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How to deal with stress

Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand. When people feel stressed, their bodies react by releasing chemicals into the blood. These chemicals give people more energy and strength, which can be a good thing if their stress is caused by danger. But this can also be a bad thing, if their stress is in response to something emotional and there is no outlet for this extra energy and strength. 
Here are 10 common methods to deal with stress. 
1. Chewing can reduce stress; this is why many people who are under constant stress tend to overeat. Chewing gum is a healthier alternative; 
2. Sunlight can cheer you up. 20 minutes in the sun will cause your body to manufacture vitamin D naturally, which is necessary for your good health; 
3. Try to incorporate some physical activity into your daily routine to both keep your body healthy and as a natural outlet for your stress;
4. By sleep your body restores its energy reserves. If you're not getting enough sleep, body will use stress to keep you active and alert in the absence of stored energy;  
5. Water relieves stress. Dehydrated body creates cortisol, a stress hormone. An under-hydrated body creates stress to motivate the owner to properly care for him/herself; 
6. Decrease caffeine and alcohol intake. Caffeine elevates levels of cortisol, the “stress” hormone. Although alcohol may make you feel relaxed, it interferes with sleep quality; 
7. Music gets you relaxed and happy. Try listening to music with no vocals and pick music with instruments like the flute, or piano - classical, jazz, or folk tunes work best;
8. Try picking up a new hobby. If you've always wanted to learn how to ride horses, then do it! Learning something new will take your mind off of whatever is bothering you; 
9. Laughter relaxes the whole body. A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after;

10. Self-talk is good way to deal with stress. Positive ("I can do this") helps you to calm down but negative ("I'll never get well") increases stress; 

Every method is good if it is effective. How do you cope with stress? Do you get nervous easily? What situations are the most stressful for you?



  1. I definitely agree with statements contained in this text. For me the best way to deal with stressful situations is physical activity. When I do physical exercises I experience some kind of a feeling of a freedom and I am far from anxiety. Although stress acts negatively on our health it is really strong motivating factor which often helps us to deal with critical situations.
    I am a quite calm person, however there is a group of situations when I become nervous quickly. For example before the exams - no matter how long I have been preparing - I always panic and feel that I am not ready and that I am not prepared enough.

  2. Minimizing stress make you feel better and above all things may protect your health. Fortunately, there is a great deal of things that you can do to cope with stress such as drinking lemon balm, reading your favourite magazine or listening to music, avoiding stressful situations , going for a walk or spending time with friend who make you happy. Moreover, you can curl up with a good book, take a long bath, light scented candles, savor a warm cup of coffee or tea or just watch a comedy. It might be so fruitful and effective! Fortunately, I don't get nervous so easily, I'm a very patient person. What situations are the most stressful for me? In my point of view, especially those, which are connected with my exams and driving.

  3. I must admit that I easily get stressed but also I work hard to change this. For me the best method is listening music that I like-it helps me calm down and relax. When I have no access to music I try to take few deep breaths and I talk to myself in my mind-it is gonna be ok, it is not a big deal-and sometimes it helps. For me exams are the most stressful situations. Luckily, stress do not paralyzed me but usually motivates me.

  4. The main solution to my nervousness is thinking that there is no point in stress. People tend to act less effective under the stress. Also I think about the fact that whatever I am doing is not the main thing in my life and I always will have choice to do something else. It helps me to remain calm and act normally. The most stressful situations for me are public speeches, job interviews and oral exams. I do not like situations, when every word I say is really important.

  5. I think I am usually a calm person, but sometimes there are situations when something annoys me or stressed. For example, before exams wten I must do speeches in class.
    I think that there are a lot of methods to handle with stress and everyone copes with it differently. For me, the best is physical activity with my boyfriend or helps me hot bath and listen to relaxing music.

  6. Like a Eliza I easily get stressed and also I work hard to change something in my life. For me the most stressful situations are public presentations and oral exams ( in these situations I have problem getting a deep breath and my legs shaking, also I have problem with concentration). And the best way to deal with stress: physical activity ( i feel exhausted on the body but I feel mentally relaxed)

  7. I am always stressed before exams and despite of the fact that I tried a lot, I can’t change it. I used a lot of methods and it helped but only in my mind. I mean that it changed my way of thinking but didn’t change the reactions of my body.

  8. I'm rather calm and sedate person, and I try to control my emotions, so I don't get nervous easily. Of course there are some situations which make me nervous like matura exam, driving test or getting lost abroad.
    How I cope with stress? I listen to music or go on fast walk in the fresh air.

  9. I am often stressed. I have a problem with cope with it. The most stressful for me is situation when I can not do something, when I am helpless, when I must talk with unknown person in foreign language, when I am late or when I do not manage to do something important. When I am stressed I listen to music, eat chocolate, go to walk or talk with my friend.

  10. I am usually a calm person, I don't panic, I rarely get mad. But ofcourse I get nervous sometimes, especially when I am before public speech, or big changes in my life or when I feel bad at something. However, at the same time, I like a rush of adrenaline when I leave my comfort zone, because it makes me proud of myself. It helps me coping with stress. Doing sport and keeping good relationships with people makes me feel relaxed in everyday life.

  11. I don't get nervous easily. I'm actually quite calm and quiet person, I don't have problems with stress in general. However, it doesn't mean that I'm some kind of robot, I also have nerves and sometimes I have a worse day and then I react different, especially when I have a lot to do. In such cases, I turn on some chilling music and try to think about something positive.

  12. Im not getting stressed up easily, it's rather hard to make me feel uncomfortable and there are no particular situations when I lose my temper but when I drink alcohol (when it's weekend) or work out.

  13. I also don't get stressed easily, exept for one situation. Everytime I get stuck in traffic I'm like an angry bee. But who doesn't? The best method to get rid of stress from my body comes from my believes, I meditate. Another great thing is to get really tired by working out

  14. Everyone have a different way to deal with stress. For me the best is to listen my favorite music and talk with my friend about my problem. When we are in stress we should take a nap to let our body rest and get enough energy to deal with our stressful situation.

  15. When it comes to my life, I’m really often stressed. I don’t know why but it is connected with probably my personality. I’m getting stressed even if I learn at home. Why? Because I know that I have a strong willingness and motivation or ambition to do something best. The harder I learn and deepen my knowledge, the more I’m stressed. It depends on my ambitions. When I know something, I want to show it, prove it but I’m afraid that I don’t do my best. For me studies are also very inconvenient because every time I have been exposed to stress.
    It is hard to eliminate stress but in my opinion, the best way is to meet with friends and forget about all problems which are besides you. It might be a meeting at home – such a great opportunity to laugh or watch movies. Every time, I have problem with stress, I talk with my grandma – she is a very collected and easygoing person. A good way for dealing with my stress is hobby – dancing, singing or drawing. It helps not only to cheer up but also to forget about sadness.

  16. I am such person, who have to deal with stress very often. Because of that I have many ideas how to beat this nasty and uncomfortable feeling. My favourite sollution is to try to think about something that I really like. The simplest example is football. I can play football real or with playstation, or watch some game in television. It really helps me.
    I hate this feeling for one another vexing reason. When I feel stress I cannot eat anythinhg, and I can very easy throw up. So after some streesed situation I often eat so much.

  17. I am such person, who have to deal with stress very often. Because of that I have many ideas how to beat this nasty and uncomfortable feeling. My favourite sollution is to try to think about something that I really like. The simplest example is football. I can play football real or with playstation, or watch some game in television. It really helps me.
    I hate this feeling for one another vexing reason. When I feel stress I cannot eat anythinhg, and I can very easy throw up. So after some streesed situation I often eat so much.

  18. It's hard to control our body when we are worried about something too much. It's not easy to not worry but it's worth a try. Maybe it's hard to believe but an exam is not an end of the world, we don't have to worry that much!

  19. I don't get nervous easily. I'am very calm person. The best solution for me is to be self-confident. Confidence makes me relaxed. Of course music is good too, especialy blues. Self talks are funny, but if could be helpful for somebody. Most stressful situations? I don't know, maybe taking too much responisbility is stressful. But you can deal with every stress.

  20. The methods presented above are all well-known for me but the best of them is physical activity. It improves your mood. Regular exercise can increase self-confidence, it can relax you. Exercise can also improve your sleep, which is often disrupted by stress, depression and anxiety. All of these exercise benefits can ease your stress levels.
    My way of life makes me being under pressure most of the time. Luckily, i am quite easy-going person so I can deal with that. My hobbies and music help me in that.


  21. Despite I try to do a lot to change it, I still feel the stress during the exams. I think it just has to stay like it is, cause this is natural – I stress, because I care about the result and this is something important to me. The best way to calm down just a little bit is to eat a chocolate bar. It always works for me – still feel the stress, but not that much.

  22. All techniques for managing stress mentioned above are worth of attention and valuable. I think I have tried all of them at least once in my lifetime and they definitely work. I noticed also how essential is accepting stress in my life. When I realize that stress is part of this world and must happen from time to time I can more effectively cope with it. Sometimes it is better to “let the stress be” instead of eliminating it by all means.

  23. It's sad but yes. I get nervous easily. Mostly, I cope with stress by music, self-talking and meetings with friends. The most stressful moments for me are exams, public apperance and mutliple tasks to deal with in short period of time.

  24. These methods are really useful and effective. When I'm stressed, I always try to talk with somene to forget about the main issue. Music helps me a lot. I listen a lot of kinds of music and depending on my mood I choose one. I have to admit that I get nervous easily. Especially when it's about university stuff or at my work or when I don't see the solution of the problem.

  25. The most stressful situations for me are public performances, when I see myself jugded by others. Deep breathing and positive thinking most often help me to deal with the stress.

  26. When I have a plan and something disturbs it I am getting really stressed. For example when it appears that I have to be on university and on work at the same time. I don’t like giving up things so I get stressed that I can not be at two pleaces at the same time. I used to get stressed eaily, but since I am working on call center I learned to take control over my stress. The most stresfull is when I do something wrong and I need to face the conquences.

  27. When I'm stressed I'm trying to think about other things like what will I do after this stressful situation like watching next episod of my series or going to cinema with my boyfriend. Then I'm starting to talk with people who are with me there, try to find good conclusion, to think how to solve problem faster.
    It's also good to listen to music, especially your favourite and sing or dance to it!

  28. I am an emocional person so I get nervous easily. I often decide to take a walk when I am stressed or I talk with my friends about the problem which makes me feel stressed. Sometimes I go to the party. The most stressful situations for me are those which have a high stake so I require from myself a lot.

  29. I use couple of methods from this presentation. Music and laugh works best for me. LIstening to latino music and dancing to it really helps me to relax. Laugh and spending time with friends is also a great "medicine" for strees. It makes me forget my problems and stressful situations. Physical activity is also good way to cope with stress, because during exercising our body doles endorphins (and they make us feel happier).
    Unfortunatelly I get nervous easily. Usually it happens, when I have lots of exams and tests at university or when something which I was focused on didn't work out. In such moments I'm trying to think that these are only temporary situations and I can handle it all.

  30. I'm not sure that water or sunlight can reduce our stress, I'm sorry. In my opinion dealing with the stress is really difficult and there are too few effective methods. I feel stress on average once a week and it's usually a strong stress. And I don't know any methods to deal with it. But ... I don't need them at all. When I'm stressed I know that it's because something is important to me and I care about this. I believe, that it isn't anything bad, that we are sometimes stressed. The greatest stress in my life I felt when I had a Drive License Exam. I was listening music and singing all morning that day (apologies for my neighbors). Thanks to that I felt more confident, but not less stressed. Fortunately, I passed this exam despite it. That's why I think, that we don't have to reduce our stress, just learn to live with it.

  31. When I'm stressed, I like to talk with people or listen to music. I always try to turn over attention and think about nice and calm full things. I am a type of person, who get stressed very easily. The most stressful situations for me are exams. I hate them. Sometimes because of the stress that they give me I can't think straight.

  32. Unfortunately, I get stressed very quickly and often. This is influenced by simple things such as school-related worries and exams, but also a bit more serious than the health of my relatives or just my future. I also have such a character that I am worried about everything and I see in pessimistic perspectives. My stress is getting worse especially when I'm tired. That's why I recommend to all of them to take care of their health first - eat well, exercise and rest. When we are not hungry, the sick or tired our body deals much better with problems because its basic life functions are stable. Another way is to break away from the activities during the day. We can read a book, watch a new episode or listen to music, or just do something for yourself.

  33. My favourite way to cope with stress is stretching and yoga. It is really important to remember about physically activity. Additionally I drink 2 liter of water daily.
    Yes, I do get nervous easily. Especially when I am in weird situations.
    The most stressful situations for me are making presentations in audience and doing some things not as well as it should be done.

  34. I’m not stressed person and I need important reason to start stress. I stress mainly during exams. I’m going to the gym 3 times a week and I’m trying to spend lots of the time on the fresh air. In addition love laugh and when I’m really stressed I meet with my friends or watch comedy film to relax.

  35. I think the suggestions in the post can be very helpful in this problem.
    I do not think I'm the best person to give advice on how to deal with stress. This is due to the fact that I'm not the best at it myself.
    However, recently I started doing yoga. I must admit that it calms me down and makes me feel more positive about life. In addition, it strengthens my susceptibility to stress, so maybe it's worth trying to calm down every day?

  36. I so easily get stressed! And I don’t have any good methods to deal with stress. Last year I read book written by Dale Carnegie, it helped for a while. Now, I’m trying to think about other things. But it also doesn’t work. Unfortunatelly, when I’m stressed I also could be agresive, so it’s fatal combo for my friends. Reffering to those tips - in theory, they are great, but I tried all of them without results. For me, the most stressful are situations when I could be laughed by other or feel worst than them.

  37. I am stressed not often, but if I am I deal with it by listening favourite songs or meeting with people whose have the same sense of humour. :D Fortunately my flatmate is such person, so I mustn't search far. When I laugh, my stress is lower and lower. And it is (for me, of course) the best way to cast stress aside.
    In my live there are moments when I get nervous easily, and it takes place especially when I have any hard exam or when I must hold important converasation. But I think that sometimes stress can makes me to be all I can do.

  38. Unfortunately, I am a choleric and very often and easily get angry. Stress is something normal for me because of my work, but I try to skillfully separate my private and professional life. I think that sport is definitely a good solution, and it also helps me to ride a bike and walk through the parks and travel, even short.

  39. I am a person who hides emotions inside. When somebody think that I am not stressed, inside I am crazy about my nerves. A day before stressed situation I try to drink a lot of water, sleep well and do something different that I dont have to think about problem that I have. It is not easy to get me out of my inside balance. Of course, the most stressful for me are exams, esspecially that one when you have to say with sense. One more stressful thing for me is medical examination. I don't know why, because nothing has ever happened to me.

  40. Honesty, I'm very emotional pesron, so I'm being stressed about 99% of my time. I'm worry about many things, so that makes me stressed. I'm trying to make my stress lower by doing things - i hate sitting in my room and just thinking. Skateboarding, running, swimming,studing or taking a photos makes me feels much better.
    The most stressful situactions for me is when it comes time to final test. I'm stressing about not passing it, like - I think- all of the students.

  41. I agree that stress can be defused when doing pchysiacal activities. I actually does it when I get stressed or angry. Music in my opinion is also a great cure for stress. I also recommend drinking water. But to me it's in fact difficult to focus on something pleasant when you are facing a really bad problem. Every tip is worth trying because maybe one of the solution will work on you.

  42. I agree that too much stress can be destructive. I do get nervous easily, but I try to reduce it. The most stressful situations for me are exams, job interviews and public speaches. I tink everybody reduces stress by their own methods. I, for example, do some physical activities, meet with my friends, take some rest, and eating. I sometimes listen to music to reduce stress but not often.

  43. I aggre that stress in some cases can be helpful but on the other side it can be also very destructive. Yes, I do get nervous easily and the most stressful situations for me are exams, official meetings like job interview and also uncertainty make me stressed. My methods for dealing with stress are simple. I listen to music, watch movies, sometimes read a book and also helpful for me is playing tennis. Good in reducing stress is also meeting with my friends.

  44. Long lasting stress is very difficult to deal with. The presented methods of reducing it seem to be quite popular and effective. Physical activity, sleeping (if it’s possible), listening to the music, watching good comedies, and self-talking are the ways that usually helps me when I’m in long lasting stress. I think the reason of it is usually lack of time, so new hobby wouldn’t help me and chewing gum would make me want to eat. I believe the communion with nature especially in a sunny day could be helpful too.

  45. In my opinion very important is self-talk ,for example I try to say myself that everything gonna be okay, even if something go wrong and that people have bigger problems. I also try to think, that even something won't click , always is alternative way, which I can go. The second the most importat thing is leading the healthy lifestyle, both doing sport and eating healthy. A sound mind in a sound body. And third important ( in my opinion) thing is having a hobby. If don't have hobbies, interest, nothing to make our mind busy, we start think about everything even not significant things and it casues more stressful situation. Moreover, hobby permit us run from daily problem, run from stress. The most stressfull situtation for me is when somethig wrong is happening my friends or my family. Also stressfull situation for me is job interview.

  46. I don’t have a problem with coping with stress. Probably it’s because for a long time I was training and I learned how to deal with it.
    My method to cope with stress is to prepare everything beforehand, you can’t be stressed when you know that you have done everything to be ready. When it isn’t possible to get prepared you need to think positive and everything will be fine. Usually, when I have time and I’m stressed I sing or take a nap. It helps me the most.
    The most stressful situations for me are the one related to my future. I’m nervous every time I need to make decisions that will have an impact on my future life like job interviews or serious talks with parents.

  47. Unfortunately, I'm that kind of person which is frequently stressed. Generally speaking, I'm worried about common situations such as exams, talking to strangers, public speaking, driving a car and so on. With that obstacle, everyday life could be very exhausting especially in exam session period. When I was in high school I discovered another level of stress which was unbearable- the stress while oral matura exam. Fortunately, my family and friends helped me to go through this rough time. I've also heard that long-lasting stress could be very harmful to the health, but I still can't find an appropriate method to deal with anxiety. Maybe some tips from this presentation will work on me.

  48. I'm often stressed, because of unpredictible work hours and studies. However you have to cope with it rather quickly, otherwise it will be unhealthy. My solution is: try not to leave your work for the last minute before deadline, do it as early as you can - use the advantage of stress influence on your body, while stressed, you think quicker, you notice more. And the more you do today, the less you have tommorow and the less you are stressed.

  49. This blog is valuable for me because I have some difficulties with dealing with stress. There are presented 10 methods to cope with stress. By this time I had been practised only part of them. To be honest, it is the first time I have ever heard about some of them. I have never practise chewing gum and spending time in the sun. As long as I am not into chewing gum, spending time in the sun encourages me completely. There is no doubt that vitamin D is necessary for good health. Unfortunately, I get nervous easily. Even small change can bring about serious nerves. For me, the most stressful situations are tests and presentations at the University.

  50. The text is about some reasons for stress and some methods to cope with stress. Every people has his own method of coping with stress. The methods described in the article are effective and help people to cope with stress.
    In the modern world, the problem with stress is rather popular problem and almost all people feel stressed and exhausted because of the world rich of opportunities and duties.
    When I am stressed, I prefer to listen to music or to speak with friends and relatives. Physical activity or just walking on the street is also rather effective method to dwell with stress.
    To my mind, I am not stressed easily. Maybe it is connected with character of with my way of life. But I can say that like most students, the most stressful time for me is the time of exams in the university. Such situations are the most stressful for me. Also I can say that different problems connected with it and with life in all are also stressful. For example health problems and so on.

  51. I must admit this article shows almost all of my methods of dealing with stress and even more, like exposure to the sun. I can add one tip – don’t think too much about things which disturb you and which you can’t control. If you wrote the exam and you are waiting for results, don’t think about them too much. Now you can’t change your answers so there is no need to bother with it.
    Thinking of other advices I realized that the most important is to reduce stress by eliminate stressful situation. For example if you leave the house earlier and catch earlier bus you can avoid stress connected with the delay. Simple things can make your life easier.

  52. It's hard to answer the question if I get nervous easily because it's very relative. How is it measured? How can you recognize if you get nervous easily?
    We usually get nervous in situations that are new for us. The more we expose ourselves to certain situations and practice difficult things, the more we get used to them and we get calmer. Another thing is if we feel that something is very important for some reason and we are afraid of the result, like an exam, a speech. What helps in such situations is telling yourself that it's not that important, it's okay to make mistakes and it'll all be fine, although I know it might seem more difficult in situations such as medical examination results or a court case. In most cases, if something is stressful or scary or exhausting you shouldn't withdraw or run away from it, but actually, face it, do it as much as you can until it will become easy. "Everything is difficult until it is easy." That's why mindset is so crucial - to know how to cope at times when it's difficult because otherwise, it can be tempting to quit. I think the only time when it doesn't get easier quickly is if you have some type of disorder like social anxiety. But even phobias are something that you can work through and deal with!

  53. Tried many of those throughout my life, some of them do work sometimes. Funny that the water one is mentioned. Have you ever had a sudden, uncontrolable sense of dread that dawned on you for absolutely no reason? You know that everything is fine, yet you're inches away from having a full blown panic attack. Well, that is your body being dehydrated. Drink a glass of water or two, and you'll be back to normal in a matter of minutes.

  54. I think everybody should find their own way to deal with stress. It is hard to create some universal way to deal with it. Furthermore, some of trick which should help us to deal with stress could irritate us more. We are surrounded with stress all the time so somehow all of us are dealing with it in our own ways.

  55. I strongly agree that physical activity reduce stress. I'm not a sporty person (at all!), but everytime I feel stressed, depressed or angry, physical exercises like yoga, jogging or simply making bends or sit-ups make me feel more relaxed and in control of my mind.

  56. I often stress, usually needlessly in situation, which shouldn’t be stressful. But it isn’t long-term stress. Most of this methods are well-known. I had never heard before about sun’s impact on stress. For me the most stressful are public speeches or oral exams.

  57. I didn’t consider chewing gum as a method for dealing with stress but now I think that it can be good idead. I don’t overeat when I’m stressed but I often bite my lips in stresfull situations what has uncomfortable results which are rather visible for my surrounding. It seems like it can help so I will definitely try this method. I agree that listening to music is also good cure for stress but for me jazz or folk music isn’t solution because it can only cause in annoyance.

  58. For me the best method to dealing with stress is sport activity - for example running. It helps with stress and is healthy. During running you can listening music too. Personally, when I used to run, I was less stressed than today, when I don't do it.

  59. My basic method for dealing with stress is meditation for which I'm trying to spend 15 minutes per day. This little time of silence and reflection gives me power to just don't care about the things I have no influence and allows me to think about how I can deal my tasks for each day.

    I think I am quite self-possessed person and the reason of that is also a meditation and maybe also my temperament.

    The most stressful situation for me always is an exam on wich I am not prepared well enough.

  60. Oh, I love all these methods! I talk to me A LOT and it always helps me! I love listening to sad songs and cry, after that I feel much better, because I "cried out" my negative feelings and stress. What more can I say? I also love cooking and baking, it relaxes me. Talking to friends is okay, it can bring a lot of laugh and I love it!

  61. Unfortunately I have to deal with stress quite often but I do not have any special method. I think that the main thing is to be well-sleeped. I know that it is elementary metter. In my case my mood (and being stressed as well) depends on the weather. In the article it is written in point about sunlight. I noticed that I am less stressed when the sky is sunny and it is warm. But it is said that the best method to deal with stress for example because of exam is being well-prepared. I try to introduce it to my life but it is more difficult than I supposed.

  62. When I have stressful situation I try to thing that certainly other people are also stressed so I am not alone and in most cases it is helpful. I am always stressed when I have public performances, speeches etc. I know that level of stress is related to level of being prepared so I also try to start preparing early. There are also many short movies on YouTube about performing and stress so I try to behave according to advices from these movies.

  63. i agree that "physical activity into your daily routine to both keep your body healthy and as a natural outlet for your stress" but physical activity for me is also way to cope with stress.

    1. I agree that we should try "physical activity into your daily routine to both keep your body healthy and as a natural outlet for your stress" but physical activity for me is also way to cope with stress. unfortunately not only activity is my way for stressful situation but also chocolate is. I always also try to speak about some difficulty with me friends or with members of my family. I think methods of fighting with stress can be very different but is really important to know our way of it. The most stressful thinks for me are public performances, particularly when the audience is bigger than class. Also First days with a new people are not easy for me, i mean for example first day in new school, work or city.

  64. I think I don't get stressed too easily, or more like I rarely get very stressed out. This year I had my very first and only panic attack, so I do not get crazy stressed very often. The most situations to me are the ones that concern my loved ones and their well-being. The second most stressful are big exams, mainly speaking exams. To me the bst ways to cope with stress are deep breathing, chewing gum, listenign to some soft piano, classical music or the sounds of a thunderstorm in the forest and also talking to my best friend, which always concerns laughing in such situations.

  65. Stress is very common and to deal with it these are really effective techniques. I definitely try but my remedy is stress dietary supplements. It gives me so much relief from stress.

  66. There is a lot of ways to deal with stress and I believe that everybody needs to find something that will work for them. For me, the best ways are to go for a walk or exercise. It can improve my mood and thanks to it I can feel better and stop worrying so much.

  67. In my case, I deal with stress through physical activity, this way I try to relax, especially since I get nervous and stressful quite easily, usually when I am responsible for something.

  68. Actually stress is a natural reaction but the problem occurs when the level is too high and we don't know how to cope with it. It may be helpful if we use it wisely as our weapon to struggle with taugh and demanding reality, which is constantly changing. I think basic techniques like drinking water, breathing deeply are very helpful and simple. I think I don't get nervous easily but some social situations make me feel stressed, f.x. talking to offcials who are often rude and it takes so much energy to explain something unusual to them as they alwaysknowbetter.

  69. One of the best ways to improve your condition, get rid of stress and reduce irritability is to sleep and the correct daily routine. Proper nutrition, sufficient water, good music will also undoubtedly help to shed light on your perception of your surroundings. The amount of rest and entertainment should sometimes exceed the amount of your working time, but only sometimes.

  70. Well, I don’t get nervous quickly. I am usually a calm person and I always try not to panic. But sometimes I am really stressed. The most stressful for me is a situation when I have really hard exam, which I spent long hours to learn it. I always afraid of this moment just before exam. It is so stressful for and I’ve a problem with cope with it. I try to reduce stress and go jogging or doing exercises.

  71. I am not kind of a person that gets nervous easily. I do my best to reduce stress - I think if the thing or situation that made me stressed is worth it. Moreover, in a stresfull situations I usually take a few deep breaths, try to focus to do my best and to stay calm. When it is possible I listen to music or do workouts.

  72. I am the type of person that needs sunlight in order to work properly, so that's definitely one of the things I agree with. Also incorporating physical activity into the daily routine is one of the things that helps me to deal with stress. Especially when I'm exercising with my favourite music on. Also laughter is very relaxing, and it's the thing that keeps me going every day.


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