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Are there are any prospects for a job after studies?
         Nowadays after studies there are hardly any prospects for the young. You must have connections or simply be lucky to get a job. Especially well-paid job. This phenomena is very stressful. We can observe an increase in unemployment getting worse each every year.  Young people have many certificates, good qualifications, they finished good studies, they know many foreign languages, have many skills necessary for their future profession. But they don’t have any experience- and this is what employers requires most. But actually how can they get it while they haven’t any possibilities? Therefore a student with a degree in law or in a medicine works as a waiter or goes abroad babysitting.

         To be prepared for today's workforce, informed about important issues, and able to understand the complex world in which we live, all Americans must have a solid education in science, mathematics, and technology.

The education that many students receive in science, mathematics, and technology is not adequate for a world that is being transformed by scientific and technological advances. People have to be familiar with the basic concepts of science, mathematics, engineering, and technology to think critically about the world and to make informed decisions about personal and societal issues. Literacy in these fields is essential also for an appreciation of the rapid expansion of human knowledge—surely one of the great adventures of the 21th century.
Another motivation increases the sense of urgency: today, an understanding of science, mathematics, and technology is very important in the workplace. As routine mechanical and clerical tasks become computerized, more and more jobs require high-level skills that involve critical thinking, problem-solving, communicating ideas to others, and collaborating effectively. Many of these jobs build on skills developed through high-quality science, mathematics, and technology education. Our nation is unlikely to remain the world leader without a better-educated workforce.

K-12 Education Should be Based on
National Standards

The education in science and mathematics that students receive from kindergarten through 12th grade forms the foundation of this nation's scientific, mathematical, and technological literacy. Some outstanding things happen in science classrooms today because extraordinary teachers do what needs to be done despite conventional practice. . These teachers ignore vocabulary-dense textbooks and encourage student inquiry. They also make their science courses relevant to students' lives, instead of trying to prepare the students simply for another school science course. But that situation is not found in many schools. The implementation of the National Science Education Standards will highlight and promote the best practices of extraordinary teachers and give them the recognition and support that they deserve. School principals who find money in their budgets for field trips, parents whose bake-sale proceeds purchase science equipment, and publishers who are pioneering authentic assessments despite the market for multiple-choice tests will also be recognized and encouraged.

The standards point toward a kind of teaching different from that common in many K-12 classrooms today. The teacher serves as a coach for the development of skills, such as the ability to engage in problem-solving and inquiry. The students engage in collaborative learning that includes the synthesis and integration of different types of data and analysis, and communicating the results. The benefit of learning skills as opposed to only learning knowledge—learning how as opposed to learning that—is best exemplified in sports and music. It is difficult to imagine teaching basketball or piano-playing by lecture alone, and it should be just as difficult in the case of science and mathematics.
How can students best learn these skills? Students can conduct an investigation. For example, a teacher wants students to develop an understanding of variables and how and why to change one variable at a time. This inquiry-process skill might be imparted in the context of physical science subject matter. 

In your opinion what is the most desirable proffesion nowadays?
Why people with a diploma has got  difficulties with finding a job?



  1. It is hard topic because nowadays in the world job market is crazy. My experience is that we should really know what we want and do all to get it. It is good to be flexible and apply for a job not only in our profession. It is important to start working after that we can changing jobs and bosses.. And be always open for new kind of job. Sometimes concrete education can be only the pretext, we can use it in different way. Another thing is that when you have 19 years old and you choose the profile of studies you can be wrong. It is very important to be open for changes. On the beginning it is good to think that we need work because we need money. And this is a reason for working. When we are more experienced we can find ourselves on job market.

  2. We can't say definitely what is the most desirable profession nowadays. I think that there are some proffesions that will be necessary all the time, for example doctors, firefighters or police officers. What about a lot of other proffesions? It is hard to predict what job will be good and needful in the future. The world changes so fast and the job market is so unpredictably that we just don't know it.
    People with a diploma have got difficulties with finding a job, because they aren't enjoy jobs, in which they can use their knowledge. Sometimes it can be also the bad decision from the past. School requires us to think about our future when we are young. It seems to us that we know what we want to do in the future, but than we change our decision. The previous things aren't so interesting for us and we don't want to do the job connected with our studies. Moreover, the knowledge isn't the only thing we should have. Also the ability to show it and show our best features is required.

  3. It is difficult to say what is the most desirable profession today. Nowadays everything is changing very quickly. Today, engineers are desirable, tomorrow it could be someone else.
    But why people with a diploma has got difficulties with finding a job? Now, a degree no longer guarantees a good job. Many years ago a person after studies were certain that he will find a well-paying job. But not anymore. It is true that there is just too many educated people. I read recently that there have never been so many educated people as now. Now everyone can study and a degree is no longer anything special. So I think, that there is just too many of educated people, and there is too little of workplaces.

  4. My opinion is that somebody who really fall in love with one of some kind of discipline won't have huge problems with finding a job. I think that because someone who is felling its discipline it is natural for it to do more, reading or simply broading the mind in it. Maybe that person has practised it since some time what will be significant for future employer. I don't think so somebody won't have a problem with finding a job at all but my opinion is that epmloyers see how many things we know and what ours attitude for job is. Are we crazy or are we lazy for doing this job.

  5. I guess that now the most desirable professions are those connected with engineering, new technologies and so on, but it's very changeable. It's easier to tell which professions are always needed, maybe not as the most desirable ones, but without which we can't exist, like doctors, teachers, lawyers. Nowadays, a diploma is an overrated thing, as almost everyone can get a master degree in something. So, what really counts is experience, passion, and unfortunately, luck. I don't agree that one job interview gives our future employer a full reconstruction of our personality, so it is rather important what we have in the CV and maybe which people do we know, than the so-called "first impression" and enthusiasm for a new profession.

  6. Finding a job is now topic no. 1 and everyone seems to be stressed about it. No wonder, since people who don't have such qualifications and diploma as you get the job and you don't. It happens mostly because at university you only learn, and not gain experience. And experience is what the employers are looking for. Secondly, nowadays everyone goes to university - years ago studying was for really clever people who wanted to study - now everyone seems to 'want' to study but only for diploma. I'm not sure what should be done in this topic, how to help those young people - maybe they should pay more attention for workshops and internships instead of focusing only on grades?

  7. I agree with the statement that mathematics should be one of the most important subject during learning process. Not only is it useful but also teach specific clear way of thinking. In my opinion it was a good decision that maths came back to matura exams as a comprehensive subject.
    Nowadays, one of the problem at job market is the fact that many workers are being employed for a short period of time. After they finish their contract they have to start looking for another job, often in different profession.

  8. As previous speakers said, nowadays job market is almost crazy. Experts explain, that we can’t predict now which professions will be desirable in 5-10 years. That means we can’t prepare to job only by choosing good studies. Economy is too dynamic. Solution is in finding passions, in being ambitious, creative and elastic person, who is ready to change job and gain new skills.

  9. Unfortunately it is true that people after studies can have problem with find job. Nowadays it is more people than jobs and this is the main problem. A small amount of people choose science or technical field of study which is the demand for labor. Personally I thing that studies can helps us to find job if we had good grades. On the other hand somebody who is resourceful can find job without higer education. There is no rule.

  10. To have a job, you need to have qualifications. I agree, almost no one chooses science or engineering as their field of study. But it is not the only problem. Most people find physical job as some sort of insult to them. Because they now can have a degree at, well anything other then science or medicine. Someone with double MA will not want to work as a butcher or secretary or mail man etc. But, where can someone with degree in political science and modern history find job with their qualifications? No where, that is a fact.
    Grades have nothing to do with odds of finding good job, actually. Besides, so many people have a degree that I don't think anyone from human resources bothers to check if it is not just a lie on CV.
    Mathematics is great way to train people to deal with complex and abstract problems. As mathematics graduate student I can't really say it in an objective way. But there is one problem with people with mathematical background. We like to generalise. It is one of the principles of mathematical thinking, but also can block you from making some task with real efficiency. I spent about four years learning programming, but my code is still obfuscated because I can't comprehend that computer can't operate at some objects like mind does. I would be below average in IT, but I could with ease optimise problem for someone else to implement (write and compile code). People offering jobs should also try to understand that.

  11. When I passed final exam and I had to choose a field of study i was very undecided. I choose informatic and psychology. Informatic because I know that is easy to find job after this study and psychologist because I like this and it is very interesting! After 1 term I gave up informatic, because it was very stressed for me. It was hard decision, because I know that I could study this 5 years and then be good computer science! but I hate sitting so many hours before computer! I am studying psychology and I hope that If somebody know what is the target and what he want to achieve, then achieve this!

  12. People with a diploma have a problems with find a job because in Poland is not enough job. There are a lot of small businesses and they don't need employees. Another reason is elongation retirement age.

  13. An unemployment in our beautiful country is still increasing and the government either can't or doesn't do anything to change that which actually works. As the matter of fact we are not even suprised that after finishing University and getting Master Degree we won't find any satisfactory job which I think is unacceptable. But that's the reality and we can't directly affect on that. That's really frustrating and demotivating...

  14. Great presentation! Looking for work is recently very important topic for me. It's so hard to find a dream job in Poland! I am a journalist and I write for really many newsrooms. And what? I really earn not much. Today I regret that I didn't choose math studies, I'm sure it would be easier for me to find a well-paid job. After studying the humanities studies, if you don't have connections, it's almost no chance for finding a well-paid job.

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