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Exotic pets in our houses

People often return from distant, exotic travel bring their unusual souvenirs in the form of animals.
Despite the fact that it is prohibited  many people manage to smuggle the animals to their country.
Has become increasingly popular in the exotic animal trade.
People buy the pet, because .. Exactly why?

Each state law regulate what animals may be imported and which are not and referred  in this way possible number of such animals. In Poland also respected the law of the European Union. According to reports, Poland is the third country in the community in terms of the number of arrests at the border of the protected specimens.

If this is not  legal why we want to have a exotic species.

People keep in the house exotic animals because they are rare. Not everyone can have a monkey. Not everyone chooses it also, so that you can express your eccentricity. People keep in the house because they are exotic animals from rare. After all, not everyone can have a monkey. Not everyone chooses it also, so that you can express your eccentricity. If you already have everything that you want and now want to show off something new you adopting a tiger. Wild animals are often prettier than the ones that we normally breed. Colourful, talking parrots are more interesting than a pigeon or chicken.So often we keep the animal in the house for decoration. And it begins objections of environmentalists. "The animal that is wild should live in a natural environment." Often parrot wings are cut so they can not fly, but decorate our house. Whether it is cruelty to them. In this case, probably yes, but what can you say about the dolphins that they are not pets but they help cure sick children. 
 This subject is highly controversial, and I do not want to impose my own opinion.


Most exotic species are smuggled parrots, snakes, turtles and lizards.In human homes, there are also monkeys, apes, raccoons, skunks, wild cats and dogs (like coyotes). Probably every animal that can only be put into the cage, swimming pool, aquarium, terrarium, doghouse or any other man ever would have.
As a consolation, some add that these dogs are now sitting on the couch with us it used to be wild ..

not always be a worst-case scenario:


What you think about keeping exotic animals in the house?
Is it safe to bring up children at home with a tiger or venomous snakes?



  1. I'm against keeping exotic animals in humans' houses, because I think it only limits their freedom, not to mention that average person has no idea about needs of a wild animal. It seems to me that people willing to be eccentric this way, are just spoiled, too well-off and unimaginative. They put own whims before the animals' weal. And yes, it is unsafe, because we're unable to predict such wild cat's behaviour, especially in a stressful environment or situation, which seems fine to us.

  2. I agree with you, I'm also againtst keeping them at home (although it would be nice to have a puppy lion that won't hurt you). People who does that are mostly selfish I think, cause although those animals that grows up in human's houses don't know how to live in the wild, still have their instinct and one day it may cause a terrible accident. If someone is really into exotic pets he should think about working or volunteering in zoos or special places where those animals are kept.

  3. I think that keeping exotic animals in a house is dangerous for both: animals and people. I have no idea, why people do this, when they have no special place- terrarium, aquarium etc. for pets. Majority of exotic animals is tormented in a house unsuitable for them and die with suffering or is abandoned. For people these pets can be dangerous, because they can hurt or kill their owner. An idea about bringing up children at home with a tiger is reckless- we don’t know, how can an animal and a child behave.

  4. I'm also agree with your opinion. I think it is very dangerous for people who keep this kind of pet in their houses and also terrible for pet. It has got no place and the environment in which it should be is different. Great freedom, special food, climatic conditions and natural environment - this factors provides animals happiness. I think it is kind of thoughtlessness of people. They don't think about the pet, but only about theirs cravings. They should read a lot about it and know almost everything about its behaviour if they really want to have it. It is hard to deal with exotic pet. They have got special reflexes to defend themselves and they could not understand people intentions.

  5. I don't understand people who have an exotic pet in their home. I think that is dangerous for both of them. The place for the animlas is in place where they were born. For people the animal like tiger can be dangerous, especially for the children. And what is disgusting for me is that people buy a food for snakes- small rabbit or mouse.

  6. I agree with the previous speakers. I think that keeping wild animals is bad for both, people and those animals. First of all, it is bad for animals because we deprive them of their natural environment. Some animals need certain conditions, food, and we are not able to provide them the appropriate conditions at home. On the other hand, wild animals kept at home can cause danger to people. Even if they are raised at home, they are still the wild animals that can be unpredictable. That's why I'm against keeping wild animals at home.

  7. I also agree with you. Animals have their places in the world, they should stay there. Not every animal can adopt to European climate and nobody has a jungle in one's house. Having, let's say a tiger, can be very dangerous. No matter what we do, it's still wild animal. It can be calm for a long time and in one moment it can kill its keeper. If somebody wants to look at wild animals he or she may go to a ZOO.

  8. I think that if someone has suitable conditions to own exotic animals in home it is not wrong. Exept the fact that they break the law, but it is their choice. Of course it makes a lot of problems, for example, there is no institution which would control the environment in which animals are keeped. In consequence there is incredibly big possibilities for any iniqitous machinations. But this problem is also concern "normal" animals which people has in their houses.

  9. I'm against keeping exotic animals in home. Usually such animals are dangerous and requires special knowledge about taking care of them. Not to mention special feeding. It can be quite expensive to provide suitable food, cage or aquarium. I think that people who decide to bring an exotic animal home simply want to show off their individuality. I really don't understand what make them think it is better than traditional dog or cat.

  10. According to me exotic animals shouldn't be kept at houses. I think that there is a place for them in their natural environment like jungle or desert. Keeping them at house isn't always safe. People sometimes have exotic animals at home illegally, therefore it is even more dangerous, because rules connected with keeping them are not specified. They are sometimes dangerous and could hurt people, esspecially when there are children at home. It is not safe to keep children near to dangerous species of animals, because exotic animals are not domesticated and can cause huge damage on healh or sometimes even kill a kid, which doesn't know how to behave.

  11. I don’t see any point in having an exotic pet in our home. I also think that is dangerous for people and animals .I think that, such animals are bought often by the people who have too much money and can have everything they want , even its sometimes strange whim. In short, that sale should be prohibited.

  12. In my opinion having ezotic pets at home is not good. Maybe parrots and little animals.. but animals like lions, tigers are get used to live in a wild and it is bad for them to be for example in the flat. They have to live in a special conditions. Normal home animals like dogs, cats are domesticating during the ages and they are used to it even, they have it in genes.
    So to sum up I'm not agree with something like exotic animals at homes.

  13. It is very dangerous to keep wild animal in house even they are domesticated. House isn’t natural environment for wild animal and they fell better in a jungle or savanna. Moreover that kind of animals can be calm and nice but we never know when awake primal instinct in them and they become dangerous.

  14. For me it doesn't matter if you have an exotic animal or a pet if you don't treat it with respect. I think that 21st century society disrespect nature. We are able to produce any kind of fabric which can be much better then leather. Why we don’t use such knowledge? Do we really have to kill animals?
    We use animals to satisfy our ego. I see a lot of people having no patience for their dogs or cats. How can those people even think about having kids?

  15. I haven't ever had any exotic animal at home (although my cat sometimes behaves like a tiger), but I had a friend, who had a big and awful snake. She has been playing with him and she has been even putting him on her head and I couldn't understand it when I was in primary school - now, when I grew up, I also don't understand it. I wouldn't mind having a giant squid, if I only had a giant acquarium.

  16. Keeping any animal is not bad if you can provide them good terms. Remember that cats and dogs aren't created to live in blocs of flats or even in house. There's no difference for me between tiger and normal cat - both are animal and if you're treating them proper - there's no point to prevent you from keeping them at home. Danger is other point, but i think, that people can choose if they prefer to have wild animal or maybe be safe.

  17. Nowadays we can observe the increasing popularity of keeping exotic pets in our houses. There are many reasons why people do so. They want to express their eccentricity, posess something extraordinary, but they often just want to show off in front of their friends or family. In my opinion this is very negative phenomenon. Not only is having exotic animal at home forbidden, but can also be very dangerous. I believe that people should think twice before deciding to have such a "pet" at home.

  18. It is some how crazy to live with tiger or monkey at the house. It can be very dangerous. I don’t like animals at homes or flat at all but we appropriate so many land on the World that maybe the space for animal will be only in our gardens or coaches in the future. It is very sad. It is a huge problem: Human attitude towards animals. People eat animals, breed animals, slave them, exploit animal to work. When somebody takes animal from Nature for own pleasure it is a crime, just as killing, eating and slaving. Human tread animal as an object, not as living being.

  19. What you think about keeping exotic animals in the house?
    I think it depends on kind of animal. But generally I wouldn's say it is completly safe ;]. Wild animals schould stay in the wild because they are adapted to live wild. At people's homes they can be unpredictable.
    I've heard about a guy who had a snake at home and allowed the snake to sleep with him in bed. As long as the snake was little, everything was well. But the guy noticed some night the snake sleeps completly straight. He thought the snake is maybe ill or something and he asked veterinary surgeon about this. The snake measured if he is big enough to EAT the guy at sleep.
    But on the other side we can watch charming tiger Enzo on youtube. The tiger lives at home just like a cat, a little bigger cat ;].

  20. "If this is not legal why we want to have a exotic species." Are you serious? Come on - it's our nature to want.. to desire(!) something that is forbidden. Ok, back to the subject, I would really love to have an exotic pet. It would be fun having the animal that you know nothing about and you completely cannot predict how it's going to act(unless it's poisoning with bite, then it's better to know something about it). Of course, I would buy myself an exotic pet only if this creature felt good in my house because I'm totally against keeping even big dogs in small flats because they just can't live like they should and would love to.

  21. I don't understand why so many people here criticize having exotic animals. If somebody can ensure animal good and due conditions, know how to occupy it and keep it healthy there aren't any contraindications to having it. Above idiots who buy neuter animal, only to play for a moment most people who have exotic animals have also essential knowledge about them, and do they best to give their pupil everything it need.

  22. When I was seven, I had a friend who really wanted to have an exotic animal at home. She dreamed of a venomous snake. Why such a dream? I have no idea, maybe because her father had a lot of books about animals with pictures at home. And you know what? On 8. Malvina's birthday she got a venomous snake. Yes. Not a Barbie doll, not a cool toy. Only a venomous snake. I wonder how is it possible that people who have small children are so terribly stupid that they do not understand that it's dangerous?! One day the snake had escaped from its cage. They had to run away from home because they were afraid that snake would attack. Fortunately snake was captured and nothing wrong has happened, but what if he would hurt the girl? People do not have brains. It is very dangerous and stupid to keep an exotic animal at home.


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