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The rise in e-learning popularity isn't showing any signs of slowing. The future of the e-learning is brighter than ever, and there are more and more new ways of this kind of education.
E-learning has revolutionized the education system and changed the way we look at knowledge skills. It helped people around the world to balance with work, family and other things with completing certification or degree.
It's cheaper. We can learn everywhere and everything. We can start courses from another countries without leaving our home or spending money on travel. It takes us a less time. E-learning is also more joyful and interesting. We avoid stress and shame.
E-learning is everywhere. We can find hundreds of colleges with thousands courses and subjects for students. Even prestigious universities offers courses and some online degree programmes also in master's or doctoral level.
It's future of education.

Except this we can find e-universities without building, teachers, lectures. They offers us only online courses. For example:

UKHEP - Healthcare Education Partnership - it offers courses for doctors, nurses or other people who want to work in this trade. They can take retraining/extra courses. Because practically everyone works they can choose when to study (24 hours a day, seven days a week) and where to study (home or workplace or any centre with online facilities); and course content can be reviewed and adapted quickly to respond to the dynamics of the workplace.

There is also special Network connecting universities from the world. They are making benchmarking, researches and courses for students from all connecting countries.

WUN - The Worldwide Universities Network - it's the most active global higher education and research network with 90 active research initiatives, engaging over 2,000 researchers and students. They are focus our research on four very important global themes:

Responding to Climate Change
 Public Health
 Global Higher Education and
Research Understanding Cultures.

Also there are special programmes (which we can buy) to create our own courses. It's for example Elucidat. It helps us wit learn how to do what we want, and then do it. We can connect with group of people and work together.
There is very simple and clear instruction about every step in process of making our individual course. So we can use it in multiple situations in school, in work, at extra lessons etc.
Of course there are a lot of people who are against e-learning. And traditional learning is still the most popular, but we can see that e-learning is stronger and better in every year. E-learning has a lot of advantages: we can study in our home, we can degree, we can also make research with people from other country or create our own internet course.
And what you think about e-learning? Do you think universities and schools should be only online?



  1. Considering the advantages you mentioned in the post I believe e-learning is a good way to study. Mostly because it's very convenient for people who complain about lack of free time. On the other side attending classes is really important especially cosidering language school. It's important to have a contact with native speakers to feel confident about your skills. Added advantage is a posibility to meet some new people to share interestings with during classes. That's why traditional way of studying shouldn't be replaced by e-learning at schools.

  2. According to your post, it cannot be denied that e-learning brings some positive aspects. You have some opportunities to do another things while studying. You don’t waste your time on going to school. Learners can set their own pace, rather than the pace of the group. Learners can focus on elements of a program they need to learn and can skip what they already know. I think that this way of learning improves scores on tests, certifications or other evaluations. Students have the chance to study in their own time and especially for free. It represents a great way to study many fields and to boost the level of self-motivation. Online learning is so effective because students can finish their homework quickly, and there is more time left for hobbies or for finding a job. But I’m not sure if every universities should only offer e-learning. What about getting in touch with people? Online learning makes that we are cut off from people. That’s a big disadvantage.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think that e-learning is a good option for busy people. You can learn when you want and at what pace you want. In the group you have to adapt to it. Sometimes you have gaps in science. I like e-learning. Because I don't spend extra time at the university. Everything I'm doing same. How something I don't understand is that the possibility of writing an e-mail to the teacher with a request for an explanation.

  5. I think that e-learning is a good option for busy people. You can learn when you want and at what pace you want. In the group you have to adapt to it. Sometimes you have gaps in science. I like e-learning. Because I don't spend extra time at the university. Everything I'm doing same. How something I don't understand is that the possibility of writing an e-mail to the teacher with a request for an explanation.

  6. It's good solution to me. I like sitting at home a whole day... Especially, when it's cold outside. But there is one thing - you must spent more time and give more from yourself to learn this same thing, which somebody else learn in school and every doubt can explain teacher. With E-learning you haven't this contact. Obviously, you can write an e-mail, but it's little time till he answer. And when you have another question - it another waste of time. To sum up. E-learning to practise is good solution, but not to learn new things.

  7. E-learning is great idea of learning but in my opinion it shouldn't be only way of learning. People need face to face contact. We can learn something via internet but there are many kinds of people. Some of them don't like spending many hours in front of the screen. I think the best option are the mixed courses. Then we can learn more about speaking and also about finding informations in the internet. Univeristis and schools can be partly online, but because of their traditins, they should stay in normal form. Maybie in the future it will change.

  8. E-learning - the newest innovation of geting a degree. Faster, easier and more comfortable. Genious? Of course! But we all should think about it deeper. If we all choose to sit at the apartment and study by the internet, we all wouldn't have met. We can never fall in love, we can never met our best friends. We can also see that many people, teachers, proffesors, secretaries or security guards wouldn't have their jobs. I think that usual education system is allright. If it's good why we have to change anything? E-learnig is genious idea for sick, disabled people, for people who don't have a possibility to get a degree in an ordinary way. However, it cannot provide the same benefits as traditional learning.

  9. I think that e-learning is good but only as complementary way of learning. Face to face contact with teacher is really good and it helps me to stay focused on topic. I don't always have enough motivation to do something by myself, but when I know, that teacher can be mad at me, desire to learn quickly return. I do not like to be unreliable toward others, so I always do my best if I promise something. From the other hand, I'm not that assertive towards myself, so I prefer to be under teacher's eye.

  10. I don't really like e-learning. Yes, it saves our time, but it takes it at the same time too. At most of e-learning sites e-courses are built really primitively, so as for me it's better to study at home. But the best way is to study in small grope (3-4 people), cause you can speak and practice your spelling. And I'm definitely against universities and schools be only online. It will ruin all the romantic of schools and universities, you'll not find close friends, it won't bring you pleasure of real life.

  11. I think that learning via the Internet is an interesting way to learn. E-learning is primarily aimed at people who have little free time. We can expand your knowledge without leaving home. Using e-learning we can perform tasks whenever we have free time and desire. However, this requires high self-discipline, you have to have the motivation to act. It should also pay attention to the fact that here isn't face to face contact, which according to me plays an important role. Therefore, the best option seems to me a course such as blended courses where we can combine these things.

  12. I think e-learning is a good solution for those who can’t leave the house, or live somewhere where there are no good schools, or do not have time to go to classes every day. However, despite the many advantages that e-learning offers, I think that a computer will never replace a human being. That's why I think that ordinary schools and universities are also needed. Not everyone will be able to learn only from online courses. Some need contact with a human being who can explain something to them and only then they can understand the subject.

  13. I believe that e-learning is so great idea for many people. It has a lot of advantages! For example thanks to e-learning students can study wherever they've access to computer and Internet (nowadays - almost everywhere). But I don't agree with the opinion that universities and schools should be only online. It isn't beneficial option for all students. Unmotivated learners or those with poor study habits may fall behind. We should take this into account and give students the opportunity to choose what teaching method they want to use during their education. To sum up, I really believe that high quality learning can take place without going to a traditional classroom, but not in every case. Every person is an individual, the fact that in my opinion e-learning is fantastic, doesn't mean that everyone agrees with my view.

  14. 1)I think that E learning has both advantages and disadvantages. Firstly,the bigest advatages is that, we can do exercises or quizs or other forms of e-learning everywhere when we have acces to do computer and internet. This is so importat because we don't have to waste a lot of time to commute. We can also do it when we have time, not in definite time and definite place. This advantage give people, who have a lot of work or have to stay at home chance to self-development. Moreover we can choose a course, which is the most interesting or useful for us. We can also advance in our own time and pace. On the other hand e learning can have disadvantages like for example even the best multimedia material can't replace the teacher's explanation, for example e-learning can have a problem with math, bacause when we don't understand a part of material, teacher look for the best explenation for given person.
    2) I think that universities and schools should be online, but not only online, any program can't replace teacher, who can explain something when we don't understand. I think that good solution is blended courses. E learing is also good for IT subjects.

  15. I think that e-learning is great way for contemporary people. We don't have many time but still need know more and more. E-learning let us learn then, when we want. We don't need to pledge when we come to school or to our tutor. Moreover by e-learning we can proportion rate of work. We don't need to wait when we better deal with the material or hurry even then we don't understand what we do.
    Of course e-learning isn't good way for learning everything, but if we can prey on it, we should do it.

  16. E-learning is a great possibility to gain knowledge. This help not only to save time and money, but also we can learn whenever and wherever we want. Moreover, we can plan our learning as we wish. On the other hand, when it comes to online schools, I'm not sure. Going to the building, seeing a teacher and meeting friends are very important part of student's life. It's easier to find motivation being at school that sitting at home.

  17. I think that e-learning might be quite good suplement for traditional learning. It can make knowledge more afordable (I think about fitting courses to your own schedule). But in my opinion higth education require some traditional elements. For example on my faculty (phisics) we often do experiments and I can't imagine how universities without buildings could support students with necessary equipment.

  18. There is no second thoughts that e-learning is getting more and more widespread. People still debate if it is better way of teaching and learning than traditional courses. From my point of view it has not only benefits but also drawbacks. On the one hand it provide students from learning no matter where they are. Only what they need is access to the internet. Nonetheless, on the other hand some subjects are said to be impossible to figure out without teacher’s explanation. Moreover, I consider that children need socialization, which is reduced during learning online. To be frank, I am overwhelmed that around the world are e-universities without building, teachers and lecturers. I am not care for attending such a type of course.
    If ask about me, I figure up that blended course is the best option. It mixes benefits of traditional course and online course and as a consequences is perfect.

  19. I think that nowadays e-learning is really good way of studying. People often chose to work while attending university, so it's really helpful that they have flexible hours of learning. Also if someone wants to study two majors it would me much easier. I believe that this kind of study will become more and more popular. Nevertheless there are some subjects which can't be studied via internet. For example medicine or other major which require practical skills. What is more in my mind e-learning is good for adults ot older teenagers. What I mean is that children should have contact with their peers, so traditional school will be better for them.

  20. E-learning could be quite good solution for busy people with lack of time for attendng traditional classes. But I don't think so that we can reach some kind of knowledge and skills by online courses. For some fields of study it is required to provide knowdledge in tradition way. E-lerning has a lot of supporters, cause for tchem this way of reaching knowledge suits to their lifestyle and preferences, but still a lot of people rather to study in tradistional way with teachers cause studing is more effective for tchem.

  21. E-learning has a lot of potential, and incorporating it more widely may prove truly beneficial. It is a great option for people busy with full time jobs, or living in rather secluded areas. There is plenty of knowledge and skills that can be shared and polished without need for constant commuting, and heavy books, and such courses should really consider the E-Learning option as it may affect their popularity. On the other hand however, I don't think E-learning should replace all other kinds of learning, as some knowledge is better absorbed the old fashioned way, unfortunately.

  22. For me e-learning is good way to learn - if someone is busy, or he/she likes learn at night - he can do it. Secondly many people learn faster than other - e-learning solve the problem - everybody can wind video, etd. There are many websites when everone can learn many subjects for free, without exams - for example Copernicus College - everybody can register and take part in courses.

  23. In my opinion, e-learning is a great supplement for traditional learning. Iy makes learning much easier and more available. On the other hand, nothing can substitute cooperation with others. Even scientists from countries, which are really far from themselves, tend to visit co-workers personally.
    We must remember that schools, aside from teaching, keep eye on childrens' proper growth.

  24. Learning online is good for people who has big self discipline and can not take part in traditional classes because of being sick, for example. But traditional school is very important for developing soft skills like working wih group, cooperation, develop emotions etc. E-learning is good for adults who wants to develop extra skills and they also work and have family. They do not have much time for being in traditional schools.

  25. Great post and thanks for sharing. online education software platform is very much useful in today's online world.


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