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Most unusual professions

Probably we don’t even imagine how many bizarre professions exist around us. We know such jobs as lawyer, doctor, teacher, shop assistant which we meet in everyday life but there are also such ones which are really strange, unusual and unknown by people. In further part of my presentation I would like to present you some of them.

Smeller (deodorant tester). This person job is to test new deodorants, usually on other people armpits. This job can be done mostly in companies which produce new kinds of deodorants and want to test them.

2. Brain extractor.
Brain extractor duty is to take out brain from skull of killed animals and prepare it for sending to the restaurants. He works in slaughter-houses where animals are delivered after their death.


Ant catcher An ant catcher has to catch the biggest and strongest ants in the ant hills and bring them to the ant farms where scientists will study them and breed new strains.

4. Bed wormer. Easy, nice job which demands from you only to have warm body. So not to be decedent ;) The profession was thought up by Holiday Inn Hotels. Bed wormers get special one-use clothes not to dirty bed linen, lie down in a bed and wait until the guest want to go sleep. It is unknown if wormer can fell asleep during his time of work. If not, it can be the hardest part of this job;)

Stand-in bridesmaid When a bride doesn’t have enough girlfriends she can count on a stand-in bridesmaid – an attractive lady at similar age to a bride who will line up behind the bride on her wedding. Weird job, but it gets more and more popular.

Wrinkle straightener High class boutiques sometimes hire people, who straighten the wrinkles on the leather shoes after customers have tried them on. Strange job but on the other hand very useful because shoes look nicer and there is bigger chance that somebody will be interested in them and buy them.

Chicken catcherIt’s a very responsible job as such person has to determine the gender of newly born chicken within 1 day as it will effect their nutrition. For sure such person must be patient and like animals;)

Actor for haunted house Some actors perform on stage, some appear in movies, some makes us laugh and others – cry. But there are actors whose stage is a coffin or dark corner in a haunted house and their job is to make us scared. They wear ghastly makeup and never get any applause, but the payment is not so bad after all.

I hope that the professions I have written about , showed you that not only typical, well known jobs exist around us. Maybe one day you will have such 'strange', bizarre job?;) Would you like to have any of the jobs I have presented?,r:6,s:0&tx=157&ty=83&vpx=168&vpy=349&hovh=183&hovw=275&biw=1366&bih=646


  1. If I could not to work in my learned profession probably I could be a bed wormer or stand-in bridesmaid, maybe
    wrinkle straightener. But the other professions are so disgusting (smeller...) or not on my nerves (brain extractor...), brr.

  2. Stand in bridesmaid would be perfect for me as a student! No hard-working, just pleasure and free fun- wonderfull, I like having fun and wearing dresses so I could be good at it :) Personally I cant stand looking at first proffession you've mentioned - smeller... I like the presentation!

  3. It is very interesting presentation! I like it!
    I can't belive that exists something like a smeller or chicken catcher! This is really hardcore for me. I couldn't work there and what is more I can't imagine it!
    Brain extractor, wrinkle straightener, bed wormer and ant catcher can be boring for me.
    Probably, (if I forced to choose) I would like to work like a stand - in bridesmaid or actor for hounted house, because I enjoy perform different theatrical roles.

  4. This presentation is very nice and interesting:). Many of us probably did not realize that jobs like that can existe. Personally i think that one of the nicest is Stand-in bridesmaid, it is very easy and well-paid work. For me the worst job is Smeller(deodorant tester) becosue it is very unsanitary to smell someone's armpit. Even if it is bizzare job the most important thing is that people who do it like to do it.:)

  5. It's funny how strange work some people performed. I've never heard of smeller (sounds awful) or chicken catcher. I think that very difficult and requires patience is the work of ant catcher. I prefer a bed wormer, because it would be a pleasure for me - I love to sleep or take a nap

  6. Really nice and interesting presentation, congratulations!!! I've never heard of such a profession as a smeller, it is very strange and ugly smelling someone's armpits. I admire people who undertake this kind of work, I think that perhaps their sense of smell is excellent, but I do not know if it's good for them. I would not also work with chickens, because these animals disgust me. I think Stand-in bridesmaid is a light and enjoyable work. As Joanna I love dresses, so these events would have been a nice experience. I only look good, smile, help the bride and get paid for it. I am too, great!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. To be honest I never heard about any of these professions. And they are really unusual. Probably I can not imagine myself working as a brain extractor or chicken catcher, maybe like a stand-in bridesmain... But I really hope that life will protect me from such a profession. ;) Which doesn't mean that I have no respect for people who are working this way. Of course, I respect them. The famous Polish proverb said that no job is dishonor. And this is true.

  9. I have to tell that I have once heard about several of these professions, but I didn't take a closer look on them. We may laugh at smeller, but let's think what the world would be if every one would stink of cheap perfumes, which sometimes old ladies buy on the market. Blehh... I am happy that there is someone who tests smells.
    On the other hand, being a stand-in braidsmaid must be very popular in the USA, because only they can have such crazy ideas like this...

  10. Doing the presentation I thought that girls most will like to be stand-in bridesmaids and I didn't make a mistake;) I knew that you would not like to be a smeller, to be honest I agree with you- I also think that it is disgusting and I wouldn't like to smell other people armpits.

  11. This article is really interesting. I have never met with profession like smeller or bed wormer:D
    After this article I am sure that in the world exist professions which we can't imagine. Maybe a lot of them is in foreign culture.

  12. It's probably the most interesting and funny article on this blog! Nice pictures and fresh style of writing - there are the main advantages of this text. My favourite job among presented above is wrinkle straightener, because of its usefulness and practicalness.


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