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1. Pay attention to how physically close someone is to you.
The closer they are, the warmer they are thinking of you.
2. Watch head position.
Overly tilted heads are either a potential sign of sympathy.
Lowered heads indicate a reason to hide something. 
It should be noted that some cultures see this as a sign of respect.
3. Look into eyes.
People who look to the sides a lot are nervous, lying, or distracted.
If eyes seem focused far away, that usually indicates that a person is not listening.
If someone looks down at the floor a lot, they are probably shy or timid.
Dilated pupils mean that the person is interested. Keep in mind, however,that many substances cause pupils to dilate, including alcohol and drugs. 
Don't mistake having a few drinks for attraction.
4. See if they're mirroring you. 
If someone mimics your body language this is a very genuine sign that they are trying to establish rapport with you.
5. Check arms
People with crossed arms are closing themselves to social influence, but some people just cross their arms as a habit.
6. Pay attention to their fingers.
When a person often tap their fingers on something it's usually a sign of excitement or impatience.
7. Smiling
 Many people smiles and nods when they can't hear what's being said to them.

Watch your own body language, see what message you're giving off.

To become more aware about body language, watch TV with the voice off every night for three weeks in row. 
By guessing what's going on just from body language, you'll improve your ability to read it.

Body language, the power is in the palm of your hands, Allan Pease:

Do you pay attention to your body language?
Do you know any other tips?



  1. I pay attenion to my body language sometimes, but normally it's ansubconscious activity for me. There are some rules, which are important, but we don't need to remember them. I think it's a natural method of human communication. We can analyse our body language, if we want to improve it. It can be useful at work, if we want to communicate more consciously, knowingly, intentionally, but I don't find it as a neccessary thing.

    I know a tip, which is connected with legs, specially for girls. If you put one leg on another, you can decide about the direction. I mean, that it can be closer (friendly attitude) or further to somebody.

    Do you know any other tips?Do you pay attention to your body language?
    Do you know any other tips?

  2. In my opinion watching others people body language is really interesting,so I pay attention to it. For me,it's especially interesting in the public transport when I have nothing else to do,I try to guess what others people think or who they are.
    I know some tips. The most simple tip is that when we are bored we stare in the same point or at the speaker but at the same time we are absent.

  3. Of course, I pay attention to body language. I think it can help many people to communicate with the other. It is really useful for people who are deaf and don't hear anything. Body language sometimes can say more than words. In my opinion it is really interesting because only we know what we think, the other just look at us and we can look happy even we are sad.

  4. Body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves. I read a interesting story last week where we can read that standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel confident — can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain, and might even have an impact on our chances for success.
    I try to pay attention to my body language because it's important to me "how others see me". I know some tips which help us to stay confident:
    Posture – standing tall with shoulders back.
    Eye contact – solid with a 'smiling' face.
    Gestures with hands and arms – purposeful and deliberate.
    Speech – slow and clear.
    Tone of voice – moderate to low.

  5. I think it's hard not to read signals which are sent by someone's body language. However, I'm sure that most people are not aware of their own body language and they don't really care about it.
    My tip is to watch someone's eyes because a lot of emotions is displayed through them.

  6. When it refers to body language, I think that I pay attention to it mainly when it is not compact with the things someone says. I mean for example when somebody agrees but he shakes his head weird.. I think that body language is important but we should remember about the common sense. For example, sometimes crossing my arms means that I am cold not bored or closed for other people.

  7. Of course I try to pay attention to my body language but sometimes I'm just not aware of my body language, my gestures. I often do something automatically, because it's my habit. For example I frequently cross my arms but for me is natural and I don't treat it as a body language. I think body language is very interesting and I often observe people to know what they think or how they feel. In my opinion it can be also very useful skill to recognize the meaning of body language.

  8. I read a little about body language before taking an oral matura exam. Unfortunately, it didn't help me much because I was too stressed to remember about such things. The other time the only tip I could think of was 'keep smiling' but again, because of stress I was smiling like a madman so it didn't work for me either.

    What irritates me a lot are tips about arms - experts always say what you shouldn't do with your arms but hardly ever advise how to keep them properly. This is a problem since most of typical positions are criticised by body language guidebooks.

    Even though I have some theoretical knowledge about body language, reading it is a big problem for me. I guess no information can help there when somebody is not sensitive to this kind of signals. Nevertheless, I find the tip about watching films with the voice off very interesting. Maybe it will help me to improve my communication skills.

  9. Well I've read a little about body langueage. It can be very helpful in our social life but sometimes we can misunderstand some gestures. Some of them could be just habbits like crossing hands. Someone can think that person is closing himself but maybe it's just comfortable for him to talk with crossed arms

  10. I think that body language is very important in normal comunication. But usualy people don't concentrate on how someone is moving or which gestures he make. Body language work subconsciously, so we don't register why someone is so atractiv and extraordinary.
    I have a lot of problems with my body language. I have predispositon to make weird gestures or to becoming red on face. I can't control it.

  11. I don't pay attention on my body language because I'm really stresfull when I have speech. In my opinion body laguage is very important because it show self-control and professionalism. If you talk good and your body language is good you achieve succes in your speech. I think it will be natural in many times but if someone's body language is observable, he or she should work on it.

  12. I'm not thinking about my body language. But I heard that I can gesticulate a lot when I'm talking.
    I think, that body language can show us what other people really think. Not everything we can hide. So, observe body language is the best way to know the another person.

  13. I think body language is something natural and trying to control it is just uncomfortable. I think in some situation body language could be read but I think we should not rely on it. We have to go after our melon heart feelings. And I don't have a TV so i can't watch tv without sound for three weeks every night.

  14. I think it is good to be aware of your body language. Because is so natural and we don't control it we can send a wrong message and have no clue about it! Than friends might be helpful. I used to not to look into eyes of person I was talking to, and I didn't know about it. Than my friend have me and advice that I should be more careful with that, and I realized that people could think that I was not paying an attention to them during the conversation. Since then I try to change my bad habit. That's why in my opinion observing and trying to control our body language just a little bit is very important.

  15. Body language can help us in express our feelings and emotions. Generally, it is natural. We don't have to learn it. But sometimes we have some bad habits and we might be understand in wrong way. Of course it's also very helpful in social life. When people see how we behave, what is our body language, they can know what kind of person we are. We all have to take care about body language, because it may be the key to success!

  16. Do you pay attention to your body language? I want to pay more attention to my body language because a lot of people said to me that I have funny mimic and I don't think that this is cool beacuse If someone says that something is funny he is laughing about you. So I'm trying to control my body language more.
    Do you know any other tips? I've heard that if girl is playing with her hair when she's talking with guy it is sign that she likes him a lot.

  17. I try pay attention to my gestures but sometimes I forget about it, or even don't know how to do it properly, I mean that my gestures sometimes aren't good for a situation. I know many gestures that describes emotions or just something we are thinking at the moment. It's intersting from a psychological side of a view.

  18. Graet tips to bear in mind, particularly number 7. Suppose I’m watching first episode of new hot drama and I want to learn how to read a body language from it. I press mute button, then I try to guess (according to #7) whether the actors on the screen can’t hear what’s being said to them. How can I be sure I’m reading the body language correctly?
    I believe it’s an awsome skill and I try to pay attention to it. But I don’t buy that someone can learn such skill by simply guessing somebody moves. It’s a bit more complex. So, my advice would be to read a good book about the topic or talk to an expert of BL.

  19. I try to pay attention to my body language, but it's not always easy to control it. When I talk to someone I don' know well I always think about eye contact. We can easily see when someone is nervous or happy by looking at his/her eyes. It's sometimes difficult to behave naturally next to that person if we think too much how to do this properly.

  20. Sometimes I pay attention at body language, especially when somebody is e.g waving his arms so hard. But when I speak I can't control it. From time to time when I'm testing myself before presentation I stay in front of mirror and talk to it. It looks good but when I feel stressed I'm changing my "changing" my legs, and waving hands and so on. It doesn't look good, but I think it's better than to stay like a tree. When I'm talking with somebody I always look into eyes. It's really important, but I don't know other tips, but these was usefull.

  21. Body language is something natural, sometimes you cannot control it. I am trying to pay attention to my body language, but not only mine, but also other people. During different situation you can see totally different reaction of people body language.
    A very good tip if you travel to Bulgaria : in Poland when we want to say yes, or when we want to agree with somebody we nod our head ( up and down) in Bulgaria is other way around, when you nod your head (up and down) it means no, or simply you want to disagree with somebody.

  22. It is difficult to me to pay attention to my body language, especially when I am in a stressful situation. I had a big problem to keep eye contact with strange person. If it is my peer it isn’t so difficult but when I have to talk with someone at ‘higher position’ it becomes harder. However I try to work on it. Body language has a big influence on a way in which we are seen by our conversationalist. We should straighten our back, then we will look more self-confident. Don’t play with our hairs, a lot of girls with long hair touch them when they are overstressed. It’s look unpleasant in my opinion.

  23. I don't pay attention to my body language. Sometimes I think about it but I quickly forgot it e.g. when I have a strange look. I don't know a lot of this subject but my friends read a book and told me a few information. I think it can be helpful in our life.

  24. I tried to pay attention to my body language a few years ago after reading some book about it. Then I understood how does it influence on everything we do and how people see us. It was hard at first to control my body language, but after some time it was much easier and I could use it in some situations. That kind of knoweledge can help us to understand how to behave in different situations like job interviews, getting on with friends/partners, how to see the other side of the words of other people, because body language shows us much more truth than empty words. As for the tips, I recommend all the books of Dr. Paul Ekman. He is a pioneer in the study of emotions and their relation to facial expressions. You won't regret it.

  25. I don't pay attention to my body language but very often I look at others people and I try to guess who they are it's funny how many things you can say about strangers regarding how they behave. I don't have many tips how to do this - observe and try to think about your friends who behave same as this person and then it's just easy.

  26. Useful and funny. Some of those tips I heard before but some are new. I like it so much but and agree for example with chacking arms - it really works! Fingers can usually show something ealse

  27. Our body language shows our personality, I pay attention to other people body language, because often, it can tell us more than words, so I try to use it like human map, which I can read to understand what is concrete person thinking. I try to be not so expressive in my body language, but I am bit nervous so I have problem with it.


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