new knowledge and skills. Nowadays everybody have a laptop or smartphone and can learn everywhere and every time. Students have a fast access to the information. They can share materials through the internet with other people what makes learning more effective.

  10. I think technology has revolutionized education in many ways. I would like to bring to your attention changing ‘relationship’ between school, student and teacher.
    School <–> student: Internet let us find unfiltered information about each school. Students’ and parents’ opinions about school can really help in making decision which school suits you the best. Unpleasant feedback left on the Internet force school to take an action. It means that school needs to adapt to students requirements and also students can help school improve their service.
    Teacher <–> student: transformation of the “knowing” role of the teacher into ‘conducting’’ role.
    Students <–> students: Web-based platforms extend classroom community. Students share their knowledge and help each other with homework. Internet actually let kids teach other kids. It’s a good way to learn how to work as a team.

  11. Just like every single thing in whole universe technology in learning has it's pros and cons. Of course, we have pretty easy access to information in internet, we can take thousands of books with us, but will we use them well? Will we read those books? I don't think so, in my opinion the more we have - the less we use. We have possibility to read books on our smartphones, but we prefer to play pointless games. Also our attention is dispersed.

  12. I think that technology has changed education and it will change it even more. Of course this process has both positive and negative sides. I think that as far as technology doesn't change education completely (e.g. by digitalizing it totally) it's ok to make some positive changes in traditional teaching.

  13. Technology has changed education. Of course, the better. Today, time is money. Therefore, new technologies give us a little more time. For example, when we have classes once a week, it's hard to waste dozen or so minutes to dictate or distribution of housework.

  14. Nowadays I really can't imagine learning without Internet. It's sad but it's true. Most information I have to absorb for my studies i get from the Internet directly or through my friends on facebook or skype. Moreover, most of homeworks I have to show or give to my tutor HAVE TO be writen or done on the computer. So if someone ask me if I passed to the II year without all the computer/internet help I would say that maybe but pobably not.


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