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All you need to know about GMO

What exactly are GMO and how do we obtain them?

GMOgenetically modified organisms, that means the organisms which have been modified by human through genetic engineering.
What you need to know, is that all the methods used in this procces have been firstly discovered in nature and after that adapted to laboratory. Of course there are few differences between creating GMO and occuring of modified organisms in nature without a human touch.
1 In opposition to the nature we take full control over the procces and there is nothing random about creating GMO, we can predict the result of the taken actions so we can eliminate possible threat in stage of planning.
2 GMO is being produced in much bigger scale which is I think quite obvies 
3 Species that have been modified are kept save in theirs original form in labs ( GMO are mostly plants so its quite easy to store their seeds . That means that in case something goes wrong with GMO -that won't happen for sure - we can return to the point when we were using unmodified organisms.

What is the mysterius procces?
At first we need to take a closer look what is the point of creating GMO.
There might be a few reasons to that but in the end it's all about producing more and better quality food and the ways we can achive that differ from each other.
1 We can make plants to grow bigger fruits
2 We can make plants to produce substances that will make them resistant to diseases and parasites
3 We can make plants to produce substances that they need to grow and originaly take them from soil, so we can extend the area that they grow in.

To obtain this we need to find a proper gene in nature and isolate it - all the genes that we put into GMO are coming from nature, there is nothing artifficial about them. At this stage gene is being tested, we need to know all the effects it can have on plant and human (in most cases genes were known before we've came up with idea how to use them).  Once we get the gene we put it into particular species of bacteria that are able to pass this gene to plants and that's the next step. And that's pretty much all, just keep in mind that it happens in nature too but in more accidental way.

For me the only reasonable argument against GMO is that as the consequence we grow less species ( for example we modified and bred only one kind of corn while there used to be many of them ) 

Some say that we should not eat GMO because we don't know the long term results of doing that, which is not truth. As I wrote before all the genes used to produce GMO were found in nature and tested in labs, we do not create new substances. 

What is your opinion about GMO?
Do you think it should be allowed to grow it in Poland?


  1. I agree with idea of GMO because it brings solution for many problems we face. For example GMO plants are the most reasonable and possible hope for curing famine in third world countries. Moreover, we wouldn't be able to help people who suffer from diabetes in effective way If we hadn't use human insulin produced by GMO. I think that GMO should be allowed to grow in Poland. Unfortunately in our country, society suffers from lack of information and that is probably main reason why so many people are afraid of GMO.

  2. GMO is a very arguable subject. As its known, as many different people, as many points of view. I have to say that I am not really convinced if GMO is, as you said, something entirely not-threatening for our health. However, at the same time I have never went deep into the subject, so I see it only through the prism of the way that it is showed in media. If its compeletely save - it have to be proven and handed over to the public opinion, so that people would be encouraged to it. At the same time, I agree with Marta - it could be a great way to reduce the famine in Third World countries (but only if it really doesn't affect our health badly).
    As I wrote, if GMO would improve people's life, I think that it should be allowed in Poland.

  3. Genetically modified organism evokes mixed feelings among our populace. The vast majority of people said that GMO has more drawbacks than advantages. However, from my point of view pros outweigh cons. A new kind of crop may bring a great deal of economic benefits. Not only will the production be cheaper but also the prices of aliment will come down. As a result, more and more people will be able to afford to buy food. In addition, due to higher resistance to pests, farmers won’t incur losses connected with destroyed harvest. When it comes to Poland I reckon that we shouldn’t grow GMO. According to the survey just a small fraction of Poles are able to decipher what the GMO stands for. From my point of view the government had better broaden people’s knowledge about that topic than allow farmers grow genetically modified food. There’s still many questions without answers, which cause that conscious customers are unwilling to buy GMO products. To cap it all, Polish farmers are famous for high quality food all over the world. That’s why I think it’s worth promoting ecological Polish food.

  4. I am neutral. I think that GMO is very unhealthly is not a normal food but it is modificated. It couses that many people become alergic. In my opinion natural food is better. GMO couse bigger fruits but without tasty. People can make bigger amound of food and it is a quite good solution for poor countries in Africa or Asia.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Because I am also studying biotechnology, and I know al little bit more about this topic, I'm not afraid of GMO. I think that nowadays GMO has very bad promotion, based more on present trend and emotions, than on real scientific facts.
    I think GMO should be allowed to grow it in Poland, but it should be introduced good antimonopoly law, because I've heard that this is a problem.

  7. I am a strong opponent of GMO. I am amused by these reviews that say that this is a good thing. We do not know how it will work on humans. More than this I heard about the rats, which showed the harmfulness of consuming GMO. On the other hand, the argument that GMO will help feed humanity? This is just absurd. It would be enough to stop allocate millions of hectares for growing feed for animals that do not need as much to eat. The Earth will feed each of us.
    Moreover, each plant GMO has own genetic code, on which someone has a patent. If we'll have 70 or 80 percent of GMO food, a few people will have the whole profit from crops worldwide. Is that what we want? I advise you to think and read some other sources than those in television.

  8. I don't really know what to think about it... It is natural association for people that something which comes from laboratory is not healthy... But what nowadays is healthy? Even vegetables from farmers are often fertilized or grow at places which are polluted. We should remember to not forget about diversity which should be preserved. GMO is not bad I think but we should never stop growing also normal food.

  9. Marta said that GMO brought solution for many problems we face. An I totally agree with her and in general with this presentation. Maybe it's controversial topic but rember we are biotechnologists and please trust us cause we know what we do :)

  10. Even though I don't study biotechnology I'm also not afraid of GMO. For me this is one of the thing which can save human race, for example from hunger. We should invest more in food engineering cause it is our future

  11. I think that this problem is much more complicated and people have right to be afraid of GMO. I’ve heard that this is not entirely true that main reason for using genetically modified cultivars is harvest increase. The main goal of modifications is to equip plants in the ability of being resistant to pesticide spraying and what is more the ability to produce insecticidal toxin by themselves. Therefore there is high risk that we as consumers are exposed to danger of eat double dose of toxins: one by which crops are sprayed and the other that is produces by plants themselves.

  12. When it comes to GMO, genetically modified organisms could be very beneficial in today’s society. GMO have helped to improve the production. GM foods have helped farmers cut back costs on purchasing and applying pesticides. However, one of the greatest benefits that GM foods have created today are that they are now making produce plants that contain additional vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
    Scientists have the technology to insert powerful genes into organisms that does not naturally occur. It can enhance the taste and quality of foods and crops, and also increase nutrients or improve resistance to pests and diseases. Modified foods have also been developed to improve yield. Modified Foods are unpredictable, they could spread their novel genes to wild populations and mess up the nature system by creating organisms.

  13. I fell like GMO is a trending topic since last few years. Everyone seem to be afraid of it, even if all they know is what media told them. Im not saying that we should not be afraid of it, but before each person will give an opinion about this topic should read a little more about GMO. What I'm trying to say is that the fight with GMO will be much more productive, if people would know better what they are fighting for. Though, I believe that people are getting more and more enlightened from one year to another.

  14. The GMO subject is very hard. It divides people into two groups: for and against.
    One of this think there GMO will save the World and will more the hunger disappear. The second group thinks that it's a killer for health, because we eat this chemistry and in consequence we become weaker and more often we get sick. Belong and opt for this group. Although GMO products are more colorful, bigger and stay fresh for longer, after this treatment they loose. We don't know how poisonous it may be. Considerity this facts I disagree with this texts author. You are one-sided you show GMO only in a good way, but you don't show us to disadvantages.
    In my opinion GMO shouldn't be developed in Poland, because we have a lot of healthy products and we don't have to use mutated products.

  15. I am opposed to GMO in general. It is dangerous and we cannot be sure what it will bring about in the future. It is already widespread and appears wherever we look; the grocery store, our gardens, in markets and everywhere. We should definitaly try to control its development and be cautious of how we take advantage of it.
    It is difficult to say whether Poland should invest in such an idea. We should be sure of what it will bring in the future before we make such decisions, besides, we have many investments here that need to be made first.

  16. Well i think that if we create plants that defend themselves from microbes it will be better than polluting soil with all those antibiotics and stuff. Whole problem with GMO lays not in GMO itself but in people who don't understand that GMO is not some kind of agent but process. We eat genes every day and nothing ever happend to us am I right?

  17. I'm on the fence when it comes to this issue. On one hand, I can understand the logical arguments behind GMO. On the other, I don't believe anything to be safe until some time has passed and we have more research on the topic. It has been proven that scientists were wrong in multiple cases and they only learned more once they had the chance to see long lasting effects. GMO is something that has immediate contact with humans, so I believe that we shouldn't be this jumpy about the topic. Plants don't grow for the benefit of us humans, so of course I'll see any tinkling around with their natures as unnatural. One might argue that we have already modified plants through selective breeding, but that took a long time to achieve. Additionally, those who believe that GMO will solve issues like world hunger are foolish. People who breed crops are doing it for money, not charity. If anything, we'll get a smaller variety of food and nothing else will change.

  18. I'm not against GMO but I'm against allowing it to grow in Poland. We don't need this here, but I think that it should be used where it's really needed like in Africa or Asia.

  19. I don't know what thinking about GMO food. In my opinion normal food is better, healthier and have a better taste (for example fruits). But maybe in future we will be forced to eat GMO, who knows? I heard that exist big problem with GMO cultivation and normal food in one place.

  20. On the one hand, the GMO food isn't dangerous considering that it must have been thoroughly examined in the lab. Not everyone know that for example carrot is a genetically modified vegetable - originally it was purple. On the other hand, it's better to stay sceptical and be a little aware of it. Generally I have nothing against GMO, but in most cases there is no need to modify the nature.

  21. For me GMO isn't a big problem, we eat lots of kind fruits and vegetables included this but mostly we don't know about it - and we still alive!
    After years we don't see to many situations in which it would harm. So now, I haven't got clear opinion about it.

  22. Everything which is not natural is harmful for us, so we should be aware of it and don't use a lot of processed food. On the other hand, for centuries plants, fruits and vegetables were processing by themselves without our help even. You can google it and check how was corn before, at the beginning it look completely different! So I think we should it shuld be allowed to grow in Poland, but with some restrictions.


  23. Of course I'm not agree with all kind of unhealthy existences. The reason of the worst sicknesses in 21st century in my opinion is GMO. But there is no way to stop it, because the rhythm of our life just dictates to product the GMO to corm everything and everyone.

  24. I'm against GMO. It's not normal food it's modificated. I believe that GMO causes development of civilization diseases like cancer. Actually why we should produce GMO food? In the Polish countrysides farmers produce ecological food but no one wants to buy them on the large-scale. It's unfair and this is the problem.

  25. I do not know a lot of information about GMO. But when I read a tekst I think that It should not be allowed to grow it in Poland.

  26. I think that GMO is good thing. It gave us possibilities to grow more grain which we need to feed ourselves and animals. It bring higher strength for weather and soil conditions and bigger crops. There is a problem when we have only one kind of grain/fruit/vegetable lake it was with bananas killed by some kind of bacteria or virus.
    It should be allowed in Poland. Because in fact why not? There is now real reasons against it.

  27. In my opinion GMO is still very new and not looked through enough subject. I don’t want to against it and I don’t want to advocate it too. I think the best way is to wait for results and do more examinations of it to find out i sit good for health or not.
    I think it should be allowed to grow it in Poland, because for now, there is no profesionals opinion, just a myth that GMO is bad for people health.

  28. GMO can be a solution to many people's problems - like femine or natural disasters, because it can make plants more resistant to hard conditions. I think that GMO should be used mostly in such conditions, but of course not too often, because we still don't know long-term effects of using it. If farmers in Poland want to use it, they should be allowed to do it. But every good produced by GMOshould be labeled properly then. People need to have a choice, if they want to eat GMO food or not.

  29. Recently GMO has a lot of opponents, but is GMO really bad? In my opinion it depends. On the one hand it could be good for some world problems like famine. On the other hand, I think that generally modificated food can be tasteless. For me, it should be allowed to grow it in Poland, but people should still have choice and every GMO product should be marked.

  30. In my opinion, there have been so many studies carried out on all genetically modified organisms that we have a lot of evidence for positive and negative occurrence. I have heard about the fact that GMOs have a negative impact on poultry or pork, but the sale of such meat is not prohibited for human consumption. And unfortunately, although it has been scientifically proven that eating dairy cows does not affect their milk, it is forbidden for farmers to feed their cows with GMO feed. I believe that in that case it should be regulated in a different way. Because at the moment, attention is not paid to the consumer's good, that is, to all of us, but to the profits of producers.
    As for plantations with GMOs in Poland, I think that they should be further used, but with less profits for the owner.

  31. The topic of GMO is very controversial, because it has pros as well as cons. I think that GMO can improve the composition of substances or extend the best-before date. On the other hand, GMO can have negative impact on our health. We can’t be sure of the side effects, because this technology is quite new. I prefer healthy products without the interference of new technologies. I think that people in Poland aren’t aware of the GMO effects, and before we allow to grow it, we should educate society.

  32. In my opinion GMO is a solution to many problems. Nowadays, there isn't so many places on the Earth for growing vegetables and fruit. Unfortunately, we need more and more of them, because of animal production in the meat industry [these animals often eat plants which are specially grown by humans]. Thanks to GMO plants can survive in poor conditions in a small spaces, what is very helpful in this situation. Therefore, I think that GMO should be allowed in Poland.


  33. I am definitely against GMO, I belive in natural food. All people who agree with that idea, say that will help people, we will have enough food for everyone. But wait a second. We already have enough food for everyone! Just look at any shop in Europe. Do we really eat it? All of it? The problem is distribution of food, not its quantity. So first of all start thinking about other countries, about that how help them, and only after that start thinking about the richest countries. So do we really want it?

  34. In truth, I do not have a firm opinion about GMOs. It has its pros and cons - the downside is undoubtedly the fact that it is an interference of chemistry in nature. But the pros are that it can help poor people, solve even the problem of hunger.

  35. Well, first I must admit that I have no idea that all the methods used in this procces have been firstly discovered in nature and after that adapted to laboratory. This is quite controversial topic. To my mind nowadays GMO is very common and we know more about it. But still, for me it is quite dangerous. I can't imagine that eating GMO products does not influenced on our health. In my opinion it should not be allowed in Poland, natural food is better.

  36. GMO has its costs and benefits. It can make plants more resistand to many diseases, it helps in producing more and better quality food by improving the nutritional values of it. But I think people should not exaggerate with this kind of food as natural, genetically unmodified food testes better and it's better for us.

  37. In my opinion, GMO is a relatively serious problem, at the same time I think that people care too much about it. On the one hand, we are worried that food will become unhealthy and, on the other hand, some people will not realize that today's food we consume and think is healthy is the result of genetic modification of items. That's why it's paranoid to me.

  38. I think that we can't avoid GMO today. It have not only negative results. Genetically modified organisms (according to the author of presentation) are creating by people. We need more and more perfect fruit (like graphes without seeds), waterproof plants or animals with special qualities (like cows of a beef breed and dairy cows). We live in XXI century and it is normal that we try to subordinate world to our expectations. Of course we should rememer to not push the boundaries of morality. I know that it is hard to pinpoint them, but everyone feel when his doing is improper.

    I think that most of the Polish is enough educated to understand that GMO can be profitable and in my opinion it should be allowed to grow it in Poland.

  39. The author of the presentations alleges just the arguments for GMO. The only argument against it is that the long term effects of human health is unknown. I think opponents of GMO have more arguments. I really would like to know them. I think that people are against it because don’t know too much about it. I’m personally a supporter of traditional cultivation. And the best way to be sure what you eat is to grow vegetables by yourself.

  40. GMO is a top genetic invention, complicated and innovative. It continues the spirit of species selection, but using new technics that makes the process fast and predictible. It might solve a famine problem around the world, but no, get rid of this food brought from hell. Air is killing us, water is killing us, food is toxic, my god, Earth is such terrible place to live! But people still sometimes don't realize, that without modyfing organism, there would be no vaccine, disseases are changing really fast so people have to improve vaccines too - oh sorry, I forgot vaccines give people autism right? Sometimes I have this feeling, why people even try to improve their lifestyle, why they try to invent somrthing new, when there always be some that will deny it anyway and do it so loud, that the whole world should hear them right?

  41. I think that GMO is not so scary as we thought it was. Actually GMO helps big variety of fruits and vegetables to grow healthy and normally. On the other hand, we can't deny that GMO is not always good. Sometimes it can cause allergies or another diseases So I think we should be careful, but we should not be aware of GMO products.

  42. This topic is incredibly hard. Obviously, we can claim that GMO is a bad solution but simultaneously we should take it into consideration that there are so many people around the world that there is not enough organic food. Another aspect is that I did not know what exactly is GMO. I had not the faintest idea that the long term results of doing that are known. Nevertheless, we are growing less species and biodiversity is endangered. Although there are both pros and cons I believe that it should be allowed to grow in Poland because it could solve a number of problems.

  43. The article is about the GMO and the goals for which the GMO are introduced. First of all, GMO is a good way to decrease costs of farming. Also it allows to improve the production. But there are people who think that GMO is a good idea and there are also people who thinks negatively about GMO. To my mind, GMO are bad for people who eat healthy food. The introduction of GMO makes food almost unhealthy. But also GMO are not so bad for the human organism. GMO had been tested enough, that is why I can say that it is almost proved that GMO do not have bad influence on humans’ bodies.
    It is rather difficult to speak about the necessity of different investments. Investing in GMO can appear not to be profitable. But I think that the introduction of GMO can be rather profitable investment.

  44. I don't know how people can have any doubts about the correctness of using GMO. It's the best thing that we should created and don't understand this strange and false opinions. I'm into it because of my studies and I could talk about it for a long time, but to be brief: where are all of GMO-opponents while everybody use insuline, growth factor or interleukins? Oh, we shouldn't be hipocrites.

  45. The topic of GMO is in fact a little controversial. In short term, there really aren't any arguments to not practice it. We get more food, of better quality, for less effort and in shorter frame of time. However, while all the DNA is found in nature - but let's be honest, I doubt ALL of it is, some must be artificially created somehow, too good of an opportunity - we are still tempering with nature's natural flow. This may lead to some complications many, many years from now also may not, that's the problem - we don't know for sure.

  46. I understand both supporters and opponents of GMO. On the one hand bigger fruits or vegetables resistant to diseases and parasites and generally speaking „better food” sounds appealing. On the other hand people want to be aware what they are eating, they prefer natural food with no changes.
    This days science is really advanced. In my opinion it is impossible to totally forbid GMO. I think that it this case everyone should have possibility to make their own decision. I don’t mind growing and selling GMO in Poland if producents will inform customers if their food is modified or not, for example by posting a note or a sign on the package. This way people will decide by their own.

  47. I think that producing of GMO is a worrying phennomenon. The scientist know that our influence on genotype can provide to aberrant changes in organisms. But I think that we can look at this problem in more economic perspecive. GMO could be cheaper then natural plants so I think that legalizing of GMO would provide to monopoly of big agrar corporations which can like now Monsanto in USA is laying claim to rights to mayority of species of wheat in this country. In this case I think that Poland should not accept GMO.

  48. I’m not a specialist but relying on this post I don’t see obstacles to develop GMO technology in Poland. On the other hand we don’t know what impact it have on our health and we will figure it out after many years, when it can be too late. Messing with genes can be really dangerous so maybe we shouldn’t be that much optimistic about that topic. Also diversity of species could be endangered if we will eliminate species that are weaker than the modified ones. Like I said, I don't know this topic well so I'm a little bit sceptical about it.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. I will definitely read and try to learn more about this subject. I know that genetically modified soy has been proven to cause a lot of damage to the human body. Once again, I think that humans can mess nature up unintentionally in a lot of ways. On the other hand, most food nowadays is modified in some way. The fruits that we grow for example are nothing like they were in the wild. They are much bigger and sweeter for example. I think it's not unreasonable to question if some of these changes don't come with side effects.

  51. I don't like this topic, I can't understand this whole "GMO drama". I have had the same topic in high school and my mind haven't changed. I think it is not good, but it is not bad also. I hope, i do not buy GMO products, because I do not want to, but some people like it, so I think they can get what they want and be our science rabbits, haha.

  52. I feel like the biggest issue with GMO is that people don't really know what it is and how it's made. Some aren't educated in basic genetics and do not understand why scientists say it's not harmful in any way. I think if we are not educated in some field, it's logical to trust them. I also think that use of GMO in Poland is a great option to produce more and for lower prices

  53. I think that GMO is not that bad and it can be a good solution in the future. In my opinion, people need more knowledge about this topic, because without it they often mislead the facts and start to be scared without any particular reason.

  54. In my opinion we need GMO and I wouldn't say that it is pure evil like many people claim. We must admit that there is overpopulation and GMO is an effective way to produce enough food for the whole population. It's just more profitable and effective way to achieve much bigger crops. I think we should also grow GMO in Poland. It's obvious for me that it's kind of inner security and independence for the country.

  55. In my opinion, there is such a problem with GMOs that in the long run we are not able to predict the results of food modification. How it will affect the natural biosystem and ourselves! I think we should stop the development of GMOs.


  56. I am definitely against GMO. This is quite controversial topic. Nowadays GMO is very common, but i think it is still dangerous. GMO products have a huge influence on our health. I believe in ecological food. I know a lots of farmers in Poland, who produce this kind of food and they do not need to any modification.

  57. As far as I am concerned, GMO may be a solution for many problems that we have nowadays - people still starve in some places in the world, the number of people on the Earth is still growing, climat change is real and will develop more problems with getting food. Moreover - when we read about the biochemistry of making GMO food carefully, we will realize that it isn't that evil as majority of society think. I believe that the biggest problem with GMO is lack of knowledge about the process of making it, or lack of acces to such knowledge. Of course - there are advantages and disadvantages of this technology - but isn't everything has those?

  58. We must not forget to grow good food, because GMO are all good. We must improve food production and reduce costs. However, replacing real GMO food is not possible. This is too dangerous. Only if something incredibly new is invented in the future that removes the disadvantages of real food and turns everything into the best.

  59. I think GMOs are a great idea. They can help us grow more food or better food, for example, ones that are less water-dependent so we can plant them in dry areas like the Sahel region, and therefore, stop migrations of millions of people who are just trying to find a place with more food. I think Poland should accept GMOs because if we don't, other countries in Europe will, and our farmers will be at a disadvantage.


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