Travelling is an activity that all of us dream of, and can`t wait to get out of the city and just get relaxed. A very important aspect of traveling is definitely mean of transport. Different travel agencies offer plenty of options: train, car, bus but most common are airplanes for sure. Most convenient and the quickest way to get to our place of destination is apparently plane, but is it the safest way? Researchers show up that more the 85% of all transport crashes are those on a land, caused by cars or trains.It may convince most of the people that planes are safer for the population. But there is still a big amount of people that are afraid of traveling by plane due to height or unrealiebness of flying machines. Professionalists who are taking care of passengers safety must admit that even well prepared, controlled and brand new aircraft can let the pilot of maschine down in the most unconvenient moment. In troposphere, he is t...