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Alternative medicine

What is it Alternative Medicine?

The Alternative Medicine,
 loosely translated, can be called a mistic, magic, herbal and unscientific medicine. Alternative medicine is based on a tradition, belief in supernatural energies, pseudoscience, errors in reasoning, propaganda or fraud. That medicine hasn’t got scientific basement but only has beliefs that the “treatment” is right for that disease.

In many cases alternative treatment hasn’t got a obvious and all the same way of action. It is true doctors after medicine studies may have different approach to the same disease. They may prescribe not the same pills on the same disease but they can explain their therapy and how these pills will work on a patient what is usually impossible in alternative medicine. Imagine sweet pellets which has a healing properties. Imagine, your doctor prescribed you sweet pellets which was on a doctor’s prescription. He had told you: “You will be healthy in next three days”. You had been putting it under your tongue and after three days you was healthy. How it - homeopathy works? Many people say that is a placebo effect what is in my opinion the base of a alternative medicine. New theory about connection between parts of human body systems and consciousness called psychoneuroimmunology can take part in it. It is new theory so it is still under the specialists observation.

I think the alternative medicine isn’t bad because it is the way of treatment. Acupressure, acupuncture, aromatherapy, color therapy, homeopathy, chiropractic and phytotherapy are some points of alternative medicine. The color therapy is funny for me but probably I can find someone who is after that therapy and he/she is going to tell me it has cured him/her. The hypnosis which is a sort of alternative medicine is for me a challenge because hypnosis may has unexpected effects.

My point of view is that any interference in human body and consciousness has to be planned, thought and has a scientific basis. The alternative medicine hasn’t got it so I don’t trust it.


- httpm.poradnikzdrowie.plzdrowiemedycyna-niekonwencjonalnahomeopatia-sprawdza-sie-szczegolnie-w-leczeniu-dzieci-i-kobiet-w-ciazy_38888.html


  1. There are many threats to our health these days, but some of them aren't really serious and dangerous. Some exercises, diet, nutrition and healthy lifestyle can prevent us from suffering an illness. I think that there are many solutions nowadays, which was invented just to make money. In another way, alternative medicine is necessary, because not every illness requires antibiotics. There are so many herbal medicines which can help us, but there are also some mistic, magic and unscientific medicines and we don't know how they affect on our body. I think that one thing (one pill) can't protect us from illness once and for all. We are cheated out of our money, because we spend a lot of money on aromatherapy, acupuncture or acupressure. They want us to undergo it and buy some new, safe and infallible pharmaceuticals which exactly do nothing or sometimes affect badly on our body and brain. I agree with you. We have to think what we do with our body, what pills we take and what is their effect? I don't believe that this wonderful inventions (alternative medicine) can perform miracles.

  2. I think alternative medicine is good for people who lost their faith. Imagine you have a severe illness and doctor says there's nothing he can do. You go to another doctor and another and when nothing turn out to be helpful you try alternative medicine because maybe hypnosis or some herbal medicine will be able to save you. And there's nothing bad about it. There was some cases of people who have convalesced. And I think it's in our heads. Autosuggestion. When you believe something can halp you, it will.
    But alternativ medicine is not only for people whou are sick. We can try to prevent various illnesses by using different herbal products - like tea and stuff. Maybe there's a chance it will work.

  3. I agree that alternative medicine is often consider as the last resort. Since we are able to get professional medicines we prefer to take them instead of herbal teas. But if doctors and science can't do nothing, why not try it? Personally I've never used any alternative medicines, but I guess if I had health problems I would consider it. Some of the treatments are scientifically proved to help curing the illnesses. Maybe it's more like placebo effect - we really underestimate our brain power and role in our bodies - but maybe it really helps?


  4. An alternative medicine in almost every case is based on very old and exotic methods. The good thing is that it's completely natural. No chemistry gets into your organism. What is more, in most of cases it's totally non-invasive, so there's no need to be afraid of scalpels, drills or syringes. Instead of that therapists use different kinds of herbals or psychological tricks like affection of colors and music. In addition, sometimes an alternative therapy is the only chance for recovering people who suffer incurable diseases.

  5. The alternative medicine is often "a last call" for people, however, if it may help, maybe it isn't worth to neglect it. Personally, I would trust the science and prooved treatments, but unfortunately it doesn't exclude making mistakes. A good example is so-called "water memory" (somehow a basis of homeopathy), which had been published in "Nature", one of the most admired scientific magazines, and then debunked (see: To me it stays clear it's a placebo, but if it works when everyhing else doesn't, then why not?

  6. Alternative medicine can be helpful, because it give people hope. There is lots of evidences which shows how much influence has faith and positive thinking. Believing only in traditional treatment like medical drugs can be destructive. However, I think that alternative medicine is not for everyone.
    Maybe this kind of treatment works thank to placebo, but what is wrong with placebo if works effective? Placebo show the power of human’s brain. Nowadays we have faith only in traditional treatment and we indulgently look at alternative solutions. But maybe we should turn to something else? As long as we believe that we can actually get cured.

  7. Alternative medicine treatments at all or poorly accepted by medicine based on scientific research. It belongs to both methods of treatment, which in the opinion of most of doctors are worthless , as well as those which some elements adapted to mainstream medicine ( phytotherapy) (citation needed). Some treatments included in alternative medicine is rooted in centuries of tradition, folk medicine, while others were created relatively recently (homeopathy and bioenergy). Alternative medicine is a good for people who have big problems with put of weights, but it isn’t healthy in opinion of most of doctors.

  8. Alternative medicine not based on scientific knowledge. For this reason conventional medicine disapproves it. In spite of all alternative medicine is popular. I think that the reason of this situation is that people don’t like go to the doctor if they are sick and try to cure themselves. It isn’t good way to fast recover but in my opinion alternative medicine not harm us. People also use alternative medicine when conventional medicine does not work it is the last chance to be cured. I think that alternative medicine is not harmful and can help us take the pressure away.

  9. I believe that alternative medicine is a kind of "life-saver". Usually people decide to the alternative therapies when they lost all hope of a cure through the scientific method. Often, the patient goes from one doctor to another, and no one could heal him. Then the patient decides to the alternative treatment. And we have to admit that very often this therapy works. You may be right that it can rely on the placebo effect. People lose faith in traditional medicine and believe that if they failed to recover in the traditional way alternative medicine would definitely works. It is not based on any scientific research, but it is often effective so I do not see nothing wrong with that.

  10. when I was a child I was treated with homeopathy medicine. Now I don't know if it is right treatment, but I am healthy and I didn't take antibiotic - what is big advantage - for me. If it possible I would like to practise this and be far from antibiotics.
    Sometimes I think: alternative medicine is stupid. It doesn't have scientific research, if it would be right and good treatment i could be have research. But every time when I met someone who treat with alternative medice (for example bioenergoteraphist, who I met in mountain) I trust them. They speak about this medicine with self confidence..and then I don't know what is my opinion!

  11. I really don’t know, which influence on our body has alternative medicine, but I think that we can feel pleasure during some therapies. Aromatherapy, acupuncture etc. use people’s senses and therefore can be very relaxing. Thanks this we can be in a better mood and generally our senses, skin etc. strengthen. On the other side, I don’t know which important illnesses does alternative medicine cure.

  12. I heard that alternative medicine help many sick people, but in my opinion it's work similar like placebo effect. I think that most herbs can't cure us from any disease and when people take it, they only think that it helps. When it comes about acupuncture I think secret is in vital points in our body, it can't heal us, but definitely acupuncture can help to relax. In general I'm not proponent of alternative medicine, but I understand people who using it.

  13. Personally, I am not an advocate of alternative medicine. My friend gave up once acupressure and told me that it's just a shame the money. It didn't help her. I wouldn't decide to use alternative medicine, if it comes to health, I'm a Conservative and I prefer the traditional method.

  14. Alternative medicine is a kind of challenge. No doctor will tell you that it is a good way of treatment, but there are people that are helped.
    Sometimes we hear stories about the wonderful cured of serious illnesses people who have already tried everything in traditional medicine, and when they lost hope, alternative medicine has helped them and they miraculously healed.
    The truth is that our body is very sensitive and sometimes poor diet can cause damage. Then we go to the doctor who first sent us a series of tests, and then if we have enough patience to get some medication as sometimes it is not absolutely necessary for us just to enrich your diet.
    Once people don't know the drugs, were able to disprove a fever or even cure some diseases.
    Today, we are often attacked by drug's companies bribe doctors to get you to give us just the drugs.
    I am not an advocate of alternative medicine, but I certainly don't deleted it as soon as people who believe only in the scientific basis of medical.

  15. Nowadays we slowly start to realize how powerful our mind can be - many diseases can be caused just by our own mind (and I'm not speaking only about hypochondriacs) and many diseases can be cured by it (there are many people, who believe that even all diseases can be cured by using the power of our mind). If only alternate medicine isn't harmful for our health, there's nothing wrong with stimulating our concsciousness with it - it really can cause positive effects, it's a well-known fact since XVIII century, when Franz Anton Mesmer cured many people with controlling with special magnets their "animal fluid" hidden deep in their bodies - of course from medical point of view it couldn't have any influence on patients (and that was an official statement of special commision created by a French king Louis XVI, just before he got guillotined), but somehow it had and it can be easily explained from psychological point of view. It helped people in XVIII century and it helps them now - so what's bad in it? To be honest, I guess that psychoanalysis, which is treated nowadays rather seriously by everyone, heals people in a very simmilar way - you just have to believe in it.

  16. Probably only part of House MD I enjoyed was his absolute lack of respect when 'protagonist' was talking about such healers.
    I do not like to watch, how people resign from science based medicine to pay some hack for making pin cushion out of them or give you something that is not only considered as toxin because no one would eat pills of raw yeast. But some people do. I don't know why.
    People use it, because apparently trying to understand doctor is too hard. But healer can always give you hope, smile and got diploma in real Hollywood Upstairs Medical College. Not some generic Medical University ;P
    Bribery of doctors was always present. It was not just need to feel fancy, when medival royalty doctors tried to cure almost anything with gold, pearls, gems etc. Many have had deals with kings 'book keeper' or some marchant. There were always dishonest individuals in any field.
    To call doctors incompetent... I want to ask to cut them some slack. Imagine you have up to fifty patients each day, most of them older hypochondriacs or people who want to get some drugs or doctors note. It is frustraiting. Anyone would have crisis of motivation. Besides, to quote my uncle: I was working as cardiologist for over twenty two years, got Ph D and have great opinion in my patients. Just got 32PLN pay raise. It can bring anyone down.

  17. I do not trust alternative medicine, I think that the way to treat it is interesting. I do not trust her because the treatment may depending on the case, may result in unexpected effects, which may endanger the life.I believe in traditional medicine, because it is based on knowledge and a number of studies. I believe that the risk of failure of this treatment is lower.

  18. I don’t trust in much normal medicine. Private doctor tells you that you are ill; NFZ doctor tells that you have no illness. One of them wants to get money from you another want to save money. I would like to try acupuncture. I believe that stress is the worst for our health so I trust psychotherapy. I think that massage it is a great thing.
    I was watching documentary film from Thybet and their alternative medicine witch was based on a tradition, believes in supernatural energies and hasn’t got any scientific basement. Shaman was singing, praying mantras, using strange instruments, making statues. For me it was fan and scary at the same time

  19. I think that in many cases the effectiveness of alternative treatment depends on patient attitude to them and the treatment itself does not have any effect on patient condition. If someone strongly believe in it, it is likely they will feel better after such a curing. But it is only up to their mood. I see quite a difference between alternative and what can be called traditional medicine. Traditional one is based on tradition, can't be damaging and is performed by everyone on their own. I mean for example drinking hot water with honey and lemon during flu. Some alternative methods advised by unreliable 'experts' may turn out to be harmful for your health. Personally, I do not trust and do not practice them.

  20. In my opinion the alternative medicine is OK when we have no farther options. First of all we should use regular, old-fashioned, checked methods and after everything that could be done has been done and there's no improvement then it's time for alternative medicine. I think that kind of medicine is grounded on placebo efect so if we totally believed that it will help us, it might, but just might help us and we can be cured but not directly thanks to alternative "medicine" but thanks to our own mind and belief.

  21. I'm not sure if alternative medicine is good option. Of course it can have sense (for example using garlic as treatment), but it is rather rare situation. I'm afraid that lot of people still think, that alternative medicine can replace the real one, and stop going to doctor's. We all can imagine how negative consequences would have had such situations. I believe that access to alternative medicine should been regulated.


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