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The role of women in everyday life

The role of women in everyday life.

For a long time in our world has been present  stereotype that a woman's place is in the home, specifically in the kitchen. It was claimed that the role of woman is to care of  the house. Women should preparing food, cleaning, looking after children, etc. 

And what is the role of women these days?
In China, for a long time people were convinced that women were considered inferior to men, and have often been treated as their subject. In ancient China, it was thought that women should occupy the house, and its main task is to birth to a son and obey her husband. It’s unbelievable for me, that if a woman didn’t give birth to a son, her husband could took other wives. In ancient China, women usually didn’t go to school, people said that the education is not needed for them. The worst ’’punishment’’ for women was the custom of bandaging the foot in order to shorten their length. This was a cause of great pain and frequent death. Women in their homes often spent time spinning, weaving and sewing. Chinese women - dissatisfied with his life, marriages, (which were arranged by their parents),  tired of the pain caused by a bandaged foot, set up their own language nushu, which they wrote on fans to their friends. The life of women in China has changed since Mao’s era (1949 – 1970’s). Since then women can do what men can do. Women won the possibility to have property and land, the right to vote, they started working and began learning. Currently thinking is slowly changing, which is highly influenced by the media. Also strengthens the position at least in some women. More and more girls learn at universities in China, and then they start a career in science. More and more take over the company after their fathers, become entrepreneurs. But not all parts of China as it is. In the north of China, women still have to ‘’attend’’ a man, for example, serve to the table, women often can eat only it, what was left after dinner, which has earlier been eaten by men. It all depends on the economic development of particular region of China.

Et hiopia is one of the oldest civilization. Women in Ethiopia should cooking, raising children, they don’t have effects to theirs  husband's decisions on major issues. Most women also today are subjected themselves and their daughters to genital mutilation! Very popular in Ethiopia is early marriage, a strange habit - milk tooth extraction, and domestic abuse. Currently in the Islamic world are developing two opposing trends. One positive, aims to improve the position of women in the field: access to education, work and to make decisions about his marriage. The second trend leads to a deterioration of the situation of women. More than 85 percent of women in Ethiopia live in rural areas, where peasant families are engaged primarily in subsistence agriculture. Women must often perform heavy physical work: work on the farm, grind corn by hand. Their tasks include search and deliver the water to the village - more than once from distant areas - collecting firewood, working in the field with only a hoe. In some parts of the continent, women are forced to carry heavy things on heads. The life women Ethiopia was and is terrible. Only a few of them graduated from high school, has the right to ‘’normal life’’.

Nowadays, the old, but still a certain extent the current stereotypes determining women like weaker sex, which should be close to home, not giving her the right to provide a political and social life disappear. But this is slowly changing. Why? Perhaps this makes life itself, running ever faster changing events. By changing lifestyles, changing habits, women take the job now, how earn much needed money these days.
And which role women play in everyday life in Poland?



  1. In my opinion, women in Poland have the same position as men, but there are a few differences connected with the law and people’s opinion. The first group included for example income- women - receive less money. Beliefs about women are often like stereotypes, which describe women negatively - we must cook, clean and take care of children. I think that these beliefs are rarely being in use and position of women in Poland is quite good, but we should stop with sexism, especially when it regards incomes- women can be productive and creative same as men.

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  3. The position of women has never been as good as it is now. For ages they were treated like subjects and their only role was to serve their men and to give a birth. Thankfully in XIX century it all was about to change due to women's emancipation. Nowadays in most of civilized countries women are as free as men, have the same rights, although there are still some stereotypes remained- like that it's their 'job' to take care of children and house, to cook and so on. In my point of view it all is changing now - men want to be as present in their children's lives as women, they are no more ashamed of helping in cleanings, what's more more and more men are becoming really good in cooking! I guess it all is going in the right direction :)

  4. I like talking about this topic, especially with men. I think that the position of women have changed significantly since emancipation of women. We don't know when women will have the same rights as men, but the situation is really better. There are still some differences between women and men, which are the result of many aspects. Some of them are just kind of stereotypical type of thinking. There are still men, who think that the best place for women is home. They also think that it is only their obessity to earn money and ensure the maintenance of the family. They can't imagine that women can earn much more money. There are also men who don't think in the same way. They want the best for their women and they know that women want to have the same rights and be as important in everyday life as men.
    I agree that in civilized countries which are widely developed this situation looks much better.
    In my opinion the position of women is very good and will be even better. The world is moving and things are changing from day to day.

  5. I think position of women in Poland changed visible during last years. Of course, they have lower salary, they are still not so active in public life or politics, but now they have possibilities to begin careers in places, which were not available for them few years ago. Model of family have changed, more and more womens are active in NGO’s or politics, they have strong position in business as a professional and qualified persons, as men. Now everything is in women hands! If you want, you can be everyone.

  6. I agree with a statement, that nowadays women’s situation is better than ever. In Poland it’s the matter of your free choice whether to go to job, or stay at home – culturally women are not forced to one of this options. Unfortunately people considering women only as housewives or worse employers will probably always exist. To me it stays obvious that it’s untrue. I want to be active professionally, nonetheless, I really admire women taking care of the house – it may be sometimes a full-time job, very exhausting for sure!

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    1. I 'm sorry for saying this, but in my opinion some of the facts presented in the article about Ethiopia seem to be quite dishonest and slightly manipulated. In Ethiopia more than 85 percent of population live in rural areas. So can we regard it sexism or women abusing that more than 85 percent of them live there? And it's obvious they should perform tough works in order to survive because everyone have to do it if he want not to die of hunger.
      In Poland, the situation is much different. Women have the same rights as men. But some of them point out that they are not treated equal. I believe that such claims are usually overrated. As far as salaries are concerned, it should depens only on the employer what he (or she) does with their money. We can't suggest that all the employers in our country made a conspiracy to underpay female workers.

  8. World without woman would be borring and empty. I'm getting realy sad when I hear about discrimination or bad treatment women in some countries. I think women has equal rights as man in choosing her career, but unfortunately there is still little woman engineers or in other similar professions, but I hope it will change soon. In Poland I didn't notice any problems with employment for woman (of course I'm talking about generally employed from man and woman), even if some mans says that woman should stay at home and rising children or make dinner for her husband, it is similar approach like in Ethiopia, and I disagree with it.

  9. The statement that women are in better situation now is abolutely correct. Nowadays polish women are on the same level as men in every single area of life. There is equality now which makes women do exactly the same things as men can do. Women are on high positions at work, have their own businesses, ear a lot of money and employ and command to man. It's unnecessary to mention about woman's rights because it's the same as man's. Women and men have also the same house duties, but it wasn't always like this. Young women now are abolutely independent, but the old ones, like our grandmothers and greatgrandmothers aren's educated or have no work experience beacuse in those days there was a common rule for woman to carry about the house and children. Happily times has changed and now every woman can do whatever she wants.

  10. Huge and still progressing improvement in women's situation in Poland (and in whole western civilization)is an incontrovertible fact - maybe the situation isn't completely perfect yet (e.g. lower salaries for women in some work places), but I'm sure it will be, sooner or later - it's an unstoppable proccess and a part of much bigger unstoppable proccess, which began in the end of XVIII century and leads humans, for better or worse,to equality (but not necessarily to freedom, although it's completely diffrent issue). There is noone now, who would publicly contest equal position of women in Poland. There will always exist some chauvanists on our planet and we can't do much about that, but they are no longer the ones who dictate the rules.

  11. Women’s situation has been changing thru ages. But not until end of XIX century the changes became a lot faster.
    The title of your presentation is “The role of women in everyday life”, but you have written only about situation in 2 countries and you haven’t gave any contrary examples like European women. I believe it would enriched your presentation.
    China always had been country with pretty conservative tradition. We cannot even imagine how hard it had to for them to have a sense of freedom without possibility to make their own decisions. Although, China also have examples of women, which weren’t only figures of mothers and wives. One of them is empress Cixi. I cannot deny she was cruel, but she had 2 attributes, which helped her gain so much authority. She was ambitious and manipulative. That made her be at the helm for so long time, in very dangerous environment, which is court.
    You say that in the time of Mao Zedong regime situation of women had changed, but let’s not forget about a woman who made it happen. It was wife of Mao – Jiang Qing. She was the main contributors to the changes.
    I don’t know much about situation in Ethiopia, but the film you have put here made me sick. I understand that countries all over the world have different traditions and culture, but this is disgusting and inhumanly. It doesn’t servers health and I think practices like this one ought to be banned.

  12. I actually did not know about the situation of women in Ethiopia. I find this post, in general as very straightforward and informative. Thank you.
    The role of women in Poland is for me a topic that does not really need answer. It depends on surroundings, yes. At some rural areas they are still treated badly but not to an extent of China or Ethiopia. I think, but can't really verify or tell from experience, that women are treated as equal to men. I know about difference in sallary but I can understand that it is, like almost everything, calculeted. The difference is probably equal to what employer wold pay in event of maternal leave etc. But I do not wish to make excuses.

  13. I think, the women position in Poland is good. Maybe I am wrong but I'll tell you why I'm thinking so. My friend which is on Erasmus told me that the hispanic and others don't treat women as a poles. They are treating women "worse" than poles. For example in Poland normal is that girls have priority in passing through the doors. In Spain it haven't got matter you are a woman. Maybe it is good because it shows the hispanic treat women with less pretension than poles. I don't know but I think in Poland we emphasize that women is a queen for us. Maybe I generalize what isn't good. I think it depend on man and woman as a couple how each other will treat partner. When the woman is consistent and strong and she knows what she want she will have a excellen men.

  14. I think it is good that women have the same rights as man. In Poland is good but there is a few things that we should improve. Woman often have less salary for their work because they are considered to be less efficient. That isn’t true because women are more hard-working and conscientious than man. In my opinion in next few years the situation will improve. In European country women take active part in politics and have the same right like man. In many country situations of women are terrible they are below and have no rights.

  15. In theory, in Poland there is equality between men and women. The law states that all people are equal. Unfortunately, in reality it is not always that pretty. First of all, when it comes to professional issues. Women often earn less than men for the same jobs. Also young women are less likely employed because of "the risk"of being pregnant. Many Poles still treats women very stereotypically - that we are not suitable for intellectual work, we should occupy the house, cook, clean and look after the children. And despite the fact that according to the law we are all equal, not everyone has got the message yet.

  16. In Poland still exist stereotyp which talk that women should stay at home, look after babies, take care about house. Curentlly that situation is still changnig. Women go out of the house. They want to have the same right as a men. They want to be treat to the same way. Many of them are very ambitious, organized women, who often occupy high positions. Also want to be mothers, but want to work, they are trying to reconcile work and family life. Nowdays women need to their husbands help with housework.

    1. The situation of women in Poland is getting better. We can see the changes in better way. Stereotypical thinking such as” woman's place is in the kitchen” and ” Women care for children and men make career” is becoming less popular. But you have to admit that still exist difference between women and men. For example women are seen as the weaker sex, and some professions will never be accepted, they have lower earnings and still spent more time the man on housework.
      In my opinion women position is getting better and everything is going in the right direction.

  17. The situation of women in Western countries is pretty good, comparing to previous ages. However, as you all already said, it's not perfect. We still may bump into some stereotypical thinking about women or into discrimination. These are the rests from the past, when women were supposed to stay home and give birth to children. Nowadays international and state law gives them a right to be treated equally with men. Women work in the same areas as men, they get high positions in their jobs, they earn as much as men. But we cannot forget that this is not like that all around the world. Look at Ethiopia, or Saudi Arabia. There are still places where women are discriminated and treated like a worse kind of human being.

  18. Nowadays in Poland, women have more and more privileges. They are more active in a political life, they want to change something in a social life, more often they occupy a high positions in a business. They organise many meetings with the polical guys to discuss about their situation. On the other hand there are also a stereotypes that women’s place is at home and the only role is to raise the children and preparing a dinner for husband. In spite of all that women are more determinate, responsible and have also a big motivation to be in the same position and be treated in the same way as a men.

  19. Well, the first think is women in Poland already have the same laws as men. It is in polish mentality that women have to stay in house and look after children. But it's already changed. More often happens that men are the ones whho stay with kids and women go to work. And it's not a shame. It depends from point of view and for a couple of years it can become totally normal.
    Of course in some of the countries like India or Saudi Arabia women are still "enslaved" and it doesn't feel like something is changing. And even if it is changing this changes are very slow. But maybe one day all people will be equals - no matter what - if they're women or men, poor or rich, black or white. One thing is sure - world will never be perfect. But we can keep on trying to make it better place.

  20. In my opinion it is normal that more women that men spend time in kitchen and with children. Aleksandra wrote that this is in polisch mentality. I think it changed only in cities, but in village everybody agree with this and it isn't problem for women.
    I think it is very important what this wife/mother would like to do. I have two sister in law. One spends with the children every day, baking bread and cleaning. Second-law, a few months after birth returned to work. Both are happy and live as they like. I wish women could decide, and that no one was to blame them for such a decision

  21. It is better then it was but it is steal a lot of problem with equal rights and behaviour, especially with payments. I saw that in the same profession women and men have different duties. Men are talking about the project and women are preparing coffees or sandwiches and both of them are director assistants.

  22. In Poland the role of woman are very different. This depending on where woman live. I think in village more often than in large cities women stay at home(don't go work)in order to take care of children, cooking, washing etc. This phenomenon is caused by attachment to tradition (not to say backwardness), but fortunately the number of women taking care of the house is decreasing from year to year.

  23. I do believe that in civilized countries of Europe, USA and other continents the role of woman is no more, no less important that man's one. After all nowadays women work, earn money, get managerial post and do everything they want, just like men do. Of course there are some countries with traditions where women are treated badly and disrespectfully but there's pretty much nothing we can do about it. It takes time to change people's mind and what's more, mentality.

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  25. ADRIANA LUCZKO (pseudonim:latte, because i had a blog with this name)
    I agree with the statement that role of women changed dramaticle over few last decades . The situation of women in our country is much better then was before. Women are no longer treated like a stereotypical house wifes. They often have better work position than some of the men, still countries like China has very restrictive way of thinking about the Women's situation in the society. In north china women are treated as slaves, the often serving at home and cannot get education. Despite the media publicise the problem, traditions sometimes cannot be changed. Situation in Etiopia is even worst woman there have no rights at all, they are often circumcised, they work really hard in the field and they carry heavy stuff on their heads every day. In my opinion Etiopia will always be cruel for woman.

    In my opinion in last years role of women changed. Before women mainly took care of home and children. Now women work in big corporations, very often they have better position than man has. Thye are very educated.Before it wasn`t possible. Especially women from countries very often hadn`t opportunities to be educated. In Poland we have the same rights like man have. Unfortunately not everywhere is like in Poland. For example in Africa women are treating wrongfully. Is very unfair and we should protest agains it.

  27. I feel that the role of women in society is constantly changing. Women don't resemble those old housewives, today they often earn more than men, they are more robust and more capable. Women become independent, they are already able to stand their ground. Especially in Poland - I constantly meet women who earn more than their husbands and they work, when men take care of the children. Polish women really rule :)


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