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Showing posts from December, 2015


                                                  The rise in e-learning popularity isn't showing any signs of slowing. The future of the e-learning is brighter than ever, and there are more and more new ways of this kind of education. E-learning has revolutionized the education system and changed the way we look at knowledge skills. It helped people around the world to balance with work, family and other things with completing certification or degree. It's cheaper. We can learn everywhere and everything. We can start courses from another countries without leaving our home or spending money on travel. It takes us a less time. E-learning is also more joyful and interesting. We avoid stress and shame. E-learning is everywhere. We can find ...

To test or not to test

Who likes tests? I am sure that the majority of our society will answer negatively. Unfortunately, tests are generally accepted to be the one of the most popular learning tool, whether we like it or not. But there is one question: are tests really efficient? First of all, there are several points in favour of making tests. The main one is a fact that being tested is more effective than a passive repetition. For example, Henry L. Roediger III, a psychologist at Washington University, made a research about how the brain stores, and later retrieves, memories. He compared the test results of students who used passive study methods, like re-reading material, highlighting, writing notes or revising in small groups, with the results from students who were repeatedly tested on the same material. He came to the conclusion that taking a test is much more efficient. Apparently, frequent testing helps people remember information longer.   Furthermore, tests are quite convenient ...