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Ocean Pollution

Ocean Pollution

Human activities have extremely affected the marine life in the last few decades. Ocean pollution is the spreading of harmful substances such as oil, plastic, industrial and agricultural waste and chemical particles into the ocean. It is a big issue because ocean provides home to wide variety of marine animals and plants.

Causes and effects of ocean pollution

The oil spills

The oil spilled in the ocean could get on to the gills and feathers of animals, which make it difficult for them to move, fly or feed their children. It also floats on the surface of water and prevents sunlight from reaching to marine plants and affects in the process of photosynthesis. The long term effect on marine life can include cancer, changes in a behaviour and reproductive system and even death. Oil is also extremely difficult to clean up.


Debris depletes oxygen content in water. It uses oxygen as it degrades. Low oxygen levels are harmful for organisms, especially for the big ones like whales.  Most debris, for instance plastics, cannot decompose and remains suspended in the oceans current for years. Animals can become snagged on the plastic or mistake it for food, slowly killing them over a long period of time.

Industrial and agriculture waste

Chemicals used in industries and agriculture wastes include various poisonous chemicals that are considered hazardous for marine life. Chemicals from pesticides can accumulate in the fatty tissue of animals, leading to changes in their reproductive system. These chemicals do not get dissolved and sink at the bottom of the ocean. Small animals ingest it and are later eaten by large animals. That affects the whole food chain as well as human health because we eat marine products which contain toxins.

What do you think we should do about it?
Is there any solution for this issue?


  1. As far as I am concerned the main action, which we should take is to broaden people’s knowledge about consequences of Ocean pollution. We should realise that having thrown rubbish away to the see we contribute to vanishing animals as well as poisoning ourselves by eating marine products which contain toxins. However, I think that there isn’t any effective solution to tackle this problem. Even the most modern ship will spill the oil and we always find a person who doesn’t care about the environment.

  2. In my opinion ocean pollution is a really important phenomenon nowadays. A lot of people claim that it is such a distant problem that it isn't regarding them. They are wrong, bacause - as the author said- toxins are contained in marine products which we often eat. Eating these products we fraught our organism with the risk of death. There are some situations which couldn't be changed by "us" (I mean - by normal people who lead simple lifes). Lets think about breakdown of the oil tanker - it extremely polluting the ocean and we can't do anything.
    However, we should do everything we can to improve situation which is getting worst and worst. Why don't we start from actions pointed by Paula, such as doing something to broden people's knowledge about consequences of Ocean Pollution? There is no point in struggle with a problem if we don't define it clearly.

  3. It is outrageous how people pollutes the planet. That's how we pollute the oceans and seas is ridiculous. I do not understand why no one is responsible for this. How many times into the waters flowed gasoline, oils, rubish from ships. But there are living creatures. Moreover, this water evaporates and then falls as rain. So do we hurt ourselves. I do not know if there is a solution to solve the problem. We are destroying our planet and it is very sad. I think that different companies instead of looking at how much they can earn, they could look at the damage it inflicts on the planet, where they were guests just a few decades, and the earth is billions of years old.

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  6. Ocean pollution and other polutions are horrible. Why people destroy planet were they living? I understend - we need petrol etc. but companies like BP must take care about enviroment around petrol platforms. People must change thinking about enviroment. I thing education kids and teeneagers at schools can be helpful, campanies in TV too.

  7. As I am not really bothered by air pollution, ozone hole etc. I can't stand people's stupidity and hurting animals and their enviorments. People should finally realise that they are not the only beings on this planet and they cannot do whatever they want. Maybe it is good that marine products contain toxines and more people would hurt themselves. Maybe only tough examples would change their approach to life. I won't feel sorry for them.

  8. I think that oceans pollutions is serious problem and maybe more important than for example global warming. I thing that it should be introduced some special regulations, but it is always very difficult, when we can't point specific responsibilities for this situations.Maybe worlds organizations should introduce some serious penalties for leakage of oil and wastes. As Paula has said, education its also very important.


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