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Tips For Saving Money

Tips For Saving Money
Nobody wants to waste money, but the problem is that saving seems to be rather hard. What follows is a list of little steps that everyone can make to improve financial situation. It is obvious that not all of them will apply to everyone, but I hope you will find some of them useful.   

1.   Make a shopping list

Try to make a list of what you want to buy before you go shopping for food. If you stick to that list it will be  more likely to buy only those items you were looking for. What is more, it also can make shopping a lot quicker.  

  2. Shop out of season

Shopping out of season also helps to save money. Planning your clothes ahead can help to look for bargains. Of course, if you are looking for something particular it may be hard to find it due to limited choice.

   3. Invite friends over instead of going out

The truth is that almost every activity at home is cheaper than going out. Cooking together seems to be a good idea to spend a nice evening. Everyone will have fun and to cost will be low!

       4.  Remember to turn off the lights before you leave

This one is obvious but I am afraid we tend to forget about it. The crucial thing is to use less energy, especially when you are not in the room

5.  Do the holiday shopping right after the holidays

Few days after a holiday, go shopping for items you will need next year. Buy wrapping paper and cards few two days after Christmas and get Easter egg decorating kits few days after Easter. The discounts are enormous. 

 6. Do not go to shopping centres for entertainment

It is not the best way to spend your free time when you do not want to buy things which are unnecessary. Instead take a walk. 

 7. While driving accelerate gradually

Putting your foot down hard to accelerate as soon as possible is very inefficient in terms of gasoline usage, so try to accelerate gradually. 

  8. Check if all your electrical devices are on a surge protector

This especially refers to your computer equipment. A power surge can damage your computer and you will have to spend a lot of money to repair it. Buy a basic surge protector and plug your computer into such device. 



  1. I think that I'm rather thrifty peron.In my opinion,it's really good attribute. I try not to spend lots of money on useless things.I usually do shopping list before I go on a shopping.What is more,I really do not like going to shopping centres for entertainment.I have to know what I want to buy to do not waste my time and money.I'd rather spend that saving money on trips and real entertainment,such as:going on concert or to the theatre

  2. In my opinion the tips are very useful. I agree with most of them and I try to do it. But I can't stop buying new clothes, shoes, bags. It makes my happy, so when I have a bad day and I try to be more happy I go to the shopping centre and I feel I have to buy something. And it works! After shopping I am not so overwhelming and I enjoy my new thing. The other tips I try to enforce. I think that saving lights or water is necessary. I don't need watch tv or surf the Internet with the turned on lights. I think it is more important than saving money.

  3. I think tips are good idea for me. Unfortunately I have no time and although I want I never prepare shopping list. And I always pay too much for shopping in supermarket. Usually I buy clothes on the sales to save more money and I always can't decide what I should buy to not pay too much. I also never go to the shopping centre to the cinema because in my district is other cinema when tickets are cheaper.

  4. Ireally agree with this tios, unfortunately I'm not doing even one of them, but I thik that I'll start. Especially I like tip two and five because you can really buy some clothes so much cheaper than when you buy it in season, so maybe next year I will try to do that and I think that I could save a lot of money in that way. Also I have one tip save money all the month not only when you have a little at the end of the month it really will help you not to worry every time.

  5. I think that this topic is really helpful. I'm trying to save money, but often unsuccessfully. I've never done shopping list, because I do not know what to buy. I always forget something and I will remember in the store, or as I get back home. Maybe I should start thinking more about my purchases. I agree completely with the fact that we should only buy necessary things.
    I think in the future I will try to use the shown advice, especially one. Driving a car is quite expensive because of the petrol. Maybe slow acceleration in fact reduce to some extent the costs associated with refueling. :)

  6. I think these tips are very useful. Sometimes we buy useless things or we pay for it more than we could pay in other shop, for example. I know some interesting tips, too. Like using the toothpaste, Lots of people used to clean their teeth with a lot of paste on a toothbrush, but size of paste like pea is enough. Thanks to it, one toothpaste tube can last longer. There are much more tips, we should try to use them, because of our savings.

  7. We can find here some very useful tips. I'm very wasteful person, but I always try to save some money. Doing holiday shopping right after the holidays sound great for me. It is time when we can buy a lot of things much cheaper than before holidays. What's more we can avoid thinking about it next time. It's also good idea to invite friends over instead of going out. There are a lot of different ideas on spending time at home, where we don't have to pay for coffee or meal twice as many as at restaurant.

  8. Recently, I've tried to save money for birthday because I wanted to go out with my friends. In Poland you should pay for alcohol for your friend, it's something like custom. It will be confused when I'll have to tell my firends that they have to pay for alcohol because it will be my birthday. It was a good idea because I was saving not much money for several days :) What is more I think that saving is really hard thing, it was my first saving in my life. I want to save now for example for flat, but I earn not much money :( Also I try to save energy in order to have money for other things. In addition, I try to buy neccessary thing. Unfortunately, I sometimes buy unwanted things when I'm in the shopping centre.

  9. I always make a shopping list and I try to buy only what I need. Unfortunately, shopping out of season and holiday shopping right after the holidays are hard tips to realise for me, because it's difficult to spend money on something, which you don't need now. There is always something more important than it. I try to invite friends instead of going out, especially in winter, when there is no possibility to spend time outdoor. I always turn off the lights before I leave home. I save the same sum of money every month, but my main tip is just...writting and updating an exact estimate.

  10. All of this council are very useful and I try to go by most of them. Nevertheless, like Dominika, I like buying clothes. I use to use shopping like a prize after job well done. Idea of doing the holiday shopping right after the holidays seems interesting and I never tried it. But I agree with Kinga that it may be difficult to bring it into effect because no one like spend money on thinks which will not be necessary for whole year. Another good idea, strongly similar to 3-rd tip, is eating dinner at home and take homemade sandwiches instead of buying some fast-foods. It is much cheaper and more healthy than eat out

  11. This tips are very usefull. I have never had problems with saving money, i always have some saved money for some special situations. I agree with Oliwia, that despite this tips are very usefull, it is really hard to put them into life. A lot of listed things we do manually, we dont think about them, when we are doing it, we just know to do it, becouse we should. In nowadays world growing popularity of shopping malls we should know how to save money, and to buy things, that we actually need.

  12. I think that these tips are very usefull and I try to keep some of them for example making a list before shoping. However it doesn't work always ;) Sometimes I just see something in the shop and must have it. I think that good tip is number 6, especially for people who are 'shopaholics' or spend a lot of money for different things. Of course good solution is to remember about turning off the lights or electrical devices, not only for our pocket but also for environment.

  13. Tips usually don't work for me, beacuse I forget to follow them, but I belive that they can be quite useful. Some of those are just natural for me, I often do the shopping out of season or after holidays. Spending time in shopping centre without any particular reason is not my favourite activity so I don't have to change anything here. But my real problem is forgetting to turn off the lights or other devices, I try to fight with this bad habit of mine but unfortunately, I am not very successful. Also following shopping list is irritating for me - usually I do not notice something on list when I am in good counter and then I have to go back for it through the whole supermarket.

    I would add another tip for saving money here - buying second-hand clothes - you can get some original and unique things really cheap. Also buying used books and other stuff via online auctions is a good idea.

  14. I think that these tips can be very usefull for us. I'm trying to save money on summer holiday, but this is very hard for me. I've never done shopping list, because I don't know what to buy if I'm not in the shop and I don't see products. I also always forget something and I have to come back to the store.

  15. Well, these tips can be helpful for me, because when I have money in my wallet I spend it very quickly. But when I run out of money nad have something like 30 zł left in wallet I'm trying to save money as much as possible. But I think I'm not the only one who acts like that.

  16. I think that this list of tips how to save money is pretty good and complete. It is a very good idea to make a list of items which we really need to buy. That way there is a chance that we will not be temped by other things in a shop and we will not buy anything extra. Also it seems important to me, not to spend a spare time in supermarkets or commercial centers. People very often buy things just because they are bored, instead of looking any other entertainment. Especially dangerous is spending time in shopping center with kids. Parents usually yield to their children, and for them receiving gifts becomes a habit and a necessity. Also it may be surprising how much we can save, just plugging out a charger every time we stop using it.

  17. I think that this tips are very useful. I try to spend little money as I can to save money for somethings that I like ex. books or holidays. Also I don't like have a lot of things around me, so I buy new comsetics when I've finished old ones. Nevertheless I still buy a lot things which are not necessary.
    It may be diffucult to save money if go to shopping center for entertain, there is always something that you like and you think that you need it but you really don't. I think that hasty shopping is the biggest couse of wasting money.

  18. Great advices! I think the are very useful and some of them do not require effort. Making the list - for me the best. Shopping out of season - not for me, only certain clothes will be trendy next season. My advice is buying especially clothes on the internet.

  19. It is a very interesting topic. I think people nowadays have problem with saving money, energy and other things. All we can see is consumerism. Mentioned above methods are very useful. I often forgot about them e.g. to make a shopping list. I would like to change it. I think a good way for saving money is to buy products in the Internet and also healthy lifestyle without stimulants.

  20. These tips make sense, I'd also list more of them, for example to buy clothes when there's a bargain, it saves not only our money but also time. I'm trying to be rather frugal, however there are some things you'd better not spare on - these are food and health. I think that the moment when we start saving is when we have to make our living on our own, it's when we start to appreciate the value of money. It's good to be reasonable when using electricity, water, food. It's good to realise that somehow we are always part of an social organism and have to think not only about our needs.

  21. From my perspective the best way to save money is to control and be aware of all your expensions. A nice tip could be making a list of all your expensions for every mounth. It can be done in Excel or some smartphone apps, that can show you graphics with all your money transactions. That will help you for sure to analize all your expensions and to see where you can save some money, reduce some things and to have a general idea where do you spend the most.

  22. My tip for saving money is internet shopping. There is a lot of shops or services that offer you buying used things. This shops offer much lower prices.
    I don't believe in making the lists before going to a market. It not prevent me to not buying other products. I chose those one that i have desire.


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