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Showing posts from December, 2014

E-learning platform

This is a well-known fact that these days e-learning has been more and more popular way to learn foreign languages. Many claim that it is a positive phenomenon, while others say, it has many disadvantages. Advantages First of all, e-learning is the best way of learning for people who do not have enough time for going to school. You can learn whenever you want to, at any time of the day. You can have a break, for example for a meal, you don’t have to sit in front of the computer for one and a half hour as in the classroom. You can save your time and use it for other useful things. It is the best way for people who work, who have got inflexible working hours. They do not need to take some time off from work, especially for their classes. Another advantage is it that you can learn more than in a classroom, because on a platform you get plenty of exercises weekly, more than during traditional lessons. Disadvantages There are plenty of disadva...

Folk medicine

Folk medicine – different types of natural medicine People have been using natural medicine since their first steps. There were always some curious group trying to discover the way how to heal on their own. They were invariably high in the social pyramid next to the king. Nowadays we hardly practice an acient medicine. However our grandmothers still remember how the past generations helped their neighbours by using natural components. Every culture has own natural medicine. For centuries people have discovered new and different ways how to help. The method of cure depends on available components and geographical location.  Let’s focus on some examples: 1. The Ebers Papyrus from Egypt – this ancient text includes many interesting recipes. Like this one: - If they had asthma they made an inhalation of steaming herbs. - For contraception they used wool which was soaked in a paste of dates, acacia and honey. - Marvellous cure for death wa...

5 medical MYTHS

There are numerous of medical myths. I would like to present you five of them. 1. A hot tea with lemon is a good cold remedy. We all know that vitamin C is good for our immune system. Of course lemons and other citrus fruits contain this vitamin (but not so large amounts as we believe...). We like drinking hot tea with lemon during cold because we think it's a good remedy for it. But we should remember that high temperature destroys vitamin C. 2. Pregnant women should eat for two. Something for moms-to-be. :) It is a very common situation when you are pregnant and your mother or your friend tells you that you should eat more because of a baby. Don't listen to them! The truth is that you need only about 300 – 400 extra calories. Not so much, right? You must be also on a healthy, balanced diet because in fact, you need more certain nutrients. Eating five burgers and two boxes of ice cream per day can cause an obesity or Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)...

You are what you eat

When diet is wrong medicine is of no use. When diet is correct medicine is of no need. ~Ayurvedic Proverb We don't care what we eat. We live in a hurry, always going somewhere. There is no time to sit and think if the thing that we are going to consume is good for our health. If we are not able to see the results of this lifestyle now, it can be crucial to our future life. And we are not talking only about obesity. Even though we won't be eating food that is good for us all the time, there are some products that have a great influence on our health – especially some included substances. Here are some of them: Polyphenols Sounds evil? But these are one of the greatest substances that food can contain. They are present mainly in some plants. Why are they so good for us? Here are the beneficial properties of polyphenols: ● great antioxidants ● they lower the...