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How to reduce stress?

How to reduce stress?

Stress is something we deal with on a daily basis. It can be caused by many things, including for instance: school, work and relations with other people. Here are few tips, that can make you feel better.

You can always start with small things, connected with calming your  mind and body. Whenever you start feeling anxious, take a deep breath and try to focus on something restful. If you have this possibility, ask somebody to give you a massage, as it is said, that other person's touch has a good influence on people.

Another way of leading your thoughts away from the strain is listening to music or watching a movie. It can cheer you up and make you forget all your troubles (even if for a short time).

You can also try some physical excercising like running or dancing - any activity of this type is great for relieving tension. It won't make your stress vanish, but it will surely help you clear your thoughts and enable to deal with your problems more calmly.

Also don't rely on unhealthy habits, such as alcohol, coffee and cigarettes. It only gives you an illusion of feeling better, when actually it ruins your health and being healthy is a key to relax.

Dont forget that a problem shared is a problem halved! Take support from your family and friends. Who knows, maybe they will come up with a brilliant solution to your hardship.

Also remember to stay positive and try to focus on good sides more. Don't get stuck being passive and start taking some action. Firstly identify the cause of your anxiety and depending on what it is try to either avoid it as much as possible or find a way to tackle your problem.


  1. I agree with that statement that at first we have to identify the cause of our anxiety and try to avoid it or minimise it.For me,the best way to reduce stress is to do some sport,such as fitness or running. It really give lots of energy and make me feel better. The other way is to spend time with best friends or family and eat some sweets.

  2. Ask somebody to give you a massage? I don't think that you could ask your workmate for it :) All the things stated above may be helpful, but there's one thing missing - it's a friend. Apart from self calming we should also have somebody to lean on. Stress can be motivating if we look at it consciously and direct it's pressure to achieve goals, instead of weakening ourself.

  3. I completely agree with those pieces of advice mentioned above. For me, personally, the best solution is to simply spend some time with people I like. It is extremely relaxing! On the other hand, sometimes when I am stressed because of a test I prefer to be on my own, just study harder or relax by reading a book. I think that the part of my free time that I spend on my own is very important, because thanks to it I can appreciate meeting with my friends.

  4. I totaly agree with the advices in this text. For me the best way to reduce stress is listenning the music or physical exercises on fresh air. It helps me to forget about my problem and I can be focused on my body and mind. I have heard that Yoga is excellent for relieving stress.What is more, I always call my mother and i ask about some advices. She is older so she knows more about life. It is easier when we have got somebody who helps us with the stress.

  5. The Council given in the text are helpful. The most, I agree that we shoud identify the cause of anxiety at first. Maybe it just seems to be bad?
    I think, we need to live in an active way - Trying to sleep "eight" hours, not eating in a hurry, practicing sports.
    It is very good to ask for the rade or help from friends and family. Sometimes the look at someone else may help itself.

  6. We can find some useful clues how to reduce stress in this text. If i would have to choose one that is the most helpful for me, I would choose physical exercising. When we feel stressed, it's always a good way to direct our thoughts on something else and do something healthy for our bodies at the same time. I enjoy jogging at every part of a day, so when there is something that bothers me, I can always put on my headphones and run.

  7. I am really stressed person so I should know what to do to reduce stress. Unfortunately it is too complicated. It is easy to say you should be calm but it is really hard to do it. What is important, to reduce stress people should lead a healthy lifestyle. At first they should eat regulary and healthy food. Of course really important is sleeping and doing sport.

  8. That tips for keeping stress under control are very useful. I try to avoid doing things at the last minute and don't take everything personaly. But when I feel stressed I take a few deep breath and it usually works perfect.

  9. Stress can by very dangerous. It is a cause of odd illness. It is important to learn how deal with it. I am sure that above tips may help us.
    Our imagination may be great tool to fight with stress. I have heard that it may help to image that you are sitting among sweet-smelling flowers and herbs in the meadow, crystal clear stream rustling and birds singing. If you are angry at someone or fill pressurized because of somebody try to image he or she is a funny looking animals or something else that will make you smile.

  10. I don't really sense the stress. I am always calm, and trying to use my stress as an advantage. But sometimes its not that easy, so i enjoy to use one of the mentioned methods. I like to do some physical excercises like running. It helps me a lot, becouse i can calmly think about everythink.

  11. Unfortunately I'm really stressed person. It's not so easy to reduce stress for me but if I want to off-load I often listen to music, meet friends, do some exercises especially running or I go to a gym. Also good solution for me is to watch a comedy or just good film and of course chocolate ;) It's a great way to relax and it really makes me happy.

  12. For me the best way to reduce stress is just relax for example sleeping. If I sleep a lot, I can reduce stress, I feel better, I can overcome problems everyday. But I'm really stressed on exams, I can't manage with that. I hope that one day I will be confident of my skills. Stress can't break my hard work. I try to work on myself to reduce stress, don't be concerned :(

  13. I agree that alcohol, drugs and cigarettes are not solution to stress, but there is something healthier similar to them: green tea. Drinking tea (or cocoa but it is not that healthy) helps me to calm down and focus when I am under big pressure. I heard that lemon balm tea helps to quieten down too but I have never tried it.

    If I have time I read books, watch television or play DDR to relax. Unfortunately, usually before stressful events we have little time because of time-consuming preparations. I always try to organise some nice meetings after such situations - if I fail it cheers me up, if I am successful then we celebrate my success. When stress occupy my attention I am trying to think about all nice things that wait for me after (for example) exam, it really works for me.

  14. In fact, I have problem with stress, and when I'm stressed I smoke. a lot. I know it's not good, but it's my habbit, which helps me calm down. I'm stressing too much, about everything, I easily get into depression mood because of stress. The main problem is that I think too much, about life, about future, about school and so on. When I'm stressed I want to be alone, (the best option is when I can lay in my bed, covered duvet, without any concat) and usually I'm listening music or talking to myself as well. Then I'm trying to relax and explain myself that I'm making too much noise about nothing. Sometimes it works :P

  15. Stress is a huge problem, a lot of people have to deal with. Because of stress people can stop feeling any satisfaction of they lives, they start feeling depressed or even turn grey! So it is very important to try to stay calm as hard is it's possible, because the price is high. The tips given above are very good. Physical exercises help a lot, also that is true that in many situations taking a deep breath may be enough. Smoking and drinking that's a bad idea - its hard to argue with that. For me the worst is to go out to many times a week: I got tired, stressed and I feel like I had no control over anything. It think, what we should do, is to always keep a balance.

  16. Stress can be very good for us in some situations because it motivate us to actions, it helps dealing with problems, but most of the time it causes us bad condition of our body and mind. Especially these days when everyone feel the pressure of success even children in schools. To get rid off stress we need to get rest from everyday routine and take a moment for ourselfs - read a book or go for a walk, something that help to clear your mind.

  17. I agree with Dorota, because stress can be use like good motivator for us, but sometimes can paralyze us. First of all we should plan everything in good way to reduce stresfull situations, for example we should start learning to exam few days or weeks before, not one night. For better use of our brain and body we should go for a walk sometimes or do exercises for stimulate our body. Good sleeping and eating are important, too. Sometimes we should looking for positive aspects in all things, these stressfull too.

  18. Stress can be caused by mental or phisical problems. So to stay relaxed and positive first of all you have to learn how to deal with some stressful situations in your mind, how to stay calm and resolve you problems without negative emotions. The second thing is your health. As it was mentioned it the text, you need to quit your unhealthy habbits such as smoking or drinking alcohol. Having a healthy body results in being happy and relaxed even in difficult situations.

  19. Yes, stress is a problem, which is first of all in our mind. We should learn how to fight with it. I agree with advices which are concluded in the article. Everybody has own manners on stress situations, but for me the best solution is listen to miusic. It calms me down. Moreover I like taking a deep and meeting with my friends.

  20. I don't know any extra ways to improve humour, but I know what for me helps to reduce stress. Well basically I don't need many things to do it. I just need good food, some silence in my room and good book to feel better. Sometimes nothing can improve my mind, and I can just lying down and thinking all the time. Thinking can kill you when you have depression.

  21. I cannot argue with presented solutions to reduce stress. I used to have trouble with doing sports because I hate running or doing boring, monotonous exercises, but then I find out about great sports such as yoga or pilates. It really helps me to calm down and cheer myself up. Furthermore, exciting books also provide good mood for couple days.

  22. I think that we can't avoid stress on daily basis but we can effectively reduce it. I agree with the author of this presentation. For me good solution is taking up physical activity. Also keeping good bonds with people around can save the situation.

  23. I think that stress has a negative impact on our health and behavior, but there are many methods that can reduce it. For me the best are physical exercise, they help to calm down, and when we get tired, we can look different at each problem. Of course, each of us differently cope with stress, such as listening to music, reading books, watching movies, playing computer games. As for me, it has a big impact on my health, because I have hormonal problems, so I have to be very careful.

  24. For sure stress is not a positive thing (it has a bad influence on our health), so we should fight with it. I think that it is really important to don't let the fear prevent us from making our dreams come true. I always try to face with my fears. I don't know if it is possible to don't feel stress at all but we could learn how to deal with it. Everyone should find own way coping with stress.

  25. I think that everybody should have their own methods how to deal with stress. In my case it works listening to calm music, fast walks, or just taking into consideration, that some situation isn't worth to worry about them.

  26. Minimizing stress make you feel better and above all things may protect your health. Fortunately, there is a great deal of things that you can do to cope with stress such as drinking lemon balm, reading your favourite magazine or listening to music, avoiding stressful situations , going for a walk or spending time with friend who make you happy. Moreover, you can curl up with a good book, take a long bath, light scented candles, savor a warm cup of coffee or tea or just watch a comedy. It might be so fruitful and effective!

  27. Stress has bad or well infuences on our health (it depends of level). I really like doing some physical excercises like running it's the best solution for me to reduce the level of stress and I feel more clam after it.

  28. I think that stress is seriosly problem. If somebody can't manage with it, he or she has very unhappy life. In my opinion everyone should find own way to reduce stress. For me the best is sleep. When I'm really stressed, I have to go sleep and then I feel better. Sometimes when I can't do this, I listen to music or talk with my fiends.

  29. I think that people are stressed when they are insecure, when they know that they could do something better. My advice is to do your best, do what you can, focus on your work when there is time for it and than, when you will go home you will be able to rest, and to be calm. But when I am stressed I usually try to get rid of problems and bad emotions by physical activity such as running, or training with Ewa Chodakowska. People should avoid relaxing by using cigarettes and alcohol because it often leads to addiction.

  30. I definitely agree with statements contained in this text. For me the best way to deal with stressful situations is physical activity. When I do physical exercises I experience some kind of a feeling of a freedom and I am far from anxiety. Although stress acts negatively on our health it is really strong motivating factor which often helps us to deal with critical situations.

  31. To reduce stress we need do things, we like. For example listen music, running, walking, go on holidays. The worst way is drinking alcohol or taking drugs.
    If we are stressed we should change something in our life, maybe change a job or place we live. In a town is hard to take relax, but in a country.. Nothing except birds and family. It's really relaxing.

  32. The stress is an emotion, emotions are in ours minds. We can controle ours minds so we can controle ours emotions and our stress. We controle what happened with us and our life. Of course it is not simple, I have problem with stress too but only what I have to do is practice. For example I an really stressed when I must tell in public. It is very hard. But I learn a lot and try to do this again and again. And I know that ona day I will be great.

  33. To my mind the statement that "being healthy is a key to relax" is a myth. I know a lot of people who eat healthy, don’t smoke and don't drink alcohol and are far more stressed than others who don't focus on their healthy lifestyle. And this, because they think too much about this; to be lees stressed you should take things easier, not treat yourself like a machine and let yourself a bit of pleasure.

  34. My way of dealing with stress are cigarettes. I smoke a lot when I'm stressed. Also I'm an introvert person, so I often overthink things and stress even more - then my only hope is music. In that kind of situations I listen to electronical or classical music (important thing, there must be no lyrics) and it really helps me to relax a bit

  35. When it comes to my life, I’m really often stressed. I don’t know why but it is connected with probably my personality. I have been exposed to stress but it is a kind of motivation for me. That’s why I like it when I have to do something. It is determined with my ambitions. It is hard to eliminate stress but in my opinion, the best way is to meet with friends and forget about all problems which are besides you. It might be a meeting at home – such a great opportunity to laugh or watch movies. Every time, I have problem with stress, I talk with my grandma – she is a very collected and easygoing person. A good way for dealing with my stress is hobby – dancing, singing or drawing. It helps not only to cheer up but also to forget about sadness.

  36. Luckily I don't have much problems with stress because I consider myself as a easygoing person. However there are some days when I feel overwhelmed by daily duties and I need just take a break. To reduce stress I work out. There is no better option to feel happier in one hour.

  37. I'm really stressed when I have to speak in front of others. I can't really deal with it, I tried to be more open and always before some speeches I had to say I practised at home but it wasn't working for me... Fortunately working in laboratory doesn't require any skills in public speaking.

  38. Stress is rather uncomfortable feeling, but very often it might be very helpful. This is the motivator to work, learn or train. Of course, it can also work paralazying to us, so we should learn how to deal with it. My sollution is to listen to music, meet friends and to watch some good movie.

  39. How to reduce stress? There is no good answer. But we have to find the source of it. Problems are the roots of stress, however stress is sometimes cause of the problems. It's a vicious cycle. I've tried many solutions and my favourite is makeing music. I sit down at the piano or guitar and I describe my emotions. Concerts are stressful but they are something like theemotional catharsis. Second solution for me is writing about the stressful situation. It could be a diary or a reportage. Third option is to 'sweat out' your stress. Do some jogging or go to the gym. tiredness is a medicine fo stress.

  40. I think that author of this blog has right. In present time the numbers of stressed people is still growing up. For us it's important to find your own way to reduce our daily stress. For me it's sport. Of course, I'm not professional, but when I'm stressed and I have some time I just change my clothes and go out to do jogging. It's really helpful.

  41. Everyone has his own ways of dealing with stress. For me the best thing to minimize long-term stress is to have some good nights sleeps, spend relaxing time outside the city or have some outdoor activities. To overpower short-term stress and anxiety I basically try to think about something else, for example about what I will do after this stressful situation will finally end and how much fun I’m going to have after.

  42. Thinking 'Chill out, this doesn't actually matter' helps me in a lot of situations, since I'm almost always stressed out in some way. When I take a second to snap my focus back with that one thought, it's like I force myself to relax and it usually works. What helps me minimise stress long-term is planning out my workload in order to fight off procrastination, which is probably my biggest enemy. When I do things ahead of time, I don't have to worry about them later, so it kind of spreads my problems out over an expanse of time. And when I usually get myself into a situation when I'm feeling more stress than I can handle, I work out what got me into such a predicament and I never do that mistake again. We all learn on our mistakes, after all.

  43. I think that great way to reduce stress is having a hobbyc. Is should be activity, which is moving away your thoughts. It's also important to know exactly, how the stress is negative connected with health and of course a mood. It's very individual problem, so there in no one right solution.

  44. I think that everything is in our heads. Stress is a really strong emotion but i believe we can learn to control that. They say that some people stress more and some stress less but I don;t think it's a true statement, as I said it's all about control and knowing yourself. Some people just learned how not to let the stress control their lifes.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. I agree with the text and I think the tips are very useful. Everybody has owns manner to handle with stress but listening the music or exercises are always good. The other hand I think a party from time to time is also good to relax and „reset the mind” and in my opinion everybody needs sometimes to enjoy with friends and chill out, it helps get over the stress.

  47. This text helps to find people tips how to reduce stress. For me the best way is running. Before I write Matura exam I ran few days in week for several months. It was very helpful for me because I am seriously stressed. I sometimes listening to music or watching a movie.

  48. These tips are so useful for me, because I'm really stressed, especially now before the exams. What really helps me it's running, dancing and just meeting with my friends. I don't think alcohol or cigaretts really help, because those habits are so unealthy.

  49. I absolutely agree with all this advices. We every day have to deal with different stressful situations. And for me the best solution is to communicate with people in such moments and not to feel lonely. It's very important to have people near who can listen to you and all your problems, and maybe give some advice. Also I prefer to do some workout, it helps me to relax. Also it's a good advice firstly to identify the cause of the anxiety and next try to find a way to tackle the problem.

  50. These advices are good but look like basics. I'm person who think that everybody has got his own wat to reduce stress. One prefer to meet with friends at club or cinema, feel better taking part in parties or loudly events, another one can be shy and loner who loves to flee in favourite books or music, who loves to make coffe and stay at home!
    I'm a mixture of these two! Sometimes it depends on day, if I feel stressed because of hard exam I would like to talk with friends if they are also stressed, but if I'm here by myself than I srat listen to music or reading.
    Stress is to big phenomenon, we have got lots of ways to fight with it!

  51. This is interesting advices for reducing stress. I think it's might be helpful. Everybody know the best what can make him less tired and tense. I really like this sentence „Don't forget that a problem shared is a problem halved!”. It's truth. People must talk a lot with others. It's normal and it's necessary for us.

  52. It is impossible to remove stress entirely from your life but it's crucial for everyone to learn the way how to reduce it to minimum. There are various methods, starting from healthy ones and ending with those not recommended by cardiologists. Personally, I always wanted do start meditation, but I'm way too impatient, so I just do some sports instead.

  53. Tips from this presentation are really good. I use most of them - dancing and physical activity helps me forget about my problems and lets me get rid of emotions like anger and sadness. I think that reading books and watching movies is also helpful - following characters' capers is a great way to relax. It is important, that author of presentation mentioned, that alcohol, sweets and cigarettes are only temporary solutions and they won't help us relax successfully.

  54. I agree with advices in the text. Especially I think that physical exercising is very important in our live, because it gives you opportunity to makes yourself happier and forget about stress. Nowadays almost everyone is overwhelmed by bad situations. We sholud not disregard this. We ought to keep calm and fight with stress.

  55. I really like tips from presentation. I think It's important to starting doing big things by small steps. Also, a sport can help to reduce a stress. Sometimes we should recover and go to a silent place to think and tidy up our minds. Meeting with friends is a good tip too, to forget about stress. The most important is to find things which will help you to deal with it.

  56. I think it's a good place to talk about how I experience stress. Personally, I rarely feel stress, but when it appears - it's extremely terrible! I don't know any methods that can help. I remember one situation, when I was waiting for the results of my Maura Exam in the evening. I didn't know what I should do with myself! I walked from room to room. After two hours I started playing cards with my boyfriend. It helped me, because stop thinking about it for a moment. That time was a huge stress for me.

    In spite of everything, I don't feel it on a daily basis. I believe that sometimes stress can help. You don't have to fight with it. When you feel stress, you know, that something's important to you. As was mentioned in the article, the worst thing you can do is to use alcohol or cigarettes.

  57. There are many ways of reducing stress and it's a personal choice what to do to get rid of this feeling. Personally, I often fell asleep because I believe that the next day will be better than today. Calming down and relax is the best medicine for stress. We can also listen to music or just talk with somebody. If somebody drink alcohol or smoke to reduce his/her stress level, I don't mind - the most important is to know the limit.

  58. Nowadays, more and more people suffer from stress. We live fast and we try to be the best and achieve everything in our career. Sometimes stress is useful and can encourage us to do or accomplish our goals. But on the other hand it is harmful and causes lots of health problems. To reduce our stress level we should take physical activity because it is the quickest way to release endorphins in our body. In addition proper diet and focus on activities that make us happy have a positive impact on our true calmness.

  59. The blog discusses many important tips that can help reduce stress. However, it seems to me that they are all well known to us. The problem is that we do not follow them. We forget what is good for us and we get into more and more stress. That's why it's important to remember them often. From myself I could add more frequent trips, on which we can break away from the city rush, for example to the forest, the lake or the mountains. They help to forget about everyday worries and get rid of stress.

  60. The tips from text are very good and healthy way, how we can reduce stress, but for me - it is hard to do it. My stress reveals itself when I am alone, so no one can do my massage, or just hug me. I also drink a lot of coffe and smoke a cigarettes. I know it isn't good for me, but I can't imagine fighting with stress without this things. But, the listenig to music - I have been using this method for a long time. My own idea, how to deal with stress is water - in any kind of way. Drinking more cold water, going to the swimming pool, or just laying in hot water in bath is my personal way to realax.

  61. Nowadays, stress is very intensified - because there are still political upheavals, people strive to improve the quality of life (through, for example, workaholism), the prevailing race of rats and chasing money. It should be remembered that stress is an important cause of many diseases, such as cancer and neurosis, depression, so it should not be underestimated. In my opinion, physical exercise, healthy diet and the ability to separate private and professional time is the key to balance.

  62. To be honest – I’ve got a HUGE problem with stress. Everyday I’m feeling anxious, especially I’m stress about my health and future (unfortunatelly – connected with my ambitious, which is definitely too big). So I don’t have any tips to fight with it. In the past I read a book written by Dale Carnegie, which helped me a lot, but now it doesn’t work anymore. I’m trying to read others book about relaxation, but it also doesn’t work. This problem starts when I’m going to sleep, and then I start think about hospitals, about my knownledge which isn’t enough. Summarise it – I’m not expert of relax, so I can’t help anyone.

  63. In many cases stress does not motivate people what is more can lead to deeper problems that you cannot get rid of for many years despite a strong will and help from others. I think that people are stressed about things they care so it is impossible to live completely without stress. Things like yoga, breathing exercises or other relaxation techniques sometimes help to reduce stress or at least calm down a bit.

  64. I think that tips presented above are good and helpful. It's true that we should share our problems with family or friends. They can help us how to deal with that problems and also It will help us because we shared the problem with someone. I think that listening to music is a good way to deal with stress. We can also go for a walk watch a movie or read a book.

  65. In many cases stress can benumb so it is really important to know how to deal with stress. There are so many ways to reduce stress, but every person should find her/ his own way. Tpis from the text can be very useful. I would add some yoga exercises. I deal with stress by watching films (most often on youtube) and by going for a walk.

  66. The best way to reduce stress is (for me) running and listening your favourite songs. When you are tired, you can't think about your problems. Music can help, when you want take up your thoughts. Generally I agree with an author of presentation - ways presented by him can be good solution for different people - everybody needs something else to reduce stress. Someday we need talk with friends, another day we prefer stay alone in bed.
    Regardless of tip for stress which you prefer, one is certain: you can't ignore stress, you should find your own way to reduce it and live nervelessly.

  67. Those tips can be very helpful for people who can not cope with stress. Especially when it comes to playing sports and talking. Unfortunately, I can not find a good way to combat stress, I usually try to avoid stressful situations, which is not always a good solution.

  68. Unfortunately, stress is the most common obstacle which people today must face with. When I think about stress I immediately associate it with school or university. And pretty every tip mentioned above doesn't work for me, because physical exercising like running or dancing are not appropriate for the situation when I'm facing with anxiety in class. The only method that works for me is to take a deep breath and try to focus on something pleasant.

  69. Long lasting stress is a reason of many diseases and premature ageing. Having a stressful job where there is no break between one and another stressing situations is serious problem to many people. I’m not the person who can deal with such stress. I have had a stressful job for a year. My way to survive was my family, concentrating on my children after work was very helpful but not always worked. Even going back to work after 3-weeks holidays made me stressed as much as I wouldn’t have break at work. So there was just one option – to change the job.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Stress influences individuals in enormous ways. Regardless of whether you’re experiencing difficulty concentrating pressure or...

  72. One of the best ways for me to get rid of stress is listening to music, drawing or watching videos of cats, as I don't have any pets right now. I'm surprised that petting and spending time with your furry animal was not mentioned in the text. It is said that cat's purring relieves stress and even improves health.Definitely hugs from the person you love also can help. Dancing also feels like a good idea, I think also warm baths, swimming, jacuzzi and sauna can be very relaxing. :)
    It is also good to learn and practice meditation or yoga. I guess the worst form of stress occurs when you have so much to do that you don't even have time for the mentioned above...

  73. It's nice to see that advices, especially before exams. Frankly, I don't have effective ways to reduce stress, so I'm very nervous and I can't figure out with many things. Everything is connected with leaving my comfort zone. Hoverwer, I'll enforce some of methods from that article; I hope that physical excercising will be my favourite.

  74. The article is about dwelling with stress. In the modern world there are many stressful situations. People are under pressure of problems every day. That is why it is better to make yourself deal with the problems. Such methods as alcohol or cigarettes are called bad habits and it is better not to fall under the pressure of them. It is better to go shopping, to watch funny movie or play computer games. Also it is always a great method to remove stress – communication with people. While communicating, people relax and forget about problems.
    Speaking about the text, there are useful advices that are useful to be followed before some important meetings or exams etc. In conclusion I can say that it is better to follow traditional advices in order to dwell with stress.

  75. I agree with all advices in this text. Stressful situations happened to all of us and nowadays it’s nothing rare. With short term stressful situation all advices could help, but if we have this kind of problem to often then we should change something. The best option is to change the factor that makes us so stressed. If that is not possible then we should go to the specialist. Stress can cause many unpleasant consequences like sick, hair problem or even depression. It is good to know how to deal with stress as soon as possible.

  76. Stress can be really crippling now and again. Hardly can I cope with stress, therefore, I find this presentation noteworthy. Listening to music or watching films is a good way of relaxation, however, it has short-lived results, at least in my case. To my mind, bond with family can have positive impact. Everything seems to be easier providing that people have support. It is priceless. Obviously, alcohol or drugs are not a solution to stress. What is more, it can have a negative influence on our health. From my point of view, sleep is the best way of dealing with stress. Another positive thing is sport. Such activity can reduce stress and makes us chilled out.

  77. Stress is part of our lives so instead of trying to avoid it or reducing it, we should try to embrace it - use it in your favor. Short-term stress helps you to focus and learn much more so using it correctly it can boost your process of learning a lot! I'm trying to do so and I see much better results learning under pressure than for my own in better atmosphere...

  78. I agree with this article, it is really helpful. I am really stressed right now (and always). I do not drink a lot of alcohol and I do not smoke. I usually work out to deal with stress, sometimes I also watch romantic comedies or funny tv series. Right now I am looking for some new, "fresh" comedies, but not really stupid comedies, something more like life situations presented in funny way.

  79. The tips in the article are very interesting and commonly known. Very important is not to rely on unhealthy things as drugs. Personally I do not have any full-effective way to deal with stress but I realize that the best thing is a nature. When I have my computer on my bench in orhard at my family house I do more things than on my desk in flat in Warsaw. So, this is my way to deal with stress and fatigue as well.

  80. I agree that there is no sense to rely on alcohol, cigarettes etc. Akcohol in the long run make situation worse. For me tips like be more positive or tring to focus on good side because this is a problem.

  81. Which article about stress is this already, like a 3rd, 4th? Anyway, alcohol and drugs are only temporary (if even) soulutions which in the long run will cause you even more problems, and hereby stress, so they are an absolutely worst stress relievers in my opinion. Taking your mind of your problems is easier said than done, as often you'll think of 'I should be doing X instead'. In that case, if you're capable, just do the thing, if not...well, just realise there's not much you can do and deal with the situation at closest convenience. No matter the result it will lesser your burden at least a little. Is it a good life advice? Absoutely not. A good way to cope with stress...I don't know, maybe?

  82. For me the most important is the last paragraph of the text. ” Firstly identify the cause of your anxiety and depending on what it is try to either avoid it as much as possible or find a way to tackle your problem.” Firstly you need to eliminate the causa and than deal with consequences. Avoid toxic people, too stressful job, unhealthy sleeping or drinking habits. Only when you can’t change it try some methods of relax to reduce stress. For example if it is hard to find new job in your city, don’t quit yours. Stay at your position and try jogging or sth istead.
    Of course sport, massages or movies are for everyone, not only for people with stressful life.

  83. Stress is a real problem today and a lot of people experience it every day. Maybe that’s why we read another helpful post about dealing with stress. There is no one perfect advice how to relax and stop stressing. Each person has to find a method which works for her. For me the best results give cleaning house, physical activity and watching films and series, of course those stupid ones- they turn off unnecessary thinking. They help me to reset myself and stop thinking about stresful situations. Maybe it’s not the most developing way to reduce stress in your life, but it works so I can recomend it.

  84. 1.I am concerned that people who stresses a lot should be physically active as it is mentioned above. Bad feelings can shrink muscles and even cause pain, so people who work in stressful atmosphere should try to use the services of masseurs or go to the gym.

    2. Nature-that is what relax people the most, so every contact with animals or plants should soothe nerves.

    3. Very crucial is sleeping at least 7 hours at night and eating healthy food. such basic activities lie at the base of the pyramid of our well-being.

    4. In my opinion keeping every thought inside and being introverted can also cause stress. Even if something is hard to say, it is better to throw some acute things outside, share problems with people that we are close with.

  85. I think that when you're stressed, the main thing is to try not to make it worse by overthinking and accumulating negative energy. I guess that a good idea to calm down quickly in a stressful situation is to try to stop thinking about the thing that you're stressed about. Ofcourse, the best thing is to try to solve the problem by thinking about, but when you need to calm down fast, I think some relaxing music may in fact be good. On the other hand, I do not feel like asking someone to touch you, as the author suggested, would be a great thing to do. Maybe a good friend or a close relative, but with some aquaintance it would be really awkward, and even more stressful.

  86. I liked how the author has highlighted certain aspects that are not hidden. Good work in progress!

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  87. After reading this article the stress can be reduced. Very informative post. Thank you for writing post on how to reduce stress. This will help many people too.

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  88. I work in a corporate and stress is something that comes along with it and its undeniable. Off late it has been much better since i have found this really good way to distress myself and so far it has been working great. The way i distress myself is by making my visits to the body spa near me and undergoing spas treatments and i bet it could help anyone calm their mind down and distress their lives and the ambiance of most of the spa in bangalore is itself such that it relaxes your mind as soon as you enter in. Like i said corporate jobs bring in a lot of body aches too and the thai massage bangalore have really helped me with them.

  89. I tried these tips like listening music, watching movies can really helps for stress but this is not enough. You can also take herbal dietary supplements for stress.

  90. Nice Post!
    Thanks for sharing useful information.
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  91. Stress is something we are dealing with probably every day. In my opinion, the best way to reduce it is to take some rest and do something that brings us happiness. I personally really like working out. Physical activity helps bump up the production of endorphins, so it improves my mood and eases stress.

  92. Stress is very common. It's hard to fight him. You have to learn to do it. The most important thing is to recognize the cause that causes stress. I'm trying to calm down or discharge the bad energy.

  93. These tipps are helpful and concetranted on point. I think it's really important to ease ourselves after a long and exhausting day. We have many options but for me yoga or pilates workouts are perfect. It's an individual way everyone should find. The key is also always to look on the bright side of life, just remember there's always something we can get out of new experience. The worst is the first impression if something goes wrong, we just need to know it!

  94. I couldn't agree more! Unhealthy habits may calm us for a while but the problem still isn't solved - after few minutes we will be stressed again. Moreover, by e.g. smoking cigarettes we also ruin our health. I believe that staying healthy and e.g. doing workouts is much more efficient - you can "sweat" all bad feelings and stress.

  95. The tips are very blurry. Although I try not to think about bad things. We need to learn to separate the stress problems that we can solve and we need to think about them a bit between thoughts of unnecessary problems that are boring to just leave. I personally use everything that can help me improve my condition and I think it is right. Stress only distracts from solving the problem, so you need to try to reduce its impact on you.


  96. Stress is a feeling which we feel often. It can have bad influence for us. It could also causes many health problems. Fortunately, there are a lot of methods that can reduce the level of stress. People try to reduce stress and watching movies, doing sports, listening favourite music or meeting with friends.

  97. Wow what a great blog, i really enjoyed reading this, good luck in your work. How to Relax and Sleep When Stressed

  98. Your post is really helpful for me in getting out of stress. Thanks for sharing this post. Also here i have some strategies to deal with stress. Check it out here:

  99. Thanks for sharing this post with all of us. This post really helpful for me in reducing my stress. Also here i have an article on 10 simple ways to reduce stress. Check it out here: 10 Simple Ways To Reduce Stress

  100. I think that everyone has their own ways of dealing with stress. For me physical excercising works very well. I always feel relaxed when I'm out at the gym training for hour and half. It helps me collect all my thoughts and organize them. I also often share my negative thoughts with other people. It's common that when you express your thoughts, the problems seem to be less scary than they first appeared to be.


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