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Which program is the most popular?

Which program is the most popular?

Nowadays people are often busy and overworked. Our lifestyle is visibly faster than in the past and we sometimes grumble that we have less and less time for everything. However, we still need some entertainment and relaxation between the job, studies, housework and meetings with friends and family. There are many ways to take a rest, for example practicing sport, listening to music, reading some books and of course watching some programs on TV or on the Internet.

World’s most popular programs

Programs, which have the largest audience in the world, are transmissions of worldwide sports events, shows, concerts or important political or culture happenings.
Famous sports events are for example Olympic championships - a part of the 2008 Summer Olympics was watched by 4.7 billion people- ca. 
70 % of the word’s population. The 2006 FIFA World Cup final had 715 million viewers and the 2011 Cricket World Cup had one billion. Other popular sports are Australian Open, UEFA Euro, Rugby World Cup etc.

Most watched happenings are critical scientific events- the first walk on the surface of the moon was watched by 530 million people; well-know shows- the Eurovision Song Contest – 100 to 600 million people; a political occurrence- the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middletown - ca. 26 million viewers.

Moreover, we’re gladly watching various films and series. There are many ranking results of the most watched series and films. Still it is not easy to say how many viewers they have as  people can watch films on TV, on the Internet, DVD, and it’s difficult to sum all of it.
According to the rating of the Monte -Carlo Festival and Eurodata TV Worldwide (in 2011), the most popular drama TV series was CSI Las Vegas- 63 million viewers, then: comedy TV series was Desperate Housewives - 40,8 million and The Bold and The Beautiful (19,3 million) as a soap opera. But in 2011/2012 rating, which included series and shows  American Idol and NBC Sunday Night Football were at the top. What’s more, Top Gear became “the world’s most widely watched factual TV program”.

On the other hand, people are interested in various news and this preference can be noticed in some lists of the most popular TV channels. In the forefront are Discovery Channel and National Geographic Channel, thanks to which we can gain a lot of information about the nature, technology, people etc.

Popular programs in Poland

In Poland in the third quarter in 2012 the most interesting programs were sports broadcasts- EURO 2012 (9,7 million viewers), Olympic championships (7,6 million) and the Polish rally (ca. 3,4 million). Popular series, for example M jak miłość (6,9 million audience), Na dobre i na złe, shows Mam talent (3,5 million), Masterchef, Must be the music and festivals - Mazurska noc kabaretowa and Festiwal kabaretu also belong to this group. Furthermore, Poles often watch some films, especially old Polish comedies, like Kochaj albo rzuć or Nie ma mocnych, the news about the situation in Poland and abroad as well as the weather forecast.

To sum up, there is one visible conclusion- people have had the same preference for years.
We have  always watched worldwide important sports and scientific events. We feel it is necessary to obtain information, therefore scientific channels and news have a large audience. Moreover, people need entertainment –because of this many series, films, festivals and shows are so popular.

What do you think about it? Why do these programs have the largest audience?



  1. In my opinion it is great that people want to improve their knowledge by watching various scientific channels. That would mean they are not only enjoying watching the "shallow" TV shows. But they also do like to watch different sitcoms and comedies in order to make themselves feel better. And that's not a bad thing. But some people like to overdose TV. Sometimes it becomes an illness so I think we should know where the border is and get some real life.
    So yes, it is very addictive. And why is that? Maybe because it helps to relax? And maybe because people find their lifes boring?
    Or,in reference to transmissions of major events like concerts or matches, that brings us all together. People can actually feel like being "there". And that's it.
    One thing we can be sure of: TV programs have already became a part of our lifes. No one will change this.

  2. I think that programs you enumerated are the most popular because they are aimed to wide target audience. It is worth noticing that events such as Olympic Games, Eurovision are in interest of almost everyone. What's more they are big and important events, advertised worldwide and organised with splendor and it's great way to entertain and spend time with family after a hard day at work. Another reason is that we are mostly emotionally involved in it - there are people who represent our country so we are following everything that's going on on the stadium or on the stage.
    If it comes to TV series - they are very addictive (I can say it from my own experience :)). It feels good to life someone else's life for a while, especially if the characters are beautiful, rich and smart. But we have to remember that TV series never show a real life!
    To sum up I think television is a great source of entertainment but we have to remember - too much pudding will choke the dog :)

  3. You are right. TV programs, especially series, can be very addictive, because the world in some serials is more interesting than in the reality. But we should see differences between them and know that the first one is only entertainment.
    Transmission of worldwide events has the biggest audience thanks various groups of people, for which the result of some games or competitions is important. They can compete with the others and compare with them - people like this, because they like to see triumphs of their idols.

  4. From my experience, usually when people come home from work/school they are exhausted, so they are likely to choose tv programs, which don't require from them high brain activity. :) As for the tv series. Someone above has said that some people are choosing them, because is different from their daily routine which often might seems boring. Although, I have to say that tv series can also be very addictive. Some people may even start "living the life" of the tv screen’s fictional characters. You may have heard of situations where actors from tv dramas are taken by some random people for characters they are playing.
    As for transmission of sport events I agree with Aleksandra Krystosiak. Events like that draw attention because the viewers are emotionally involved with contestants (i.e. Olympic representation).
    In my opinion life cannot be to healthy :D So enjoy the tv programs. Maybe it is not be most exquisite and brain-challenging type of entertainment, but definitely very pleasurable. :D

  5. In my opinion sports and scientific events are so popular, because people are still interested in them. Films, series and reality shows provide us great entertainment. Watching them we just want to get away from reality for a while. We must also say that music, clothes, cooking, dancing and traveling are now at the top of the most interesting and exciting categories of programs that we want to see. There are many programs which help people to show themselves, for example their hidden talents. We admire people who take part in these programs and want to keep up with the news about them.
    It is important that people are still watching some sports events. Nowadays, healthy lifestyle is very fashionable, but there are some people who just want to see good rivalry and cheer on their favourite players.
    I like watching sports events or some programs like National Geographic Channel, but I really don't like reality shows and I don't watch them. I think that a lot of people are a bit addictive to them and we can say that they can't imagine life without them. People spend a lot of time watching them and this is some kind of their hobby. They just like it and sometimes life of another person can be fascinating for them. It's good when we just watch it for fun, want to relax and forget about problems.
    TV programs are good source of information, but they can also provide us some kind of enertainment. I think taht we will not change it. Moreover, there will be more and more programs.

  6. Why so many people watch TV programs? That’s still the most popular medium around the world. And the best way to “participate” in some important events. Programs, which have no competition (transmissions from sport events, new sorts of programs), with charismatic leader or with big tradition, which made community around program will always have big audience.

    1. I 've once heard that TV weather forecast has always much larger audience than news although both programmes are broadcasted at almost same time. For me, it's still an amazing fact taking into account that those forecast is usually poor (does not provide really trustable information).
      I agree with the remark made in the former post that famous sport events gather so many viewers in front of screens because they do not face serious competition. What I mean, is that they are transmitted by many TV channels while the total number of viewers is actually the sum including all the stations.

  7. According to me TV programs have such big audience because people are interested in such topics. Most people watch sport programs especially those conected with championships. People become patriots especially when it comes to rivalry with other countries, they feel fighting spirits and become fans of sport. Tv series are often watched because it brings us strong emotions. Very often they reflect our lifes or lifes we dream about. It's addictive very often, people watch every single episode and are stuck in it for years. Moreover people are interested in programs conected to talents like Must be the Music or Masterchef because they are simply interested in people's future career and history. What makes such large audience? I think that these are a lot of free time and also good advertisment.

  8. I think that the reason why our preferences are unvariable is that some basic aspects of human nature just don't change. Our predilection for watching sport events (or anything which links somehow with any kind of competition) have its roots in antiquity. Natural and unchangeable human curiosity explains the popularity of great scientific events. Popularity of entertainment or news programs on TV is obvious. A little bit more mysterious is the popularity of scientific programs (it suggests that mass audience have predilection for acquiring knowledge, what doesn't sound very realistic)- I think that the reason is that channels like National Geographic or Discovery Channel are the best choice, when you just want to watch TV for short time, without any specified preferations - these programs aren't usually like films, which you can't watch from the middle, because you wouldn't understand anything. It's rather rare that someone wants to watch a specified program on scientific channels - you just switch to this channel and watch something, which is actually transmitted. You can watch swimming sharks or surviving Bear Grylls for fifteen minutes and then just go and do something else and that is very comfortable.

  9. It is truth that people watch a lot of series or programs on TV.Nowdays people are still working,not have time for a real rest so they came to home and turn on the TV. That is one of way to relaxed. People watch worldwide sports events because they inerested on in. They are couting the days to the start of for example Cup Final. Enjoy the wins and mourn the loss. I have to say that i still know people who do not have a TV, so thay they have more time to other things. As you can see that is possible to life without TV.

  10. In my opinion TV shows, movies and series are one of the best way to chill myself. I've just seen the TopGear picture in that presentation and I have to say it is the funniest and interesting TV shows about cars I've ever seen. TopGear team which contains Jeremy, Richard and James is so excellent because they are so different what provides different points of view on the same thing - here cars. They are as a friends for us so when we are watching them we are seeing someone who we know and like what is chilling us. TopGear is unisex program so it has voice on "volume" observers. From the male point of view channels like Discovery, National Geographic which show programes like How its made? or Wheeles Dealers provide large public because simply it is very interesting for us.

  11. In my opinion TV shows, movies and series are one of the best way to chill myself. I've just seen the TopGear picture in that presentation and I have to say it is the funniest and interesting TV shows about cars I've ever seen. TopGear team which contains Jeremy, Richard and James is so excellent because they are so different what provides different points of view on the same thing - here cars. They are as a friends for us so when we are watching them we are seeing someone who we know and like what is chilling us. TopGear is unisex program so it has voice on "volume" observers. From the male point of view channels like Discovery, National Geographic which show programes like How its made? or Wheeles Dealers provide large public because simply it is very interesting for us.

  12. In my opinion watching television is one of the most common way of spending our free time. TV offers us many different channels concerning cultural events, sports competitions, films and series. People really like this manner of entertainment- they identify with the hero, they experiencing the dilemmas they cheer on their favorites. It is a good mode to integrate with the others for example when people go to the pubs or to friends and watch their lovely football team( but only when they cheer for the same representation). During the EURO 2012 it may have noticed that polish people became the one big family of white-red supporters and every evening they were watching matches in front of TV or big projector in the city. To sum up it is evident that TV programs are part of our life and that they used to relax and to away from the reality.

  13. I could end my comment by saying that there is nothing of interest for me at the television. But I actually enjoy some of the series. Breaking Bad is my current favourite.
    But why people like such programmes? I do not know. I suppose that it is because some of the host have a reputation or real charisma and make an entertaining show to watch. Maybe it is about humor? Or ability to see what we could not do in our life because of any circumstance.
    It is, however, beyond me. I find television as a waste of time and refuse to dignify such questions any longer ;)
    Or is it because I can't give an answere and I would like to. We will never know :]

  14. Is a systematic of the most popular programs, a lot of people like sports programs, is a natural, it is a kind of patriotism ( sport patriotism) Is one of option of competitions with an other countries, for example Olympic championship.
    The second group of popular programs is series, This is good way to relax, more of them at easier to viewing by common people.

  15. I must say that I'm disappointed about standard TV programs nowadays, of course I can accept audience something like Olympic championships or FIFA world cup, but watching series likie "M jak miłość" or "Na dobre i na złe" is pointless, there is nothing valuable in watching that type of programs. Personaly I like watching programs on Discovery Channel or National Geographic but I know that they are not too popular in society. I also don't like watch shows program like "Big brother" which are in my opinion the worst type of program, because people who watch them starting to act like people in that program what is bad for human contacts.

  16. I think that the popularity of entertainment programms, reality shows or series comes from the fact that after the working day people want to watch something relaxing and not necessarily something that requires a lot of concentration. When it comes to series I agree with my previous speakers - that they are addictive. We watched one episode so we need to know what will be next.
    I personally like watching TV but fortunately I don't have a TV in Warsaw so I can't watch those programms (but I have to tell that when I lived in Bydgoszcz I was addicted to TV, so now I'm happy that I don't have a TV).

  17. In my opinion tv programs or series are popular because they are the easiest way for most people to de-stress. People after all day working often do not pay attention to what they are watching ,they only want same rest. On the other way, tv is also the most popular way of being up on the latest events for ex. as it was in the case of the Olympic Games and their huge audience. Additionally ,programs like Discovery are getting more and more popular and we should have hope that they become more popular then tv series and will have bigger audience.


  18. TV is very popular, I think that the television set is in most Polish house. TV is so popular because it is some kind of entertainment for everyone. People can also get information about the world, sport, what is currently happening and much more, properly about everything. In my opinion, information in TV are often unreliable so I don’t have it.

  19. To be honest I don't watch TV almost at all. What I watch is only information and first of all sport. That's why I think that FIFA World Cup or the Olympic Games is one of the most valuable program as well as channels like Discovery. But Eurovision Song Contest or the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middletown - it is really funny for me that such embarrassing events are watched by millions of people.

  20. I don't really care about television - I don't have any favourite programs and tend to rather watch something via the Internet, than switch on the TV. I find it quite natural, as many of my friends don't even own a TV, finding it useless. Anyway, I think that transmissions from Olympics gather such a big audience, because of they spectacularity. Same is with New Year's Eve, but as well with Oscar ceremony - it's colourful, bright, eye-catching. Thinking about TV shows, well, people sometimes want to identify with the main characters/their idols, because they're having more interesting life than their own is. I consider TV as a mean of entertainment, rather than the source of information, and I think it's fine to watch it every now and then just to relax and have fun.

    1. I agree with you. Watching TV just because it is, It's waste of time. I'm terrified that some parents use TV to get rid of their kids and let them watch whatever is on. That's how we get addicted. People should choose more carefully what they want to watch and when.
      I think we find somebody's life interesting and we like to compare our life with each other. That's why programs with a human as no 1 will always be more popular than scientific.

  21. In my opinion people watch series, because they during this time thinking about life some another person. We can forget about our problems, our unhappy relation with men. or about preparing christmas. After some parts, characters from the show become our friends and we would like to know all about them. If we lost one episode, we won't know what happend. Series are very engaging.
    Shows are popular because it is for everyone in every time. You can stars watch this in every moment. lonely or with all family. There is stress, fun, jealousy and joy - so a lot of emotions in short time!

  22. In my opinion the most of people watch TV, mainly for entertainment. When they came from work or school they want relax and then they watched games shows(for example "Postaw na milion"). For me TV is completelly unnecesary, because I don't have time, informations from Poland and World i read in Internet.

  23. I have no television; I don’t like watching TV it is boring for me. I can’t imagine haw it is with TV channels. I hate shows, sitcoms and I thing as well that it is addictive. A lot of thinks in TV is made only for money, for this adverts between.

  24. I use TV very rarely, mostly TVN24 during breakfast or dinner. But if I want to watch something interesting I don't put faith in TV programs. I just check, I find something that can be interesting me and I download it from the Internet or I watch it online. Before the Internet you were watching what was on TV, now you're watching whatever you want. But the truth is that big part of our modern, 'internetable' comunity still want to watch a football match or Olimpic Championship on TV, like we did 10, 15 and 20 years ago (most of us).

  25. People watch a lot of series or programms on TV, because they don't have time for a real rest. So day relax watching tv at home. When they are tired after work, they want to watch something, that will be not difficult to understand, funny and light. That's why they love comedy series. I can understand it, because I relax the same way:)

  26. Good cocept love to read this.

  27. I needed to thank you for this incredible read!! I certainly getting a charge out of each and every piece of it I have you bookmarked to look at new stuff you post.


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