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Why do people beg?

Why do people beg?

I’m almost sure that most of you, when you think about beggars, you see a drunk or drugged person. Most of us don’t give them money because we know that they won’t spend it on food. It is quite sure why they beg. In the majority they are homeless, they have their needs and they can “earn” more by begging than by distributing flyers.

But what about people who aren’t dirty, who don’t smell badly, who just look like a person forgotten by the government, whose last hope is to ask stranger for help? Do we help them?
To my mind the two best examples are soldiers and children.

Because how cruel, heartless and selfish you have to be to do not help a soldier, a person who lost everything to protect the country?  Or how could you look at yourself in the mirror after seeing a poor child and passing by without helping him?

That’s the problem. It is really easy to make someone feel sorry. And by doing that they can earn a lot of money. According to some newspapers the “salary” oscillate between 200 and 500 zloty per day.
The problem is that big that few years ago in Gdańsk there were prepared some warning leaflets. The aim was to make people aware of the fact that the beggars didn’t want to stop pestering unless we stopped giving them money.

But also this kind of actions, which in theory should help the society, can be taken to absurd levels.

Do you think that distribution of leftover food should be illegal?
Do you think that “fake” beggars are real problem or they are just isolated cases?



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.


  2. Living by begging keeps the world awake at night. Nowadays it's the most visible problem, the societies have to face with. For most people, who live in poverty distribution of leftover food is absolutely necessary to keep them alive. I'm aware of the fact that there is a great deal of swindlers and people, who disguise as beggar or homeless but on the other hand we are never sure of those, who recon our help the most. There is another problem connected with fake beggars- you never know, who truly is in need. Nowadays, I feel embarrassed with many cases of abuse of someone's kindness. Under no circumstances does it mean that we should pass people indifferently but just be really careful and help them with caution to avoid being cheated and abused.

  3. I think that distribution of leftover food shouldn't be illegal because It is better to give food to someone than to throw it out to garbage. "Fake" beggars are real problem for society - as it is said in this presentation, begging can be a well paid job. Moreover, there are many people, who ask for some money on food but spend it on alcohol or drugs.

  4. In my opinion distribution of leftover food should not be illegal. I remeber situation which happend about 3 or 4 years ago. There was the baker who give food that he didn't sell to orphanage for free. I think that he did something good but it turned out that he broke the law by giving this for free (I don't know specific paragraphs but he was convicted by court and he had to pay a lot of money). I think that was very unfair and acctually this sentence hurt not only this baker but also poor children. What about fake beggars? I think they are a problem for society, they make people suspicious to give money for others, so people who are really in need won't get them.

    1. There was similar situation with baker in some small village, who, at the end of the day, was distributing all the leftovers to the poor families. I don’t know how the situation ended, but he was in a risk of going to the prison.

  5. I think that the distribution of leftover food shouldn't be illegal, as it is often the only way to cope homeless. If we restrict it these people can't handle themselves, or will steal food. Of course the best way would be to handing out food to the most needy.
    In my opinion, the "fake" beggars are real problems in today's society. It is difficult to assess whether someone really needs help, whether it is simply a way of making money. Fortunately or maybe unfortunately, people are less likely to give these people money. I personally prefer to give bread than 5 zloty.

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  7. I think that distribution of leftover food is really good way to help homeless people, it just can‘t be illegal.
    I have noticed recently that beggars became more honest in Warsaw, they are not hiding on what they will spend money, for example for a beer. I think fake beggars are a problem, government should do something about it.

  8. Nowadays a lot of people suffer from famine and homelessness. They spend nights outside, ever if it is really cold.. They have nothing to eat.. and finally, they start to beg. However, at the same time there are a great deal of "fake beggars". They are simply lazy for me - they don't want to start a regular job, because they find it more fruitful to spent half a day on the street asking people for help and (what is the strangest for me) they earn more than average, honest person.
    In my opionion "fake beggars" are a really big problem. Due to them, I don't trust anyone who asking me for food or money. I don't know if a person who looks convincingly really suffering and to give her a hand. I always have a picture of a "beggar" who thought that nobody sow him and took out his new mobile phone... It is sad and unfair for people which really waiting for our help.
    In my opinion distribution of leftover food should be legal. Every day giant amounts of food is being thrown out.. Why can't we give it to people who don't even dream about hot meal...?

  9. I think, you are playing or our emotions. Yes, they're poor, but not always there are a soldiers or children. Okay, we should help them, but you really think that money can help? I don't think so. We can create an organization for the homeless and the poor people, but if they have a chose - have a place to sleep or drink an alcohol, most of them chose alcoholic.. Of course, we should try to help them, but this is not that easy as you think, Better to give a fishing rod than a fish".
    I also think that food form hotels and restaurants, that no one will eat, should be given to organisations for homelessness. It might be helpful.

  10. I think that distribution of leftover food should NOT be illegal because throwing food like a trash is stupid, it's wasting money. There are people who pray for any piece of food, and old bread might be a rescue for them. I don't think that begging in the middle of the street is only way to earn some money, it is easier for homeless people than finding normal job and to ask government for help.

  11. Distribution of leftover food mustn't be illegal! It would bo not only
    waste of food (which is sanctity for many people), but also removing
    the only way some people can get any food.
    And I don't think fake beggars are problem at all, but they just make
    us less sensitive and they are reason we sometimes won't give anything
    for those who are really in need.

  12. I think distribution of leftover food should be have been legalised becouse it can helps organization which are careing about homless and poor people. “Fake” beggars are big problem for rest society. More and more people who are lazy and do not want to work and the easiest way for them is BEGGING.

  13. I don't really understand why would anyone forbid the distibution of leftover food, that is just inconceivable. But when it comes to giving money to beggars i don't that it is rational idea, that is just an invitation for them to beg for more, iI mean it's not the solution, just a temporary action.

  14. Beggars is now one of the biggest social problems. No one knows how to deal with them. Sometimes collecting food scraps for them is the only way to survive. distribution of leftover food is a very difficult subject. On one side is right and the homeless have a place where they can get help and have a meal here, but it could help many people.

  15. Isn't handing them money just fuelling the problem? I'm not naive enough to believe that all the money these begging children are earning is actually going to pay for their needs. Most beggars are actually used by gangs or mafias and pay to be allowed to beg in those regions. Additionally, begging might help somebody in real need get through a night, but what then? It won't solve the core of their problems. Not to count all of the fake beggars who probably earn more than somebody who earnestly works.
    As for leftover food, I do believe that there has to be some control over what is given away, mostly for sanitary reasons, but to completely outlaw it? That's just a waste.

  16. I think that distribution of leftover shouldn’t be illegal because there is some people who are homeless and don’t have money to purchase something to eat or drink. This kind of people have also emotions and feelings. We should stand by them and try to help on the best way. In my opinion, the best option is to give them food, not money. If we don’t know them, how can we recognize fake beggars and people who really need more warmth and compassion.
    It is said that every beggars have impure intentions that’s why people don’t have to give them money or support them. Beggars are said to be mostly dirty, stinky, they could be seen drinking cheep beer or ever scrabbling for uneaten scraps of food from the trashcans. It’s not true. There is some people who really need help, safety and money. Sometimes they beg not by much. We don’t help beggars because we are convinced that regardless of the fact how money we give them, they purchase alcohol or cigarettes. Because of these people, some beggars who could be supported, they lose this chance.

  17. Because people who give them money are too stupid to understand that this just makes the problem bigger and bigger...

  18. No, I don’t believe that distribution of leftover should be illegal and to be honest I don’t see any reason to forbid this kind of assistance. Sharing food doesn’t establish poverty, does not harm to homeless and beggars in contrary to sharing money that most likely will be spend to alcohol or drugs. People should distribute leftover food also because of massive waste of food that happens nowadays. According to statistics we waste more than 7 million tons of food each year in Poland.(,artykuly,273279,1.html)

  19. These 'fake' beggars sometimes earn more money rather than most of typical Poles per day. Furthermore, each year numbers of them still growing up. From the society outlook, it's not a proper thing. These distribution shouldn't be illegal. For some poor people it's a big help. Even now there's a lot of containers for worn out clothes. There also necessary for beggars and orphans.

  20. I believe that redistribution of leftover food should not only be legal but also a duty of restaurants and markets. We shall not waste anything, especially food, when other people need it deeply. I haven't heard too much of fake beggars, neither have seen any statistics on this topic. However, even if it is a minor problem, we should fight it, so those in real troubles won't be ommited.

  21. Fake beggars are a huge problem in our society. I have a soft heart and the i see someone poor i always try to believe that they're honest, but they are not in most of the cases..My heart melts when i see those puppies and little babies, i don't understand why people are using innocent living jus to make money for ex alcohol..

  22. Every time I see a beggar I feel uncomfortable... They look at me but I'm always afraid that they are gonna spend my money for an alcohol or something else, not food. But when I get to know that they are really in need then I try to help. I have never forgot the face of very old woman who was begging on the street. Nobody wanted to give her money. She was very sad. Then I asked her if she's hungry. She noded and I gave her a loaf of bread. She had tears in her eyes. I had never felt better than that time.

  23. I would rather to give beggars food than money, because they can spend this money to alcohol or cigarettes. To my mind is a big problem with "fake" beggars. When person give him or her money and see that he or she spend this money to alcohol someone don't believe no more real beggar despite he or she really need a hand.

  24. I'm working in cafe and I can't stand that everyday after close it I have to throw away all food... Why can't I give it to hungry people? In my opinion it could be great! I prefere to buy these people food, because despite all my empathy I sometimes think "maybe he's going to buy next beer". I know it sounds bad, but all of us hear rumors about false begging. Last year I read article about forcing people to begging. In big cities it is possible that about 80% of begging women (with children)are forced to do it because they want to recover their true children...

  25. I was sitting in a café with my friend from India last week, we’ve been using English, than little girl came to us and asked in English to give her money, when we told her to go away, she began to offend us in Polish because she thought we did not understand. Fake beggars are the real problem, and I belive that giving people money only makes it worse. Distribution of leftover food should be illegal, noone should get it for free.

  26. I think that distribution of leftover shouldn't be illegal. It doesn't make any sense. If we are not going to eat this food anymore, it is better to give it to people who really need it. For example, in restaurants or shopping malls the owners waste and throw away a lot of food and I can't agree with it. It is horrible for me, that rich people don't share with food which it is not necessary anymore for them. They don't know what humanity means.

    I don't think that "fake" beggars are a big problem. Not a lot of people would like to live in this way. No one wants to feel embarressed and begging for sure is humiliating.

  27. I think that distribution of leftover food shouldn't be illegal, because the better option is give someone this food than throw it on the trash. It can be good way to help homeless and hungry people. And this food are still good (don't waste).
    I think the "fake" beggars can be a real problem in the bigger towns. Sometimes in the center of the town I see the same person who beg in the same place every day. It's absurd, especially when this person can work and do something with her life.

  28. The question of beggers is really complicated. Poeple always judge them whithout any reason. Every case is different and should be under consideration separately. I met in my life lots of beggers. In most of the cases They proved to be really good people which life went the wrong way. I try to help every people I can and of course I do not think the distribution of leftover food should be illegal. I consider that kind of resolve the problem would be a nonsense.

  29. I think that distribution of leftover food is ok as long as long nobody is lied this is fresh food. Why throwing it way should be better than giving it to people who need it?
    I think that “fake” beggars are real problem. Because of them a lot of people is less likely to help real beggars. It also creates false percent of nonemployment.

  30. I don't think that distribution of leftover food should be illegal, because it can be the only way for homeless people to get some food and not to be so hungry.
    What is more, food doesn't spoil.
    And that is European problem that tones of food are spoiled because of complicated legal regulations.
    Secondly, "fake" beggars are a huge problem for society and it seems today that they appear more often. They don't do this to survive but to get money. Even not for themselves, because group of criminals occurred and force this people to behave this way. Also, for example in Warsaw trams you can meat sometimes very little children playing harmonica and asking for money and if anyone gives them they are even able to steal.

  31. Begging is very visible in Warsaw. There were no such people in the town where I come from. Here they are everywhere, in the subway, in front of churches, in manors and stops or just on the corners of buildings. Many of them do not help, mainly because they are either cheaters or smell of alcohol from them.
    Unfortunately, there are many such cases. These people form whole porches. They pretend to be picking up food and medicine, and when they want to buy it, they prefer to get money and refuse such help.
    Regarding the redistribution of leftover food, I am in favor. Food should not be wasted especially because so many people are starving. If only there is a way to provide them to people in need, this is the most for.

  32. In my opinion distribution of leftover food shouldn't be illegal. Giving uneaten food to homeless people help them survive. It don't entail big amounts of money, but it can save other people lives. That's why I think that throwing away leftovers is a huge waste, especially when we think about groceries and other supermarkets, which banish lots of food safe for human consumption.

    I think that fake beggars are real problem, especially in big cities. In the Old Town of Warsaw there are lots of children and foreigners, which ask for money. Children are used by their families to "earn" money, because they make us (and tourists) feel mercy. In other districts there are also lots of beggars. Sometimes they are diseased people with real problems and sometimes they are people addicted to drugs and alcohol. It is hard to evaluate, who really needs help.

  33. I know people who give money to beggars. I did it a few times too. However, it is really sad to me that these beggars are often liars. It is well shown on the GIF in the presentation. But there are far more terrible ways to lie for example the women with "ill children". In fact, the small children are often deliberately dazed. I am very sensitive when I see a homeless and poor person. I remember when I gave food to a man because he was actually asking for food, not for money. He stirred my trust so I helped him. I think that distribution of leftovers is a great idea. We can help millions of people and contain the huge waste of food.

  34. In my opinion distribution of leftover food shouldn’t be illegal, because when you have some food and you know that you won’t eat this, it’s better to give it somebody than throwing out to the garbage. I always try not to waste food. We should share our food. But when it comes to money I have quite different opinion. To be honest I don’t give money to begging people. I prefer to make a transfer to the account of the organization dealing with the poor. I think that “fake” beggars is a huge problem especially in big cities. For me those people don’t deserve anything. How cruel is begging when you have a lot of money? Laziness hasn’t limit.

  35. Begging is very popular in Warsaw. Unfortunately, also „false begging” – for example in Metro Świętokrzyska station begs a woman, who is always crying, because someone got ripped her off and robbed. Every time! The same situation and the same frase. Third time I told her, that I know that she is lying and it’s not a first situation. Unfortunately that doesn’t change anything, because she still begs with the same frase. I hate liars!

    In my opinion distribution of leftover food shouldn’t be illegal. Giving leftover to people, instead of throwing it away is always better option. Due to two reasons - just think of our planet, do we really want more rubbish?And secondly – there are people whose really need help – why don’t help them?

  36. I’ve heard so many opinions about beggers. I think there is no good answer to the question if we should help them or not. I believe that some of them really needs help, and they do it because they can’t work like a normal people. But I also think that a big part of beggers can fairly work like others. I've seen cases where people say they collect food, and when they got it they threw it away. I think the distribution of leftover should be legal, like it is now. It’s better to give food for people who need it, than to throw it away.

  37. I think that we can see If someone really needs help. In Warsaw which is very developed capital city of Poland we can still meet homeless people, who needs help by they do not do anything about it. If we are talking about beggers I think that kind of life is not good. In most cases these people could ask someone for help in finding normal job but they dont want it.They think that life like beggers is easier and better. Also, a lot depends on what they ask for. If someone at the street ask me for money - I will not give it. If someone ask me for buying food - I can do it. However, In my opinion they need other help than giving them money.

  38. I don't think that the distribution of leftovers should be illegal, because it's a really good way to help those in need. For several years at Christmas and Easter you can read about places where we can give food if we had too much left. Caritas or shelters for homeless people accept packages with leftovers, thanks to which food isn't wasted and we can help others. As for the fake beggars, I think they're a big problem for society because people become suspicious and don't help those who really need help.

  39. I think that the distribution of leftover food should be legalised because we don’t waste food and can help others who are poor and they don’t have anything to eat. After Easter some cities in Poland organised the food collection to help the paupers. I think that fake beggars are real problems because of the huge number of this group of people. We can meet then in front of the church or bus stop etc.

  40. I agree with the comment above - the distribution of leftovers should be legal because this food is still good and we could help poor people while giving them these leftovers, that we most ofen throw out. When it comes to false beggars, I think it's a huge problem because I've read an article that this beggars are not working individually but there are some groups of them, which are hired by some boss. They don't get this collected money they just give it to their boss and become only basic things like some food or clothes. I've also read that quite often this people beg with small children - they give their (or not)even drugs to make the child be quiet! That's a huge problem because these children get used to it and become addicted to drugs without being aware of it..

  41. For me 'fake' beggars are real problem. Because of them I'm only giving my money to people that are playing at the street and to people that I can really see, that the have some disabilities. It's very sad, that sometimes we can't distinguish whether someone really needs help. So every time, then I can help and someone is asking me for money I propose them, that I will go to the shop and buy them something. If they will reject my proposition it will be clear, that they didn't need my help at all.
    According to the first question I think that leftovers (like if restaurant is doing something in advance, and they didn't sell it that day) suppose to be collected in one place and available for people in need.

  42. I guess that living in the big city always means meeting beggars. Even thought it's hard to like them(often they smell), still people should treat them with respect and mind the fact that everybody might have unlucky life. I didn't really enjoy this article because the author in my opinion was convinced that all the beggars are fake.

    I think that distributing leftovers shouldn't be illegal. Western countries are wasting so much food, not only families buying to many products, but also in shops stuff is throwing away good quality food, just because it doesn't look perfect. We should share the food that we don't need with people who can eat it. The idea of something like this being illegal seems ridiculous to me.

    Like I said before, in my opinion fake beggars are isolated cases. This is just my private opinion, not really based on any knowledge. I assume that begging on the streets is really humiliating. I can't imagine doing that and that's why I think beggars are people with no other choice.

  43. I don't think that “fake” beggars are real problem... in my opinion they are just isolated cases. I know that it may surprise you, because I know a lot of people think in different way. But... in Warsaw three million people live! And there are really few beggars (fake and real) in the crowd of other people. Personally, I prefer to give food to someone, who need it, than money. I think it's a better idea than giving coins to, for example, alcohol... Fake beggars won't want to take it and the problem is partially solved.

  44. Nowadays begging is a very complex issue. In my opinion governments should focus more on the problem providing more help, creating institutions or places where those people can receive help (food or place to sleep). I think that people who meet beggars should give them food instead of money. By doing so people can easily recognize the difference between 'fake' beggars and 'the real' ones who will be grateful for what they got while the others will be unsatisfied and still asking for money.

    Distribution of leftover food itself is perceived as an controversial issue. For me it can be a very good option that has its advantages for beggars as well as for people who get used to waste a lot of food.

  45. I think that distribution of leftover food shouldn't be illegal and what's more I think it should be more common. It's better to give people who really need it than throw out. In my opinion we can meet a lot of beggars in every city in Poland, I think goverment could more focus on begging, offer help, for example create some institutions. I think fake beggars are isolated cases. There are a lot of people in the world who really need help.

  46. I used to see Gipsy women with 2 or 3 small kids sitting outside a church and begging. I’m sure it was their easy and fast way to earn a lot of money. The youngest children usually slept. The older one looked very sad. Then it was highly publicised, that the children were drugged to sleep or just sit without moving all the day and people realised that as long as they gave them money, they would use children in such a cruel way. I haven’t seen such a picture for long time. Maybe the campaign proved to be effective or Romanies just don’t live in my neighbourhood. Have you seen such a picture lately?
    Why should the distribution of leftover food be illegal? Rather wasting food should be illegal. Happily a donation of food has been free of VAT since few years. So an entrepreneur can donate leftover food to some organisations preparing and distributing food to people in need.

  47. In my opinion, it's better to give beggars food than money. There are some places in Warsaw where homeless people can get some food for free. There are organized events when people from various charities come to your house and take the leftover food from holidays. Although I think this is good many of the beggars do it only because they don’t want to work. I heard history about one old lady that begged in the center of Warsaw despite being wealthy - she even bought her son big villa near Warsaw. I’m not giving beggars money and I will never do it. I would rather help someone from my family or my friends.

  48. 1) I think that distribution of leftover food should be legal, be controlled but legal. For example in my part-time job, everyday a lots of food is binned. Not because it is spoiled, but because it can be unfitted for selling. I think that if distribution of leftover food was legal, some organizations would take care about it.I heard that exist a organization which takes a leftover food from peoples ( who agree on it) and ditribute this food in shelters for homeless.It is very good idea because we waste a lot of food in christmas
    2) I think that “fake” beggars are real problem, because a lot of people want to trespass on people's goodness. And I don't talk even about persons who beg on the street, but about people, who force them to do it. Sometimes it is like a gang , and people who beg on the street are terrorized. If we give them money, we can support bad people. It is sad, but true and we have to be watchful.

  49. I think that it is a very stupid idea to make a distribution of leftover food illegal. If you can't eat your food, you can give it needies. It will be heaps better than junking food.

    I don't know if "fake" beggars make up the bulk of all baggers, but I am aware that it is dozens and dozens of them. I often hear about cases when someone want to help "needies" by buying something to eat, but "needies" want to only money...
    I have a big problem how I should behave in similar situation...

  50. I don't see a problem here. Fake, drunk, dirty or not it's not your job to judge it. There are some organisations that help such people. Let them do this for you.
    But still those people are very interesting. Not everybody because it's hard to generalize. But some of them are not happy with just help. They are picky. Instead of beeing greatful they wan't something specific. They think they are "smart", because they can get things for free, while they are able to work end earn money for them. But it's easier right? Still there are people that truly needs help, and still they are too shy to ask for it. What a huge discrepancy!

  51. I believe that shops wasting food is not correct and I would like to see it go to homeless shelters instead of the dumpster. And that's about all I agree with from the text. In out times, in our civilized society there are many ways to afford basic sustenance. They all require that you actually do some work and that is the main issue. If i see someone with a severe disability, an elderly or sick person ask me for money then I will most likely give it. But able-bodied people have other alternatives and I believe they should spend their time looking for work instead.

  52. I also believe that food waste that's edible should be given to those in need. Some beggars definitely are fake, and it's very hard to differentiate between the real ones and the liars. I personally believe this is the problem that belongs to the government and it's better to not give to the poor in this particular way. Nowadays, when we have the internet, we can send money to the charities online that had been verified, checked, certified. If you have too much money and don't know what to do with it - then spend it how you want, but if you don't want your money to be wasted on drugs or alcohol, then give only if you see a clearly sick person or to verified charities.

  53. The article is about the problem of beggars in the modern society. The author explains different reasons why people start to beg. There can be different reasons for it. The person can be drunk and stay in public place begging money for more alcohol. Also there can be other reasons for begging. It can be a person ‘forgotten by the government’ etc. To my mind, the distribution of leftover food should not be illegal. Food is not an alcohol and is useful for some people. Giving food for homeless people is better than giving money for them because it guarantee that they should not waste it, giving food just would help them to stay alive.
    Of course people see that sometimes it works just to stay and ask for money. That is why “fake” beggars appear. They find it profitable to stay at one place waiting for money given by passers-by. It does not require any physical or mental strength. As there is great amount of such people who want to get money in a rather easy way pretending to be poor, so I can say that “fake” beggars are real problem nowadays. People should be attentive while giving money to beggars. To my mind, giving money to beggars or not is a choice of every person individually.

  54. From my point of view distribution of leftover food should be legal. It is the best way to help homeless or poor people because at times we are not sure if someone have not actually money on living. Besides, wasting food have non-sense. Generally, we should not give money but exactly food, drink or clothes.
    These days beggars are everywhere: on the street, in a shopping centre and in trams. This problem is evident. But the worst thing is that not everyone is honest and some people use children so as to force sympathy and pity. We do not know what beggars will buy for money which we gave them. I personally believe that everyone who really need help should enter for appropriate institution or organisation. To be frank, I do not understand why it is stand for government. Certainly, I am not against for help, but I am against of falsehood. I am conscious that some people really need money. Nevertheless, it is impossible to distinguish “real” beggar from “false” beggar at times.

  55. The distribution of leftover food shouldn't be illegal! If you run your own buisness (restaurant etc.) it should be your choice what you would do with the leftovers. Ofcourse somebody says that it is a place when grey market can be widen but it is duty of state to work in such a way to prevent it. In Western countries we waste so much food that we could give everyone who starve (in the countries of the third world too not only to beggars) one ton of food per year. Just from our bins. And I am not talking about a rubbish.
    There are not "fake" beggars couse in each case the problem is mentality. I agree that some of them can work, some of the need money for alcohol or drugs. Maybe. Maybe they don't need a money but help. The polish nun working in foundation "The bread of the life" Małgorzata Chmielewska said that sometimes they need fish, sometimes fishing pole, sometimes both. The thing is that all of them has to blieve in human dignity, and leave the mentality of a man of the street. She opened in Poland few houses in which beggars and homeless peaple can learn how to work, how to run a house, or that they have to fight with addiction. At the and of the day if you don't want to give money to beggar who is raising it for food or medicine (or he just is saying taht) you can always buy something for him. Spend your time for shopping and little conversation, not only put coin in a cup and cheat your conscience. Make him feel as a human.

  56. Distribution of leftover food is great idea to help people, who need it and avoid waste of food. Personally I think that there are better way to help people than give money beggars (it is different situation, if somebody ask to buy something to eat), there are many organisation, which help homeless or poor people. For the other hand these organisations not access to everyone, who need it. I don’t think not every beggars is cheater, but I think that most of them could earn money in different way.

  57. In fact this is a global problem. We need to deal with it somehow, firstly we need to stop giving them money. Once I saw a woman with child who always was asleep, a called a police and found out that that child wasn't even hers! She stole the child!!! It is insane. So I think that "beggars" are disease of the society.

  58. Matter of beggars always felt like a little bit of an internal dillema for me. If you give them money, sure you'll probably help them a little, but by no means would that improve their situation, as encouraged by repetetive "success" of their action they will feel no real need to change their situation. If you don't give them money, it will force them to seek for it eslewhere in a different way...but they may as well just starve to death in the process. "Give man a fish and you'll feed him for one day. Give him a fishing rod and he'll never be hungry again" applies here quite well, but the problem is that most people don't really have a spare "fishing rod" to offer to these people.

  59. 1)I don't think that distribution of leftover food should be illegal, because it can be the only way for homeless people to get some food and not to be so hungry.
    2)I think that "fake" beggars can be a real problem in big cities. I often see the same person in the city, who asks for it in the same place every day. It is trembling, since this person can work and provide for himself.

  60. In my opinion food from the restaurants should be provided to poor people and I think it is clear to everybody. But unfortunately nowadays a problem of false begging exists. We see these people moreless every day and we do not know if we should give them a money or not. Personally I have this problem during every walk to university. I am sure that if I knew that it is really poor people, I would give him a money. Unfortunately, I do not know...

  61. We shouldn’t forbid distributing leftovers to beggars, because it doesn't harm anyone and we can only help someone who really need it instead of wasting food. I have nothing more to say about it except that it’s ridiculous that government tries to disturb people when they want to do something good. Every time when beggars ask me for money I have huge dilemma and I feel guilty when I have to say no. But at the same time I don’t trust them enough to give money and not think that they will buy alcohol for these money. In my opinion it’s better to buy them food or something that they are asking for, because then you can help and be sure that they won’t cheat you. It sounds cruel whan I write it that way, and seems like I don't treat them as humans, but it is like it is- in today's world we can't be sure if someone is sincere or not so we have to be cautious.

  62. To my mind distribution of leftover food should be legall because it is insane that food from restaurants, cafes and so on is wasted, whereas street people and poor families would be delighted to receive this food.
    I believe that there are not many fake beggars, but these who exist are real problem. Instead of help really needy person we can help fake beggar and not even know that.

  63. This is a really tough topic. In my opinion, the distribution of leftover food shouldn't be illegal, as it can really help those poor people. Every day giant amounts of food are being thrown out, so why can't this be used for good purposes like helping other people.

  64. Very often I meet people who are begging, I don't pay attention to them because when I wanted to help someone and I was cheated. You have to be really careful, some people want to stretch us out or pretend.

  65. I think that distribution of leftover food should be legal because it could help many people. Moreover, it would be beneficial for hungers and distributors. Anyway this food will be wasted so we they could save it. When it comes to beggars, especially fake ones, I think it's a vital problem in our community and government should take care of it. It's just another type of crime and its range shouldn't be underestimated.

  66. We shouldn’t downvote somebody only that, she or he is homeless. Homelessness is a very common problem, which concern many countries. The goverment should suport associations or foundations which help reduce homelessness.

  67. I think that the distribution of leftover food shouldn't be illegal. Even if some beggar is cheating (for example he's pretending his disabilty), he still must to eat. Bringing them food is always a good idea. Homelessness is a common phenomene. There are a lot of people who suffer on the street and they deserve to our help.

  68. Many times in my life someone asked me for money, sometimes even very aggressively. I never gave anything to anyone, with one exception, a man who politely asked me if I had any bread for him. I didn't have anything with me so I gave him money to buy it himself. I believe that begging should be the last resort, but unfortunately it has now become very popular among people who are to lazy to work.

  69. I suspect there are a lot of 'fake' beggars, but it's not the reason to stop helping them. I've heard a lot of about beggars who begs for their 'bosses' and they can't leave their offender. It's extremely complicated problem and it should be solved by government. I think there's nothing bad in distribution of leftovers unless it's safe to eat.


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