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Pro-life movement

A little bit of history
Pro life movemnent started it's existance on 1 april 1968. This is the day when National Right to life Commitee has come into Existance. NRLC was founded by National Conference of Catholic Bishops. It is first and most influencial organisation which main purpose is fight with abortion infanticide euthanasia and assisted suicide. The group works around the world through education and legislation.

Ok, but what are we talking about?

Pro life movement is community which supports the idea of defending life from conception to natural death. They support their ideas with international legislation which in their estimation relates also to fetus as a human being and on statements of people related to Church and all who agree with them. Despite international nature of this community it is mostly dominated by catholics and even that pro life movement exists all over the world largest of them have roots in Christianity.

Whole idea sounds like a great thing, why does anyone objects?

Main objections against Pro-life supportes are:
Lacking in understanding people who choose abortion,
Shallow knowledge in biology of fetus developement,
Looking on this matter through own experiance.
As in every organisation like that the worst opinion about them is made by population of zealots which don't understand scientific and ideological basics of this movement and use only emotions and information about „killing children”
Second matter widely used information are that during abortion fetus feels pain. This is complete nonsense and it results from not understanding biology of the fetus. As the research proved fetus can't feel pain to 7 month of pregnancy and abortions are performed much earlier.

What if tests shows that fetus has genetic disease and it will propably never be healthy.
Most of genetic diseases are detectable in early fetal stages. Tests like that can save both mother and child from needless pain and trauma for rest of life, yet some pro-life supporters can't understand why some mothers should examinate themselves during pregnancy. Counter-argument ist that prenatal tests carry risk of complications or miscarriage. Of course that risk is real but those examinations are adjusted to situation (f.e. Mothers ageor genetical tendency). According to some of pro-life supporters mother has duty to give birth to a child without thinking about it's defects.
To every supporter of that thesis I propose you take a look at graphics of deformed fetus on internet.


  1. Pro-life is a really controversial topic to discuss. In my opinion, when a woman is pregnant and the tests show that a child/ a fetus threaten mother’s life, it cannot be denied that I’m in for removing it. Moreover, it is better for mother and both for child. With genetic disease you can live but if mother knows that after giving a birth to a child, it or mother will die during the labor…? it is really hard to have an opinion about this problem. You have to feel it, experience it, be pregnant. I think that every steps we take, could be desirable because that’s only our business and nevertheless the way we choose, it can result in only on our life.

  2. I agree that an abortion is quite controversial topic and a very complex problem. Making choice between abortion and giving birth to sick child is extremely difficult. Therefore I agree with Katarzyna that it is hard to have opinion unless we walked in shoes of those, who have to make this kind of choice. Although I can understand people who have clear opinion and they believe that abortion is the worst way of dealing with problem of unwanted pregnancy, I cannot understand fury, intolerance and radicalism of pro-life movement’s proponents. Their vision of the world, where abortion is totally banned and women could be held criminally liable for a stillbirth if they were not obtaining “adequate” healthcare, is rather terrifying.

  3. Prohibition of prenatal testing is nonsense. Of course we cannot also command pregnat woman to give a birth, when her life is threatened - heroism can not be order. But we must know that abortion is white-collar murder. The most important thing is to help the woman who hesitates whether to have an abortion. Nevertheless, if tests shows that child has genetic disease it cannot be permitted in most cases to "remove" it. Are disabled people truly unworthy to be born and live?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. For every mother choosing between abortion and giving birth to sick child is extremely difficult. Because Polish government implent law abortion while ago, many women started to discuss about this problem.
    I think abortion shouldn't be banned and every woman should have a right to make such brave decision.

  6. In my opinion abortion and in vitro method are something too hard to classify, so there should be no official law about that at all. It's only mother who should decide about abortion, no judge, policeman or (for God's sake) politicans and priests. A woman who wants to have her pregnancy aborted is always extreme situation. There should be no law, only medics and psychologists, who should try to help her, but not force to anything. It should be always her decision.

  7. In my opinion every kind of constraint is bad, we are not endangered specie and no one should tell us what to do to make ours life "appropirate". Of course in borders of racionality.

  8. The topic is still controversial in fact. I think that protection of unborn children is as significant as protection mother's life. It's a future mother decision - to stop a pregnant or to continue. For example if the pregnant is result of rape, we cannot tell mother give birth and love this child. It's beautiful when woman can do this, but if she can't, we can't judge her. Killing is always killing, but abortion is less criminal than murder or rape. If somebody tells me that embryo is real human, I get angry... We should protect pregnant and don't to do an abortion, because it's our responsibility and we should care about it.

  9. I don't consider myself as a religious person, so actually I don't understand why I should follow Christian's rules. I think that every woman should have choice and she should decide if she wants to have an abortion or not, it's not a government's buisness. It's exactly the same situation with euthanasia. Sometimes we can't even imagine how much these people suffer, so it's not our right to forbid them to do what they need. We should separate government, law and politics from religion.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Now pro-life is really popular topic but still controversial. I’m catholic but in my point of view no one can force woman who has endangered pregnancy or was raped to birth a baby. That’s a matter of conscience. It’s better to not have a children than not love or leave this baby. I think there isn’t one, clear and correct opinion about that so government can’t make decision instead of women.

  12. Pro-life is hard and controversial topic. I can't imagine situation, when I would have been forced to decide about somebody's life or death. I think I don't have right to do that. For me, it's horrible situation, when mother wants to get rid of a baby. I understand that there are extreme cases, but generally I'm against abortion. I have faith that I would be strong enough to give a chance to life.

  13. It is really controversial topic and lots of people have got very extreme views. At Internet we all the time see people arguing, everybody are trying to convince others to their point of view. And... why? Why should I belive in someone's conviction if I don't want. It is sad part of all religions and belives nowadays. I haven't got nothing against abortion if women really need it to alive, or if her child is from rape. In fact I don't care because it is not my life and not my decision! Nobody can tell me what should I do, of course except law - but in Poland it's not so bad... now, because someone want to change it at all.

  14. I think that abortion and assisted suicides are tough topics. While I can’t understand why people are against assisted suicides which are choices of people deliberate what they do I understand objections to abortion. It is kind of murder. I wish I never have reasons to consider it. But rape, threat of death of mother, lethal diseases of child are reasons to do it. Woman is not obligated to love child of the man who incredibly hurt her, to risk her life and maybe leave child alone or deal with disabled child when government doesn’t help enough in such situations. If they decide to have an abortion it’s hard decision. If you are pro-life and won’t end anyone’s life for any reason – good. But don’t force others to have the same point of view.

  15. It seems absurd for me, how much government and the Church care about fetuses and women's sexuality, on the contrary, how little they help already borned, disabled children or those living in poverty. I don't consider abortion as a good thing and i think it should be limited to a minimum, but delegalizing it won't help and it's truly inhumane.

  16. It is very controversial topic. Every person has own gospel. As Poland is a very religious country, people here are related to Church and agree with all rules. Moreover there is a law at the state level against abortion.
    I think that every person must have a chance to decide what to do with their own life. And I almost agree with Julia that in Poland religion should be separated from government, law and politics.
    When I came to Poland I was very surprised about this law, because in Belarus we haven't such one.

  17. Abortion is still a very controversial subject. But it's good that people talk about it. In my opinion women should have a choice in a special situations, like threat to life. Thats why I think government shouldn't change the law. It says that woman can to abortion in three situations: when the woman's life or health is endangered by the continuation of pregnancy, when the pregnancy is a result of a criminal act and when the fetus is seriously malformed. Besides this three abortion is illegal. This law is a good compromise between people who against abortion and who support it.

  18. Abortion is killing. We can't change truth. For me, as a Catholic, abortion is one of the worst thing on the world. And for clarity: I understand that there are causes when mother live is in danger, but it is different situation. The worst possibility is abortion when doctors suspect any congenital defect. It is anything but eugenics. It is terrible! Everybody is vested with the right to live. We are not God (or any god) to decide about somebody else's live.

  19. I think that all pro-life organizations work for a very noble purpose. Fighting for every life is very important. Of course, the topic of abortion is very controversial. However, I think that it is not the man who should decide whether the child can live or simply we can take this life away from him. We know many wonderful people whose parents wanted to take their lives away. They are both people who are fully enjoying health and referring to huge excesses, as well as people with disabilities who enjoy each day.

  20. Nowadays there is really tough discussion about abortion, especially in Poland. Should it be legal? Or should it be banned? Or maybe only some women should be allowed to do it (for example those, which were raped)? It is so hard to make good choice in this case. It's not only religious, but also moral dilemma. Government should cooperate with women to create the best solution.

  21. In my opinion abortion should be legal but discouraged. The anti-abortion attitude is usually based on religious beliefs and they should have nothing to do with law and be separated from it. A fetus is not a person or human being so it cannot be equated to murder since the fetus is not a person. Bringing unwanted babies or those with severe medical conditions causes then more pain for a child than it is all worth. Whether people will do it or not should be a moral question and governments or other organisations should have nothing to do with it.

  22. This topic has been controversial for a long period of time and there is still no agreement between pro-life people and people who are against this movement. In Poland each of these gruops organise marches to convince for their beliefs. To my mind abortion just can not be forbidden, but should be controled. We can not force woman to give her child birth if it can be hard for her, for example because of rape, threat to her life or very serious ilness of the child. It is hard for me to give opinion on this topic, because I have never been in such situations and I couldn't imagine what would I do.

  23. To be honest – I can’t decide for others. On the one hand, I can’t image situation of fully available aborion, because it is allowing to kill 9-months children two days before childbirth, but on the other hand – why do I have to force women to sacrifice themselves. There are some causes, when only child can survive (or even noone), and then childbirth is something like death penalty. But definitely goverment should decide what to do WITH women, not against them.

  24. I am a Catholic, but I do not agree with many theses related to this religion (which basically makes me a hypocrite). One of them is the absurdity associated with abortion and the idea that a woman is an incubator who is to give birth to children regardless of anything. Parents of handicapped children have a very, very hard life, and the state that postulates in giving birth to these children does not even lift a finger to help.

  25. I think that this article is about really important issue. Nowadays, people often express their opinion on something, but they know nothing about it. They're under-educated and then mislead others. We should understand mothers, who decide to have an abortion. I believe, that it's definitely a very difficult decision for them. People can only judge. It's a pity they can't sympathize.

  26. I am neither for nor against this movement. I can not decide for someone, I think that I would have a problem with making such a decision if such a situation occurred. Despite everything, I think that everyone should have the right to make decisions.

  27. Not so long ago we had a big discussion about abortion. It led to a massive movement called “Czarny Piątek”. Women all around Poland were and still are fighting for their rights for abortion and others. Such sensitive issues should not be discussed like they were in Poland. Every woman should have right to decide about herself and her baby. In my opinion, every case should be considered individually. On the other hand, for me, the pro-life movement is connected with church and Catholics a little bit too much. Everyone should have the right to speak for themselves and present their opinion but we need to remember to respect what others think.

  28. It is very difficult topic for me. On one hand I believe that every creature in the world has right to live since its beginning, no matter if it’s disabled or not. On the other hand I don’t want to force other women to deliver disabled children condemned to death. When I delivered my son, it turned out that he had some very serious blood problems and he was taken to the intensive care unit. There was another girl in a hospital whose daughter was taken there too. She was born with Edwards syndrome – some genetic disorder. Doctors told the mother not to have hope, because children with this syndrome usually die after few months, but she lived the hope that they were wrong that time. Unfortunately they didn’t . The girl died when she was 4 months. She never left the ICU. I can’t imagine how the mother lived through that.

  29. This topic has been milled for way too long now. It is parents' decision. Of course, when the fetus is healthy and came to be in legitimate way, it is somewhat morally wrong to get rid of it, unless again parents can't afford a child. Lynch me for saying this, but I don't believe that an unborn child is 'alive'. It has no consciousness, hadn't breathed air, has no memories or experiences. If there is something seriously wrong with it, or with it's to be environment and circumstances, it may be a better decision to abort it, rather than letting it suffer, and it's family suffer too.

  30. Topic of abortion and euthanasia is often discussed. Some people consider that people should be free to decide for themselves about their future, their body and their death. This include concept that fetus in women's womb is part of her and is her property. Others believe that life is a gift and that people cannot decide about their or others death. Personally I agree with second group. In my opinion human life is the greatest value, which nobody can be deprived of, especially vulnerable individuals such as unborn children or people in the coma.

  31. This topic in tremendously controversial. To be frank, I have not the faintest idea what think mother whose pregnancy is endangered. As for abortion owing to my religion I am strongly against. Abortion is just kill and that is flat. Nevertheless, there are some cases when abortion is inevitable, for instance when mother life is threatened. Questionable is also case when child is the result of rape. I cannot imagine bringing up child who remember me raping. On the other hand, child is innocent and should not be killed. In spite of various situations I believe that all have the right to life.

  32. In my opinion every organism has a right to life and nobody can deprive him of it. It’s just morally wrong. We can try to justify ourselves that we choose abortion because child would be ill or we couldn't afford to bring him up, but, for me, it don't change the fact that we kill a human being. I'm totally against abortion on demand, contraception is available for everyone so we can decide if we want to have children before conception. I believe that fetus is the beginning of a person and even if it doesn't feel any pain, we shouldn't hurt it. Modern law in Poland is in my opinion good compromise- it gives people a choice in extreme situations and, at the same time, demands respect for life since conception.

  33. In my opinion abortion should be legal but discouraged. The anti-abortion attitude is usually based on religious beliefs and they should have nothing to do with law and be separated from it.
    I don't consider abortion as a good thing and i think it should be limited to a minimum, but delegalizing it won't help and it's truly inhumane.

  34. I understand people who believe in something like this, I mean - when I was a little girl my thoughts were simillar. Right now I do not support "pro life" people, but I do not hate them IF they do not abuse other people. I would like to try in-vitro one day, because I am really interested in this topic. I think abortion is not a good or bad thing. It is neutral. Science believe "something" inside a pregnant woman is not a child, some people believe it is. I am not thinking about it, I do not know if there is something like soul. We don't know a lot of things. LIFE IS A MYSTERY.

  35. I think that there is no one simple answer to this hard question about abortion. I believe that no one would like to do so without necessity, so every situations of this kind should be investigated individually, taking all the details.

  36. I believe that women need the right to abortion because it should be normal to decide what they can and can't do with their bodies. Taking this choice away is terrible. Different situations happen in life, and giving birth to an unwanted child can become a life disaster for a woman.

  37. Abortion is one of the taughest subjects, it's not easy to decide about someone's life. It's been lately a hot topic in Poland, I've followed many discussions and I'm strongly convinced that this choice should belong to woman. She's gonna born this child, which might be in result destructive for both of them. Especially when fetus has biological diseases and probably will never be healthy, it will be overwhelming for all family members, the child will be in pain for whole life. I don't think it's the the reason why we were born.

  38. One of the insanely difficult questions. I don’t know which side to take. A child who is sick even before birth is really a huge test and it is probably wrong to refuse it, but if the mother living correctly and being a good person in life deserves such a fate in life. This is a challenge? This is an insanely difficult decision. I believe that here it is purely human nature. One person may think that this is correct, while the other may not. How do I feel about this? At the moment, I’d better stay away - this is too complicated a question.

  39. From my point of view, every women should have a right to make her own choices. Limiting our rights isn't fair - we aren't children, we know what we do. I don't see the point in forcing someone to live in some special way just because we think that this is the only proper way (like some, or even majority of pro-life activists do) - everyone has his own beliefs and I am sure that everyone should respect it. Pro life people has their own beliefs and that's okay, they have all rights to have them - just as those people who don't think the same.


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