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Folk medicine

Folk medicine – different types of natural medicine

People have been using natural medicine since their first steps. There were always some curious group trying to discover the way how to heal on their own. They were invariably high in the social pyramid next to the king.

Nowadays we hardly practice an acient medicine. However our grandmothers still remember how the past generations helped their neighbours by using natural components. Every culture has own natural medicine. For centuries people have discovered new and different ways how to help. The method of cure depends on available components and geographical location. 
Let’s focus on some examples:

1. The Ebers Papyrus from Egypt – this ancient text includes many interesting recipes. Like this one:

- If they had asthma they made an inhalation of steaming herbs.
- For contraception they used wool which was soaked in a paste of dates, acacia and honey.
- Marvellous cure for death was half the onion and beer foam.

2. In Russia still you may find many surprising methods of healing as....

- For rheumatism people use special decoction - the root of the warrior. It contains aconite and vodka. They rub their body this substance- especially painful place.

- In case of flu they come into the very cold water for exactly 1 minute. (No longer no less!) Then they put on woollen clothes and keep walking very fast around the room for 15 minutes. After this activity they should go sleep. If they broke the rules, illness wouldn't be cured.

- Well-known Russian star Ivan the Terrible used to practise folk medicine. For his rheumatism he went into a swarm of bees. Apparently bee venom is discovered to be a good for sight, heart pressure, lungs diseases and many others.

3. In Africa, where people still live in peace with nature ,there are many interesting ways to improve health. The best example which came to my mind is baobab. This enormous tree grown up in the savanna. 
Its fruits which are named ' monkee's bread' are the best solution for many causes. People in Africa use it in case of problems with: a stomach, flu or anemia. Inhabitants of black continent make juice from monkey bread or they nibble it. 

4. In our country to my mind, we have many examples of folk medicine too. And here are some of them:

- For cold people sometimes use syrup with onion and sugar or honey. If you want you can add to this garlic.
- For throat pain and cough can be use hot milk with butter and honey.

What do you think about natural medicine? 
Do you use natural medicine?
Do you know some interesting examples?


  1. I think that natural medicine can be helpful in healing unserious diseases such as cold. It can be also good supplement of traditional treatment. As a child, when suffering from cold, I used to drink syrup with onion and sugar. I also heard that onion extract, rubbed into skin can reduce scars.

  2. Natural medicine can be very useful. It can reduce some annoying diseases symptoms and also strengthen our organisms but it is not very good in serious diseases, as Marta said. I drink water with honey and lemon juice for a cold, and also when I'm sick I try to add more garlic to my food because it has great antibacterial properties.

  3. I have similar opinion on natural medicine as Katarzyna, it is very useful only at unserious disease like flu. It is a good addition to the drugs that the doctor prescribes, when we are sick. My grandmother always used natural medicine. She did elderberry syrup for colds or birch juice for stomach ailments.

  4. I agree with you natural medicine is quite useful. Indeed, it was a beginning of today's modern medicine. When I had problems with my throat, I used to gargle it using different kinds of natural mixtures.
    I heard about syrup with beetroots - it helps to win the fight against cough.

  5. I think that natural medicine is useful kind of treatment but only when someone catches unserious diseases. I always drink raspberries juice and use more garlic when I feel sick.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I agree with all your opinions. It’s true that folk medicine works, because it was probably being tested during the ages, but fortunately nowadays we have more effective medicines for serious problems than piece of baobab. When I have a cold I usually eat garlic, take syrup with onion and honey or drink infusion of linden.

  8. I really like natural medicine. I think that people should remember about that, because sometimes it curing better than today's' medicine. Unfortunately with a civilisation we are forgetting about old medicine.
    I am using natural medicine. If I start feel bad or cold I am eating garlic (cut) with water and lemon. And I drink it.This is the best antibiotic and almost always cures. And some herbal extract - it really can help for some skin lesions or for headache.

  9. I think that folk medicine is a great alternative to conventional medicine. I also in the case of a cold often use honey or a clove of garlic. I know that many herbs have good influence for our body too. For example nettle improves the health of the skin and hair.

  10. In my opinion, folk medicine isn't bad option for feel better in case of cold. There are a lot of natural vitamins which can help us, like: onion, garlic or honey and vitamin C in lemon or wild rose juice, some herbs and more. I often drink wild rose juice when I feel badly or in flu season and I must say - It work :)

  11. I am a big fan of a natural medicine, I really like the fun facts on the medical properties of various herbs. I often use a mind on the stomach problems or yeast mask in case of problems with the complexion. I think that they're really effective, but they can not replace medicines prescribed by a doctor.

  12. I use natural medicine in necessary of flu or somethink light cough, sometimes when I have little complexion problems I put soda on my face and it helps. I'm not the fan of this solution but I try to use medicines only when I it's really necessary. For examle when I have high body temperature, i think ntural herbs or sth are too light to helps in such problems. Natural solutions are good for body because they don't have huge influence of our immune system.

  13. I use folk medicine and I think it really works but some of the methods are ridiculous. When I have a sore throat I eat toasts with butter and garlic, because it is a natural antibiotic, syrup with onion and honey really helps with cough, and hot water with honey and leon juice helps to moisten throat. I don't understand people who claim that putting a fish into shoe helps with rheumatism but everyone has their own methods.


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