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Role of women in different countries

         The main purpose of a woman of the past, was to be a "helpmate to her husband." Times have changed. Today, women are considered to have equal rights; but, is it really true? You would be really slack-jawed reading how far from equality women are in different parts of the world.


          According to Hinduism, the female was created by Brahman to provide company to men and facilitate procreation, progeny and continuation of family lineage. Any respect that women enjoyed in society were as daughters, mothers and wives (till their husbands pass away; as widows they lose their status and suffer from many disabilities ).

„Her father protects in childhood, her housband protects in youth, and her sons protect in old age; a woman is never fit for independence.”

        On the brighter side, Hindus worship many female deities, as aspects of Mother Goddess.

         Nowadays Hindu women have a long way to go to enjoy an equal status with men. They have to cope with many social and economic problems such like: parental interference in marriage and career, domestic violence and abuse, gender abortions and the worst: sale of women - every year hundreds of women and young girsl are sold into sex trade or modern form of slavery.

Islam/ Saudi Arabia

       Woman is defined in Islam as a mother and it is said that "paradise lies under her feet".Women make up half of society and they are responsible for the nurturing and guidance of the subsequent generations. It is the female who imbues  the nation with faith. Women can never be a lover or a friend. Arab women are aware that the only weapon they possess, namely their ability to keep their husband and gain the respect of their in-laws is giving birth to boys.

       In the case of Saudi Arabia, the political factor is the most important in determinating the position of women.The conditions for women in Saudi Arabia, regardless of age, are as such:
  • they are required to have a male guardian to leave the house;
  • they are not permitted to drive;
  • they cannot vote or be admitted to high political office;
  • if a woman reports a rape, she is also punished(!!!!).According to Saudi law, the woman is viewed as being at fault for illegal mixing of genders and is punished along with her attacker.

"You may shoot me with your words, 
You may cut me with your eyes, 
                    You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise(...)"
                                                        Maya Angelou

         In Europe woman are supposed to be rather superwoman. Oftentimes, working outside the home means that women have two fulltime jobs – the one at work and the one at home. In general, women, more than men, are still the keepers of the house, the planners of family events and the bill payers. Mothers, more than fathers, are the ones who stay home with sick kids,  plan school banquets and field trips. 

         Although no country in the world has yet achieved gender equality, the Nordic countries consistently stand out in the World Economic Forum's annual Global Gender Gap, which measures how well countries are doing at removing the obstacles that hold women back.
 In Norway, Sweden and Iceland:
  • There are over 1.5 women for every man enrolled in university;
  • Salary gaps between women and men are among the lowest in the world;
  • Today, Sweden has among the highest percentages of women in parliament in the world (44.7%) ; 
  • Dads are expected to be equal partners in childrearing

           It comes as no surprise that everybody is better off when men and women share power and influence. Maybe one day we’ll decide to follow the Nordic example. It doesn’t happen overnight, but each little effort that is taken is one step closer to a better world for women of the future.

  1. Do you consider yourself to be a feminist? Do you believe in gender equality?
  1. Having said all of this about how women's role have changed, what kind of aspects of woman's lives would you remain the same? 
 Źródło :


  1. I don't believe in equality of genders (nor religions). Everybody is different and equality of the whole population may be hurtful. Sometimes women are better, sometimes men, nothing can change this. It's a pity that a lot of women can't vote, and have to wear burkas till wedding, and even after wedding they are treated like slaves.

  2. I am not a feminist. Of course gender equality is important, but in some case is impossible.
    I read a lot of books on the role of women in different parts of the world. And many things can surprise us, get angry or disgusted. I don't like that some women moves away from politics, also they have much to say. There are even more intelligent from the guys in many situations. I would like to change it. It annoys me when I read or watch about countries where women are locked in a house and have to bear children, cook and they don't have their lives. It is like a prison.

  3. It is said that women should stay at home and bring up children. It is definitely truth that women have more maternal instinct than men. Talking about present, it has changed because of human’s approach to life. I believe in equality when it comes to living in Europe (mainly in Poland because I know a current situation) and I don’t consider changing my life.
    There is a human’s equality because not only men but also women have an opportunity to vote, to work (a working place depends only on our preferences, knowledge and experience, sometimes also some luck or an acquaintance), to bring up a child.
    When it comes to changes, I wouldn’t like to live in India or Islam because for me it is thoughtless to exist only for men and praying for giving a birth a boy because it is more appreciate than girls. Slavery is also a kind of a nightmare and I can’t understand selling daughters. We shouldn’t be treated like a thing or object.
    I’m in opposition to bound women and their rights. I couldn’t name me “feminist”. I only think that the opportunity of being treated equal is the best way of remaining order in our life.

  4. Yes i consider myself as feminist but sadly that word is really often misunderstood - its about equality both genders, NOT women being better than men. I also believe in genders equality but it doesn't mean that men and women are able to do the same kind of job - i really hate that 'argument' which boys just love to use "if you are a feminist then go work in pit!". We are equal as human beings but we aren't able to do the same things. Men (usually) are stronger that women and this is dry fact, but it doesnt mean that we are worse somehow and we can only sit at home, destroy our body and health with kids and nothing more only because most of us wouldn’t be able to do really hard phisycal work. I think that main problem with sparing duties at home lies it way to raise a child – people often teach kids that ‘you are a girl, so you are going to help mom In cooking and such’ and ‘you are a boy, so lets go help dad with fixing that car’. Why don’t try interest kids otherwise? Why don’t show to daughter how to do something in car, because what, that is not ‘girly’ enough? Maybe she will be really interested in such things? Mothers are somehow the worst here - they will be doing everything for their sons in home and probably don’t even try to teach him how to clean or ask him for help because ‘aw come on it’s a boy, boys don’t do such things’(i heard such things often), he will be watch all his childhood as his mother come back from work and then starts to working at home. He’ll grow up with that stupid believing that women is only for that and men Just don’t do such thing and we have another generation with that point of view for gender roles.
    I will not say anything about islams countries but this is just sick. If they want sons so badly they have to take care of their wifes and daughters because nobody else is able to give them their stupid boys.
    And about what i could remain the same? That silly believing that sitting at home with kids and helping your wife/girlfriend with househores is ‘not manly’ and if ‘oooh, so you have to clean your house? Oh Man she dominates you, ya’know?’ because years ago it was normal thing that men goes for work for all day and women sits with kids.

  5. To be honest I'm not a feminist and I don't believe in something called gender equality. In some cases it's just impossible to equal both genders. It's very hard to find a woman strong enough to work in mines and the same it's hard to replace a woman for a man in the family role of "mother". I think that on the intelligence case gender equality can't existe too - intelligence depend just on such person. Sometimes a woman is smarter than a man and sometimes man is smarter than a woman.

    I think that the world should work on the "will" rules. If woman want to do something she just should have ability to do something. But there should be no rule like "50% of women in the parliament". It should no enforce to do something.

  6. It depend what we understand it word "feminist" because if men say something wrong for woman which is not tru I will always be with her.
    I red a lot of books which told about women rights. In so many countries nothing change for ages. They don't have rights for example for vote, for working in so many pleaces, they have to wear different clothes which cover whole their body. Also alfer wedding they have to stay at home and be housewife.

  7. I don't believe gender equality means the same thing as having woman work in mines and catch crabs in alaskan seas- lets not bring extremes into this. It's more about bringing rights for both genders into a balance. For example, many women are paid less for the same jobs they do as men, with the same qualifications. Just because they're women. Many men are called pedophiles when they work as preschool teachers, and women are seen as incompetent when they work in IT. Is that fair? I don't believe so.
    I'm definitely not a feminist, because I refuse to label my own opinions. I do, however, believe in creating a peaceful environment where people can grow in whichever direction they like without being constrained by silly stereotypes. But all with a healthy distance- men and women will never be the same, and it's evident even in basic biology or the way we think.

  8. I also believe in gender equality. I think there are some ways to accomplish this, but it needs more time and social acceptance. What's happening with women rights in the rest of the world is horrifying, but unfortunately detail lies in culture and changing these customs needs time. It sad that some people still think that woman's duty is to bear a child, raise him at home and do housework. To be honest, according to statistics, men are good in these actions too. Furthermore it is said, that they are even better in cooking. My point is, stereotype about doing houseworks at home only by women is outdated,

  9. In my opinion gender equality is only a fiction. There's a lot of things which are not able to be done by both genders. For example men can't give birth and probably for a long time they won't able to do this. Women usually are better in pedagogical professions. Men make decisions more quickly and they find it easy to keep themselves together in situations when others are cracking under pressure. Not every man, but it is such higher percentage of men than women with that ability, so men usually are better in medical/pyrotechnical/military professions. That's not our choice but it depends on our hormonal nature. Only if someone has other hormonal metabolism can be able to something that normally it's gender is not able to. I know this is not a reason for being sexist and I don't approve this, but I know that the total gender equality is not achievable. Anyway all people should have the same rights.

  10. Definitely I am not a feminist. I belive in equality between men and women, but I think that not all aspects off life fullfils his function.
    In my opinion nowadays we- women in Europe shouldn't complain about our life, our role in society. Of course women have in life harder than men, but we are strong and we can do all what we want.

  11. For sure I am not a feminist. I am a man and I defend my gender. In my opinion law should be the same for both gender. However law is not able to tell everything about duties for each sex. Many feminists think that women are weaker and they should have “special rules”. For example women should finish work in 60 years old and men in 67. So where is an equality in it?

  12. An article in a fairly short but interesting way describes the situation of women in some places. Regarding the first question: I think I feel a feminist. I realize that nowadays the word "feminist" may sound a bit contemptuous or humorously, but I consider myself a person who draws attention to equality between women and men and violations of women's rights. Over time, the division of responsibilities between women and men is changing, but some things have not changed. Women still do more housework than men, and in addition, they work. What's more, still more women doesn't work than men, in some areas are worse treated more severely than men (lower earnings, moral issues).

  13. I don't know about you, but I don't believe that it is possible, that in the world can exist gender equality. I realise of the fact that women often feel inferior. There is something that I want to mention. I think that physical work is the intended for men. But... In my opinion often women are better in the works, which require e.g pedagogical skills (like teacher profession). People often say that the man should earn money for family and woman should care of the house, I agree with that. I think that men are better in works which require force. It depends on hormones, it isn't discrimination against women. Despite everything, I believe that everyone should have the same rights, e.g. the right to vote (in some countries only men have these rights).

  14. I'm definitely not a faminist. I think, that more or less, our society feels differences of role in this world between women and men. Sure, there are exceptions, but mostly it is true for example, that women are more sensitive than men. Even from a physical point of view woman's face can show more emotions then man's. Differences are, but we shoudn't forget, that now, in our society, women have more rights than earlier. And they deserved it, cause they can help this world with knowledges and strength too. We can find a lot of sports for women now, which were only for men. But men should remember, that if woman works, she doesn't have to do all homework too, here it's good to share responsobilities and respect each other.

  15. Honestly, I can't say I'm feminist and I think it's quite hard to be truly feminist nowadays. I got a feeling that there is more and more man becoming feminists. This may lead to gender equality. I don't really believe in such a equality of sex. Women and men got a lot of differences and they can't be reduce to the one level. This differences are needed to make the universe work. There is plenty of changes that happened through the time. Most of them are good for women. Some aspects are still the same. For example men treat women like their slaves.

  16. I think I'm not a feminist. In my opinion also women and men have different capabilities - men are associated with hard work, women with office, but now we can say it's stereotype. More and more women now work in "typical men" jobs like bus drivers, police officers, even soldiers. Lots of people are thinking women are too sensible, more emotional, so emotional unstable. I can't agree with this! First let us try, then judge. Okey, maybe we don't make decisions as fast as men, but we try to think about everything, because we don't like confusion.
    The role of women is now different than previous years. In this times we had been associated with mothers, wifes etc - like in this article. Now, in our country and cultural circle woman can be buisnesswoman, politician, soldier, teacher but also mother. But sometimes we still need to fight for our rights like level of earnings, abortion or participation.

  17. I do consider myself as a feminist. We have to remember that a feminist is not a person who thinks women are better then men. It's a person who believes that men and women are equal. Of course there are activities which are easier for men or women, but we aren't talking about extremes. I don't understand men saying "I am not a feminist. I am a man and I defend my gender.". To be honest - I don't know what should we defend...
    I'm not sure if I have the rights to say which aspects I would remain the same. I'm not a woman, I guess they are the ones who should decide. We should remember that there are no male rights, no female rights, but there are human rights.

  18. I consider myself to be a feminist and i believe in gender equality. Women an men should have the same rights. What's happening in India and Muslim countries is terrible. Men exalt themselves without any sensible reasons

  19. I find this presentation, which shows differences in treating women in various countries really interesting. For me it is unbelievable, how women's lives in Saudi Arabia look like. How can girl be guilty of rape?! It's insane that Saudi law punishes women for such things! I also can't understand other curbs placed on females in that country - like prohibition on leaving the house without male guardian or ban on driving a car.

    I believe that gender equality is possible - Norway, Sweden and Iceland did it, so why we can't? For sure it is easier to achieve this objective in Europe and North America than in Islam countries, but nowadays women from those lands fight for they rights more and more effectively so it gives a hope. I also think that even small improvement in treating women would be a big step in building equal world.

    I think that some roles are inseparably connected with females - like taking care of children and home. Men of course can do such things, but women definitely deal better with it. Females are more sensitive and caring, so i guess it's one of the reasons why they find it easier to look after children.

  20. I’ve never thought about myself being feminist. But if we take feminism as a fight for equal rights for woman and man I guess I am feminist. It is obvious for me that men and women are equal and they should have the same rights.
    It is said that women rights have changed for better. But it isn’t true. In India women are threated almost the same. Men are deciding about their lives. Until they are marriage they have respect, but when they become widows they don’t have any rights.
    In Saudi Arabia and Islam women are made for taking care of their husbands and giving birth to their children. They can’t go anywhere without a men, they can’t have a job. They are still abused .
    I must said that Europe is the one place that women rights have changed. Women can vote, can be a part of government, can have a job. But still sometimes they are not at the same position as men. For example they have lower salary than men and can’t always be at the top of companies.

  21. Definitely, I am not a feminist. I believe in equality between men and women, but I think that not all aspects of life fulfill his function. For example, men can't give birth. Women usually are better at working with children. Men make decisions more quickly and they find it easy to keep themselves together in situations. Men (usually) are stronger than women and this is fact, but it doesn't mean that we are worse somehow and we can only sit at home, destroy our body and health with kids and nothing more only because most of us wouldn’t be able to do really hard physical work. Men should remember, that if woman works, she doesn't have to do all homework too, here it's good to share responsibilities and respect each other.

  22. To be honest, I do not consider myself a feminist. However, I am able to understand all women with strong beliefs about all that equality between males and females. Their views did not come from nothing. They had to have their reasons to say "no" to men's primacy. Of course, I am against situations when women earn less then men because as assumed in the past they are weaker and meant to sit at home, take care of their husbands and kids. But we should not let ourseleves get insane as there are of course true feminists who fight for their rights and do it honestly and scrupulously but unfortunately I meet more and more women (especially the young ones) who became feminists because it is trendy nowadays and not because these are their real opinions. They just follow other feminists not knowing what the word "feminist" means, not knowing people and the world which surrounds us. This what's going on in islamic countries is terrifying. Women with no rights have to cave under men and stay humble because even if they are hurt they need to pay the price. It all look better in european countries. Women gain more and more power and I believe that in dozen of years we will all be equal throughout. Fine with me.

  23. Do I consider being a feminist? Not really. But let's start from asking - what exactly does it mean? All those not very feminine women with short hair and without bras? Because it it a very ridiculous stereotype... But it still exist in our society!
    But let's return to the main topic. I don't really spend time on wondering if I am a feminist or not. I spend time on making people (especially in my country - my friends, family) aware that there is still not enough equality between men and women. For example there is still a view (and, what is worst, not only male think like that, but also female part of society!) that says that women should be housewives and men are the head of the family. This is totally unfair and unacceptable because nowadays 'both sides' have not so much time (both work, study etc.). And in Europe it won't change until mothers stop treating their sons like kings of the world ;)

  24. Yes and female situation in Arabic country is quite terrible in my opinion. Women there do not protest because it is their tradition and they don't know the other way of living. It is like a prison.

  25. If we treat feminist as a person who believes in social and economic equality of the sexes so I am. But now, there's no equality. In our society, feminism is identified with women who don't shave, who don't wear bras, who have short hair but we have to remember that's their choice. Nobody can tell what women should do, wear, have but i"m aware that it's impossible in our country. The problem is that men treat themself as a stronger gender because of history or evolution.I know that if you're a female, you have not the same duties as men. But if men helped clean a bathroom or made a meal, it'd be so much easier. I'm a women and my father used to teach me how to use a french key because he believed that i'm able to do everything. But it depends on upbringing.

  26. Answering the questions. Yes, I think I'm a feminist, but I do not identify myself with the feminism that prevails today. Sometimes it seems to me that what is happening now is more about exalting women, not equalizing their rights with men.
    I consider myself a feminist because I know what rights I have, but I do not forget about my duties, or rather the obligations that I have as woman. I believe that being a woman is not a punishment, but it is also a privilege. These privileges are, for example, passing through the door, giving way to the place, helping with hard things, but also respecting the mothers. I do not see anything wrong in such behaviour and I do not wish them to ever change.

  27. I'm definiately not a feminist. I believe in a gender equality because it's not forbidden to have a job that's typical for man when you're a woman. But I think that both men and women have their roles in lives that are unchangeable for ages. For example, when it comes to parenthood it's still more popualar that mothers are raising children. They go on a maternity leave and spend time with the baby.It's just our instinct. Also when it comes to man, they still feel that they should provide their families a good life. I don't know if I'm right but that's my experiences and observations, mayby I meet only "old-fashioned" people..
    Having read this article, I'm so shocked that such situations ever existed in other countries. I think that it's inhuman to treat women in such way. I hope that this sitation will become more civilised..

  28. Referring to the questions under the text: It's hard to say if I'm a feminist. On the one hand, it's really annoying for me, when I read/hear that women should work only at home, raise their children, clean up, vacuum, cook, and nothing else. I'm also very upset when someone says that women are less intelligent than men. I don't want to argue with anyone here, everyone can have his own opinion. I understand this. But in this case it's better to remain silent than to say unproved, bad things about women, because it can be very harmful. On the other hand I don't participate in feminist protests and I don't share anything on Facebook (what they publish). I'm an ambitious person, I want to have a good job in the future. I don't want to be disqualified by my gender.

    Despite this, not everything should change. I think women should still spend the same amount of time with children. Although they work, they shouldn't leave men alone at home with their duties. Generally, women're more sensitive and they take care of details more than men. It's the reason that they always see if their children are fine and if they have done their homework. Men've more strength and are more interested in e.g. repairing devices at home. They also have more practice in opening the jars. :)

    To sum up, men and women should share responsibilities. Some activities are more appropriate for one gender, some for the other. But no one should be feel discriminated against and everyone should do what he/she likes and feel good. No one must be forced to do anything. It's very sad that in some countries there's still such a large differentiation on the sex. I hope that soon everything will change and everywhere women won't feel bad.

  29. It’s hard to tell if I’m a feminist and I believe that gender equity is important nowadays. I guess that women shouldn’t only look after children and keep houses but also work and gain knowledge. Working woman are more organized than man because they have lots of household chores. I think that being a woman is demanding but every women deserve respect. In addition, in spite of having a career women shouldn’t leave alone their husband with children. I think that woman are more sensitive and generally can teach children better how to love and have to be loved.

  30. I believe in gender equality. I can't stand opinions that men are much better than women and that women should stay at home take care of children, cook or be amenable. This is ridicoulus!Of course situation of women is much better than few years ago. It's really sad that not all women have the same rights, for example in Saudia Arabia or in India.

  31. I'm a feminist and I do believe in equal treatment for all people. The position of womanen in society has changed drastically in some parts of the world but there are still countries, such as Saudi Arabia or India, where women don't even dream of having the same rights as men do. The situation has definitely changed for better in Europe. Nowadays women usually work and are not dependent on men anymore.
    Even though no country in the world has achieved gender equality yet I do believe that this might be possible to attain especially when it comes to European countries. For instance, let's take into consideration the Nordic countries. Women there seem to be in a strong position. As I see it, women there are threated in the same way as men. Hopefully in the near future other countries would follow the Nordic example and if those countries can manage such problems other countries should at least try. Nowadays women in Europe seems to have equal rights. They can vote. work and be independent, but sometimes men still claim that woman should be housewife, stay at home and raise children.

  32. I don't consider myself for a feminist. I know that many of activities are better fitting for men, another for women, but it doesn't mean that I think that women should be treated wors than men. In my opinion it is very important to both of genders have equal privileges, both women and men should have option of choice - if she/he want foster yourself in home or outdoors and work for example in ofifice. Men can't decide about women life. It is normal that women still will be care about her husban, their children and home, this aspect of women's lives will remain the same. But I think that it is no obstacles to men will helping in chores and parenting.

  33. The women have been always discriminated in nearly all cultures. I am a feminist as I think that the rights should be equal for all people in all aspects: political, economic, social etc. The third wave of feminism is the most complex one. In my opinion the gender equality is possible but it can't be only theoretical. I am afraid that there is a mistake in the presentation – the biggest rate of women in the parliament in the world is not in Sweden but in Rwanda (over fifty percent). To sum up – the patriarchy is a problem irrespectively of the place in the world. Fighting with it is an obligation of all people.
    Answering the second question: the gender is only a social construct – so I don't believe in existence of “man's or woman's tasks or aspects of live”.

  34. Nowadays women in Europe are treated almost equally to men. But we need to remember how situation looked 100 years ago. Women hadn’t laws, which now seem to be fundamental, e.g. they couldn’t vote or go to University. They used to take care about daughter, son or husband etc. You could be surprised, but there are countries, where females still aren’t treat very well. In India common situation is rape and nobody reacts. In Saudi Arabia raped woman might be also punished! They also can’t drive a car, can’t learn and can’t take part in more normal (for us) activities.

  35. I'm not a feminist and I didn't consider that. I don't think so that gender equality can be possible. What does it mean 'gender equality', exactly? In my opinion, men and women have different roles. It has always been this way and it will be. We are different and we were created in this way. This is good, because we need each other and together we create unity. But, of course, I don't deny that women deserve more rights, especially in India or Saudi Arabia. The world should go forward and we should respect each other. People have specific rights, regardless of gender. The right to decide for yourself is one of the most important.

  36. I don't want to identify myself with any movement, so I can't say that I am a feminist or not. I have to say that I found this article really touching and now I'm more concious, know more about the roles of women in different cultures. I feel so sad for all those poor ladies who can't decide by themselves and always need to lean on somebody. For me it is really important to be independent and free that's why I can understand how hard is being just a... flesh for men. I appreciate a place where I live - I can work, study, drive a car, get a divorce and choose my own path! Some women still can't do anything, this is so sad. I wish one day their situation will change and they will free and treated with respect. In my opinion everybody should decide by themselves who they want to be and I don't want to choose anything, it's a personal decision of every human being.

  37. Feminist is very fuzzy concept, especially nowadays. In media, this word is using both in negative and positive aspect. Hence I say only that I am supporter of gender equality. I realy don't understand any steretypes or habitts, which discriminate women. We are all human and regardless of sex or skin colour, we should have the same rights. This is immediately obvious and undisputed, leastways for me. I am glad that in many countries women's situation is changing. I know that this process is slow, but I belive that some day we can say that we have gender equality on the world.

  38. Nowadays talking about gender is rather risky and in my opinion those topics are out of any possible control. We can observe an exponential growth in the gap between freedom and deprivation of it. But maybe one day every human will be equal - yet a lot must be changed. In the age of fake news and screaming our rights, what is right, and what a wrong way to win the freedom? When the flow of information is unstoppable, it's extremaly easy to turn any hard work, any problem into a simple joke. Same goes to women rights. Sometimes it's really hard to win, if strongest and richest hold all the cards...

  39. The men and women are equal, but for me the equality means that both men and women have the same right for fight for their happiness, the same fight for study and the same politic rights. However it doesn't mean that the women must represent some % of all the workers or deputies. This is special in a case of parliament - example: the parliament counts 100 deputies and people chose 24 women. One man who was chosen by people cannot be a deputy due to the "lack of women."; It's not constitutional. The feminists try introduce this form of choice in every company, national agenda etc. We cannot employ someone because of gender. We have to check his ability, knowledge and other things nedded in a concret work.

  40. Although I don't mind that all humans have equal rigths, I don't consider myself as a feminist.
    I don't believe there is or ever will be gender equality. And while I am writting this I don't think about unequel rights but about the fact that there are just differents between genders and I don't think it will ever change. I don't think there is any aspect of woman's life that must remain the same. It is women's matter what kind of life they want.

  41. I wish women around the world had equal rights. Religion or parts of the world does not matter, the equality should be prevalent. Hardly can I imagine being permitted to drive or vote as women in Saudi Arabia. I believe women not only should bring up children and clean the house but also develop, gain knowledge and broaden their mind. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that some roles are intrinsically connected with women. They are more sensitive, but on the other hand men have more strength. I have some difficulty with assessing if I am a feminist. It seems to me that rather not. In spite of the fact that I figure that women should have permission to educate, work or vote, I am still inclined to believe that both women and men have different abilities therefore they should share the responsibilities.

  42. I am not a feminist. I belive in equality between men and women and it would be great if women had equal right around the world. I also think that law should be the same for both genders. Despite the time chaning the division of responsibilities remains the same. Some things have not changed. Women still do more housework. Unfortunaltely a lot of women do not work anywhere. They think that what they are doing in their house is enough. But sometimes if they work, they can meet there inequality in earnings and treatment which are worse for women than for men.

  43. I am not a feminist, but I believe that everyone should be equal. Feminism is not combined with something positive. When we think about it we imagine an old, single woman who is totally against men. I think that equality is better word than feminism. We should remember that everyone deserves respect and the same rules. I mean not only the matter of gender but also of nationality or skin color.
    I think that one issue, that won't never change is care. We have always been considered as someone who care about love at home, children, partners and family and this is our main role. It is connected with our nature, so we can't oppose with that.

  44. I believe in gender equality and I think that people should have the same right and possabilities. Of course there is a lots of activities which are better for men/women, but why woman who wanted to be for example a contractor (and she thought she`ll be alright) can`t working like that ? I think that should be a individual decision. I`m not a feminist but i really believe in gender equality.

    Way of thinking about women is addicted to religion. In Europe women have the same rights as men but in different places in the world (where people believe in Buddha or Allah) women are treated like a housewives. For me it`s really sad but I know that women in these countries enjoy this was of live.

  45. I do believe in gender equality. Women all around the world should have the same rights as men. Nevertheless there are and always will be some differences between both genders which can’t be changed. So in my mind genders equality means that all people should have equal rights and be treated with equal respect. I hope that someday it will become the truth, but for now there are many places in the world which have a long way to go to achieve it.

  46. It's unbelievable that some people still think that women don't deserve equality and freedom so when I read previous comments I though: "What a relief!". Also because a lot of people see the difference between fighting for equality and today's ridiculous feminism. Feminism which is often associated with anger and kissing man in a hand. There are differences between men and women and we can't deny it. It's something natural but we have to make every effort to give women opportunities for developing themselves. Just opportunities, and they will decide on their own what to do with it.

  47. I belive in gender equality too, but I am afraid it makes no diffrence. Gender equality appears in Europe after first world word, because economic situation of many countries needed it. I don't want to say that, for exemple Middle East needs war, but I think that set of beliefs are not sufficient to change situaction in these countries.

  48. I don't consider myself a feminist, even though I do believe in gender equality. Because of the ridiculous image of today's western feminism, the word has a rather bad taste to it nowadays. Some people use feminism as an excuse, or possibility for personal gains or...for other reasons that nevertheless have no much in common with actually getting women and men around the world on even ground. Fighting oppression of women in eastern countries - ok, a righteous cause. Trying to get a personal pay rise (Not equal to men's counterpart, sometimes higher) just because I'm a female and 'I deserve it', not so ok.

  49. In my opinion everyone who's talking about gender equality is a feminist, so am I, because within feminism there are a lot of different groups that have one common goal. Role of men and women is seen differently in different countries but the point is not to associate everyone with this model and let them love however they please. I also this that nothing is assigned to specific gender and we should accept that.

  50. I consider myself as a person who wants human's rights to be respected in the world. I believe in gender equality. It doesn't mean that woman MUST work as a miners and man CAN'T pass women in the doors. It means that women CAN work as bricklayers and be paid the same as men. It means that men CAN work as a nurse and don't get ridiculed by society. I'm afraid we still don't get those things. Girls are told to keep their knees together while sitting and in the same time we can see man occupying two seats with his legs spreaded. We can't shorten the women's restroom queues, but we can teach children that there is not such thing as "crying like a GIRL".

  51. I wouldn't say I'm a feminist, but I do believe in gender equality. I hope that one day women and men will be treated in the same level, but of course, there are still some differences between this two groups, that will never change, for example, the fact that women are generally weaker than men and they are worse in physical works.
    I think that, after all, women will be always more sensitive than men. It is their nature and even if we talk about gender equality, I think that there won't be something like that in nearest future.

  52. In my opinion feminism in this time has a wrong definition. By the 'feminism' i understand thinking only about womens rights, completley excluder mans. We have to take base on partnership. Both of sex are equal of importance. It is true that we are different, also we have different predispositions. I don't want to say, that women has to bake and stay home with sick kids and men has to bulid a house and to plant a tree. Of course not! Instead of fight with each other we should focus on our common goal - being happy together.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. I partly consider myself to be a feminist. Fighting for women's rights is very important. In this meaning I'm a feminist. Customarily, people associate feminism with trying to make woman a man-likely person. I think, it's nearly impossible and we need these differences to be alive. But we should look at people as individual beings, not as a statistic of traits.
    We try to have the biggest impact on Mother-Nature, but in general we can't change it. So there are actions, in which men are better (these, which require physical strenght for example), but there are also many things (which I consider as more important) that are easier for women to make (they require more sensibility or patience) - for example - taking care of people. Of course I'm talking about it in general - people of each gender have various personalities.

  55. I am not a feminist, but I believe at gender equality. We are living in 21th century, I personally thin that in such times there is no place for discrimination. I am shocked by all the facts, that I saw in this presentation. On the other hand, I am happy that I was born in Europe and I will never suffer from discrimination. I hope that situation in all countries (that was described in this presentation) will become better, but I still can’t believe that such problem is possible in our days.

  56. I think fighting for women's rights is very important, especially nowadays. Why? Because women is not important now. Especially for young men, it is SAD. A lot of them do not treat woman like a man-likely person. It is not a good sign for our society. We think that we are well educated, but nowadays big problems are: racism, homophobia and chauvinism.

  57. I do not consider myself to be a feminist because I think it is unfair dividing people. The fact that we are women and men is natural truth and in my opinion every person who want to search pluses and minuses of particular sex has bad intentions or something wrong with head. Every person is good in some activities and I noticed that it is not related with person's gender.

  58. I think that when it comes to some aspects, we are all equal. Unfortunately, "some" means that there are also some inequalities (such as physicalls). Either way, every culture has something about admiration for women, and it doesn't matter if it's religion or society that helps us gain more privileges. It's always good to know that we are great in some sense. It's also not easy for everyone to understand, that it means we also can't be any worse than men. Situation in countries such as Saudi Arabia may still be different than the one in Europe, but it doesn't mean they are backward. Their culture is just far different from ours, but luckily they're slowly gaining some of our "progress".

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. I don't consider myself as a feminist however I truly believe in gender equaliy and I support women's activity in demanding their rights. We live in 21st century so it's high time to give up old stereotypes. Everybody deserves to choose how to live and goverments of whole the world and the society shouldn't disturb to anyone. Men and women are equall as a human beings and even If someone says that could be impossible to achieve so it's meanless, for me it's showing that this world's order is absolutely okay and nothing need to be changed...

  61. Roles of men and women are deeply connected with culture. As we know culture is a tradition and it is really difficult to change it. Nowadays we live in globalisation and some rules are changing for example now in Saudi Arabia can drive a cars. I think culture of every country changes but we need to be very patient because we need time. It is as difficult as removing old tree.

  62. I consider myself as a feminist and I believe every woman should because it is about gender equality. It doesn't mean that we want women to rise up and take over the world. It means that we want to have the same rights when it comes to voting, working etc.
    Sadly, many people still describe feminism as something bad and don't understand how important it is.

  63. I consider myself as a feminist and I strongly belive that everyone should be treated equally. Neither country has yet achieved gender equality, even in Europe, for example womens earn less than mens on the same position. Althought comparing to the India or Saudi Arabia, womens in Europe have a lot of independance. I hope womens case in countries such as India will change some day.

  64. Do you consider yourself to be a feminist? Do you believe in gender equality?
    I consider myself as a feminist and I definitely believe in gender equality. To my mind differences between genders are often rooted cultural aspects because in most cases predispositions to do something are depending on a personality traits not biological differences. It doesn't mean that everybody should do the same things, but they should have the same opportunities to do so. Happily, in Europe we are coming close to gender equality and we're in a much better position than woman in countries such as India and Saudi Arabia where woman are culturaly and legally obligated to follow the rules that have been imposed on them.

  65. I don’t consider myself a feminist. I also don’t believe that women and men can be equal in every aspect. Some jobs require specific characteristics that only one gender has and the other has not. However, when it comes to jobs that require more intellectual than physical skills, the equality should be as wide as possible. If the board is choosing a new CEO, the gender shouldn’t matter but only someone’s competencies, character and past experience. I also believe that men and women should earn the same amount of money for doing the same job and that men should participate more in raising children. It’s horrible what’s happening in Saudi Arabia, it’s definitely a nightmare for those women and major steps towards change should be taken.

  66. I consider myself as a feminist. In my opinion the gender shouldn’t determine a way of life. People can’t decide whether they want to be born as a boy or a girl, so they shouldn’t be blamed for it and forced to live up to their gender role expectations. To my mind, there should be similar rights for both – the male and female sex. However, I don’t believe in complete gender equality because there are some permanent differences between genders. For example, men can’t get pregnant and women generally have less physical power than men. Therefore, it is impossible to introduce the same rights for both sexes. For instance, there must be a difference in such rights as a maternity leave or retirement age based on the strength and life expectancy. However, I hope that one day both genders will be respected and women won’t be treated as housewives or slaves.

  67. Personally, I believe in gender equality and I hope that in the future both genders will have same chances to develop themselves, as well in private life, as in their careers. Unfortunately, as long as people think that feminism is kind of ideology, which wants to fight with men and it is impossible for both sexes to be treated fair, it won’t be possible. I think that it is very important to make people aware of the situation of women in all countries around the world and maybe having a read of these kind of articles will point them, how important the subject of egality is.

  68. To be honest, I don’t consider myself as a 100% feminist, although I do think that I ve got some similar beliefs as them. Not all of them, of course.
    Do I believe in gender equality? I am afraid that is impossible. How women are being treated in Saudi Arabia whether India is incomprehensible. However, in my opinion there are some insurmountable barriers between these genders. Not necessarily physical ones.

    I also do think that some roles are kinda associated with women - for example taking care of their new born baby.

  69. Certainly, the situation for women has improved, but at the top of both industry and government, men still predominate. I believe that it is almost impossible to achieve equality between women and men. There is no denying that men and women are different. In my opinion, the way roles are formed depends mainly on the religion and beliefs of people from a given region of the earth. Although it should have nothing to do with freedom of choice, it has a significant impact on governments and current laws, blocking equal development of men and women. I also believe that many women are unaware of this phenomenon because they have been brought up this way for many generations and believe that it should be so.

  70. I’m not a feminist and I don’t believe in gender quality. In my opinion women should have the same rights as men and men should have the same rights as women but in some spheres of life it is hard to achieve such equality. Every person should have the right to live freely without restrictions due to gender, such as a driving license. For me it's scary that there are countries where gender determines whether you can have a driving license or not, so hearing about such countries it's very hard to believe in equality. This also applies, for example, to the fact that women in many places can retire faster. If we want this equality, in my opinion, everyone should have equal rights in such matters, regardless of gender.

  71. I wish to believe in gender quality. Justice would be spread pari passu. According to me, it is beautiful idea, but not necessarily real on this moment. I'm mild-feminist, I always fight for women rights, in one condition: acquisition of equal rights goes concurrently with deprivation privilege. I think it is fair for us (men's). I would like remain aspects of woman's lives such as: Biological conformity; stay femineity, not unisex; skills cooking!! and vice versa to men.
    In fine, I'm glad that woman's rights every years strengthen, but movement must steer to rest of world, not only in western states.

  72. I consider myself as a feminist. Thinking about how women are treated in countries such as Saudi Arabia makes me really sad. I believe that women and men should have equal rights. Of course, there are cases that women can't replace men and cases that men will never replace women, but people should't be enforced to stick to their roles.
    I hope all countries will look up to Nordic countries and follow their steps.

  73. I believe that this article clearly reflects reality. It saddens me that a long-standing culture and traditions that emerged hundreds of years ago affect today negatively.
    I believe that women should have equal rights and opportunities with men, and I believe that the more technology develops, the easier it will be to achieve this equality.

  74. I think this article doest bring up anything new to the converstaion on women rights, it sound very steorytipical. In a sense of women in asian and islam countries suffer while women in europe have the best life of all. I dont know what is the reason behind this way of thinking. The autor mentions sex trade and modern slavary. Does the author gives any ides how to fix this problem obviusly no. Also the situation of woman in islam countries which is aslo bad due to religious belives and laws. But im sure that if some european country will forbid musilm people from their religious customs like wearing hijab the same author will call out goverment of said country for religous discrimination. Overall i dont like this article. Its show how we in the west like to point out problems in others while we make the same mistakes.
    Yes i do but i would not like to be assiated with modern day feminist because its doesnt work how it should it just create sparks form which more problem arise.
    Yes i belive in gender equality, is it achrivable i dont think so. Cause for something like that to work out every one would have to agree while in modern times some people still belive that earth is flat.
    I will ask a women what she like i will not make decisions for her becasue i think we are equal

  75. In my opinion we will never achieve total gender equality around the world, but we still have a great deal to do to get as close to that as possible. In the Western world, we keep forgetting how dire a situation some women are in. Additionally, in Polend we also have a lot of problems, but there are more hidden. Womens still are ashamed to say that they are victims of violence whether physical or financial. The only way to fix this is to teach the girls that they can talk about what's going on. And the public to respond to such messages.

  76. I will try to reply two questions at once with one answer. I think that the pursuit of gender equality is good, as long as it does not become radical. In such cases, the consequences can be far more destructive than constructive. It especially affects the institution of the family, as it becomes difficult to determine who plays which roles when everyone "pulls the blanket to his side." On the other hand, solving such issues is quite easy - it’s enough just to talk, listen to each other and come to an understanding.

  77. Yes, I consider myself a feminist, although I must admit that I do not always agree with the postulates of 3rd wave feminists. I rather believe in gender equality in my home, my parents kind of swapped traditional roles in the family. Although there are aspects where there will always be differences in the sexes that we will not change. As for the changes, it hasn't changed, although it also depends on the group of people and it will probably changing to some extent.

  78. I don't consider myself a feminist. I kinda do believe in gender equality, but for me still every gender has it's own roles to follow. We can talk about how women can also hold the door for men, but in savoir vivre still says that the man shoulddo this for females.
    If it comes to second question, to be honest I'm not sure. If we want to change or remain anything, we sholud know everything about the politics, and even if something would look good on paper for me, for women for example in Arabia it would saound like total nonsense. That's what I learned by studying different country culture - you shouldn't make any opinions without deep diving into the country.


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