Emotional stereotypes Stereotypes are present in every culture. It is always emphasized that they are false, and the reality is exaggerated and simplified. However, is there anyone who never thought stereotypes? Is there a possibility of living with other people without pigeonholing them? I would like to look at a few stereotypes concerning emotionality of Europeans Brits, the nation of contradictions. On the one hand, we have a picture of phlegmatic tea-drinkers but on the other, loud and vulgar partiers. But where does the truth lie? Studies show that the British are primarily secretive emotionally. They are often stressed, angry and worried, but you will not see them display Those feelings. We associate mainly with negative emotions. . I know couple of Brits and with my own experience I can tell they are cheerful, polite, thankful and proud. But also kind of bitter, homesick and selfish. Full of contradictions. And here we are with us, Poles – one of the least li...