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Pomodoro technique.

Pomodoro technique is really good idea for persons who have a lot of tasks in job or for unorganized persons. The Italian creator of this technique is  Francesco Cirillo, and it is name comes from the kitchen timer shaped like a tomato. This time managment techique is very simple.

Six steps of the Pomodoro technique:
1. At the beginig of the day do the list of tasks to be performed and sort it according to importance.
2. Set the timer for 25 minutes - this is one Pomodoro time.
3. Work on this task for the whole Pomodoro. Do not make make a brake.
4. You must mark a task as completed.
5. After one Pomodoro have 5 minutes brake.
6. When you finished fourth Pomodoro you have 20 minutes break. This is a good time to make a cup of coffee or sth.

Relatively short periods of time has several advantages:
- work with concentration
- the task must be done in full, without interruption
- during 5 minutes you can restart rour mind

Main Pomodoro web side: - check movie
On this web side you can buy timer shape of tomato.

1. What do you think about Pomodoro technique?
2. Do you need it or try it?
3. Do you know more effective technique?



  1. I think it is an amazing idea for people who find concentrating too difficult. It is not only simple but also effective. I do not need to try that because I work similarly: I put away things which can be distracting, a mobile phone for example, and make short breaks. It really works! Moreover, chocolate and a dose of caffeine before work also helps to concentrate and stay more focused for a longer period of time.

  2. I think that Pomodoro technique can be a useful way to save the time. Maybe I will try it :) Till now, I used to write only "to do" lists.

  3. I think the Pomodoro technique is a very good and effective way to learn something. If someone has a problem with motivation to do something and concentration, it can help. When I don't want to learn, and I'm tired of, I go out for a walk and when I back I have a lot of new ideas. Of course, exercises in the open air are also a good idea, for example skating - it help to break away from learning for a while.

  4. Pomodoro technique seems to be very useful! I think that it is really great idea. Short period of time for doing things motivates you. When you mark some task as a done you see a progess. I will try to do it in my life. Writing all events and tasks in calendar also might be helpful.

  5. Well, I think that this technique has a nice name :)
    Of course it would be useful, especially for people who have a lot various things to do during the day. I definitely agree, that concentration it's very important, but normally we can hold it for only short time, like 25 minutes.

  6. In my opinion the pomodoro technique could be a great solution for people who have problem with organization. A lot of people find it difficult to define a list of things to do. There are also a group of people who are aware that they HAVE TO do something, but they roll over all of their duties - they are simple lazy and unorganized. In my opinion the pomodoro technique will motivate people to do everything on time and make their life more organized.

  7. The Pomodoro Technique is a marvelous way which enable people to complete their projects faster and with less fatigue. I think it's high time to try it! Thanks to systematic breaks our brain is still fresh and people are more concentrated on what they are doing. Sticking some sheet of paper on your fridge might be so effective too, it might help you to remember all things and exercises you have to tackle with.

  8. In my opinion the pomodoro technique is a useful technique for poeple who have problem how organize time( of course if she/he has a lot of different things on the head). I agree that systematic breaks/naps make us more frsh and we work more effective. I also agree that the name of this technique is quite nice and maybe I will try it at one time

  9. I think that the Pomidoro technique is a good idea for people who have a problem with focus on their tasks. For exapmle when I must do something, I usually do everything besides doing my tasks. Then I check my facebook, e-mails, do something for eating etc. In my opinion it is good invention for lazy or absent-mindedness people.

  10. I think that this technique is very helpful for people like me who have problems with focusing on work and who always find something else to do. There is a good quote presenting it, when student must prepare for exams and he says 'ok, I'm starting to learn, but before this I will only clean a desert'. I have tested a method which is similar to the pomodoro, in the morning I write a 'things to do' list and I try not to do any excuses and it works with me.

  11. I'm not sure. I think that this is not a good option for me. I think that doing everything on a time.. is really hard. Sometimes you want do something else than you planned, for example you want to do something, what you have on the end of your list. So in my opinion this way is not the best. Better would be just saying: "Ok, now I'm going to learn until 1 p.m." And you doing it and that's all.

  12. I think it is amazing idea. I plan all of my days in the week and have to know what I to do for example in monday at fifth o clock. I am very organized person so the plan of the day is my priority. Twenty five minutes for the task is good, in not too long and not too fast. Sometimes when you plane your excercises and start do it, you forgot about the time. That kind of alarmclock id great. It is very practice. I like it.

  13. I don’t find this technique interesting because I have been doing something similar for few past years. Before I start learning, I organize my notes, papers, etc. in order of priority. Then, I decide how much I should do and how much time I can spend on each task. After all of that I give myself a treat, for example I watch one episode of the tv series. I think that each method is good if you just organize your work and don’t improvise

  14. I have a problem with focusing on one task, because I want to do everything at one time or don't do it at all and lie on bed. I will definately try this technique. Maybe it is a solution to my laziness

  15. It cannot be denied that this technique works really good and it is destined for people who have some problems with managing their time. Pomodoro technique shows how create and smart can we spend time on some major issues or exercises. During one hour you can that’s why do some things. Generally speaking, I have some problems with concentrating on working or learning. Some devices, social media, Facebook, Instagram or phone distract me and I can’t focus on my main activity. When I have to learn something, I have to prepare myself for sitting at the table “for ages”. Before learning, I make a coffee, grab a cosy rug and then I’m well prepared to work. The one thing I need is the ability of concentration and of course silence. It is said that peace is the key to success.
    When it comes to another effective technique, it is based on making a list of the most important things which you have to do during the day. It couldn’t be arranged with a great accuracy. You have to estimate how long you will do every activities. Write it down on a sheet of paper. Remember! There’s no time like the present!

  16. It seems that Pomodoro technique is quite reasonable way of time managment. 25 minutes it's the perfect amount of time the human's brain can focus on a one thing. Additionaly, if you have predetermined amount of time to do the task you have a better motivation. I definately have to check this out!
    I use only to do list so far. It really helps me with organisation.

  17. I don't really get it... When I'm focusing on my task I usually spend more time than 25 min. Unfortunately this technique won't work if you have some "serious" stuff to do.

  18. In my opinion the Pomodoro technique is good only for certain types of tasks, when fast action is needed but things can be done imitative. If task requires invention, imagination or some kind of creativeness, the method probably will not work. Sometimes brilliant ideas arise while doing small, unimportant things or even in moments of laziness.

  19. I think it is a great sollution for today's world. We live in hurry, and we have problem with an organization of time. Pomodoro technique might be very helpful to deal with it.
    I am also sometimes an unorganized person, but I make a list of my things to do, and it works.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Pomorodo technique is useless for me. I'am an organized person. Making the list of things that i have to do and sort it according to importance it's my habit. It hepls me to do everything scheduled for a day, but time is relative. Sometimes i need 3 hours to writte something, sometimes i need only 5 minutes. So I don't need that time technique - I don't need a kitchen timer to plan my time. More effective technique? Yes - responsibility. We have to be organized if we don't want lose something because of our inadvertance.

  22. I tried it once or twice and it just doesn't work for me. When I get into the zone, I prefer to just plow through all of my tasks, one after another, and have it over with. Taking smaller breaks makes me lose my focus and demotivates me, since those 5 minutes easily turn into 20 minutes and so on. When I have a long list of things to do, I just buckle down for a longer time and work through them. It's easier to set aside time that way if the tasks aren't urgent.

  23. I think that this technique could be useful but only for elected tasks. Disadvantage is quite short time of contentration. When you have to do something more complicated, having a break after 25 minutes is wearing. Also it may be stressful to see a timer during your work. On the other hand, pomodoro technique could be practical for people with motivation problems.

  24. I use Pomodoro method since last October, when my brother showed me this system and recomend that to improve my studying work. I have made one change - I work 30 minutes, not 25, because my mind works better when is not that distracted. I love it.

  25. How awesome is this! And how is it possible that I haven't heard about it earlier? I am so happy that I just saw this. I will try it for sure, it sounds like a really effective technique! I believe it will help me, and I will tell about it my friends.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I think the Pomodoro technique is brilliant. it could be really useful for me. I always have problems to be focus and organized with my work, unfortunately I waste a lot of time. I plan to work but then without any control I start to do other stuff which are not necessarily profitable for me. The end of story is always the same: I achieve to do just a half of things from my list.

  28. Pomidoro technique could be very helpful for people who don't have fime and they are late all the time. For me I think It sometimes could be useful. When I am tired and I must do a lot of things I am very lazy. I want to try it with a good grace. I am interesting how it operate. I don't know other more effective technique. I sometimes do a list what I should do one day, but It is difficult stick to this plan.

  29. I have never heard about Pomodoro technique, but it seems to be very effective. I'm a really busy person, I have to study a lot and what is more, I work, so I think it can help me. Maybe I will try it once, because actually, I don't know any effective technique.

  30. I'm agree that the Pomodoro technique is a very useful idea for busy persons who has a problem with organization. I have never try it but absolutely need it. It's really difficult for me sometimes to cope with all my tasks and to manage to do everything on time. So what always helps me is to create a to-do list. And what about timer for brakes, I think it's really effective way to get concentrated. At the university I have such classes as organizational behavior and there I have learnt about the most effective way of learning with brakes for 10 min after 50 min of work. I don't know yet what technique is more effective. Every person just have to try different methods and decide which one is the best.

  31. I've never heard before about Pomodoro but it seems good. I thinks sometmes I'm doing very similar thing, I creat a copy with all task or problems which I need to solve. Then I rewrite it to my phone - I can create special alarms for every task. It's my private day schedule. Without this I always forgot about one or two tasks, sometimes about all of them!
    In this situation maybe I should try Pomodoro technique but I know me - during this 5 minutes recovery I will check my phone and started to check all social medias, than I will perceive how much time I loose! So... first I need to think about another part of times in my own Pomodoro technique ;)

  32. Pomodoro technique is a really great idea! It's something that I need, but I never tried it. It must change! Pomodoro technique is very useful for people who don't want to waste their time. Everything has own time to do it, so do your checklist and go on. I know some smart sentence about being focused and work on time – what do you have to do tomorrow, do today. But I never heard that someone stick this thought.

  33. Although "Pomodoro" is quite ridiculous name for time management techique, it seems to be a superb idea. Dividing your work into smaller parts and doing some breaks between them can be really helpful method. And you don't need to buy special tomato shaped timer to be a more organised person - just read those tips.

  34. In my opinion Pomodoro technique is a good idea for people, who can't stay focused on task for longer amount of time. Spending 25 minutes on doing some stuff seems not to be so hard or challenging. But still in one Pomodoro time we can do lots of things. I have never heard about this technique before and I will try it, because I'm curious if it works for me. Maybe it will help me to motivate myself to start doing tasks, which have to be done. Unfortunatelly, I don't know any effective techiniques.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. In my point of view “Pomodoro technique” is one of the best solution to do everything we must do. It is really great for people who have problem with time organization. Personally, I need to try it, because I always being confused. I do one exercise and can’t focus on another. Another, similar techinque could be turn off the phone and focusing on one thing.

  37. I think "Promodoro techniqe" is a great idea for people who have problems with planning their time. You don't have to think how long you will learn. You have rules and you just have to compare with it. It reminds me a good workout plan or eating plan. I think I will try it one day because for now I don't know any similar techniques like "Promodo".

  38. Well, actually this techinque is nothing special to me. Of course it, is helpful for disorganised people who really can't do anything but I am able to manage my time and do many things without such technique. Personally, I think if I had only 25 minutes for doing something serious, I wouldn't be able to focus on the task but on the passing time. But who knows? Maybe it's worth trying someday.

  39. I just complained to my boyfriend that I had to do my homework a few hours ago and I still sit on Facebook. I believe that this post is my destiny! I'm going to try out how this method works tomorrow. I found a special time counter on the internet and I hope that it'll help me with concentrating on one activity without being distracted by writing with friends. Thank you for this idea! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

  40. I cant't see the point of this technique. Every day I have a lot of tasks to do and sometimes they have to last longer than 25 minutes. And what happens in such a situation? Should I stop and start doing something else? The second thing is, who has enough time in the morning to think about the plans for the whole days?

  41. I think that Pomodoro technique is useful for someone who have problems with managing your time. I never used this technique because I’m organised person and I know how to be productive during my everyday tasks. I think that good opportunity is making a list of things to do, because we can control how many things we need to do and how much time have we left.

  42. I think that pomodoro technique is a good idea. Especially for people who have problems with concentration and are easily diffused by background. At the same time I guess that like in any other technique, it have to be aware choice of yours to use it. No technique will work if you won't be willing to do the task yourself. I think I don't really need this technique. I'm not so well organised but I have my own ways of doing stuff on time. I have never try it tho, so maybe I should try? I think that effective techniques are different for everyone. Some people need more time on each task, others like to work in stress and last minute. I guess that it's a personal choice. It's hard for me to speak for others. My technique is to do a plan in the morning and try stick to it thru the day. Also rest in the evening for example by watching some film or going out with friends. Obligations first, then pleasures.

  43. I know people who use a similar technique to the one written in the text and it works very well for them. However, it is not for me, I would be distracted by the thought of when the alarm sounds.
    I think I need something that will help me increase the efficiency of my learning. However, I do not intend to try this method.
    As for me, the most important thing is a good attitude. We must focus on learning, but also do not think only that we learn only to pass because then all knowledge will escape us very quickly.

  44. I think that this method may have potential, although as well, instead of buying a special tool, you can run your stopwatch / timer in your phone. It is a good solution to divide your working time into small time periods, because it facilitates organization and can result in greater focus. A good method is to create a "to do" list, and then deselect the tasks - it's motivating.

  45. I think that pomodoro technique can be a good option for people who find difficulties in organizing their work, although to me setting the timer for 25 minutes and then making a break would not necessarly be helpful because when I need to do a task I usually can predict how much time it will take me and then I decide whether I will manage to do with or without a break. Dividing tasks into pieces can be troublesome and I prefer to adjust my time to a situation rather than alway rely on the 25 minutes.

  46. I’ve never heard about that technique, but in my opinion it could be great. For every person whose has a problem with his tasks (and interruption during work). Now, before the exams students have to learn a lot, and everyone should try it. I think, I will try it, because I’ve got a problem to be focused on one thing more that a few minutes – for example during reading a book. Then I think about other thing, even not connected with book. Unfortunatelly I don’t know any techniques which help with the concentration. If I knew, I definitely would learn more effective than now.

  47. It's the first time I heard about the pomodoro technique. I think that it is a great idea for people which have problems with organizing their time. It can solve this problem and help them to focus on important things. I don't need and propably I will not try it because I think I can stay focused on major things such as: learning before the exams or doing obligatory tasks. I think the more effective technique is to turn off things that distracts us and do breaks when we feel tired.

  48. I have never heard about pomodoro techniue. And I must admit it can be a good way to organise day. This is very useful for people who have prblems with organisation and can't focus for a long time. This technique force you to do what you have to do and then have a break.

  49. I have never heard of this technique, but after posting on the blog, I know that it is not for me. I really do not like it when I have a set amount of time in advance, where I have a specific task to do. Some things require more time, some less. I prefer to decide how much to take on the task. I prefer to do something longer, but well than to do something bad, but in 25 minutes.

  50. I have hear about something similar to a "pomodoro technique". I think that such methods can be really effective for some people, but not for me. Although I didn't try it, I know that iIt is a method which premise that we can master a new material in preconceived time. I know that I can't learn this way. But I am aware that it can be really good practise for other people.
    I think that there's many more effective techniques, but I am confident that each one have his own method. I can't give any examples, because I don't use anything special, but I know that some people like learn in the group. Then they can explain matters each other.

  51. The idea of Pomodoro technique sounds interesting. It’s very simple way to force oneself to work but I think it’s full of limits. First of all it only can be used to uncomplicated tasks whose operation time is known. When someone’s job depends on creative process, it can be very difficult to measure time of that and thinking about the passing time won’t help to concentrate on the task. So if the job requires a lot of thinking, in my opinion the technique won’t work. I think it won’t work even when the task is not complicated but depends on changing factors, because once it can be manageable in a period of 25 minutes and another time the same activity can take two or three times more. Good example is cooking dinner. Secondly I think the Pomodoro technique can only work when someone works alone and there is no threat of being interrupted by someone. Such a situation rather seldom happens. Although I’m not too good organized person, I don’t think the technique can be useful to me. A lot of work I do depends on changing factors and other people. I don’t know any technique to force myself to work but I always plan a lot (little more than is realisable during the day to avoid being frustrated) and try to do all the tasks I’ve planned. If I manage I’m glad and feel very satisfied at the end of the day. I wish it happened more often.

  52. There are a few different techinques that I heard of, pomodoro is one of them, but I personally tried the one with 50 min of work time and 5 minutes of break. Although, I ended up working more by tuning into my own feelings. If I'm getting tired and 'I feel' that I really need a break, that's when I take it. What scares me about Pomodoro is the amount of time that you waste on 'breaks' and I can't imagine what could I do during them ... On the other hand, I think I will try pomodoro some time, because I think it might be stimulating for the sharpness of your focus and possibly it teaches you how to get things done more quickly, so that's tempting.

  53. I think it's awesome idea that exist some time controlling methods. Pomodoro can help many people to be productive. However, in my opinion 20 minutes to complete the task isn't good. Some stuffs need to be done in shorter or longer time. My favourite technique is called 'Forest'. It's popular mobile application. It lets us determine specific amount of time and it ends, you could get one tree. It's very satisfying and you can observe your progress in getting bonus time to make new, interesting things.

  54. The article is about a great technique called “Pomodoro Technique” which can be helpful for people. The article describes the way the technique works. Pomodoro technique is a great tool for busy people who have many plans for the day and should have a great concentration to do all planned actions. To my mind, this technique can be helpful for all people who have problems with the concentration on work.
    I think that this tool would be very helpful for me. Sometimes I can not concentrate on work and I am distracted by different factors such as phone ring, computer etc. That is why I can say that this tool would help me to dwell with my organization.
    Personally I do not know some effective methods of planning the time but to my mind a good action is to concentrate on work and imagine the situation the person read about.

  55. I think pomodoro technique could be good for a people who has problem with a concertation. It is a good way to learn how to work effectively – without needless breaks and wasting time things. I think I would try it just to see how effective I could be. Other technique which I know is just to make a list and trying to do all of it. I think that a lot of people works and complete their exercises better when they want to achieve something. It is like competing with ourselves.

  56. This blog is incredibly attractive, especially these days, when people has a number of tasks and organization is required. To be frank, it is the first time I have ever heard about such technique as pomodoro. There is no second thoughts, that this makes people more organized. It presents technique which can seems to be simply, nevertheless, hardly can I practise it. It would be too monotonous from my point of view. Additionally, some tasks are so exhausting that longer break than 5 minutes is needed. I believe that I manage my time effectively enough that I will not take over this technique.

  57. Why even giving name to such technique? Isn't this idea of having breaks between work utilized at school, work etc.? Our brain needs to regenerate, so breaks are the necessity, nothing new... Anyway I organize my task well enough that changing habits seems not worthy for me.

  58. I think this technique is good, I mean it is okay, but I am not sure if a lot of people would like to try it. If they do not have time, they also do not have time to try someting new. I am not really into it, but I believe there are a lot of people who would like to try it. It is really "italian", when I have read it for the first time I thought "it must be a technique from Italy" and it is!

  59. Honestly, I did not know about this technique but now I think I should try it because I usually have a lot of duties and of course a lot of problems with management. In my opinion it sounds good but it requires to be dutiful in doing it so in case of extreme lazy person this element can make a problems. I know several other techniques but they are similar because each of them are based on write duties on paper. I will try it but I am not certain if it will help me.

  60. I think the technique is really good. Learning or working for example for 2,3 hours without breaks is uneffective. For me helpful is timer - one knows that he/she must work without break for example for 20 minutes. It is more effective than 'conventional' methods.

  61. While I guess that not-so-revolutionary technique could work for some, I personally hate working under constraints of time, especially in small windows. I just feel like the whole timer thing is kind of unecessary, and it's better to follow your 'gut' as in when you need to take a break, and when it is better to just keep going, since for example you got into your focus zone, when you're most efficient. It be a shame to stop at such point just because the tomato or an egg told you so.

  62. I think Pomodoro technique might be helpful only for some sorts of tasks. If you are painting a wall you can do it for 25 minutes and than stop. 5 minutes break would be perfect for stretching or glass of water. But when your taks is to write an essay it is hard to write it in exactly 25 minutes. In my opinion creative work shouldn’t be limited that way.
    I won’t try this technique, but I have tried something similar - tabata workout. Tabata is an intense, interval workout - 20 seconds of exercise at maximum effort each followed by a 10-second rest. For me this system is perfect.
    What I like in Pomodoro technique is idea of making a list of all tasks. I am sure it helps organize all day.

  63. Pomodoro technique can be useful for people who have problems with motivation to working. It’s good idea to write down all things that you have to complete during the day and go through it one by one. I’m not convinced if 25 minutes are enough to complete the task, so it will be interrupted by a break, which doesn’t help with concentrating. The sound of timer will be just distracting, and force you to stop in the middle of work. This method is not for me, because I don’t like working when someone, or something, supervises me and decides when I have to work and when I can take a break. This technique can help with developing your effectiveness, but in my opinion it's good only for beginning.

  64. In my opinion this technique is worth to try because nowadays many people have problems with concentration and planning .I am concerned that this technique will be useful during my studying for the exams because I always take too many pauses and every task takes much time than it should.

    One more technique that I can write about is "60:40".
    60% of my time are planned tasks, 20% are spontaneous things and 20% are not expected activities.

  65. The first thing I think is great about that technique is making a list. For me it's the bast way to remember that I need to do some task. On the other hand, setting timer for specific amount of time may not always be great, because there are some tasks that are best to finish as quickly as possible. Even though I can see some drawbacks, I think I should try it, because it's not easy to me to concentrate on one thing for as long as 25 minutes, so I guess it could be helpful to set a goal and try to achieve it by not using phone or computer in between. I do not really know any better technique, so I don't use any at the moment. I just tend to make a list of priorities for each day.

  66. This is a really interesting way of being more organized. I think taking breaks between doing tasks is very important because during this time you can reset your mind even for a little. I work similarly so I do not need to try this technique. I work for a certain period of time and then I am taking a short rest.

  67. The whole concept of this technique is very interesting, but too demanding for me. I don't like working under time pressure. I'm willing to test this method, however, I'm a supporter of the usual task list and to do it without haste. I don't know any other techniques at the moment.

  68. I must say I do really recomond this sort of time management. Actually I often organise my work this way but I didn't know it's called pomodoro technique! Especially I appreciate the concept of time we have for a particular task. Nowadays it's really tough not to get easily distracted while we do almost everything at once what profesionally is called multi-tasking. Well, it has its advantages and drawbacks but sometimes we really need to focus and this technique might be helpful.

  69. From my point of view it is a sensible technique - it brings harmony to our everyday life. I believe that it also helps us to not to get bored or tired so easily by the amount of tasks we have to do. Moreover, it helps us to stay focused for a longer time. I think that I have to try this technique because it is one of the most reasonable that I've seen.

  70. I think this is a very good way to organize your time. The manner of a small game can be very relevant in many matters. It’s easier for us to do something when we see the end of work. 25 minutes can be a goal with a visible ending. So it can really be very effective. Our brain begins to work differently, faster and more efficiently.

  71. I think the pomodoro technique is fantastic solution for people who have to deal with focusing on one thing and organisation. Systematic breaks can help brain do more work and help people concentrate to one exercise. I believe it could be great way for people who need motivation. Thanks to pomodoro technique their life could be much easier than before.

  72. I'm not a huge fan of working for short period of time and taking a short brake immediately after. I'd rather work a bit longer, let's say 2-3 hours of study session for example, and afterwards take a break to make myself a coffee, and watch a few episodes of some series. Even though I consider myself a rather unorganized person that has quite a lot tasks to do, I don't really feel like this technique would work for me.


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Data from the Central Statistical Office show that women on average receive about 20 % less pay than men. The average men earns 4248 zł gross , that is 3026 zł net . In turn, the average women earns 3541 zł gross , that is 2533 zł net . An analysis of the average salary in the so-called 'great' occupational groups shows that in the case of office workers , the average salary for men is 2320 zł net , and for women in 2277 zł . For example, in the group of " experts" men on average earn about 1 thousand . zł net more . However, for this group we include both teachers and developers . The teaching profession is virtually feminized , while among the better -paid male-dominated programmers . Contrary to appearances, the differences did not blurred in the case of lower-paid positions , such as men employed in elementary occupations earn an average of 1,856 zł net , and women almost 400 zł less. Di...

Single-sex education

A little bit of history Single-sex education was traditional and dominating form of education till 19th century. Almost all schools and universities were single sex, which in almost all cases meant – men’s schools. This situation started to change because of two reasons: emancipation of women (fight for equality) and introduction of massive education. The first mixed-sex boarding school in UK was formed in 1818, it was Scottish Dollar Academy, and in 1878 the first university- University College London, allowed women  to enter on equal terms with men. What is interesting, the first Cambridge collage, which admit men and women was founded only on  1964. Pros and cons The topic of single-sex education is quite controversial. Like always there are pros and cons, some of them are quite irrational, other have a scientific background. The most popular arguments for single-sex education: 1. Boys and girls are learning in the different way, so they need differ...