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Showing posts from April, 2014


FEW TIPS HOW UNDERSTAND BODY LANGUAG 1. Pay attention to how physically close someone is to you. The closer they are, the warmer they are thinking of you. 2. Watch head position. Overly tilted heads are either a potential sign of sympathy. Lowered heads indicate a reason to hide something.  It should be noted that some cultures see this as a sign of respect. 3.  Look into eyes . People who look to the sides a lot are nervous, lying, or distracted. If eyes seem focused far away, that usually indicates that a person is not listening. If someone looks down at the floor a lot, they are probably shy or timid. Dilated pupils mean that the person is interested. Keep in mind, however,that many substances cause pupils to dilate, including alcohol and drugs.  Don't mistake having a few drinks for attraction. 4. See if they're mirroring you.   If someone mimics your body language this is a very genuine sign that they are trying to establish rapport with you....

Body Language

Body Language     If we want to understand each other well it’s essential to be aware of the role of body language. Surprisingly, it’s estimated that human communication is based on it approximately in 90%. It means that the majority of information we receive comes from the gestures, facial expression, posture etc. Nowadays it’s often advised to think about your behavior during a job interview, however it’s good to know what signals we send with our body everyday.     Starting with the most obvious thing – distance. Each of us has his own intimate space around him and it is quite universally divided into certain parts. Keeping adequate distance between interlocutors implicates the convenience of interaction. Look at the diagram to understand how it works.     Another aspect involves our arms and legs. Tapping at the table with fingers or a fast tapping with feet may be a sign of impatience or nerves. It can also be a sign of ADHD or...

How to accept yourself?

How to accept yourself?   Every day you meet a lot of people. Every day you look at perfect models and actors on the television, internet..  You can stand in front of the mirror and see not ideal figure or skin. Sometimes you get  worse marks than your schoolmate or your work can be less effective. Actions like these could make that you will feel less comfortable in your body, but you must remember  one thing: It doesn’t matter what you are wearing and how easy you can work. You must accept yourself – that’s a key to success! Do you look at the mirror and thing how bad you look today? Do you put on weight? Have the smallest/biggest nose on the word? It can sounds funny, but a lot of people have many problems with their looking.  You stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself , what you like in your appearance. Try to find a few aspects and don’t thing about imperfections. Better? Problems with weight? Good option is practicing sport like running or ...