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The phenomenon of BUW

The phenomenon of BUW

  Probably everyone, who studies at the University of Warsaw knows this place quite well, or has been there at least once. Huge, green and very characteristic building of BUW - Warsaw University Library, placed on Dobra street, near Vistula river, is not only a great temple of science and knowledge, but it seems to be also a  thriving center of social life. Every day BUW is visited by at least 3000 people (during examination sessions this number can be much, much bigger) and these people are not only students of Warsaw University - everyone, who is at least 16 years old can get into the reading room almost for free, so it's also very popular among high-school students, students from different academies and even tourists. As it often happens with places, where so many young people are gathered, BUW quickly became a cult place and now we have to do with a very rare situation - studing in a library suddenly became very trendy. There has been even created a new, but already well-known term "BUWing", used to describe spending time in BUW, which can show us the range of this phenomenon. It's about time to state this question: What is behind this great popularity of BUW?

  Some basic data about BUW:

- There are about 2 millions of books in the library, accesible for everyone.
- The reading room is about 10 000m² and the size of the whole building is 64 000m².
-  There is a botanical garden located on the roof of BUW, where everyone can go to e.g. take a rest from books or intensive social life.
-  There are at least 3 gastronomic locals, a bookshop, 2 kiosks, 2 cafes, bowling alley, a climbing wall and some shops in BUW.
- In reading room we can find many computers with access to the internet, photocopiers and printers, of course many desks, chairs and even some very comfortable poufs, in case if someone felt sleepy.

These information show us, that there is really no need to get out of BUW, because everything is on the spot - if BUW would only be open 24 hours a day, I'm sure that there will quickly appear some people, who would just start to live there (although during examination sessions there are organized, so called "nights for the owls", when BUW is open by the night - surprisingly big number of students stays there till dawn).

So, what does "buwing" really mean?

As you can expect, it means much more than just reading books and doing homeworks in a library. BUW became a space, where young people meet, talk, make new friends, or even look for a partner. Just few weeks ago, we had to do with a small revolution in forming something, that might be called "BUW community" - someone created a page on Facebook called "Spotted: BUW", which offers sending anonymous messages to people in the library, whom we don't know, but who somehow draw our attention. Quickly the number of its fans raised up to almost 9000 and anonymous communicating between students became very popular. As you might expect, most messages sent by "BUW: Spotted" are used to flirt, what made of it almost some kind of dating site. I'm not quite sure what BUW really is, but for sure it's something much more than just a library, in my opinion that place can really be fascinating (as far as I know there are even some bachelor's dissertations written about it, so maybe it's not just my opinion).

And what do you think about BUW? Do you think that it can be treated as a phenomenon?

Is it more a place of education or a social life area?

Do you like spending time there?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with the thesis tha BUW is a phenomenon. This is a place that is always full of people. And not only students, but also teachers, high school students, tourists.
    What I like about BUW is the architecture of the building. I think that it is attractive and unique. Both the interior and the facade is different from other buildings.
    But I don't like spending time there. I study in the building which is in front of BUW but I usually go there only to buy a coffee or something to eat. Once I wanted to read and study there with my friend but it didn't work out. Maybe it is too big for me or maybe there is too many people. I don't know why, but I don't spending time there.

  3. Unfortunately, I can't say much about BUW, because I have been there only once in my life. I have spent most of the time in beautiful botanical garden so I don't know about the reading room and some other places. When I was there I was 16 years old and I went there only to accompany my sister and see this famous building. I think that students who have spent there a lot of time know a lot about this place and its special atmosphere. I think it can be treated as a phenomenon. I don't know if it is more a place of education or a social life area, but I think it is wonderful to connect learning with meeting new people. Students can also share some informations and talk about experiences. I can't answer the last question, but I hope I will go there at least one more time.

  4. I agree with that the BUW is always full of people all ages. This is place full of knowledge. There is many books and a lot off place to reading and learning. The architecture of the buildings is very nice.
    I don’t spend a lot of time in a BUW, practically I was there a long time ago. My faculty is far away from Dobra Street (on Pasteura Street) and we have our library which in are all necessary books, and a lot of books which are no in a BUW.

  5. Also, I agree that the BUW is a phenomenon. BUW a bit different from other libraries. The place is not so much science as social gatherings. Of course, a lot of people goes there to lend or place to read a book, but the word buwing, which was created, means a lot of activity, not necessarily related to learning. I rather don't like spending time there. I prefer lend books, which I need and back to home.

  6. Honestly, I don’t spend much time in BUW and I prefer the smaller, faculties’ libraries. I always have a lot of problems with finding some books in BUW- this place is very large.
    I think that BUW can be the place, in which students could study and meet friends. The botanical garden is especially suitable for meeting and reading books- we can do this between surrounded in the open air.

  7. Honestly, I don’t spend much time in BUW and I prefer the smaller, faculties’ libraries. I always have a lot of problems with finding some books in BUW- this place is very large.
    I think that BUW can be the place, in which students could study and meet friends. The botanical garden is especially suitable for meeting and reading books- we can do this between surrounded in the open air.

  8. For me BUW is a phenomenon. When you think 'library' you think: boredom, school, homework. And suddenly it turns out that library is cool and fun! I guess its main advantage is that this place looks unusual, not like typical library - that makes it an interesting place even for tourists. Yo are right that recently it has become a place for social meeting and flirting (by the way, there's even a fan page "I'm afraid to go to BUW" for people who are afraid that they will be 'spotted'.

  9. The first time I was in the BUW before my final exams. I had to find a book to the final award presentation.
    I know many people who spend a lot of time on learning there.
    If any of my friends typed in the University Library location will certainly immediately comment on other people that just are there or have been.
    A year ago, when I started college I tried to even study in the library, sit to read a book, to take notes. It didn't take long.
    Personally I don't like this place because it have a soporific effect. Whenever I'm there I look at the people who gain knowledge and wonder why they do it.
    I've heard that it is easier to focus on the science when you learn there not at home. I always find something to distract my attention, and once I fall asleep with my face on the computer when I tried to "teach". Assuming that I prefer to sleep at home, I don't go on "BUWing".
    I remember that one day I decided to try the "night for owls." It ended up that I came to the library with a friend, we unpacked books and computers and then we packed them immediately and went home :)
    I don't understand a phenomenon of BUW.

  10. BUW is a social place where many people go rather to find a new friend or to post in their Facebook that the are there now. It’s kind of lans where girls and boys (in general)before go to BUW spend much time paying attention in their appearance. The focused on the others not on work or study. I really like the night at BUW during the session because the atmosphere is very funny, someone sleep in a sitting position, the other study , but most of them chat in Facebook.

  11. Well, for me BUW is very special place- but only educationally. There is brilliant atmosphere for learning process. There is nothing what could diffuse me as at home for example. I've never focused on BUW as a place to meet my friends or to go to BUW for something diffrent than learning or to take books. So BUW is only educational place for me, I'm not treating it as a social life place. However I very like BUW- also for architecture of this building.

  12. BUW might be a phenomenon - eg. to me it's interesting because of its size. I like the feeling of being overwhelmed by books and love getting lost between the bookshelves. Unfortunately BUW is also overcrowded, so I simply can't study there - I rather choose a small cafe and focus way better than in this library. Afterall, I'm not a frequent visitor of this place, because most of the books I need, are in libraries of my and nearby faculties.
    Still love 'Spotted: BUW' - much fun!

  13. I have to agree that BUW is a temple of science and knowledge – it is obvious. But I don’t see BUW as the phenomenon – all library should have the atmosphere of science. The fact that there are so many books and students doesn’t mean that it is the phenomenon – I rather suppose that it is because it is just one of the biggest library in Warsaw. Personally, I like to use BUW because I can find there a lot of books in one place, but I don’t like BUWing – I just prefer to spent my time learning in my home. I just simply don’t like crowd and I don’t want to be a victim of 'Spotted: BUW' on Facebook :)

  14. I'm not a frequent visitor of BUW, but I know some people who spend there a lot of time during the session and meet with friends in their free time there.
    As we've noticed learning have never been popular. More common used to be trauncy or being a hooligan. Suprisingly BUW changed this vision and spending time in this place has become fashionable. People boast about amount of time which their spend in BUW. It is a centre of everyday entertiment. It is a good place for learning but also fine to have a rest and get some entertiment. Im my opinion amount of people who go there is an enough reason to call BUW a phenomenon.

  15. BUW is a very nice place to learning but not now. I like quiet places a traditional places to learning one of example is a Koszykowa Library. Buw is a kind of social place, it isn't a is a versatile place, if you want sleep, eat, kiss hear it is possible. More people think is a metting place.
    I don't like spent time hear.

  16. I study at University of Warsaw but to be honest, I've never been to BUW. I've heard about Spotted: BUW site and it's funny watching all those shy boys and girls trying to find love and being laughed at by site followers. But let's focus on what BUW was meant for. I think it's great to have such place. It's safe to say that BUW is library like no other in Warsaw, where learning and social interactions mix. By the way, botanical garden looks amazing!

  17. A few minutes ago i heard in Eska Rock an advertisment about "BUW at night". Ive never been in this place so late. I cant learn at night, in addition in such crowded place, but i think this is a good solution for eople who don't have time to go to the library and learn during the day.

  18. I often visit this place and I think BUW can be great place for learning. Maybe no today, when examiination session is coming and there are too many people, but generaly I don't agree with opinion, that it isn't quiet, undisturbed place. Additionally, you can realy fast find your book without any formalities. They system is more convenient than in anothers libraries, for example National Libraries, where you have to ask for help someone of workers.

  19. Forgetting about all social aspects, in my opinion, BUW is almost perfectly organised library (at least the best among those I've visited). Although the amount of books is huge, the arrangment of them on shelves is possible to understand and even clear. With the book number checked online it takes only a few minutes to find it. I haven't tried learning there but each time I borrow a book I see many students over desks reading and making notes. It's satisfying that BUW is really used and did not end as a next needless investment.

  20. Yes, that is phenomenon certainly. So, young people with specific lifestyle, hipsters etc. needed some specific place to be their attribute. BUW, with his wonderful architecture, with mixture of knowledge, youngsters, proffesors, books (they are sooo hipster in digital world) is perfect choice. Luckily I had limited contact with “buwers”.
    Moreover I had to admit I’m not delighted to BUW. Yes, building is amazing, but organization of using rental is poor. Cloakroom, nosy bodyguards, lost books on shelfs… In my opinion Jagiellonian Library in Kraków is much friendly for users. In BUW they can learn something…

  21. I'm not sure if BUW is a phenomenon but I've been there only couple of times. I'm sure that building is user friendly: easily accessible, bright, comfortable and well equipped. It is also an interesting and beautiful building so it's nice to be/study there. All educational buildings should be like BUW.
    I don't mind people BUWing. It is motivating to belong to a social group. But 'Spotted:BUW community' is nothing else than a very low standard dating website. It’s embarrassing!

  22. I like BUW, but for me this place has the three meanings. Firstly Buw is the place where I can find books and learn. There is so silent and the atmosphere makes that I am very concentrate and I learn very effective there. I spend there time only during session and "Buw dla sów" is great idea!
    Secondly is the place where I can play and dance! When I was younger I played in Hula Kula. Now sometime I play bowling or I go there to dance because I live near.
    Thirdly I love this garden! It is good place for romantic walking or to see river of height!

  23. I have been in BUW only 3 times. I think, that BUW is a phenomenon. There is a place, where students going to learn, spend there a lot of time. For me the best place to learn is home. I don't like such big libraries like BUW. I prefer smaller libralies, where I can ask for book, no libraries, where I must book books earlier and find them myself.

  24. For me ,BUw also means something more then a library. It is the place where we can in the same time do the homework and spent it with our friends. But, it is true that sometimes this place is overcrowded, and it is difficult to study. However, the atmosphere during the session is exceptional in their own way and the fact that library is open much longer this time saves some students.

  25. To be blunt: I hate this place because of people. There is at all times no room to sit alone unless you are in doctorate program and people go there for all the wrong reasons. Guy sitting at the table with headphones, open facebook on his laptop and thinking that because he gathered all the books he will in some magical way learn something without reading them has become an epitome of average "BUW-goer". I know I sound like a hipster, but it was actually better place to study about seven years ago.
    But not to focus on negative parts, it is one of few libraries that buy newest editions and new lines of books. Magazine reading room is quiet, there are explicit rules and librarians are actually demanding that they (the rules) must be respected.
    But because all of the magazines and papers I need are available online, I just go to BUW to take what books I need (with signatures taken earlier) and run away as fast as possible.
    So to summarise: I don't like to go there and avoid it as long as I can. It is primarily social area, because I rarely see people actually reading anything and because of what I stated above: I do not like spending time at BUW.

  26. I must confess that I'm a huge fan of BUW. Well, this year I haven't spent much time there, but it is because of lack of time. But during my second or third year of studies I spent every single hour there reading, studying, writing, preparing for exams. I find BUW really convenient place. In my opinion there is everything student need - books, chairs, desks, sometimes puffs and the most important this special academic atmosphere. I've always felt that big university libraries in some way get you more motivated for learning. But I must agree that for some people BUW is just a place for socializing and proving one's coolness. It is pretty annoying, because such people, with their whispering or going there and back, only disturb students who are there to work! Basically I enjoy studying in BUW, but with some companion - well, you need somebody to grab a coffee with ;)

  27. Well, i really like BUW because of atmosphere. It's really cosy and "nonconformic" place. I mean - if i want to lay on floor - nobody looks strange at me. If i want to be alone - i go to furthest corner of BUW and i have my wish done. Also i have almost all books i need in one place, near my department.

    Although, from time to time happens some annoying students or highschool students, which are wispering, talking, even playing music, but i always have my headphones on with Wagner playing in them, so i don't even hear them.
    Summing up - if you like cosy and pretty quiet places to learn - come to BUW.

  28. I believe BUW is connecting people. Few years ago “being smart” became quite fashionable phrase. And is there better place to connect it with knowledge than library? And like you said it is not only books but also places to socialize like gastronomical points and garden. “Studying” is often only an excuse to meet new people, hang out with friends. But we should remember that first of all BUW is home of knowledge :)

  29. I think BUW is a very great place. I do not spend there much time but `I really like idea of it. “BUW at night”, I like it very much. I remember when I was leaving in Edinburgh and there where same universities libraries open 24, it was for me unbelievable. I am happy that we have such a place in Warsaw. This is great that it is place for students, not only for books! That people can socialize there. I like inside architecture and the gardens very much. I am very interesting of spending there more time.

  30. I agree with it BUW is a tempel, in my way tempel of peace, knowledge, friendship and freedom. As always I am in BUW I meet some of friends. Obvious is we are talking despite the fact that I come there to learn. And it makes that place amazing and magic. Inside the library there is almost ultimate quite so everyboydy can focus on topics and use time in peace to get a knowledge about something new.


  31. I don't go there often, but I like this place. The library can be treated as a phenomenon. It is a very nice view thriving social life in there. It makes the place not just a regular library. But still I think it is more like a place of education, at least for me. I don't spend much time there, I just borrow what I need ;). But that's nice theres always a chance to find a new friend or meet some of yours.

  32. Personally I really like to spend time learning in BUW. First of all, there's nothing that can disturb me or dissociate my mind from books. Secondly, I can go there with friends and we're still studing (comparing to situation when we're going to somebody's house, then we're talking, checking facebook, listening to music and there's nothing left form this so-called-studing. Besides - after you learn what you have to learn you can go downstairs and drink a beer, play bowling or dance.

  33. Of course BUW is a phenomenon in Warsaw! Always when I go there I meet many friends who spend there their free time.
    You think it's only place for you to learn? Nonsense! This brilliant relaxation center, great place to meet with friends. You can read a good book together, you can quietly talk with friends from college, share notes. I love going there, I think that other cities do not have such an extraordinary libraries like our BUW. And one more thing: "buwing" is terribly fashionable!

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