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Charitable organizations

                Charitable organizations

The world has always struggled with problems such as hunger, poverty, disease. Unfortunately, it was difficult to deal with them. There were not many options.

Today, these problems (and even more, like f.ex. women's rights, human rights, environmental hazards, drug addictions) still exist. But in the XIXth and XXth century people began setting up charities that are trying to deal with it.

Nowadays, there are many charitable organizations created for different purposes. These are non-profit organizations, centered on non-protif and philantropic goals as well as social well-being. Most of these brings help to people with problems (alcohol or drug- addict, victims of violence, hunger, poverty etc). But there is also a lot of associations which try to protect the environment and animals.

These are some examples of such organizations:

The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy, WOŚP)  is one of the biggest charity organizations in Poland whose primary purpose is in accordance with the statute, "the activities of health by saving lives of patients, especially children, and working to improve their health, as well as action on health promotion and disease prevention." The foundation was established in 1993 by charismatic Jerzy Owsiak. Its most famous action is annual fundraising ended by concerts in many Polish cities. WOŚP is the best example that we can               have fun by helping others.

Greenpeace is an international organization created in the early 70 to protect the environment. It has offices in many countries, and the international coordinating body in Amsterdam. Their goal is to "ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity" and they try to deal with world wide issues such as global warming, deforestation, overfishing, commercial whaling, genetic engineering, and anti-nuclearissues.

International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement 
is an international humanitarian movement which works around the world. It was fouded in 1863 to protect human life and health. This organization brings help to victims of natural disasters, refugees, organize courses of emergency etc. It is one of the 
oldest and the biggest charitable organization in the world. It has also its external office in Poland and it is known as Polski Czerwony Krzyż (Polish Red Cross).

As you can see, there are many organizations working on various issues. They employ many volunteers, often young people who want to help others without taking any money for it. Even ordinary people assume small foundations. They may not have the range of activities such as WOŚP or the Red Cross, but any help counts

How about you?:

Do you think that charities are needed? 
Have you ever been a volunteer in an organization?


  1. I think that charity organizations are the best way to keep up our humanity. While so many people do so many bad things to each other it is good to know that there still are people who help. Personally I volunteered in WOŚP. That's such a great idea and I really don't understand people who reject giving this 2zł for WOŚP because they don't agree with Jerzy Owsiak's opinions and beliefs.

  2. I think that some kinds of charities are necessary, but, unfortunately, they are not always reliable. Some part of delivered products- food, drinks, clothes- are stolen or damaged, for example in Afghanistan, Iraq etc. On the other hand, it’s sad that people can do something for the others only in a special occasion, ex. WOŚP- and normally be very egoistic.
    I have never been a volunteer in an organization, but maybe in the future I would take part in some event.

  3. I think it is great that some people still want to help without profits. I don't say that every charitable organization is good, reliable and needful, but there are lots of organizations which really help people in poverty. Sometimes we just don't realize how big problems they have to survive. In high school, my class helped two small children in Africa. We have to pay 5 euro every year to give them opportunity to study all year. For us it was small expense, but without this help those children will never reach to raise money for their education. They struglle to survive, to get some food every day so it isn't strange that they don't think about education. But I think they deserve it just the same as we.

  4. I think that the charities are really needed in these days. There are many poor or ill people who need a help. Thanks to WOŚP we contribute to improve the situation in Poland in the hospitals. Everyone knows for what the money are devote and what is important that all the people want to participate in this event. This is the best way to keep up our humanity.

  5. I think that in the world is a lot of people who need our help. These are sick people, single mothers, people who survived the disaster as floods, hurricanes. Charitable organizations that give people hope for a better tomorrow, help in difficult times. I myself as a child took part in the organization 'The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity'. We should help people, when we can.

  6. In my opinion charities are really important today. Nowadays there is a lot of people who need help, and not only poor or victims of hunger, but also victims of violence (especially women), victims of harassment, discrimination, drug-addicts, single parents, etc. Such organizations are helping those in need, not only by financial assistance, but also psychological. Unfortunately, there are many "charitable" organizations that instead of helping extort money.
    I was a volunteer in one of charitable organization and it was a pleasure for me to help others.
    I think that those organizations are important and needed.

  7. I don't have a lot of money but I always give some for WOŚP. I think it's amazing when people devote so much energy and resources in helping those who are in need. I have never been a volunteer because I can hardly find time to do something else than studying. Maybe one day I will try to be one.

  8. I was volunteer at WOŚP and PCK. Thanks to charity people are very united. Those who give money, food, and those who assist in the collection. All give something back to the business, volunteer their time or support financially. This seems to me to be beautiful for charity. You can see in people when compassion.

  9. I think that charities are very important and they help many peoples. Of course the best known is WOŚP, but they are a lot of smaller organisations on more limited outreach. In my opinion those action which gives a possibility of allocating 1% of tax is an important way to help people in needs.

  10. In my opinion these days there is a huge demand on charitable organisations. Nowadays we have to cope with a lof of worldwide human problems like poverty, hunger, pestilence, and more. There are people who need help and those who want to help others - charities are reminding us about it. I was a volunteer once, while WOŚP. It was very cold and windy, but I was very proud of collecting monay for necessitous. I consider charities best thing could ever exist, only if it is used properly.

  11. I've been a volunteer in WOŚP four times and I think, that such organizations are really important for our society. WOŚP is a great example of private, non-state organization, which became extremely succesful and helpful for people in need. This is the type of organization, which should be developed in our country - not any social help organized by state, but something created by citizens. It can be possible in real civil society and this is something that we should aim at.

  12. - In my opinion charities are necessary nowadays. There a lot of human in need. Every day, unfortunately, we forget about them and such organizations give us opportunity to be more sensitive to the needs of others. And I think for ex. WOŚP is great organization, which despite the fact it is organized once a year it has changed a lot in the life of the sick and people in need. Such events are needed.

  13. I think that charitable organisations are very needed nowadays. It is beautiful phenomenon. In these times when more and more people are very indifferent this is the sign that together we can do big thigs. We have to support this type of civilian participarion into the social life it is very important for the whole society. I was a volunteer of the Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy. It was very good experience. In this bad times in this type of action we may see very beautiful, warm and human behaviour and consciousness of the social bond and how important it is. I recommend to participate!

  14. Charities organizations are very important in world life. Media and governments are ignoring many of true problems around us. We are paying taxes but we still need Jurek Owsiak who is taking carry about hospitals. In all polish hospitals there is medical equipment from Orkiestra Światecznej Pomocy.
    When you imagine haw many people need help you can only say that it is necessary to teach people what is humanity and that you can do your own something to person in need.
    I am interesting in Unicef and Feminoteka Fundation, and Amnesty International, which fight with discrimination and violence. Work for rights, survival, development and protection and FREEDOM.

  15. Charity organizations are very important. In our world are many people who need help for various reason for example they can be very sick and don’t have many for treatment. Charity organization help these in need but there would be no organization without people who want help and support other people disinterestedly and this is wonderful.

  16. I think that charity organizations are very important. They not only help those in need but they bring to people's attention many important problems. I agree with Jonathan that we should support non-state organizations as an act of human solidarity. I just wish we could hear more often about the results and achievements of those organizations.
    I used to work for non-profit organization so I used to participate in many projects as a volunteer.

  17. I agree with all the comments stating that charity organizations are important and that they do a good job. It is very important to help those who don't have luck in life. There are some situations in life, dramatic situations, when you can count only on goodwill of others. However I think that helping others is an obligation for all of us and it doesn't neccessary require taking part in organised charity actions. The real help is made of small good deeds.

  18. Well, if no one is talking about Greenpeace - i will. They're making me laught every time i see them - of course, some of their beliefs seems like really smart, but when you'll have a closer look and compare their "statistics" with well-know true statistics - it looks silly. For egsample - Greenpeace is worrying about CO2 in atmosphere - it's nothing wrong. But preventing people from using coal or petrol because of warming effect is pretty stupid when you will compare some volcanic eruptions with CO2 produce of human. Just one eruption of Krakatau (super-volcano) threw more CO2 in atmosphere than all humanity FROM BEGGINING. And we're all paying for their sick theories (climate tax and some sort of other taxes).

  19. Yes, charitable organisations are needed nowadays. They fill gaps in capitalist system in developed countries and help to survive in poor regions of world. But they are not panacea for whole problems. In war-torn regions humanitarian aid is often scooped up by guerillas or other rebeliants. And in developed countries they may make government lazy. Good example is Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy – their motivations are noble, but it can’t exculpates helplessness of government in the face of crisis in health service.

  20. Do you think that charities are needed?
    Of course I think that charities are needed. Especialy in countries like Poland, where health service needs help like that. Politics can't help, so what to do. Ordinary people help and I think it is worthy of admiration
    Have you ever been a volunteer in an organization?
    No, I have never been a volunteer in an organization.

  21. In my opinion charitable organizations are very, very important for all of us, in the whole world. How many lives they saved and gave no one will ever count, how many good, positive energy for the world... By the way - I would definately mention UNICEF if I were making this presentation. These people saved very big amount of children form Africa and they still working on main problems it 3rd World's countries, aspecially involved with children.

  22. I also agree that charitable organizations are very important and needed. In nowday's selfish world needs people who find the time to help others. Unfortunately, in the world there are people who pretend selflessness trying to earn or gain other benefits. I used to belong to such an organization. Its purpose was to organize events and activities for children, visiting the sick children in hospitals and orphanages. At first it was, but later it changed. Increasingly, instead of organizing activities for children took part in the promotional activities of different companies. In the end it turned out that shows that I was doing charity to be paid for by the company - the money was going into his pocket head of the organization. Of course, it immediately went away, just as they did almost all of its members. It works as well with a charity, but before I went I checked into it, and I know that it is fair. I am glad that I can do something good for others.

  23. Charitable organizations? This is the proof that the world is not so bad. As long as we can and we want to help each other - the world is a good place. Since 5 years, I have been a volunteer at the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. Every year, I can see how people want to help the others and save someone's life. It gives a lot energy and hope that together we can always do something good. Of course, that charitable organizations are needed. Of course, that's still too few of them. We are truly happy only when we are able to share what we have with the others. A sharing of even the smallest things can work wonders. Charities are the proof of this.

  24. In my huble opinion charitable organizations are very much needed. I can't imagine that situation without this kind of foundations.

    in social policy we have several models of organization. One of them is the kind of welfare state. What is distinguishes between the model of liberal, conservative and social democratic. These models determine how to help the average man. But today, we move away from this kind of approach. Social policy are created new idea - welfare mix. Where charitable organizations are plaied a very important role


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