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Showing posts from May, 2015

What is a culture war?

A   culture war  is a struggle between two or more sets of conflicting   cultural values . It is a phenomenon which began in the 1990s in the United States. It generally refers to a conflict between   traditionalist   or   conservative   values and   progressive   or   liberal   values. Culture wars have influenced the debate over public school history and science curricula in the United States, along with many other issues . This expression   entered the vocabulary of United States politics with the publication of   Culture Wars: The Struggle to Define America   by   James Davison Hunter , a sociologist at the University of Virginia ,   in 1991.   Hunter presented changes in   United States politics   and   culture , including the issues of   abortion ,   federal   and   state gun laws ,   global warming ,   immigration ,   separation of church a...

Ocean Pollution

Ocean Pollution Human activities have extremely affected the marine life in the last few decades. Ocean pollution is the spreading of harmful substances such as oil, plastic, industrial and agricultural waste and chemical particles into the ocean. It is a big issue because ocean provides home to wide variety of marine animals and plants. Causes and effects of ocean pollution The oil spills The oil spilled in the ocean could get on to the gills and feathers of animals, which make it difficult for them to move, fly or feed their children. It also floats on the surface of water and prevents sunlight from reaching to marine plants and affects in the process of photosynthesis. The long term effect on marine life can include cancer, changes in a behaviour and reproductive system and even death. Oil is also extremely difficult to clean up. Debris Debris depletes oxygen content in water. It uses oxygen as it degrades. Low oxygen levels are harmful...
Climate changes When we talk about ecological life style, our influence on Earth and future of our planet  very often we bring up a  topic of  climate change. For many people it’s quite controversial subject, especially because it’s connected with restrictive EU climate policy. Green house effect The greenhouse effect is a process in which part of thermal radiation of Earth’s surface is stopped by layer of greenhouse gases which work a bit like the glass in a greenhouse - they trapping the sun's heat and stopping it from leaking back into space. Four the most important greenhouse gases are: - water vapor - carbon dioxide - methane - ozone Global warming – fact or myth? During last years is noted increase in average annual temperature, according analysis, conducted by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, since 1880 it has grown about 0.8° Celsius. There aren’t one explanation of this process. Some scientists ...

All you need to know about GMO

What exactly are GMO and how do we obtain them? GMO -  genetically modified  organisms, that means the organisms which have been modified by human  through genetic engineering. What you need to know, is that all the methods used in this procces have been firstly discovered in nature and after that adapted to laboratory. Of course there are few differences between creating GMO and occuring of modified organisms in nature without a human touch. 1 In opposition to the nature we  take full control over the procces and there is nothing random about creating GMO, we can predict the result of the taken actions so we can eliminate possible threat in stage of planning. 2 GMO is being produced in much bigger scale which is I think quite obvies  3 Species that have been modified are kept save  in theirs original form  in labs ( GMO are mostly plants so its quite easy to store their seeds . That means that in case something goes wrong with GMO -that won't h...

Should we build more nuclear power plants?

Public support for nuclear power has declined since the Fukushima crisis began. People oppose nuclear power for a variety of reasons, but the predominant concern is the perception that it is a risky technology. I think most of people who are against nuclear power don't know anything about it. So I wrote some facts of nuclear power plants and we can see how it really is. Advantages: 1. Lower greenhouse gas emissions : Nuclear energy has the lowest impact on the environment since it doesn't releases any gases like carbon dioxide, methane which are largely responsible for greenhouse effect. 2. Powerful and efficient  3.  Reliable : Nuclear energy can be produced even in the cases of rough weather conditions.  4. Cheap electricity : The cost of uranium which is used as a fuel in generating electricity is quite low.  5. Supply :  This energy has a continuous supply. It is widely available, has huge reserves and expected to last for another 100 year...

Why do people get divorced?

Why do people get divorced? At the beginning there are declarations of affection, sweet nothings, shared plans for the future, beautiful wedding, honemoon, big house, children, everyday life... But then something gets wrong and the avalible solution, so unexpexted, comes to life. Divorce. Why? Why do people get divorced? Here are 10 responses from people, who went through this process. The women who couldn’t imagine to have kids with her husband. "I realized that I wouldn't trust him to take care of any kids we might have someday. And then I realized, if I felt that way, why would I trust him around me?" The man who realised that he had married a narcissist. "We divorced because she knew I had her figured out. She couldn't manipulate me and control me anymore. Once I understood narcissism, it was over." A couple who just has grown apart. "We were married for eight years. I think we both knew it wasn't forever. I loved her...
10 UNIQUE WEDDING TRADITIONS AROUND THE WORLD Everyone knows that each and every ceremony has its own traditions; for example, the wedding day. It is different in different countries but I will present the strangest in my opinion. Save the day The bride and groom are required to kill a small chicken (a few days after postpartum). And after this procedure, they  check its liver’s quality. If the liver is in good condition they are allowed to set a date. But if not, they have to repeat this process until they find an acceptable liver.        Wearing white A white bridal dress is very strange to most of the world. In most countries brides wear multicolored dress. So why is it normal for us? So it started when Queen Victoria (in 1840) wore a white dress during her wedding ceremony with marriage to Prince Albert. In her day, this decision was quite controversial cause the white color was associated with mourning.    ...

How to handle nerves during public speeches

If you think, that experienced speakers are not nervous during their speeches, you're wrong - they are! The only thing that separates them from those less experienced is fact, that they know how to deal with these nerves. Here are a few simple tips, which will help you avoid stress during public appearances. 1. Watch television. Watching the news is a good exercise - just look at how people presenting the news stand, speak, how they act in front of camera. Try to act like them and soon you'll notice, that you can do it the same way naturally. 2. Try to find friendly people in the audience, who will help you maintain positive attitude. Concentrate on their faces. If you don't feel comfortable when you're looking someone in the eyes, focus on their nose. They won't notice the difference. 3. Take a deep breath before you start. If you won't have enough oxygen, you can have some serious problems with voice during your speech, and in result - you w...

How to deal with stress

Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand. When people feel stressed, their bodies react by releasing chemicals into the blood. These chemicals give people more energy and strength, which can be a good thing if their stress is caused by danger. But this can also be a bad thing, if their stress is in response to something emotional and there is no outlet for this extra energy and strength.  Here are 10 common methods to deal with stress.  1. Chewing can reduce stress; this is why many people who are under constant stress tend to overeat. Chewing gum is a healthier alternative;   2. Sunlight can cheer you up. 20 minutes in the sun will cause your body to manufacture vitamin D naturally, which is necessary for your good health;   3. Try to incorporate some physical activity into your daily routine to both keep your body healthy and as a natural outlet for your stress; 4. By sleep your body restores its energy reserves. If you'...