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Hitchhiking is a worldwide known mean of transport, which is also called a thumbing or hitching. It is gained by asking people, usually straingers, for a ride in their car. A ride usually but not always costs a hitchhiker nothing. Hitchhiker usually signale his need of ride by making a physical gesture or displaying a written sign.


The hitchhikers' methods of signaling to drivers differ around the world a lot. Many hitchhikers use various hand signals. For examples, in the USA and UK, they point their thumb up, that’s way it is called thumbing. In some African countries, the hand is held still with the palm facing upwards. In Israel, the hitchhiking signal is to hold the fist out with the index finger pointing towards the road. A hitchhiker may also hold a sign displaying their destination. Lately there has created more recent methods of hitching a ride like going to bulletin boards or websites and arrange lifts beforehand, without soliciting directly from the road.


Hitchhiking is an historically common practice worldwide and hence there are very few places in the world where laws exist to restrict it. However, there are some certain locations where rules doesn’t allow people to hitchhike. Around the world there are some highways which are banned for hitchhikers, for their and drivers safty.


In most of the countries thumbing is for free, but there are some places like Albania, Cuba, Marocco, Turkey, Ukraine and some more, where driver may ask you for money. There are also such countries where you must pay for a ride, it is Nigeria, Bolivia or South Africa. What is interesting the price in South Africa is determined and it is equal to the price of minibuses.


We cannot forget about the danger which is connected to hitchhiking. It is dangerous not only for hitchhikers but also for drivers. You never know if a passanger is a thief or serial  killer. It is the risk hitchhiker takes while taking a ride with stranger. There is also uncertainty if driver is a good person and if he drives rationally. But there are many rules connected to self-defense and precautions, thumbler should know when hitching.


Hitchhiking became so popular that even media try to support young hitchhikers. CNN proposed 15 golden rules. So here are some secrets, magical rules, tips which can help everyone become a successful hitchhiker. 

1. Take a shower
2. Ditch the ciggies
3. Save your charm for older vehicles
4. When vans approach, it's OK to lose your dignity
5. Make eye contact 
6. Don't be lazy
7. Hang out at gas station and roadhouses
8. Truck drivers are friends, but they also have company insurance
9. Don't talk about politics or religions... but do talk
10. Offer to pay your way
11. No backseat driving
12. Carry water and tent
13. Don't hitch at night
14. Appreciate goodness, don't curse the ignorant
15. Never have timetable

If interested look for more here :

Do you think if those rules might be helpful? What do you think about hitchhiking? Have you ever tried this mean of transport? 



  1. I've never tried hitchhiking, but I think it'll happen sooner or later. I want to try it after listening to all the awesome stories from my friends who used this way of travelling. Besides, it's best to get to know new people in such uncanny ways - couchsurfing is a good example, and I can really recommend it! I believe that we can never be sure about the safety in such "adventures", but following the common sense is most important, that's all. If we feel uncomfortable with something, it's better to leave it and try to find another way.

  2. I would really love to go somewhere by hitchhiking. I also know many stories how awesome is it and although it seems a bit dangerous, I'd say - no risk no fun! Of course there are some rules that should be followed like if the car or the driver looks suspicious it is better to wait a little more for next opportunity than be killed in the middle of nowhere :) We should be sensible!

  3. In my opinion, these rules can be helpful, but are very general. Hitchhiking is a good idea, but can be little bit dangerous- we don’t know, who is a driver and who ask for a place in the car. I have never tried this method, but my brother used it during one of his trips. He has a positive experience with it- he was driving with a nice family with an enjoyably atmosphere.

  4. In my opinion those rules might be helpful, but only if somebody has ever tried hitchhiking and know how it looks like.
    I think it is a great idea to spend leisure time during holidays (but not only)in this way, especially for people who like spending time actively. You should be interested in it and like adventures. If you are aware of it, you shouldn't go. I agree that it is a bit dangerous, because we don't know what intentions will some people have. We also don't know if someone is a good driver and doesn't cause accident. I think it depends on the character, disposition and sociability of the people.

  5. I have never tried hitchhiking, but I always dreamed about it. I think it must be a great adventure. Of course, this entails a risk, therefore, that certain principles are needed. I think that the important rule is not to hitch at night. I personally would be afraid of doing this, because at night you can't see what car and what driver is coming. Nevertheless, no risk, no fun.

  6. I've never tried hitchhiking in my life and I would never try it alone. If I had a companion I could probably give it a try. Hitchhiking sure is a good and cheap adventure but I think I'd rather more reliable means of transport.

  7. I have never hitchhiking during my long journeys. I don't think that that kind of transport is safe or comfortable. Of course there are some reasons for which hitchhiking can be very intriguing. You can meet a lot of interesting people or visit some surprising places, which you will remember to the end of your days. But it is also extremaly dangerous, because you have no certain that those people wouldn't kill you or rob. I prefer more comfortable and planned voyage, so hitchhiking is not my dream.

  8. Hitchhiking always puts you at danger. There is no certainty if the driver isn't a psychopath and won't hurt you. While hitchhiking people should travel in small groups of 2-3 people, never alone, to avoind danger. Certainly it is a huge fun and adrenaline kich but also brings a lot of stress. I have never been a thumbler, but I have some friends who spends every holidays on hiching, so maybe one day I would like to try, if only some experienced thumbler would travel with me. Those rules are funny and will help how to hitchhike safely.

  9. I don't take those tips too seriously ;) Every country has its own standards. Those rules may be useful for travelers in Turkey or Mexico but I don’t think they will work in China or India.
    I don’t mind people hitchhiking. I’ve tried thumbing once and I didn’t like it. I am impatient person and I like to get off the beaten track whenever I see something interesting.

  10. Hitchhiking can be a great adventure and wonderful idea how to spend time. Nowadays hitchhiking is become harder because drivers less and less want to take somebody strangers to their car. Hitchhiking can be dangerous for hitchhikers because they never know who is driving a car it can be somebody who want cause someone harm or is under the influence of drugs or alcohol and cause an accident before we know it.

  11. I've always thought of hitchhiking as something extremely dangerous. You never know who is driving. The driver can be reckless, he can speed, he may be drunk or - in the worst case - he can be a psychotic murderer. I would never risk getting in stanger's car. On the other hand it might be tempting to travel in such a cheap way. Moreover hitchhiking may lead to some awesome road adventure. But still, I think it is too risky.

  12. I haven't ever tried hitchhiking, although I think I would like to try it one day. Couple of my friends have tried it and they were telling me that this is really worth doing - adventures and strange people, who you can meet on the road pass to our memory as a great and colorful experience. It can be risky, that's true, but life is short and it's also risky, so there is nothing to lose.

  13. I did it ones and it wasn’t nice experience. It was in upper secondary school. I behaved very irresponsible. I told my parents that I’m going to my friend for campfire and with other one we go to high way for hitchhiking. It was summer, so we where dressed light clothes. We wonted to go for mess with the Pope in another city. We get there with TIR and we were going back with TIR as well during a night. I was terrified. It was so stupid. I was feeling very badly.

  14. I really like hitchhiking, but the longest trip i did was about 130 km, so it was not so far. I have a plan to go for Hitchhiking Championship - it's race to one of European towns abroad. You have to have a partner to take a part in this event, but it is great adventure.
    Hitchhiking is kinda dangerous, but mainly if you're woman, alone and you don't have any knife or pepper gas. Of course, you can die in accident, but it's pretty easy to evade risk of this - just watch incoming cars and in 99% you'll get who is drunk or high. Also you have some time to make your mind when you ask if driver is coming your way. So - Hitchhiking is nice way to travel, cheap but requiring some patience.

  15. I hitchhiked once in Sweeden because I went for a walk to the market which was 15km away and I figured that I will probably be there after closing, not to mantion how I would come back from there - especially I didn't know the road at all. But apart from that I have never hitchhiked. However I would definately try to go for the trip f. ex. around the Europe hitchhiking because I believe it would be a lifetime journey which I would remember for the rest of my life.

  16. I've never traveled this way. I think it is an interesting experience for young people. It is also very dangerous. You never know what might happen. For me, any tips are useful. I'd rather talk to someone who was already on trip like that rather than trust to the general rules.


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