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A (very) brief history of fast food

Most people living in today's civilised countries enjoy fast food, either openly admitting to it or keeping that enjoyment as a guilty pleasure. Be it McDonalds, KFC or any other type of chain-restaurant, most of them are multi-million dollar franchises recognised by the entire world. Especially popular with the younger crowd, fast food is a testimony of modern lifestyle, but it can also function as a warning.

The first restaurants can be traced back all the way to ancient Rome, to the taverns and inns which fed their travelers when they were far away from home. However, it wasn't until the XVIII century that eating out was considered a luxury in Western countries.

Fast food joints started off as drive-in restaurants. People would order their food and receive it without getting out from their car. Although this way of serving was a fine example of extreme laziness, the meals were cooked in a normal restaurant kitchen (filled with chefs and trained cooks), so they often took a long time to make and occasionally arrived already cold.

The McDonald brothers were the ones who upgraded that system. They started off with a normal drive-in and after 11 years of successfully maintaining it, they implemented the so called Speedee Service System in 1948. It's concept was similar to that of an assembly line. They hired a large number of unskilled (unskilled in comparison to traditional culinary chefs, of course!) employees, each of which was assigned to one specific task. Together they could create a fairly large amount of produce (albeit it was of a limited variety) in a short span of time.

This model of kitchen service turned out to be an overnight success, bringing in customers and attracting the spotlight to the McDonald name, which we all recognise today. It was copied by many other restaurants shortly after, many of which proved to be successful in their own right.

However, one must remember that this system has been created with one goal in mind: it is supposed to bring out a large amount of food in the least amount of time possible. Which will, of course, profit the store. The nutritional value of this food and it's effects on our health have never been the priority, even though their advertisements may seem to say otherwise, and we should all keep that in mind the next time we buy something there.

Question time!~
1. Do you prefer having tasty but unhealthy food served quickly, or would you rather wait for high quality meals? Do you believe such a choice has a strong impact on our habits as a society?

2. In light of recent protests and campaigns, do you believe that fast food restaurants are the ones who are responsible for obesity and weight-related illnesses? Do you think it's fair to accuse them of such?



  1. There is no surprise that the quality is not fast food restaurant's preserve. However it doesn't seem to bother Mcdonald's customers. I believe there is no law against eating there from time to time but there is much better option to have a balanced meal. I'd rather prepare a dinner by myself, i'm at least sure what is made of. Fortunetely more and more people are changing their eating habits. They are aware that eating that kind of food make for obesity and weight-realted illness. Of course that is not the only factor but i believe most of illness begins from bad diet.

  2. It's depends what kind of fast food. I think sandwiches in Subway are good and fast, and have got a lot of vegetables and i don't see reason why we should give them unhealthy fast food's name. McDonald, on the other hand, is very bad. It smells like a litter. It's a kind of very junky food and the price is low only seemingly. I would eat something in McDonald only in extremity.

  3. I think id depends what would i choose. It depends on how much time do I have and what i'd like to eat. When i'm in hurry i really doubt that i would decide to wait for high quality meal but in other ocasions i rather go to milk bars and such instead of visiting McDonalds.
    No i don't think it's fair. Of course they have som epart of it because their food aren't too helthy but let's be honest - who eats it? All those people, who makes huge orders probably way too often and don't do any sports. Why they arent blamed too?

  4. It's funny beacuse 5 months ago I would say that I prefer unhealthy food served quickly, but after I decided to became fit and stronger I' rather to spend much time to prepare some dishes or sandwiches with vegetables and fruits. Sometimes it's annoying, but when I always think about what I eat, its' an easy choice.
    I agree that these kind of restaurants are responsible for obesity of young children. They advertise own products which looks obviously very delicious. Some of them are very tasty(trust me, there are) but we should not eat them everyday. Sometimes bad habits we can bring away from home. I mean, if parents do not think about healthy food and beyond that, they rather to buy jars with prepared food or order a meal, they're also guilty.

  5. In my opinion, everything can be good for you but only if you're able to use your common sense. I prefer to eat my own food, prepared by myself, but sometimes, when I have no time to prepare dish for myself I can eat fast food without remorse, because it's better than being hungry for few more hours. Anyway it's not really proper to accuse fast food restaurants for all nutritional problems people have. It's their fault if they're sick, fat or something else, because nobody told them to eat that kind of food and forced them to do it. That was their decision and they're responsible for that.

  6. I prefer wait for high quality meals. I don't like eat fast food. Of course, sometimes when I don't have a time, I go there. But when I eat it, I feel very bad and sick. I remember about healthy diet and this type of food is not good for our healthy. Thanks to fast food you can have many diseases for example with heart or weight. Our society is getting fatter. So I prefer be "fit".This is gift for my life. Of course, fast food isn't take only a one reason. If you want be "fit", you must do some sport. I love aerobic. This is a great fun.

  7. When it comes to my food preferences, I would rather eat tasty and sophisticated food served with passion and perfection. I avoid fast food bars known by filled with fat and empty calories. Food is said to be delicious when it is served properly and aesthetic. Personally, the most unique dish must be healthy and well-done. The quality is more important than price. It doesn’t matter how long I’m obliged to wait for food. Undoubtedly, when I decide for eating outside, I rather choose valuable places which I’m sure. I think that our choice can only have a impact on our life, our customs. We can change habits but we don’t have to forget that these days it is hard to keep up our habits because of living in a lack of time and rush.
    There are more and more fast food restaurants which serve people unhealthy food. I don’t think that we should blame them for obesity. Food preferences depend only on our mind and willingness. Maybe, if it weren’t for McDonald’s and another similar bars, we wouldn’t be enticed to try such a “delicious” meal. But we can’t accuse them of human’s problem with overweight.

  8. I usually eat meals prepared by myself or my family. I think that this option is healthier for my body and cheaper for my pocket ( I am just a poor student). I know what I eat and that the food is fresh. Of course I sometimes go out and eat outside. I have healthy life style, go to the gym, but I sometimes want to eat fast food and go to KFC or McDonalds. There is nothing wrong. In my opinion everything is for people but in moderation.
    I think that fast food restaurant aren't responsible for obesity and weight-related illnesses. It is funny for me. People have brains and free will, each person decides about his lifestyle.

  9. Sometimes food served quickly is not unhealthy for example salad in Salad Story, sandwiches in Subway and I like that kind of food but I eat it rarely because it is expensive. When I don't really have time I eat in KFC because it is near University. But usually after such a meal I feel 'heavy' so I prefer cooking something at home.
    I don't thing that fast food restaurants are obvious for obesity because "you are what you eat"and eating junk food is only your choice. People should be aware of what is in burgers because in sandwich for five zlotych aren't even 50% beef.

  10. There's no doubt in my mind that I prefer quality food. I love eating veggies and fruit. Futhermore, I strongly believe that you are what you eat. In my opinion, it is really important to eat healthy and have a balanced diet. But, on the other hand, let's be honest. Nowadays, time is extremely precious. That's why I think eating fast food from time to time is not a huge sin. I know it's hard to keep desirable eating habits when you're a student. You live in a different city and there's no mom and her cuisine. You have no time and you have to trim the budget. Fast food restaurants seem to be a salvation and there's nothing wrong with it. However, it is important to use them in moderation.

  11. I'd like to say that not always food which is prepared fast is fast food meal. For example in Poland there is type of restaurants called "bary mleczne". When you go in there you will be served with food in less than 5 minutes from the moment you came there. It's really fast. But is it typic fast food meal? Hell no! It's 10000000 times healthier than McDonald's, cheaper and (of course it depends of someone's taste) tastier. You won't go out of there hungry and what is more important - you won't go out of "bar mleczny" with danger of obesity in the opposite to McDonald's, KFC and other junk-food restaurants.

  12. From what I can see, everybody seems to (or at least is trying to look like they seem to) prefer quality over quantity. Unsurprisingly, since the last time that fast food was considered cool was in junior high. I personally agree with this sentiment. I also prefer better food in smaller, independent cafes than eating trashy meals in a hurry. But that also makes me feel old.
    And saying that the people themselves are responsible for their health is absolutely right. In fact, there was a lawsuit in the US that had to do with that. The parents of two young girls tried to sue McDonalds for making their children morbidly obese. They lost it, of course, but that incident was one of the reasons that restaurants have started printing the calorific qualities of the food they serve. It's not for the health of the customers- it's so that they can easily deflect any claims in the court of law. You can't say that they made you fat if you knew exactly what you were eating. Both the source of this and the outcome are quite scary.

  13. Junk food is very popular nowadays. Let's have a look on nearest McDonalds or KFC. People are standing in very long queues to get some chicken and crisps. Food is so fat and so expensive in these restaurants. But it is something more than only eating. These two brands are really well know on the entire world. When you eat fast-foods it means that you want to belong to the culture which they create. It is a kind of lifestyle and it contains a lot of ideology. This ideology means "modern civilization by modern eating". Preparing food in house is something old-fashioned. Of course sometimes I eat a kind of turkish fast-food "kebab" but I do it 3-4 times per month. Sometimes I want to eat good kebab and I do eat only because of taste.

  14. Last times it becames more and more popular to keep fit and care about health. As for me, I really prefer to wait for high quality meals, cause I want to be healthy and I control it. But of course sometimes I need to buy fast food, cause I have no time, but there are really rare cases. I woud better wake up earlier, but make healthy homey meal.
    I don't think, that it's fair to accuse fast food restaurants of that they are responsible for obesity and weight-related illnesses. It is the same to accuse producers of computers in that a lot of people are depend on them. People should understand what they do with their bodies and minds.

  15. I prefer having tasty and high qualiity meals. My parents are great cooks, so I never was a huge fast food fan. Of course from time to time, when I have no time I buy a meal in Noth Fish or KFC but I try not to, because I know it's unhealthy and a choice of eating there has a strong impact on peoples' health.
    I do believe that fast food restaurants are responsible for weight-related ilnesses, because they are unhealthy, cheap, fat and 'easy to eat'. Nowadays lots of kids go to fast food bars which causes problems with their health. It is fair not only to accuse them of such, but also people who choose to buy food at these particular places.

  16. I can say that of course i prefere healthy food, but okey, we all have got that "times" when we don't think whether it is greasy or unhealthy, because we have gone there with our friends to talk, to eat after party or because... (that's will be sad) it's cheaper than eating in restaurant. In my opinion lots of young people going there because they don't want to spend their money in more expensive places. Also our habits win with us and we are choosing what is well-known for us.
    Ok, i like eat in McDonald's, that's my peccadillo.:)
    But i can't disagree with opinion that this kind of restaurants are responsible for problems such as obesity or diseases like diabetes. Everybody knows that this kind of food is tasty and sometimes, in fact, we don't know what we eat. But we can't blame fast food restaurants for it. It's your own decision what are you eating, noone forces you to do it! If you want to buy food there you should think that you also can go to shop with organic food or cook yourself!

  17. Try to look around and check how many fast foods we have in the city. I guess that's because of low prices and people don't waist time on waiting for their food. Unfortunately it's the worst thing we can do because it destroys our health. Personally I prefer wait a while longer but eat something healthier and mostly more filling too. I believe that what we exactly eat impacts on our behaviour. I agree that fast food in some ways influence the weight-related illnesses. It's because of hormons and all extras they add so the food taste much better than the heathy one. It increases people's appetite what causes eating more and more. I don't think so that's fair to accuse them because people more and more lead static lifestyle what also means a lot if it goes one people's metabolism.

  18. Article talks about the phenomenon of fast food restaurants. In a very interesting way tells about the history of the fast food restaurants, McDonald's restaurant and on the operation of these restaurants. If I had to choose whether to eat something tasty but unhealthy food served quickly or wait for high quality meals that certainly would choose the second option. Because of the fact, fast food is tasty but fattening, calorie, unhealthy. Food cooked more slowly can be as tasty as it prepared quickly, and in addition it is certainly healthier and has more nutrients. However, people often choose food in a hurry, for example in McDonald's because they do not have much time. In my opinion, fast food restaurants are not the ones who are Responsible for obesity and weight-related illness, as people have free will and can do what they want.

  19. Sometimes I like to eat some fast food. I really like to eat in Subway, I think it's much better option than e.g. KFC. Sandwiches are still healthy. I happen to eat also in places such as McDonald's, especially when I have little time and in the vicinity there aren't too many restaurants.

  20. Fast food restaurants became a huge phenomenon in recent years. Many people said that they serve very unhealthy food and that's why we should avoid it. But people don't remember that not always "fast food" means "junk food". We can prepare and eat something very fast and it's still healthy - for example handrolls - sushi rolls that are served very quickly or healthy sandwiches. If I had a choice between should I eat quick and unhealthy or slow und healthy, I would opt for the second option. I don't like eating unhealthy things because I don't feel well after eating such thing. Of course sometimes I eat them too because I'm only human and sometimes I'm in a mood to eat a Mcwrap or pizza, but I prefer to avoid such things. I don't think also that fast food restauranst should be accused of the people's overweigth. Everybody has a choice and can eat what he or she wants. If they eat too much unhealthy food and become obese, it's their problem because they don't have to eat such things. The fast food restaurants shouldn't be blamed on it.

    1. Fast food restaurants became a huge phenomenon in recent years. Many people said that they serve very unhealthy food and that's why we should avoid it. But people don't remember that not always "fast food" means "junk food". We can prepare and eat something very fast and it's still healthy - for example handrolls - sushi rolls that are served very quickly or healthy sandwiches. If I had a choice between should I eat quick and unhealthy or slow und healthy, I would opt for the second option. I don't like eating unhealthy things because I don't feel well after eating such thing. Of course sometimes I eat them too because I'm only human and sometimes I'm in a mood to eat a Mcwrap or pizza, but I prefer to avoid such things. I don't think also that fast food restauranst should be accused of the people's overweigth. Everybody has a choice and can eat what he or she wants. If they eat too much unhealthy food and become obese, it's their problem because they don't have to eat such things. The fast food restaurants shouldn't be blamed on it.

  21. Nowadays, fast food plays a very big role, because many of us go there even for lunch. Personally I would prefer to go to a better restaurant and wait a little longer in exchange for good quality food. Especially that I try to pay attention to what I eat and whether it is healthy for my body. By the fact that such restaurants as KFC are very popular, the level of obesity in the state is increasing. However, I think it is not the fault of the corporations themselves, but people. Because they decide where they go to eat their meal and how it will be. No one forces them to do anything. Therefore, I think that people that accuse fast food restaurants of obesity, are not quite right, because everyone is aware of what food is there and decides whether or not to eat there.

  22. Eating junk food can be addictive in some cases. If someone asked me a year ago if I like to eat in Mcdonald - I would say "Of course not! It's very unhealthy!"
    But this year... I haven't so much time for cooking and preparing meals. Sometimes, when I come back from college and I don't want to cook anything, I go to Mcdonald. I've got a lot of coupons from a special application to use and I have "dinner" for not much money, especially when I complete the survey and I get a hamburger for free. This food is really tasty but very unhealthy and I'm aware of this. I'm not proud of myself that I eat there, but sometimes I can't stop myself. But I'm absolutely disagree with the opinion that fast food restaurants are the ones who are responsible for obesity and weight-related illnesses. I am of the view that it isn't fair to accuse them of such. No one forces us to buy fast food. Everyone knows that this is bad for his body. If someone goes to the fast food restaurant, he do it on his own responsibility. It's like smoking cigarettes. Everyone knows it's bad, but many of us can't stop it anyway.

  23. If you ask me about my diet, it depends on how much time do I have and what I'd like to eat. When I have more free time I'd rather to spend much time to prepare some dishes or sandwiches with vegetables and fruits. Unfortunately sometimes I have to eat something fast, and then I happen to go to McDonald's. As for the health aspect I think that fast food restaurant aren't responsible for obesity and weight-related illnesses. "You are what you eat" and eating junk food is only your choice.

  24. I try to eat in fast food restaurants at most once at month, because food from such restaurants is so unhealthy and fattening. It is important to pay attention to having adequate diet. At the present time, when everyone hurry up, we should remember, that fast food is not only a quick mean to eat one's fill, but it also affects our health and mood in a bad way - it's easy to get addicted to it. I think that fast food restaurants are partially responsible for obesity, because they offer cheap and tasty food, which encourages people to eat there. Also ads of these companies create fake vibes, because people which play in these commercials are thin and smiling, so everyone thinks, that fast foods can't be reason for fatness. Obviously fast food companies don't force humans to visit them. The main reason of weight-related illnesses are people's choices and ignorance.

  25. To be honest, knowing all the bad sides of junk food, I still enjoy it. Firstly, it is cheap. Secondly, you get it in 5 minutes. Moreover, it tastes very nice to me. Of course, it is nice to go to a serious restaurant and relish some exquisite food. However, I am not very tough about my meals. Of course we all should have common sense and try to limit eating junk food as much as possible as it may badly influence our organism but eating a burger with fries once a month is not a cardinal sin. I think it is important not to accustom small kids to eating such foods because later they are more susceptible to getting addicted. I believe that doing everything reasonably is not anything bad.

  26. If you ask me about my opinion about fast food then it looks like this for me fast food is like every other food.Sometimes I like to wait longer for healthy food especially if it is a new flavor and from time to time I can eat fast food it's not a big deal for me.Somehow I do not believe that it has some large influence on our eating habits.If you try sometimes to eat in a Mcdonald's it does not mean you have to do it once again for a specified period of time.In my opinion it's not fair to accus fast food restaurants for obesity and weight-related illnesses .For every food you can get fat if you eat it too much even if it is healthy, so everything in small quantities is allowed.It is not their fault that someone likes to eat a lot and can not stop, everyone has his own mind and thinks for himself.

  27. It depends from time, which I have to eat something. Of course that if I have time I prefer to eat more healthy and wait longer. But if I had half an hour to eat, it’s not enough to buy food in the restaurant and wait for it. Also, not every fast food is unhealthy. There is more and more vegan fast food, where you can eat fast and healthy. I think people these times don’t have a lot of time, and that’s the reason why they prefer to eat fast food.
    I think fast food restaurants have got some in common witch obesity and weight-related. They are very popular so we can find them everywhere. People have easy way to buy there food. But I think the main problem is in not having enough time these days. We should have time to take a rest, chill out for a second and eat. But sometimes there is no time even for this.

  28. When I was younger my mum didn't let me eat in this kind of restaurant because she was convinced that's very unhealthy. Now I'm thankful to her that I'm not used to going to McDonald or KFC every time I'm hungry. But we are live in a rush so that's why fast food restaurants are full in a rush hours. We are becoming more lazy than ever before because at every corner there are restaurants which offer a quick meal. I also agree that fast food restaurants are responsible for obesity. One hamburger contains too much fat and carbs but i also say that one hamburger from time to time is good to satysfy the soul.

  29. It is said that nowadays fast food chains are part of our modern lifestyle. Many people choose to eat there because of the laziness. For me saying that healthy food takes a long time to make it's not an excuse as there are plenty of simple recipies for healthy meals that we can make in a short period of time. There is also an option to eat "normal" food in restaurants that serve healthy meals and for me it is worth waiting for hight quality food instead of having it immediately, but in a low quality. If I don't have time to wait I usually eat, for example, fruit for lunch instead of visiting fast food restaurant.
    Everybody knows that eating junk food may lead to obesity or other health-related problems, but I don't agree that people who serve fast foods are responsible for that. People do have free will and they are the ones who decide what to eat, if they choose unhealthy food that's their decision. Moreover people can follow irresponsible diet without visiting this restaurants too, for example, by buying crisps or other unhealthy snacks and ,if they do so,should every brain that sells those snacks be blamed for people's choices?

  30. I try to eat healthy and I rarely go to fast food restaurants. I prefer wait for high quality meals and I think that society prefer to go to restaurant or bar rather than to cook a meal today. I saw that family with 2 small children went on hot-dogs during the dinner time in Sunday. This situation realize that parents teach children unhealthy eating habits. This impact on children’s health and habits. They are getting fat and become ill over time. I guess that fast food restaurants are partly responsible for obesity and I’m confident that people should pay more attention what they eat.

  31. Occasionally I like eat ansomething unhealthy. But since I had taken up residence in Warsaw I visit fast food restaurants much less often. Junk and fast food is a good option when I have no time or when I have a desire to fries, for example. But I think that more and more people use lunchboxes and prepare their meals at home. It is a good alternative for eating in restaurants - you can safe your money and you vary your diet.

  32. I like eat in a fast foods restaurants sometimes, it's good option when you've got no time and you want to eat something chep. But I prefer eating something high quality if I have enough time. I thnk that fast food restaurants are responsible for obesity, but in the last few years more common is campaigne of beeing fit so I think it's changing.

  33. I would rather wait for high-quality meals, but sometimes when I don't have time and I'm in a hurry, I eat fast food. I try to eat fast food as little as possible, because it's not healthy. I prefer to go to student canteen than go to fast food. Maybe it's not home cooking, but I think it's a better option. I don't think so those fast food restaurants are the once who are responsible for obesity and weight-related illnesses. People decide where and what they want to eat. Although nowadays media and advertising are very influential on people's habits. We should be careful about that and try to remember about a balanced diet.

  34. Fast foods are very comfortable, I can’t contradict. But we need to remember that it isn’t too healthy. Food made by McDonald or KCF is really tasty and most of people like this kind of food. Fact, that we can get this food so fast is important as well, because nowadays everyone wants to run somewhere, everyone is late somewhere etc. I eat in KFC sometimes, but I really try to avoid this type of restaurants. In place like this you eat what is fast, cheap and tasty and usually you don’t think about e.g. fat in fries or sugar in coke. This one of the reason why our population becomes fatter and fatter. We haven’t got enought time even to eat in right way, so how we could find time to do any activities, any sports? We don’t move and eat in fast foods, thats why there are more and more weight-related illnesses.

  35. If a have a choice between fast food and normal healthy meal, which I can prepare by myself I always choose second option. I like to know what I eat and this is important for me, but it increase when I stopped eating meat and all products which come from animals. It’s hard to find a place where I can eat something like fast food without meat, so I completely avoid such restaurants. I don’t think that fast food restaurant and their policy are the ones who are responsible for obesity and weight-related illnesses. In my opinion everyone has a choice free will. Our health is only in our hands. Fast food restaurant is only a one option for those who likes that kind of flavour.

  36. I don't like either fast foods or restaurants. I believe that we can eat cheap and tasty in cafeterias which are called “milk bars” in Polish. I think that fast food restaurants are only one of factors which causes the obesity and a lot of other health problems. Moreover, fast food restaurants are changing, e.g. they prepare vegetable meals and add fruits to some unhealthy products. However, I believe that companies as McDonald's are rather bad as they make the uniformed world.

  37. I prefer rather healthy and tasty meal and usually I can wait for it. Sometimes I hurry to work or university and I ate something from McDonald or KFC. This is big advantage of this kind of restaurant.
    I believe that everyone knows what we should eat and we have choice, we don't have to eat in McDonald. It is our fault , that we eat too much fast foods

  38. Fast food is my guilty pleasure, but if I could choose between McDonald burgers and delicious meal in the restaurant I guess I would choose the second thing. Not even because of health matters, but because it's always better to eat something "new", some dish that you haven't try before over something so global and ordinary as McDonald's food.
    I definitely think though that our society choice of food (fast food vs restaurant) is made based on taste of those meals but mostly based on time and amount of money of those foods. People eat in fast food restaurant's because they are cheeper and as they call themselves faster than regular restaurant. You don't waste your time or money there - health it seems not so important if you live in the rush and if you don't have big bucks.
    I think that fast food restaurants are not entirely responsible for obesity and health problems caused by weighting a lot. Of course those places are made to make a lot of money and they want to get more and more popular in society, but it doesn't mean that they want their clients to have weight problems. Fast food restaurants as any other stuff like CocaCola or Apple wants to get more and more popular and get profits from that. But it's just another commercial way of promoting themselves. They are not to blame for people choice of eating there. On the other hand maybe being more clear about selling not really healthy food would increase level of awareness throw clients of those places. So who is to blame? That is a good question. For example in USA regular food sold in the shops and grocery stores is much more expensive than fast foods (especially vegetables and fruits). Still water is more expensive that fizzy drinks. If somebody have less money then average is quite natural for them to eat in the places where prices are cheeper. So there the government is the one to blame. I guess in Poland fast food restaurants are very common because of trends. Many people use it not because is cheeper, but probably because it's faster and something different from meal that you can preparer at home.
    One way or another people should really mind what they eat and blaming big companies for their health problems is just ridiculous.

  39. Usually I prefer high quality meals that fast food, but I don’t think that this quickly served meals are that bad. I mean, of course there aren’s healthy, but if you eat something like that occasionally, not every single day it isn’t that awful. What we need is to maintain moderation. It starts to be a problem when you eat there really often. I do believe that fast foods contribute in some way to obesity, but so do sweets. If someone can’t restrain himself from eating such things, then he is the one to blame.

  40. Definitely the health is the highest priority for me. That is why I had resined to eat fast food long time ago. However I understand that nowadays it is difficult to choose betwen time and health. Both of them are important.
    I do not remember protests and campaigns which took plase in 2015, but I think we must not forget that the only think the fast food restaurant can do is to offer us their prodacts. Noone force us to buy it. If people eat to much fast food, it is their problem. They cannot accuse fast food restaurants for their own bad habbits.

  41. It's obvious and well known that fast food restaurants like McDonald sells unhealthy food, there are so many publications about it. Still somehow people revisit such places over and over being drawn like a moth to a flame. But we have to know, that's a more complicated problem. They are stuffing us with lot's of chemical substances like monosodium glutamate which can cause addiction. We can spend a lot of money just to satisfy our brain, not only the stomach. Also all the colorful and cheerful commercials are influencing us too. And that's why I rarely eat in such places and prefer "normal" restaurants or better cook for myself - self made food is always the best. Still you can't blame games, alcohol or cigarette for your addiction, same with fast food. It's only your choice what you prefer, and even unhealthy food eaten from time to time isn't that bad (still better avoid it).

  42. I think it all depends on the situation, sometimes I’d choose unhealthy food served quickly, even for a taste, because I won’t lie, I just like it. On the other hand, when I have time I don’t mind waiting for high quality meals, especially when I go out with my friends. I belive such a choice has a strong impact on our habits as we got used to getting everything in minutes. We are no longer patient and we value more time than quality. Unfortunately this applies not only to food industry; I have already seen few times people getting really angry when something was not delivered to them instantely.
    In my opinion fast food chains are partially guilty of obesity and weight-related issues. For example they create commercials, that target chilldren and convince them, that fast food is healthy. On the other hand, we are all thinking human creatures, that can decide on their own. Obviously, we are being manipulated everyday, but final decision is always ours and noone is forcing us to eat unhealthy.


  43. I really want to tell you that I prefer healthy food but the truth is I don’t. I cook at the weekends but when I’m at the University I don’t have enough time to go preper it at home. I rare go to restaurant with healthy food due to prices. So I prefer to go somewhere, where I can get quickly maked food for a litte money. Additionally, I don’t think that fast food restaurants are responsible for obesity. And for me, it is not fair to accuse them for that. Nowadays people have a lot of choices. There are a lof of unhealthy food and drinks, which people are buying and consuming. Despite the fact that there are a lot of gyms and proclamation healthy food and life, most people are doing things which are easier to get for them and from that point obesity is taking.

  44. It is the truth universally acknowledged that fast food is increadibly popular these days. Is has a number of benefits owing to be delicious, cheap and fast equally. On my mind, fast food restaurants are not responsible for obesity. In spite of the fact that they serve unhealthy food it is still our decision and willingness that we eat it. I find is as a temptation. Individually, seldom do I choose this option. I prefer cooking at home to eating out because I am just keen on cooking, particularly with loved one. Furthermore, I know the ingredients and I am sure that everything is fresh. However, I should add that I have the craving for unhealthy food from time to time.

  45. Fast food restaurants are a very good option to eat during the ride - the stop for McDonald when we were returing from school trip was obligatory even when we had only one hour to school. However it is proved that some people are addicted to McDonald and we can see the Americans who are very fat because of eating only in fast foods. That is very dangerous and the doctors and WHO should react for that problem.

  46. Fast foods are unhealthy and everybody know about it- we don't have to prove it but we also shouldn't treat them like the greatest evil. Obesity is not fast foods fault- it's our fault, our eating habits, that we prefer quickly prepared food than nutritious meal spiced by waiting. It is always our decision but it's easier to blame someone else than plead guilty that all is in our hands. Someone said: "everything is a poison and nothing is a poison- it is the dose that make a poison". And I think this is the best summarize of this topic- keep balance.

  47. It' difficult to answear at first question. Everything depends on situation. Sometimes I like cooking a few hours something, that is healthy, but I'm only a women. I've got data, when I must eat fastfood. I love McDonald and Cheeseburgers. It's also a great way to make a smile on my face! :D
    I think, that we shouldn't say that fastfood restaurants are responsible for that, that people can't także care about them health and weight. Not everyone has a strony will, but why other must be limited because of that ?
    Everyone has a mind and should make right decisions.
    I can't imagine my bad days without cheeseburger or pizza. :P

  48. Of course I prefer to spend more time waiting for a healthy, nutricious meal than to have something which will make me feel sick for the rest of a day. I think that what we eat has a big influence on our body AND MIND. I don't want to rubbish my organism, i avoid eating fast food. Nevertheless I don't think fast food restaurants are the only one responsible for obesity and weight-related illnesses. It's not only what we eat, it's also when and in what amount.

  49. I think that everything depends on your common sense. If you eat fast foods from time to time there is nothing bad for you. So, in my opinion we cannot accuse fast food restaurants for obesity and weight related to illnesses, nobody said that we must eat unhealthy food and also there is no law against eating there from time to time.
    If we talk about my preferences I’d rather to wait for healthy and balanced dish if I have time. Of course I try to cook food by myself, but sometimes I like to eat french-fries in McDonald and I don’t see anything bad in doing this. So I think that everybody is responsible for themselves.

  50. I prefer wait for high quality meals, all of a sudden healthy meals are more and more popular. But unfortunately it is true that you have to eat some of fast food to be health mentally :D The most important thing is being responsible. To my mind fast foods restaurants adverts have no influence to obesity because we have to decide what we should eat by own. There is no conect, i mean this is the same situation when someone thinks that producents of cars are responsible for accidents. What a nonsense!

  51. Since I'm a person often in a rush, and at the same time really value the little free time I have, I often lean in the direction of a quick, small meal, rather than a full meal of high quality I have to wait for. Food is a big deal for humans as community, and the way we eat does affect our social habits. Do we eat quickly alone, or gather for dinner as family?

    As for fast-foods and the problem of obesity...Let's be real, no-one forces anyone to eat fast foods, so unless it's genes related (not the excuse kind of 'genes-related) responsibility is on the person, especially since now we really do have fast-foods that serve healthy food just as quickly.

  52. To be completely honest, I can't really give a clear answer for the first question. It really depends on situation - when you don't have time, you choose fast food, where you don't have to wait half hour or more for meal. From the other side, fast food restaurants aren't really healthy and we should limit it, as much as we can afford. I think that obesity at young age (and not only) is for sure caused by this type of cuisine , but let's be honest. It is the best thing, when you don't have time, much money and want to have something to eat.

  53. I prefer wait for high quality meals than eat something unhealthy, but sometimes I like eat in fast food. I think, that eat burger or chips from time to time isn’t something wrong.
    In my opinion we can’t accuse fast food restaurants of obesity and weight-related illnesses. It is obvious that this food isn’t healthy. So it is individual choose of every person, where and what he or she eats. Everyone is responsible for choose their way of life.

  54. I am a girl who is always on diet... so I don't eat fast food. I mean, at least I try... I don't have a lot of time to prepare my meals or even eat them, but I prefere big bowls of salads or soups than fast food. I don't eat meat too, so fast food is not always a good option for me.

  55. I personally think that fast food restaurants are responsible for obesity and weight-related illnesses. The reason of my opinion is fact that they don’t inform people well enough about damage that fast food does to people’s bodies. All fast food restaurants promote their food without telling the truth about the product that they are selling. In my opinion waiting for food worth its good quality.

  56. Obviously, I do not prefer eat in fast-food but unfortunately sometimes I am forced to go there. I have to admit that food in McDonald's never did me sick but of course after eating hamburger (even several) I fell fulness but it is just imitation. So I do not like and do not prefer eat in fast-food but sometimes I (and problably every person) have no choice - we are hungry yet.
    The second question is about restaurant's responsibility. It is clear that quality of food in McDonald's or other fast-food is no too high. In my opinion it is true that overweight is caused by this kind of food. But I think also that intention to go to eat rubbish is our choice - if we want to be pretty and feet, we have to organise our live better - with time to wait for a food in professional restaurant or to cook in our homes.


  57. I am convinced that the way of nutrition has a huge impact on our health and well-being. Of course, I prefer good quality food, but I do not always have time to eat well. As a result, I often end up going to Mcdonald's unhealthy to eat a quick meal. I think that this is of course related to the way modern societies function - we want to have everything quickly and cheaply, because we live in a constant hurry. Unfortunately, good quality does not involve a low price and short preparation time. At the same time, I think that accusations of large corporations about the choices of their clients are absurd. Each of us should be guided by common sense and know that eating fast-food is harmful.

  58. I like fast food but I'd rather eat high quality meals, cause they're way better for our health and they just taste better.
    This choice could have impact on our society habits, but I think that everyone should think for oneself and make decisions that are better for him.
    In my opinion fast food restaurants should not be blamed for obesity etc. The one to blame is only the person who decide to eat in this kind of restaurants.

  59. Today's people are always in the rush. It doesn't matter what they're doing, or how much time can be spent on it - everything has to be fast. But when it comes to food, I think that it's rather important to give it a little more time, unless we're also in a rush to die faster. Heart attacks are very common these days, and unhelathy food is a great reason of it. It's always better to choose quality rather than the quantity (in this case, the amount of spared time).

  60. I prefer having tasty, but unhealthy food served quickly. For me the most important is not to waste my time waiting for food. I strongly believe such a choice has a strong impact on our habitsas a society. Generally, we don't have time and we have to do everything quckly,regardless its' consequences.
    I think that the fast food restaurantes may have certain impact on actual problem of obesity and weight-related illnesses (for example semi-addicted igredints used in process of preparing fast food), but we have to remember as a humans we allways have a free will and we are able to choose another restaurant to eat in. It's our lazinness which make us eat in such places and not to do sports.

  61. When I was younger and wasn`t aware of how food has a big impact on our organism I had been eating fast food from time to time. Now I prefer to wait and even pay much more for a good quality food intead of visiting McDonald. There is a polish poverb: You are what you eat, so I think yes, this kind of choice of what we eat has a strong impact on our habits as a society. But I would not say that all fast food restaurants are responisble for weight problem in society. They are offering something and we have right of choice. Everything with limit and reasonableness is fine. Even when it comes to this kind of food.

  62. Nowadays we live very quickly and we sometimes forget about our health. The trend of quick-life was used by mentioned fastfood companies and it became a habit because it is easy and we do not need to spend much time in restaurants or in the kitchen preparing food for ourself. Eating now is more like obligation less like relax with tasting. I prefer spend time in restaurant because it is a free time for me during the day full of duties, work etc.
    If we talk about fastfood corporations' responsibility for obesity I would say that it is not their cup of tea. The costumer should be responsible for what he or she choose and buy. The most important thing is costumer's awareness. If society were aware McDonald's or KFC would not be a global company which earns more money per year then some countries! To confirm existing costumer's awareness I will mention Starbucks Coffee case in Australia. This globally popular coffeeshop stay in Australia's market only for 8 years. The company started in 2000 and in 2008 closed 70% shops. It was a failure because Aussies have a coffee culture and they do not treat it like a product as Starbucks but as a coffee ritual. They are known as a gastronome of coffee and they prefer to drink it in local cafe then in chain coffeeshop. In their opinion Starbucks offers low quality coffee in high prices.

  63. I prefer waiting for high quality meals. It increases my appetite and makes the meal more worthy. In addition, being curious about new restaurants broadens your mind by searching for new places worth-visiting and sharing this information with your friend or getting that one from your friends.

    I find, fast food restaurants are not responsible for obesity. People are the ones that decides what they want to eat, so they are responsible for their health. Advertises are not fully fair with customers but it is not justifying their wrong choses.

  64. I try to eat clean, so I prefer to wait a little bit longer but for healthier meal, than eat fast food full of unhealthy ingredients. I believe that these :small" choices are vital for us as a society, because it affects our health so much. Nowadays a huge part of many societies has obesity. It doesn't come from eating clean, right?
    I think that fast food restaurants are partly responsible for the situation mentioned, but I wouldn't blame only them. This is a business - those companies want to earn money as well as common people, even if it has a negative impact on people, it doesn't matter for them. But people know what type of meal they eat, is it healthy or not and if - with modern knowledge about fast food - people still choose to eat it than more quality meal, and they are surprised that they are obese, then sorry - it is not fast food restaurants who are guilty for that.

  65. The effects of junk food on our health and body are well-known to everyone. Still, most of the people crave for it every other day. Fast-food is said to be the food that is prepared and eaten in quick time or taken out. Landing in the favorite fast-food restaurant happens more than one can admit.

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