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Climate changes

When we talk about ecological life style, our influence on Earth and future of our planet  very often we bring up a  topic of  climate change. For many people it’s quite controversial subject, especially because it’s connected with restrictive EU climate policy.

Green house effect

The greenhouse effect is a process in which part of thermal radiation of Earth’s surface is stopped by layer of greenhouse gases which work a bit like the glass in a greenhouse - they trapping the sun's heat and stopping it from leaking back into space.

Four the most important greenhouse gases are:
- water vapor
- carbon dioxide
- methane
- ozone

Global warming – fact or myth?

During last years is noted increase in average annual temperature, according analysis, conducted by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, since 1880 it has grown about 0.8° Celsius. There aren’t one explanation of this process. Some scientists say that it is attributable mainly of human activities, especially with big increase of emission of CO2  since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, others that is something normal and natural.

Because  the arguments for the thesis that global warming has anthropogenic cause are more or less known, I want to enumerate some facts that are quoted by skeptics of this theory.

- Climate has always changed, and it will change in a future. The warmer and colder periods are natural and associated among others with Milankovitch cycles.

- Green house effect depends on carbon dioxide only in 3,5% in which carbon dioxide emitted by human activities is only 0,1%

- It isn't demonstrate that Earth's climate it’s so sensitive that such little changes in CO2 emission have a significant influence.

- Climate change is a non-linear process, some parts of which are only dimly or not at all understood. Because of that it's really difficult to model temperature changes and to make an accurate prediction of climate 100 years into the future.

EU climate policy

Regardless of controversial around origin of climate changes, and facts that EU’s countries emit around 10 % of world total CO2 emission, European Union introduces quite radical climate policy, which aim to reduce carbon dioxide production. The most important targets are:
 - 20% cut in greenhouse gas emissions compared with 1990 (40% cut till 2030, 80-95% cut till 2050)
-  20% of total energy consumption from renewable energy (27% till 2030)
-  20% increase in energy efficiency (27% till 2030)

For those actions EU wants to spent at least 20% of the EU's €960 billion budget for 2014 to 2020.


Whats your opinion about this topic?
Do you agree with EU climate policy?
Maybe other ecological actions should be realised? (Which?)



  1. In my opinion human is not enough powerful creature to be responsible for causing global warmth. For me thesis connected with Milankovitch cycles seem very reliable. But If I had to decide whether I agree or not with EU climate policy I would have to consider this policy more carefully.


  2. Climate changes are a natural phenomenon. From my point of view people have an impact on environment just to a small extent. However, it’s worth taking action so as to purify air and our planet from carbon dioxide. The problem connected with the greenhouse effect is not easy to overcome. The government should do their best as well as average people in order to reduce to a minimum impact on environment. Every kind of enterprise is praiseworthy but it’s a long-term process. I am not a specialist but I reckon it’s impossible for Poland to follow all targets, which are included in an EU climate policy.

  3. In my opinion climate changes are normal (it is natural Earth cycle) but people make it faster. Definitely, I do not agree with European Union climate policy. Polish economy based on carbon. Poland must pay high financial penalty for high CO2 emission. Secondly, EU introduce climate policy but China NO ... It is stupid becouse China and USA are the biggest CO2 emission.

  4. Climate changes will always be a problem. I don't agree with Marta - in my opinion people are responsible for many damages of environment and I am sure that we are contributing to enlarge the global warming. While acts of single person do not mean a lot, acts of all nation ot even population have a great impact on environment.
    What is more, in my opinion EU climate policy would entail possitive changes. However, as Mateusz said, for countries like Poland, where economy is based on carbon, it would be highly expensive undertaking. It could be difficult to meet the demands given by EU.

  5. I definitely don't agree with EU climate policy. It cost a lot of money, especially (new members) and has low effect or even no effect, because China, India and USA are much more bigger emitters of greenhouse gases.
    I think EU should spend this money rather on prevention of water pollution deforestation and protection of endangered species.

  6. I think this is good, that EU want change something to help plant. If every of us will start helping plant (for example turn off unnecessary lights) it will really help. We are a guests on Earth and we should respect that, not destroying the planet. I don't know why people always point the finger at others and say: "This is his fault, not mine". Oh please. Look at yourself. Michael Jackson was singing: "I'm starting with the man in the mirror" and he was right.

  7. I believe that global warming is connected with natural cycle. It is proved that there are cold and hot periods on Earth. But I think that people should do as much as they can to protect nature. We can't deny the fact that carbon dioxid is harmful for health. Many experts predict that in few years we will run out of non-renewable energy sources. Hard to not agree, so we have to finally think about the future. People who claim that they can do whatever they want and still don't have an influence on nature are ignorants.

  8. In my opinion, maybe it's a true that EU wants change something to help our planet and reduce global warming effect but on the other hand other countries like China or India produce much more greenhouse gases than all european countries together. So in general we lose this money in an unnecessary way.

  9. In my opinion EU has a nice clear goal they want to achieve and I agree with them. But also, as it was said above, countries like China and India create more pollution than we ever. So the solution is simple, too many people, time to do something about it.
    As for human influence, I agree that we are not powerful enough to be a reason for all the changes, cause the climat is changing since the begining of Earth. But the destruction made to the planet ecosystem, that is our fault

  10. I think that EU policy regarding reduction of carbon dioxide emissions is not bad idea, even if human-caused global global warming is only a myth. A demand of replacing fuel energy to renewable one seems particularly reasonable. Reducing consumption of non-renewable energy can have a big impact on solving many other problems such as “peak oil”, soil exhaustion, air pollution, etc. Of course an increase in investments in renewable source of energy must be also carefully thought. It seem meaningless to produce renewable energy suppliers in non-green way, for example in factories that consumes a lot of fossil fuels themselves.

  11. When it comes to climate changes, it cannot be denied that people contribute to pollution because of using factories, etc., but this effect is mainly caused by natural Earth cycle. This is a natural phenomenon but undoubtedly people have also a involvement. Unfortunately the industrial activities have raised because of our modern civilization. We are responsible for producing greenhouse such as carbon dioxide or methane. Some scientific experts claim that our planet has been warmed over the years because of people.
    People are responsible for damaging our planet, for example by producing CO2 which is not only hazardous but also does harm on environment.
    EU climate policy could work because of the fact that they want to improve environment and decrease the amount of emitted gases. This racial and radical way of thinking is refinanced by EU budget. A big amount of money is really dreadful! As we can see, their approach to improving life is needless because nobody see changes. What about the society who don’t belong to EU? China, USA produce undoubtedly more greenhouse gasses because there live more people.

  12. I find your article very useful and interesting. Nowadays we get lots of information about this topic. It’s hard to choose if pros outweigh cons, but in this issue i think that global warming is a myth.
    I agree that climate changes since always and it doesn’t depend on human’s activity as much as many people think.
    In my opinion EU climate policy is inefficient. They should educate people more about our Mother Earth than penalize them.

  13. In my opinio climate change is very important and dangerous. We, as residents of the Earth, should definately be doing something about it.
    I agree with the EU climate policy, however I also think it is too radical and ambitious. Many countries are not developed enough to fulfill its goals.
    In terms of other ecological solutions I believe that the small details are the most important. We should all strive to recycle waste and control our carbon footprints as much as possible.

  14. I think that even if we don't influence our climate as much as we thought those changes are necessary but i dont't really understand how EU wants to introduce their changes without lowering our life standards. In my opinion the most important change we shoud introduce is reducing number of cars driving on our streets. This technology is old and messy and I really believe that we can invent something better.

  15. I think that we absolutely should try to do something about the greenhouse effect. We saved the ozone layer, after all, so it's not like it's impossible to make changes on a huge scale.
    I agree with EU on it's policy. Where should we start if not from our own backyards? However, it should lay out some solid goals and plans, maybe do something like call together research groups, instead of just saying 'this is what we want to happen'.
    I absolutely believe that saving woodland regions and reducing non-biodegradable waste should be the highest concern. Mostly because they seem the easiest to do and the only needed element is some work from citizens.

  16. Many countries are not as developed as USA to introduce ways of EU climate policy. Poland pay high financial penalty for high CO2 emission. However, they have a point. The global warming is nearby and we need to be prepared for the worst. For now, we should focus on saving forests and endangered species.

  17. My opinion isn't much more different than my friends above, but I want to say that I also think we should protect our plant as much as we are able to. From the other side the theory that there have been always cold and warm periods on Earth is very sensible. EU policy has good and bad sides as well. It wants to help our environment, but at the same time it causes many problems to the members.

  18. In my opinion climate changes are a natural phenomenon (this is natural cycle of Earth). People don't have the most influence on climate changes. We have a tendency to think that we decide about everything, but in reality, it's not. However, we should think about our planet and take care about cleanliness. Humanity produces too much garbage, this is a real problem.
    I don't agree with EU climate policy. This is more political action than ecological. "When no one knows what it's all about, it's probably (most likely) about money".

  19. I believe that climate is incessantly changing and we can't do much to prevent it. Eventually we can try to reduce the emitation of greenhouse gases in the hope of slowing down the process. As the comment above said, it's important to focus on caring about our planet and environment in general.

  20. I think this problem isn't as big as everybody are thinking. When we stop and think that for Earth hundred years aren't long period, then we see another perspective of this. Of course we should try to do everything to slow down this process but for me it is stupid when we think that we have 1000 years before "end" etc. Our planet "lives" in certain cycles and it always wins.

  21. I think we really should take care of our planet, specialy now when our World is in danger because of all these changes. It really makes me worried and I'm afraid in what kind of World my children will live. I agree with EU policy, if people are not aware of the situation, someone has to take care of it and make them to follow the rules. Actually, I don't know any other ecological actions, but I think that first of all we should follow governmental and european rules.

  22. In my opinion global warming was, is and will be one of the most important problems of humanity. Of course there are existing lots of problems on our earth which make global warming faster and faster. But I'm deeply sure that this kind of problems are not so dangerous yet as media shows. I can only wish one thing, that organizations like Green Peace will be more and solve this kind of problems.

  23. I agree with this topic. I see that winter in out country is warmer and summer is colder. I have comparison with early year. It is huge problem of humanity. I think that what is write about EU climate policy it is true. I don't know other ecological action.

  24. The fact is that people are responsible for global warming. It's fault of cars and central heating but it's difficult to imagine our life without this. I don't agree with EU climate policy. Punishing people is not a solution, better way is teaching people how to live with harmony with Mather Nature.

  25. Talking about climate changes is hard because we still don’t know how we are responsible for it and in which part it is just a normal process which will begin without us. Earth had colder and warmer phases so saying that we are causing present changes is beliving that we can do do really a lot.
    I strongly agree that we should use more of renewable energy. We are still using oli, gas and coal but they will end someday. Wind and water moves are forever.

  26. In my opinion global Warming is a real danger. I don’t understand how some people can think that it’s a myth. The easiest way to proof it is climate changes, which we can see. And what about melting glaciers? A lot of animals will die because of it and a lot of countries can be destroyed by the water.
    I’m very happy that EU has created climate policy. It’s a very good idea to downsize a count of poisonous gases and smoke, which are a very big problem.
    I hope EU will not stop on changes and it will make climate policy greater.

  27. For me climate changes is a serious thing, which we should fight with. Result of such changes are irreversible, so we have to do anything we can to stop them.
    I think that is good, that EU cares about the environment and wants to reduce gass emissions. Even if we don't know for sure, if the cutting down on gass emission will stop greenhouse efect, we should do it. There may be any other good results of it.

  28. I think that climate changes are natural and the government is unable to do something with this changes. I believe that reducing the number of cars in cities or waste segregation should be the main issue to help and save our planet. The EU climate policy is inefficient. Introducing some fierce penalties isn’t a reason to start take care of environment. The government should educate us how to protect the environment.

  29. In my opinion global warming is connected with natural Earth cycle, but people also contribute to it. The situation at the world is bad and we must to do something what will protect our home. We should stop cutting the trees or producing plastic bags. I do not really know if EU climate policy is a good idea. It costs a lot and it could be non effective. There are a lot of different ecological actions which could be more effective for example water saving or animals life protecting.

  30. Global warming is a serious problem and its solution is a priority issue. So many problems that are described in the article or in the comments require immediate repair. People must understand that they affect our lives now and in the future.
    All the goals declared by the climate policy of the European Union I hope that they will be implemented. The reduction of factors negatively affecting our climate can keep further destruction and help in the regeneration of the environment.

  31. I've read in one article a few weeks ago, that global surface temperatures have increased in the last century. It is caused mainly by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and agricultural production. To prevent even worse changes, we should reduce meat production. Unfortunately, nowadays meat consumption is so popular all over the world, so it isn't feasible. Changes are needed in the way meat products are produced. Reducing food would certainly help for this problem, but it's almost impossible.

  32. To me, people aren’t responsible for global warming. We are only a little part of emission of CO2. As it was mentioned in the article – climate has always changed, so it’s a normal situation. Of course climate change is true, just look what happens in Poland, when was the last Christmas Eve with snow? Or do you remeber that hot summer? We should be worried about our planet, but not because of climate change, but the pollution and lack of resources.

  33. I do not think that global warming is a myth - it is a fact, confirmed scientifically. It is enough to look at the forecasts of experts who talk about melting glaciers, as well as weather in Poland - we have shorter and less intense winters, and more and more hot summers. It has many dangers.

  34. To my mind climate change is true, we can see that clearly in our lifes. Not only people are responsible for climate change, but we speed it up. We should think of our planet and try to do something, but single person or even country won't make it. I believe that EU climate policy can help but I don't know this topic well, so I can't say this for sure. I'm sure other ecological actions should be realised to save our planet, not only because of climate change but also because of pollution and other risks.

  35. Environmental changes are caused mostly by civilizational development and human activities play its huge role when it comes to global warming. Carbon dioxide emissions, deforestation, burning fossil fuels-it all has its impact on our planet. The EU climate policy for me is not that bad idea, but it all costs a lot of money and in my opinion it is essential also for governments to introduce new climate solutions, for instance by placing limits on the amount of carbon people are allowed to emit, reducing deforestation, investing in efficient economy technologies or creating organizations that may raise people's avardnesa and encourage them to contribute in environmental protection.

  36. I think that global warming is a natural process in the world, but human activities accelerate this process considerably. I believe that we should take serious measures to slow down global warming, which is why I agree with the EU Climate Policy. Unfortunately, Asian countries do not respect and will not follow these rules, so changes will be barely visible. I believe that all countries in the world should be ruled by rules, not just European countries.

  37. Although the arguments against the thesis (that the global warming is caused by people) sounds reasonable, I’m really glad that the EU has taken care of the problem seriously. As our emission of greenhouse gasses (I mean the EU’s) amounts only to 10% of the World’s emission, I’m afraid that all the EU’s undertaking to stop global warming won’t help until all countries on the World cooperate together in that issue. I don’t think that’s possible right now because the governments of poor or developing counties won’t spend public money on it if there are serious inner problems.

  38. We shouldn't ignore this danger. Global warming is severe problem today. I think that EU climate policy is a good idea. Admittedly a lot of people don't accepted it so this problem wil never solved. Unfortunately much people don't care about climate, don't seek fresh air. For this reason there are more and more diseases.
    In my opinion it is a good idea to organise ecological actions, but I am sure that it can't be something like cleaning of forests by children from surrounding schools. It isn't sanitary! I think that better idea is for can be for example, familiar picnic - then organizer will can show how important is caring about our planet - Earth.

  39. If we won't use nuclear power, the climate change will always be a problem, we as individuals can do not to much. But money is the case, so oil and coal will be burnt as long as it will be cheaper than other sources. Neither protests or articles will change anything.

  40. I think that whole world should do what EU does. Furthermore, maybe that won't be enough. Now we can stop global warming, but in several years we will nor be able to do anything about it. So we should start thinking about out future, if we won't start doing something now, we will destroy our planet and we will destroy future of our children and humans population.

  41. From my point of view the European Union restrictive climate policy is really crucial. There is no point in caring for the environment only in one country. Climate has not border and it has also impact on the quality of the environment in others countries. It is frightening that EU’s countries emit around 10% of world total CO2. It is the reason why government in our country should focus on this issue. There is no doubts that global warming is a result of people’s behaviour and I totally agree that increase of emission of CO2 since the Industrial Revolution has a bearing on global warming. Nonetheless, as far as I am concerned global warming is not as natural as it was described. Yes, climate has always changed but it is the first time when the change has been so abrupt and so fast.

  42. This article is about the problem of climate change. The article contains the information about some types of global warming and its change. The author describes Green-house effect, global warming as the basic problems of the climate change. To my mind, the article describes the main problems and actions of the UE aimed at the correction of climate of the Earth.
    Of course, the government of the EU knows about the problem of climate change. That is why the EU made a special program called EU climate policy aimed at the minimization of the climate change and its consequences. I can say that it is good idea to decrease the climate change and to help the environment.
    I think that an alternative energy is a good option for saving recourses and environment. Alternative energy helps to save natural recourses. Moreover, they can replace plants. This fact means saving the environment.

  43. While the voices behind the anti-theory sound somewhat legit and valid, I still feel like the EU initiative is good. I mean, there's no reason not to - prevention is better than cure. Even if the global warming and climate change might be caused by things other than humans, we have no proof that it sin't caused by us as well. No matter how badly we affect these things, we should still aim to minimize the damage.

  44. Global warming is a fact. It is also a fact that emission of greenhouse gases increased since Industrial Revolution. Nowadays people generate much more CO2 and other greenhouse gases than a few centuries ago, but still this emission plays a minor role in the process of the global warming.
    European Union want to cut greenhouse gas emission, increase contribution of renewable energy and increase energy efficiency. Those are all right plans, because even if we won’t reduce people’s impact on global Warming, we will protect our planet in different way. The Earth is our home and we must take care of her.

  45. I think that this topic sould be discussed by scientist couse after eco-propaganda and antyeco-propaganda I don't what is the truth. I don't know how much humans influence one Earth's climate. In the internet we can find pros and cons. Some people say that vulcanoes have bigger influence, some that human activity. It is hard to say.

    I think that EU shouldn't influence on member states in this case couse it depends of our inside energetic policy. It should try influence on big producers of CO2 as a China or USA. They burn so much lignite that UE restrictions has nothing they can do.
    I think that in Poland we should start to use of nuclear energy which could help us not to use the coal. Of course we have to think how can we manage with radioactive waste.

  46. In my opinion European Union is proper institution to solve this problem. Initiative that was taken by EU is good way to enforce countries to carry the law and respect environment. Even if climate changes aren’t caused by poeple, it won’t do a harm to anyone. EU should support countries which belong to this organisation in developing renewable energy.

  47. Scientists in 2019 can measure it pretty accurately whether climate change is caused by the activity of the sun and Milankovitch cycles or human activity.
    I definitely agree with the EU climate policy. When it comes to other solutions that tackle environmental issues I think we should ban plastic bags for example. The earth is our home and we need to take care of it. Human beings are completely dependant from fresh air, water and food and its quality, we need trees to breathe and we need all the animals that suport the ecosystem. So when it comes to money - how can we be stingy regarding such important issues that affect our health and life? The idea that actions of the people can't impact nature is ridiculous. It's also not wise to think that human beings are self-sufficient.

  48. I really care about our eco system. We do not have planet b! It is important to care about the environment, especially if we want to have a family one day, we have to think about future generatons, not only our time on earth matter, especially if it can be the last time on earth for the civilization. I love EU ideas, I mean - I love that they want to help our planet, but I think they can do more and SHOULD do more. That is my statement.

  49. The thesis that the worming effect is quite controversial to me. In my opinion this EU climate policy is very good starting point and we should be very seariusly thinking about any effort to stop impacting green house effect to in the future. I think we also have a problem the limited resources of clean water.

  50. I think it's scary how fast these changes happen, and the scariest thing is that many, even politicians of PiS say that they do not believe it's happening. I think that they aren't strict enought towards Poland for example. I also feel like it doesn't matter how ecological Europe becomes, there will always be countries like India, which are big and cause huge pollution, maybe the thing that other countries should do is to stop them somehow.

  51. I think that global warming is a serious issue and we should help our planet as much as we can. EU policy seems reasonable, but for some countries' economies, it is not a good solution. However, in my opinion, it is nice, that at least they try to do something. Maybe it should also pay more attention to problems like deforestation and water pollution.

  52. I think it's not that important if there is global warming or not. No matter what, we should all start to care about the planet because air has an impact on qualility of our life. Breathing is an essential process and many of us act like it wasn't. It's a fact that temperature has been changing for centuries, there are periods of high and low temperature so I think researchers are doing a big deal out of global warming but it doesn't change the fact that we destroy the Earth so maybe it's a good strategy to convince people to more eco-friendy lifestyle.

  53. Regardless of the theories that exist, I am convinced that man's influence on the deterioration of the climate is very high. I believe the given data, but I think there are other theories. You can always look for new solutions, I think you should get more involved

  54. Climate change realy makes me worried. We should take care of our panet but people often are not aware of the situation. We try to slow down this process, becouse our children can live in really dangerous Times.

  55. Climat change is a real threat nowadays and we all should try to change our habits to help our planet and - in fact - to help us in the future. I believe that taking under concideration some real changes in our behaviour is needed nowadays. I disagree with such statements that our actions are nothing in comparison with other big countries or industries that pollute our planet. It is all about our personal actions - if we all in our own change our habits and try to live more ecological now, maybe we won't stop the climat change, but will make our future brighter.

  56. In my opinion, climate change is still an undiscovered topic. We don't have accurate records going back hundreds of years, which would be necessary for this kind of study. However, we can't simply do nothing while the climate changes, even if it's not our fault. We can always try to minimize our impact by preserving our environment in the best shape we can. In case climate change doesn't stop, we might need some extra time to help find any solutions. I think that the EU's plans are a bit far-fetched, and limiting us while others simply don't care is not a good strategy in my opinion.


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