FEW TIPS HOW UNDERSTAND BODY LANGUAG 1. Pay attention to how physically close someone is to you. The closer they are, the warmer they are thinking of you. 2. Watch head position. Overly tilted heads are either a potential sign of sympathy. Lowered heads indicate a reason to hide something. It should be noted that some cultures see this as a sign of respect. 3. Look into eyes . People who look to the sides a lot are nervous, lying, or distracted. If eyes seem focused far away, that usually indicates that a person is not listening. If someone looks down at the floor a lot, they are probably shy or timid. Dilated pupils mean that the person is interested. Keep in mind, however,that many substances cause pupils to dilate, including alcohol and drugs. Don't mistake having a few drinks for attraction. 4. See if they're mirroring you. If someone mimics your body language this is a very genuine sign that they are trying to establish rapport with you....